A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday 31 August 2020

Statue of Our Lady beheaded at Toronto's Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Church

In the early hours of Sunday morning, the swarthy demon beheaded a statue of the Blessed Mother at our Toronto Maronite Church named in Her honour - Our Lady of Lebanon. The perpetrator is described as 5'11" to 6'1", clean-shaven with a thin build and long, dark, swept-back hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a large white design on the front, a thin red vest, beige shorts and Birckenstock-style sandals.


My family assisted greatly in the establishment of this parish. Family was buried from here.

Can the Lebanese never find peace?  

Friday 28 August 2020

Once again, Daniel Horan OFM, an alleged Catholic priest, proves himself to be a sniveling, effeminate little creep!

Let's allow this effeminate little scumbag speak for himself in a now deleted tweet.

Way to go Danny boy. Proving once again exactly what you are!

Father Z has coined the term, Horan of Babylon!

Actually, I am just advised by Father Z in the combox that this wonderful name actually orginated with our good friend, Eccles!


Friday 21 August 2020

Nino Cavoto a Toronto Priest accused of sexual predation from time in New York!

There is some very sad news to report from Toronto.

Nino Cavoto, the Pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows of the Holy Moly Doors and former Salesian priest in the Archdiocese of New York has been removed from ministry. The Archdiocese of Toronto received information that allegations have been in New York that Cavoto sexually abused a minor whilst there between 1979 and 1983. Cavoto is, of course, entitled to his defense and due process. There is no indication, at this point, that Cavoto engaged in any abusive behaviour with a minor in Toronto. 

Some time after Summorum Pontificum a rather nasty comment was made in the church bulletin there about it. It was sent to me and I wrote a post on it. Nino didn't appreciate it and would have known where I was involved in church music at the time. He clearly applied some pressure and I was "asked" to remove the post. Nino made controversy when he removed the original crucifix which was preserved on the reredos for a rather beautiful but unnecessary icon of Christ Pantocrator. Its not as if colour or mosaic were lacking in the church. An action that upset the artistic symmetry of the original design. He went further when the beautiful oak doors were replaced by a bronze monstrosity at over $400,000,00 with an engraved spelling mistake. Why are these important? Because of the narcissisms they reveal. 

It is interesting that the accusations should come forty years later. It reveals that it often takes this long for a victim to deal with the crimes but also reflects the changes in statutes of limitation. 

Where there is smoke, there is not always incense, sometimes it is fire. The Toronto "A-Team" just lost one of their own. 

All of this is so very, very sad. For the victims of these "alleged" perverts and the affect on evangelisation and the beautiful truth of the Catholic faith so destroyed by the infiltration of those who came in to use their power for their own selfish and demonic desires.

Saturday 15 August 2020

Blasphemous Hindu dance in Cathedral of Naples for Assumption

While some of us were labouring today, shriven for the Feast and chanting two different Latin Masses four hours apart in two locations to honour the Virgin Mother of God, in Naples, something odious and blasphemous was taking place. 

Think not that the action of Bergoglio with the demonic idol at St. Peter's Basilica has nothing to do with our current state of affairs in the world. It certainly has had an effect. From the Wuhan Virus to escalating murders of innocents and violence in the streets of America, bolshevism and anarchy there and elsewhere, all can be pointed back to that blasphemous act. Now we have this. Blasphemy under the guise of so-called prayer for an end to the Wuhan Virus and allowing pagans to dance in the House of God.

O God, save us from these churchmen. Free your people.

Google translation and link below.

Naples, prayers and ethnic dances in the Cathedral for the Assumption

We prayed in all the languages ​​of the world for overcoming the pandemic, and for those who suffer from its effects, "at all levels and at various latitudes" in the celebration of the feast of the Assumption held in the Cathedral of Naples and presided over by the Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe. A liturgy, as usual by now, open to the songs and rites of the various ethnic groups of the populations and for this reason called the International Mid-August Mass, with the archbishop's initial and final greetings in seven languages. "We also pray for the intercession of the Virgin , whose Assumption into heaven we celebrate today. A feast that for us is Mary's Easter. It is the Mother who listens to us, in this moment of great uncertainty and pain in the world ", underlines the archbishop, in a Cathedral with a strict control of distance and with many tourists (especially Italians, but also French, English), dozens of whom they wait neatly in line outside, despite the scorching temperature of these hours, to avoid close contacts. In fact, the mask is missing for a few minutes only for those who dance and is at a distance from everyone else. The Assumption Mother is at the center of the invocations and the homily, which also touches on "the eternal struggle with the evil one", recalled by the first reading of the Apocalypse in which - Sepe emphasizes - "the forces of evil are overwhelmed by God". Among the faithful who also participated with choirs, percussion and dances, representatives of the African, Chinese, Sinhalese communities (in addition to those of the European community). And also in other points (from the offertory to the prayer of the faithful), the celebration which was also attended by the auxiliary bishops Lucio Lemmo and Gennaro Acampa, left room for the sounds and idioms of other cultures. The cardinal's thanks goes to all the communities: "Let us represent the Universal Church together, in brotherhood by this intimate union with Christ". Until the exchange of good wishes, felt in a special way since Sepe is already in prorogatio, and the now distinctive blessing of Sepe from the altar, which is in Neapolitan and does not need translation: 'A Madonna t'accumpagne.


Friday 14 August 2020

An apology

Earlier today I made a comment to someone, publicly, that was unkind, uncharitable and unbecoming of a Christian. Because I did so publicly I am making this public confession and apology to this individual for my rudeness and vituperative utterance and for succumbing to anger resulting in an undignified comment.

I am sorry for the offence. You know who you are, Ma‘am, the comment was rude and wrong on my part. To my Facebook friend G.S., I am sorry for disgracing your page.

The Lord told us, “If you right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” I have done something I should have done long ago. Clearly, I have allowed the political debate to get the best of me and I am off of Facebook. 

Thank you.


Friday 7 August 2020

@GeskaLima - Rest in peace, dear Gercione

If you've been on Twitter and you're Catholic you will no doubt have come across @GeskaLima. She prayed for us, she was a woman of joy even in her suffering. Gercione has now gone home to the Lord having past on just a few hours ago of cancer here in Toronto.

"May the angels lead you into paradise dear Gercione; may the martyrs receive you at your arrival and lead you to the holy city Jerusalem. May choirs of angels receive you and with Lazarus, once a poor man and may you have eternal rest."


THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump

Sunday 2 August 2020

The Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World


Disclaimer: The ending references to "gods" and God, contain Buddhist references, given the traditional beliefs of the producers. A discerning Catholic can understand where the truth is. Vox.