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Showing posts with label Rosicanisms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosicanisms. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 August 2024


On June 29, I wrote a short blog post that a certain Toronto priest which multiple sources confirmed had his faculties removed. I can report now, that priest was Thomas J. Rosica, CSB. I was unable to report what I also knew at the time, that a Toronto priest working under Rosica on World Youth Day, 2002 was sexually assaulted by the Basilian priest. The assaults began in the late 1990's. The suit filed in the Ontario court and which is now public information states that the relationship. “allowed Rosica an opportunity to be alone with the Plaintiff and to exert total control over him, prey upon him and sexually abuse him." further, it states that Rosica repeatedly "groped and fondled" the sexual organs of the young priest. This was known to the writer nearly a decade ago after the attempted frivolous and vexatious lawsuit against me. However, at the time, I was sworn to secrecy and unable to report it or reveal my source.  

The lawsuit also goes after the Congregation of St. Basil for not properly supervising Rosica. As someone who himself was physically abused and battered by Basilian priests at the age of 13 and took it to the Congregation directly 40 years later, and as someone unjustly sued by Rosica, I can assure you that the Basilian Congregation is as much at fault and derelict in their duty to God and to His faithful. The suit further states that “The Basilians knew or ought to have known that Rosica had engaged in deviant behaviour and failed to investigate such. In failing to investigate and identify any past failings of Rosica, they also failed to identify any victims who may have been in need of counseling, assistance and support because of the actions of Rosica." Yes, the Basilians knew, they all knew and they all covered it up! 

Rosica, of course, denies the allegations just as he denied he was a serial plagiarist which this writer first exposed in 2015. In response to the Court, Rosica claims that he “infrequent ministerial contact with the Plaintiff between 1996 and 2002, but denies sexually abusing or sexually assaulting or making unwanted physical contact or engaging in any improper conduct with the Plaintiff.”

Rosica asked the Court to dismiss the lawsuit claiming that the process is governed by Canon Law.  Rosica did not choose the path of the Church or Scripture in his desire to sue this writer but rather chose Ontario's court system. The hypocrisy is there for all to see. 

In June 2024, Tom Rosica was witnessed coming out of a Toronto gay bathhouse. 

Justice comes. One just needs to be patient. All things come to those that wait.

Friday, 28 June 2024

Rosica`s Tweet from 2015 reveals a Twit!

 With a tip of the hat to Barona!

Rosica is a sad tragic figure. Rosica has some serious questions to answer before God one day.  He sold himself for a big income at Pepper + Darkness which nobody watches, not then or now, and notoriety with all the wrong people like Carlo Martini, James Martin, Steven Colbert, Katie Curic and more. I had direct dealings with him and his blatant dishonesty in 2015. The former papal advisor is a tragic figure as are those who assisted him in trying to destroy a Catholic family man and blogger for outing him for his statements and plagiarism. 

Nota Bene: Not plagiarised but paraphrased from Thomas J. Rosica. 

Monday, 17 June 2024


Thomas J. Rosica, Basilian priest, former Executive Producer of Pepper and Darkness TV, also known as Salt + Light and former Vatican communications officer appointed by Pope Francis himself has been found, according to Lifesite news by a “credible” and on-the-record source, allegedly coming out of a Toronto homosexual bathhouse.

At this time, Rosica denies his presence there. My sources at LifeSiteNews say they’re sticking with their story.

By the way, Shane, Vox Cantoris was the first to out the serial plagiarist. 

Thursday, 2 May 2024

Thanks to the Tom “Rosica Effect” it will be 11,000,000 today!

Hi Tom,

I know you still read this in between cleaning bedpans at Presentation  House. Gosh, it was 600,000 after ten years. You did this. Thanks so much. 

Have a nice day. 

And to all of you who visit, thank you.

In honour of the great work of Tommy Rosica in promoting this blog, please give to Andrew at GiveSendGo, above.

Friday, 15 December 2023

Toronto Parishes continue to promote and host litigious priest and serial plagiarist

Why is the Toronto Oratorian parish of St. Vincent de Paul promoting (I took the picture) and why is St. Benedict Parish hosting a serial plagiarist and litigious priest who took pleasure lusting after a frivolous and vexatious lawsuit against this writer and a good and faithful group of Chinese-Canadian Catholics. I'm sure there were others.

