Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has another translation from Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki

Toronto Catholic Witness translation:
"Dialogue on human rights is the point of view of the Illuminati of the 19th century; where is the theology? Where are the Rights of God? Instead of the work of creation, we have talk about ecology".
What is the music? Where can it be accessed directly?
Hello Physiocrat, fo many of their videos.
The one playing is this:
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
It is not possible that the Pope and his Bishops have not heard this. And yet, they start with this Sodom we live in, and from its ways they create their new order. Let's think about the year of mercy. Who are they to select a year for... increased distribution of mercy? The year after that, will women who killed their unborn babies, not be awarded special mercy any more? This "year of mercy" seems like a rather obvious overhaul of Church teaching. We kill the unborn in huge numbers, therefore we won't obsess about it, but we will show understanding, no judgement. We celebrate sodomy by government order, therefore we seek for the good in sodomy, no judgement.
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