“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Bergoglio confirms he has stripped Cardinal Burke of his Roman privileges
Bree Dail, Rome correspondent for The Daily Wire is reporting that an alleged journalist is now on the record having recevied a note from the ailing Bishop of Rome. Bergoglio confirms the actions to remove Cardinal Burke's salary and Rome apartment but that he didn't call him his "enemy." The blog where the alleged journalist went on record states that Cardinal Burke "has spent a decade publicly attempting to undermine Church unity and the papacy."
We all know that statement is an outright lie. Anyone can go back and read any statement by Cardinal Burke - in interviews, on his web page, live speeches. If anything, he has gone to great pains and suffered criticism for not being firmer. Lies, all lies.
Will the next move be to strip Cardinal Burke of his red?
Is Cardinal Mueller next?
Motus in fine velocior - movement is faster at the end.
Get the popcorn and your rosary.
Monday, 27 November 2023
Sunday, 29 August 2021
Saturday, 21 August 2021
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Cardinal Burke update - "Serious but stable" condition
The latest reports are that he is in serious condition with pneumonia. As of 10:00 P.M. EST the announcement on his Twitter feed is as follows:
Cardinal Burke's Health | Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (guadalupeshrine.org)
Cardinal Burke’s Health Update
August 17, 2021 | News, Press Releases
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (Jn 14:27)
The outpouring of love, prayers and support during His Eminence’s hospitalization has greatly consoled his family, edified those who serve him at the Shrine and elsewhere, and testified to the character and virtue of the man whom so many consider a spiritual father. We deeply and abundantly appreciate this charity, and we give praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father, especially for the brilliant and faithful service of Cardinal Burke to the Church he loves so profoundly.
As of August 17th, His Eminence remains in serious, but stable condition. His family, who with a team of doctors, is responsible for all medical decisions while the Cardinal remains sedated and on a medical ventilator, has great confidence in the care he is receiving. The Cardinal has received the Sacraments from priests nearby to him. There are several relics in his room.
While the Cardinal’s family appreciates the good intentions of those who have suggested treatments, consultations, etc., they ask that people refrain from sending anything further. They also ask that you not contact them, members of the Shrine staff or the Cardinal’s residence in Rome to discuss his condition. Texts, phone calls and emails—while certainly solicitous and often gracious—can, inadvertently, become a burden. The family does not plan to disclose His Eminence’s location to avoid the obvious difficulties that might cause.
To provide a secure source for updates about the Cardinal’s health, the family has asked that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe—in addition to the Cardinal’s personal media—be the only authorized platform for accurate, timely information. Other reports may be incomplete or false and so may unnecessarily disturb the minds and hearts of those devoted to His Eminence.
The Cardinal’s family has also requested that only updates of significant changes in His Eminence’s condition be posted on the authorized platforms. In humility, we understand that it is not necessary for us to know every detail of the Cardinal’s treatment. Though his family realizes that the Cardinal “belongs” to the Church, they also ask that we respect his privacy. The period of hospitalization, and for now isolation because of the COVID virus, may be prolonged as His Eminence’s body fights the infection and recovers strength. For the time being, the sedation assists his own peace and rest.
Nothing falls outside of God’s providence. Nothing falls outside the reach of His grace. These are spiritual truths we know and that the Cardinal has taught us by his own example of fidelity in trust and surrender to the Good God. Confidence in these truths opens us to the peace the world cannot give or take. Were he able to speak with us now, he would tell what he has always taught us: that Our Father in Heaven is good, merciful, just, provident and sovereign; that we are His beloved children and that He will never leave us orphans; that we should not be afraid of the Cross as the way to eternal life; that the Sacraments are the most direct channels of grace and that we do the soul the greatest good by receiving Holy Communion often and by going to Confession regularly; that we should say our daily prayers; and that we should love one another as Jesus Christ has loved us: generously, even to the point of heroic sacrifice.
And one more thing so important and so dear to His Eminence: that we should pray the Rosary frequently and fervently, and so place ourselves under the mantle of Our Lady, confident in her maternal love and intercession.
Please continue your prayers for Cardinal Burke and for his family, particularly at the Holy Mass and in the praying of the Rosary. We are filled with gratitude for the abundance of prayers and love for this faithful son and servant of the Church.
God bless you.
Rev. Paul N. Check
Executive Director
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Cardinal Burke in hospital on ventilator with COVID Pneumonia - "Serious but stable" condition.