I've been informed that the Chancery office of the Archdiocese of Toronto sent the poster around to parishes to post and promote. They did this earlier this year when he spoke at a Jesuit retreat house on, as the promotion stated, "LGBT" issues. 

Make no mistake, whether you are the president of Harvard, once elite, now just expensive, or a catholic priest and sycophant to a pope, plagiarism is theft. The parish of St. Benedict and others promoting talks by this priest are complicit if he continues with his plagiarism in the talk.

With this heresy spouted in this 1986 article in the Windsor Star, how was this man ever ordained?

Vox Cantoris: Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB - "Basilian deacon puts sharing at forefront of religious aims"

Friday, 24 November 2023

Toronto Catholic Register trying to make Thomas J. Rosica relevant


Serial plagiarist and litigious priest Thomas J. Rosica of the Congregation of St. Basil continues to try to be relevant, this time with the aid of Toronto's Catholic Register. 


Rosica, who attempted to sue this blogger for publicly challenging his heterodoxy and scandalous comments, was first outed as plagiarist on this blog, and years later notably disgraced repeatedly in Catholic and secular media for his serial plagiarism dating back decades.


Rosica, an American from Rochester, is now a chaplain to retired Basilians at Presentation House in Toronto, a retirement home for various declining religious. As noted previously in comparing him to Michael Voris, hubris and narcissism are two things these disgraced men share.

As a reminder and as a revelation to more recent readers, here are some non-plagiarised quotes of Thomas J. Rosica from, "The Rosica Letters."

“How sorry I feel for you.  I know people who know you at the XXXX XXXX (my place of employment) and elsewhere.  They have also expressed the same thing.”

When challenged he responded.

“Say no more!  I don't speak to your co-workers.  They speak freely about you. Broadcast yourself.”

Note, he was talking about my employer, he was trying to undermine me and my career!

More can be read here.

Other emails, a dozen, have included such quotes from Tom Rosica directed to me:

"Something went wrong somewhere and I feel your sadness."

“May the Lord help you as you wallow in a vortex of sadness and negativity. “

“In addition to a good confessor, you should seriously consider a counselor of sorts to assist you..”

"I might make the suggestion the title of your blog be changed to "Vox Umbris" rather than Cantoris!"

"May the Lord grant you the peace you are seeking this Lent. No guarantees you will find it this side of the Resurrection but keep seeking."

"All it takes is a keyboard and screen to become an expert. Fr. Z is one of many. Why do you feel it necessary to follow the crowd? What is really eating away at you regarding the liturgy? It says much about you."

"Your keyboard and your monitor do not make you a bishop or liturgist."

"God bless you and grant you peace you are not finding in our Church! Amen."

"In "broadcasting" yourself, you actually set yourself further and further away from the Church. You are above any form of recommendation and suggestion and are part of a clericalism far worse than any cleric."

"How sorry I feel for you."

"The Father Corapis, Eutenauer and the Vorises (all gone now from the public square for the same reason as his own failure, except for his attempt to become relevant again, doomed to failure. Vox, 23.11.24.) of this life will not lead you into true life and authentic healing. I know you know that but will simply not admit it."

"I am sure you would have difficulty with her (Mary's) response to the angel, and her Son’s response to the sinners with whom he kept company."

"As the stories emerge from those who know you and from the pastors and parish communities whom you tried to assist with your "chant" and succeeding in causing such division, know that we keep you in our prayers. It is indeed a very sad story that hides itself behind Latin, chant, and a blog that is nothing more than a story of anger and sadness."

And then there was this. Rather than enjoy his time with Pope Benedict XVI in Madrid, he went there and found me living rent free in his brain.

From: Thomas Rosica [mailto:rosica@saltandlighttv.org]
Sent: August 18, 2011 10:36 AM
To: xxxxx.xxxxx@rogers.com
Subject: Voris' TV exposed for what it is

Dear David,

For all your chant and rant, you obviously have very poor judgment in those you prop up as your gods... and those with whom you enjoy being photographed!

Read this story below which has broken in the news today as Mr. Voris is exposed for what he is... and isn't.

I beg he Holy Spirit to open your eyes, heart and mind to the Truth, not the myth you are pushing as the real Church, the "real" Catholic TV, the real nonsense.

God bless you... from Madrid .

Fr. Rosica

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Archdiocese of Toronto web page promoted "LGBTQ" labelling in 2022 under Thomas Collins; not this year, change has come under Archbishop Leo.

Every once in a while, I blow it. I have been corrected and offer apologies to anyone who read this article or came to it before I corrected it.

This screen shot from the archdiocesan web page was sent to me late last night. The sender did not notice and nor did I that this was form last year, 2022. The Chancery staff responsible for Communications removed this year's advertisement by Manresa and this old one.

I thank Neil MacCarthy for bringing clarity to this and the error to my attention and I apologize for the error.

It is too bad that Thomas Collins saw no issue with this but that is history.

The Archdiocese of Toronto has a Courage Apostolate which is below.

Thank you for your understanding. I had not yet had my covefe.


Saturday, 20 May 2023

St. Michael's Cathedral bulletin in Toronto promotes Thomas J. Rosica's "LGBT" lecture


As noted below, I was sent the notice of this as it appeared then at archtoronto.org. After contacting Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications, seeing the problem, had it removed and I confirmed it. He did the right thing. Alas, it appears it was not stopped from going to parishes and being printed in bulletins. Well, Neil? What do you have to say for yourself and the deception? Was I duped? Were you? Was ++Francis Leo? Or, all you all culpable and at least we know where we stand?

Not a good start!

Reports from readers that it has appeared in numerous church bulletins including that of the former Chaplain for the Extraordinary Form Mass. 

Readers in Toronto, send links of the parishes where it has been published.
St. Clare of Assisi Woodbridge
St. Aidan, Scarborough

Happy Sunday!

The bulletin for this Sunday in Toronto's St. Michael's Cathedral features a post promoting the Rosica lecture to take place at the Jesuit Manresa retreat centre. In itself, there is nothing wrong with a session for parents of those suffering from same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. The point is, the labelling by using the alphabet moniker. The Church does not label people by their sin. People have dignity as men and women, there are no others. This is the point of the post below.


Last week, a Toronto priest sent me a notice of this, it was on his diocesan update and a web page at archtoronto.org. Seeing it, I wrote to Archdiocesan Director of Public Relations Neil MacCarthy and questioned whether this was the new breeze of Archbishop Francis Leo or a "chancery rat." Neil confirmed it was a "rat" and that Archbishop Leo was not aware and the post was removed. Now, we find that in Archbishop Leo's own Cathedral's bulletin, the alphabet mafia has won.

As I wrote to Neil, is it not bad enough for Catholics on a daily basis to be assaulted by this demonic symbol, be it the alphabet labels ever expanding or the abominable abuse of God's rainbow? Can we not even find peace away from it in the Temple of God?

Is this in the bulletin because a secretary chose to do it?

Was it the Rector's decision?

If not, does the Rector know, does he proof read the bulletin?

Does Archbishop Leo know? Did he sanction it? 

The Vigil Novus Ordo Mass for Ascension Thursday transferred to Sunday on Saturday night is in just over an hour. Will they pull the bulletin?

As for Tom Rosica, if the litigious bully and serial plagiarist wishes to leave the bedpans of Presentation House he can be assured this blogger will be writing. 

If Archbishop Francis Leo was not aware of this and did not approve, then he knows even more now where he must act quickly to assert his authority. If he did approve or does not act, then we know a little bit more of our new Shepherd and what it means. 

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

The rehabilitation of Thomas J. Rosica continues - Jesuit retreat to "Parents of LGBTQ Young Adults!"

The "rehabilitation" of the litigious slap-suit ecclesial bully (full disclosure, against this blogger.) and serial plagiarist Thomas J. Rosica continues. In Advent 2021, he delivered a reflection at a church in Toronto and later in the Diocese of Hamilton. One talk is upcoming in the Diocese of Peterborough. The Jesuits of Canada intended to have Rosica host an online conference, "Discerning and Re-Imagining the Church." After this blog wrote it up and passed and this writer registered to attend as well as some other publicity, it was mysteriously

Vox Cantoris: Tom Rosica makes a comeback - being hosted in a Zoom broadcast by the Jesuits of Canada!