"To provide a secure source for updates about the Cardinal’s health, the family has asked that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe—in addition to the Cardinal’s personal media—be the only authorized platforms for accurate, timely information. Other reports may be incomplete or false and so may unnecessarily disturb the minds and hearts of those devoted to His Eminence."
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
From Cardinal Raymond Burke -
Saturday, 24 July 2021
Raymond Cardinal Burke on Bergoglio's evil action - the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes
Many faithful – laity, ordained and consecrated – have expressed to me the profound distress which the Motu Proprio «Traditionis Custodes» has brought them. Those who are attached to the Usus Antiquior (More Ancient Usage) [UA], what Pope Benedict XVI called the Extraordinary Form, of the Roman Rite are deeply disheartened by the severity of the discipline which the Motu Proprio imposes and offended by the language it employs to describe them, their attitudes and their conduct. As a member of the faithful, who also has an intense bond with the UA, I fully share in their sentiments of profound sorrow.
As a Bishop of the Church and as a Cardinal, in communion with the Roman Pontiff and with a particular responsibility to assist him in his pastoral care and governance of the universal Church, I offer the following observations:
1. In a preliminary way, it must be asked why the Latin or official text of the Motu Proprio has not yet been published. As far as I know, the Holy See promulgated the text in Italian and English versions, and, afterwards, in German and Spanish translations. Since the English version is called a translation, it must be assumed that the original text is in Italian. If such be the case, there are translations of significant texts in the English version which are not coherent with the Italian version. In Article 1, the important Italian adjective, “unica”, is translated into English as “unique”, instead of “only.” In Article 4, the important Italian verb, “devono”, is translated into English as “should”, instead of “must.”
2. First of all, it is important to establish, in this and the following two observations (nos. 3 and 4), the essence of what the Motu Proprio contains. It is apparent from the severity of the document that Pope Francis issued the Motu Proprio to address what he perceives to be a grave evil threatening the unity of the Church, namely the UA. According to the Holy Father, those who worship according to this usage make a choice which rejects “the Church and her institutions in the name of what is called the ‘true Church’,” a choice which “contradicts communion and nurtures the divisive tendency … against which the Apostle Paul so vigorously reacted.”
3. Clearly, Pope Francis considers the evil so great that he took immediate action, not informing Bishops in advance and not even providing for the usual vacatio legis, a period of time between the promulgation of a law and its taking force. The vacatio legis provides the faithful and especially the Bishops time to study the new legislation regarding the worship of God, the most important aspect of their life in the Church, with a view to its implementation. The legislation, in fact, contains many elements that require study regarding its application.
4. What is more, the legislation places restrictions on the UA, which signal its ultimate elimination, for example, the prohibition of the use of a parish church for worship according to the UA and the establishment of certain days for such worship. In his letter to the Bishops of the world, Pope Francis indicates two principles which are to guide the Bishops in the implementation of the Motu Proprio. The first principle is “to provide for the good of those who are rooted in the previous form of celebration and need to return in due time to the Roman Rite promulgated by Saints Paul VI and John Paul II.” The second principle is “to discontinue the erection of new personal parishes tied more to the desire and wishes of individual priests than to the real need of the ‘holy People of God’.”
5. Seemingly, the legislation is directed to the correction of an aberration principally attributable to the “the desire and wishes” of certain priests. In that regard, I must observe, especially in the light of my service as a Diocesan Bishop, it was not the priests who, because of their desires, urged the faithful to request the Extraordinary Form. In fact, I shall always be deeply grateful to the many priests who, notwithstanding their already heavy commitments, generously served the faithful who legitimately requested the UA. The two principles cannot help but communicate to devout faithful who have a deep appreciation and attachment to the encounter with Christ through the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite that they suffer from an aberration which can be tolerated for a time but must ultimately be eradicated.
6. From whence comes the severe and revolutionary action of the Holy Father? The Motu Proprio and the Letter indicate two sources: first, “the wishes expressed by the episcopate” through “a detailed consultation of the bishops” conducted by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2020, and, second, “the opinion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.” Regarding the responses to the “detailed consultation” or “questionnaire” sent to the Bishops, Pope Francis writes to the Bishops: “The responses reveal a situation that preoccupies and saddens me, and persuades me of the need to intervene.”
7. Regarding the sources, is it to be supposed that the situation which preoccupies and saddens the Roman Pontiff exists generally in the Church or only in certain places? Given the importance attributed to the “detailed consultation” or “questionnaire,” and the gravity of the matter it was treating, it would seem essential that the results of the consultation be made public, along with the indication of its scientific character. In the same way, if the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was of the opinion that such a revolutionary measure must be taken, it would seemingly have prepared an Instruction or similar document to address it.