It was this blogger who first provided the information that Rosica was a plagiarist. Following the global outing of the disgraced plagiarist, Rosica spent time at Southdown Institute and later was sent by his Basilian order to chaplaincy work at Presentation House in Toronto, a retirement home for aged religious. Plagiarism is theft.

Vox Cantoris: Thomas Rosica - from Southdown to a Seniors Home for Priests - More on the Serial Plagiariser

The Jesuits continue in aiding Rosica's rehabilitation with this seminar at their retreat centre in Pickering, just east of Toronto.

There has been much written that the Church and Christians should not refer to those suffering from same-sex attraction by this secular label. "God made them male and female," and He stated it was "an abomination" for those of the same sex to "lay together." St. Paul was emphatic on this. 

Some parishes in Toronto, specifically St. Clare of Assist in Woodbridge under Monsignor John Borean, have promoted this in their bulletins. 

Father Rosica needs to look after those under his spiritual care.at Presentation House. That does not include the Catholic laity. 

Friday, 16 December 2022

Well, that didn't take long - Tom Rosica cancelled!

Well, what do we have here? An email from The Jesuits of Canada.

Chalk up another victory for Vox Cantoris!

Back to the bedpans, Tom!

Dear David,

For reasons beyond his control, Fr Thomas Rosica is unable to present his webinar
Discerning and Reimagining the Church Through the Lenses of Matthew's Gospel

We are forced to cancel the session. Please accept our apologies.

We will soon confirm other insightful webinars. For now, we invite you to our next one:
What Should I Do? Making Good Decisions, Individually and in Groups. Drawing from 500 years of Ignatian wisdom, Sr. Laurence Loubières will share tested steps to deepen authentic inner listening and communal discernment that leads to good decisions.

To learn more or to register,
click here.


The Jesuits of Canada

His Wikipedia appropriately documents the history.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Tom Rosica makes a comeback - being hosted in a Zoom broadcast by the Jesuits of Canada!

There is an old saying about birds of a feather flocking together.

After a recent appearance at St. Peter's Church in Toronto, the Jesuits of Canada announce a major rehabilitation of Tom Rosica where he will give us his erudite thoughts, (well, will they be?) on discerning the Church today and re-imagining it through the Gospel of St. Matthew. 

For those not familiar, not only did old Tom try to sue me for writing the truth but he faced a worldwide mock-down for his actions and went away with his tail between his legs when Fogler Rubinoff decided that pro-bono only went so far and global crowd-funding would go further.

This was the first to actually expose Tom as a plagiariser. Ah, I remember it well.

"Will Francis change doctrine? No, that's not how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge." Blah. Blah. Blah. The quote was from the National Catholic Reporter Richard Gailladartz and it was used repeatedly by Tom without attribution. Of course, after a few years, it was discovered that Rosciagate extended to twenty or thirty years of plagiarism noted previously on this blog and by Dorothy Cummings Maclean at LifeSiteNews. Yet, only a few months ago, he was again publicly exposed for doing it again. 

And the Jesuits of Canada now wish to associate with a serial plagiarist?

I can imagine a recent conversation between Tom and Gilles Mongeau, EssJay, the "Socius" of the Canada Province of the Jesuits.

Tom:     "Tell me Gilles, may I plagiarise whilst I pray?

Gilles:    "No Tom, but you may pray whilst you plagiarise!

Be sure to register!


Friday, 9 December 2022

Thanks Tom.

Before Rosicagate, 600,000 and that took over a decade. It's called The Rosica Effect.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022


Well, knock me down with a feather.

I didn't see this one coming!

I mean, nobody can be this stupid.

John Paul II. Benedict XVI. Even Francis!


Okay, look, he's not a Canadian. He is American, born in Rochester!

I never thought I would ever blog again about this clown. Years of posts outing his unorthodox statements and the first one to disclose of his plagiarism which took a few more years to bubble up enough to take this clown down.

It seems that he found some time between bedpans at Presentation House in Toronto to once again steal somebody's else work. Because Tom, that's what plagiarism is.


For those who don't remember, click the picture on the left.

What a maroon.


Friday, 4 September 2020

Thomas Rosica - from Southdown to a Seniors Home for Priests - More on the Serial Plagiariser

Gee old Tommy Boy, it never stops, eh? 

The plagiarism scandal of this petulant and arrogant fraud never ends. Now, it implicates Marc Cardinal Ouelett who hired the clown as a "ghost-writer." What a joke is Ouelett, a lazy, washed up Francis-toady, a Bergoglian too cowardly to confront the evil monster and too lazy to write his own homilies. 

Let it be noted that this writer here on Vox Cantoris was the first to out Rosica as a plagiarist for consistently using this quote by Richard R. Gaillardetz as published in the National Catholic Reporter and which Rosica made his own.  

"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."

Tell us Tommy, how was time in Southdown? Did you discuss your disgusting persecution of this writer and his family and your attempt to sue me into poverty for telling the truth? Did they recommend you apologise you filthy rat? Priest, my foot! You're a stinking fraud and a heretic as proven from your own words in this article in the Windsor Star when you were still a Deacon. You sniveling little man, you should never have been ordained. I am convinced you were never a priest. You were a heretic. 

How could a heretic as proven by your own words as a Deacon, ever be validly ordained?



A stinking fraud from the beginning.

How far you have fallen, old man. Chaplain to retired Boyzillians in a retirement home for priests. 

It all looks so good on you.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

When will Salt + Light feel the burn?

How long until Pepper + Darkness takes down this old video interview from Tommy Rosica and the baby-killing, atheist Jew, communist radical Bernie Sanders?

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Rosica at Splashdown

An "inveterate alpha hotel" I've been called by a brave anonymous commentator for allegedly kicking this man whilst he is down. On the contrary, as written below, I hope he finds his priesthood and spends his life as a monk or hermit to save his soul. That is not a kick, it is a good hope.

Where is the apology from this Rosica for more than a dozen harassing emails?

Where is the apology from this Rosica for a slap-suit that took money out of my home to defend against?

Where is the apology from this Rosica for the gossip he undertook with certain other clerics to limit and undermine my work as a Cantor?

Where is the apology from Rosica for the malignant gossip to people at my employer?

Where is the apology from Rosica for the no less than two attempts to have me fired by using direct and indirect pressure on my employer. Confirmed by the way, by senior officers that he was trying to undermine my employment and thus, my security and pension?

Not from him.

But from the Rosica Family.

But from the other brother who apologised without reservation on "behalf of the Rosica family" and said, "you must do everything you can to keep my brother from ever becoming a bishop."

Turns out, Tom did himself in on that one.

Some day, I may forgive Tom, I hope to.

Today, is not that day.

Fr. Rosica's Bias: Are We Getting The Whole Synod Story ...
The party's over, Tom
Thomas J. Rosica is at Southdown. I've known this for two weeks. I did not publicly report on it as I did not feel it my place and to respect my sources.

However, someone has revealed it to Michael Voris, as reported here.

It is this writer who doggedly pursued this arrogant clericalist and it was this writer who was the first to out him for his plagiarsim. The price was a slap-suit that elevated this blog from 600,000 page views after a decade to what you see at the left today, all since March of 2015.

The price Rosica paid was great.

Suing this writer was the beginning of the end for this errant cleric. It focused others from Bloggers to LifeSiteNews to Breitbart, Catholic World Report, Renew America and the National Catholic Register on this nasty and despicable actions. It caused everyone to take a closer look.

He is a broken man. He was on the rise, no doubt lusting an episcopal appointment from Bergoglio. He is Bergoglio's type, to be sure.

It's over for him, brought down from heights by his own blind pride and arrogance. He is a sycophant and a sociopath, just like his Bergoglio.

Whatever has sent him to Southdown may it be a start of his healing. May he find his priesthood again, but may he live as a hermit and may no Catholic ever been on the receiving end again of this man's actions, nor ministry.

He is a bad man and a bad priest and as he wrote me many times, "a sad, sad man."

Friday, 5 July 2019

Bye-bye Tom

Image result for rosica vox cantoris

ell, our serial plagiarist, litigious loser and homosexualist priest, Thomas J. Rosica, has now effectively disappeared. 

Stripped of academic honours and more even the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has removed all of his writings. He has been tossed overboard by the failing Salt + Light, and his social media propaganda outlets at Twitter and Facebook have gone dark.

The filthy pervert-protecting Bergoglio has lost his chief water-carrier in Canada.

This writer was on to this clerical fraud a decade ago. It was this writer who relentlessly called out this intellectual bumpkin for his statements and speeches. It was this writer that first publicised his plagiarism five years ago. It was this writer who suffered by his arrogance and his rich Toronto Italian neo-Catholic friends (you know who you are and so do I) by his frivoulous and vexatious attempt at a law suit.

As I look back now, it was that lawsuit attempt and the massive blogger publicity worldwide through the great help of Michael Voris that was the beginning of the end for this man. His assent was to continue for a short time more, but the die was cast. He would be brought down by his own hand. His own words. His own writing, or lack-thereof and his own arrogance.

The record of this filthy malefactor's work will reside on this blog. It will not be removed nor will the link at the left. It will serve as a testament of his rotten work.

My hope for Tom is that he now rediscover his vocation and work out his salvation with fear and trembling. Yet, based upon his priestly work I doubt he ever really had one. Someone close to Tom contacted me numerous times over the last few years and filled me in on his youth and the family and the history of the family and the Basilians in Rochester. On one occasion he said to me, "You must do everything you can to prevent (him) from every becoming a bishop."

I did.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Serial Plagiarist and Slap Suit-happy Basilian priest Thomas J. Rosica removed from Salt + Light Media Corporation

Vox Cantoris

Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, the plagiarising priest, former "organiser" of the 2002 World Youth Jamboree in Toronto, founder of the little-watched and irrelevant Salt + Light Media, former Board member of St. Michael's College amongst others, one-time Consultor to the Pontifical Council on Social Communications and  has been ousted (resigned?) from Salt + Light. His apologies in a general way are meaningless. Let him apologise personally to each and every writer, author and academic from which he stole and then lied about it. Let him apologise personally to each Intern he accused. 


This writer was the first to expose his plagiarism over four years ago when he repeatedly used in writing and speeches a text from Richard Gailladartz of the National Catholic Reporter. But what do we bloggers know, we write "fake news," according to Bergoglio.


Tom Rosica stole money right out of our extra mortgage payments with his scandalous, frivolous and vexatious lawsuit which I had to defend against. His Wiki page has this action listed. One of the most prominent there. A joke. You can also click to the history at the top left of this post.

In this matter, he has never apologise nor has the Board of Salt + Light, Tony Gagliano of St. Joseph Communications or Fogler, Rubinoff's Nina Perfetto for their scandalous actions against my family. A pro-bono lawsuit based on lies and attempt to control my rights.

There is more. He attempted to interfered with my employment which those lobbied have admitted to me and he confessed in a scandalous series of emails to me that he contacted people at my employer to gossip about me. I have reason to believe that he even tried to undermine my professional Cantor position. His emails to me alluded to it as did actual warnings from priests that something was going on behind the scenes. Some have succumbed to his lobbying and have me as persona non grata and you know who you are, right Fathers Lace and No Grace? Others, have a pair.

He is an evil man. He has gotten what he has deserved. A complete removal from any position of responsibility. Complete and utter humiliation. All brought on by his own arrogance, his own egotistical mind, his own narcissism. He has his reward. 

He caused undo stress upon my family. He is a disgrace lacking in true empathy and a man of false compassion and no moral compass. A sociopath and a narcissistic bully. 

Now, let him publicly apologise to me and the many others whom he has hurt. 

His "career" is over. May he forever disappear from any public life. May he repent for the evil he has done, make amends and do penance and by such, save his soul.

May this be the last mention of this wretched little man on this blog.

So let it be written. So let it be done!

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Larry Richards, a clericalist bully not dissimilar to Rosica - what is this pathology afflicting the celebrity priest?

Image result for father larry richards
Updated: ChurchMilitantTV to sue Larry Richards and the Diocese of Erie

Larry Richards, a celebrity priest has been in the news lately. He lied about those at Church Militant and is now threatening parishioners. His treatment of Steve Jalsevac is disgraceful.

Like Thomas Rosica, Larry Richards is a clericalist and a rage filled bully.

If you priests cannot control yourselves get out of ministry.


I believe we can quickly determine the pathology behind these malefactors.