8. The Congregation enjoys the expertise and long experience of certain officials – first, serving in the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei and then in the Fourth Section of the Congregation – who have been charged to treat questions regarding the UA. One must ask whether the “opinion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith” reflected the consultation of those with the greatest knowledge of the faithful devoted to the UA?
9. Regarding the perceived grave evil constituted by the UA, I have a wide experience over many years and in many different places with the faithful who regularly worship God according to the UA. In all honesty, I must say that these faithful, in no way, reject “the Church and her institutions in the name of what is called the ‘true Church’.” Neither have I found them out of communion with the Church or divisive within the Church. On the contrary, they love the Roman Pontiff, their Bishops and priests, and, when others have made the choice of schism, they have wanted always to remain in full communion with the Church, faithful to the Roman Pontiff, often at the cost of great suffering. They, in no way, ascribe to a schismatic or sedevacantist ideology.
10. The Letter accompanying the Motu Proprio states that the UA was permitted by Pope Saint John Paul II and later regulated by Pope Benedict XVI with “the desire to foster the healing of the schism with the movement of Mons. Lefebvre.” The movement in question is the Society of Saint Pius X. While both Roman Pontiffs desired the healing of the schism in question, as should all good Catholics, they also desired to maintain in continuance the UA for those who remained in the full communion of the Church and did not become schismatic. Pope Saint John Paul II showed pastoral charity, in various important ways, to faithful Catholics attached to the UA, for example, granting the indult for the UA but also establishing the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, a society of apostolic life for priests attached to the UA. In the book, Last Testament in his own words, Pope Benedict XVI responded to the affirmation, “The reauthorization of the Tridentine Mass is often interpreted primarily as a concession to the Society of Saint Pius X,” with these clear and strong words: “This is just absolutely false! It was important for me that the Church is one with herself inwardly, with her own past; that what was previously holy to her is not somehow wrong now” (pp. 201-202). In fact, many who presently desire to worship according to the UA has no experience and perhaps no knowledge of the history and present situation of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X. They are simply attracted to the holiness of the UA.
11. Yes, there are individuals and even certain groups which espouse radical positions, even as is the case in other sectors of Church life, but they are, in no way, characteristic of the greater and ever increasing number of faithful who desire to worship God according to the UA. The Sacred Liturgy is not a matter of so-called “Church politics” but the fullest and most perfect encounter with Christ for us in this world. The faithful, in question, among whom are numerous young adults and young married couples with children, encounter Christ, through the UA, Who draws them ever closer to Himself through the reform of their lives and cooperation with the divine grace which flows from His glorious pierced Heart into their hearts. They have no need to make a judgment regarding those who worship God according to the Usus Recentior (the More Recent Usage, what Pope Benedict XVI called the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite) [UR], first promulgated by Pope Saint Paul VI. As one priest, member of an institute of the consecrated life, which serves these faithful, remarked to me: I regularly confess to a priest, according to the UR, and participate, on special occasions, in the Holy Mass according to the UR. He concluded: Why would anyone accuse me of not accepting its validity?
12. If there are situations of an attitude or practice contrary to the sound doctrine and the discipline of the Church, justice demands that they be addressed individually by the pastors of the Church, the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops in communion with him. Justice is the minimum and irreplaceable condition of charity. Pastoral charity cannot be served, if the requirements of justice are not observed.
13. A schismatic spirit or actual schism is always gravely evil, but there is nothing about the UA fosters schism. For those of us who knew the UA in the past, like me, it is a question of an act of worship marked by a centuries-old goodness, truth and beauty. I knew its attraction from my childhood and indeed became very attached to it. Having been privileged to assist the priest as a Mass Server from the time when I was ten years old, I can testify that the UA was a major inspiration of my priestly vocation. For those who have come to the UA for the first time, its rich beauty, especially as it manifests the action of Christ renewing sacramentally His Sacrifice on Calvary through the priest who acts in His person, has drawn them closer to Christ. I know many faithful for whom the experience of Divine Worship according to the UA has strongly inspired their conversion to the Faith or their seeking Full Communion with the Catholic Church. Also, numerous priests who have returned to the celebration of the UA or who have learned it for the first time have told me how deeply it has enriched their priestly spirituality. This is not to mention the saints all along the Christian centuries for whom the UA nourished a heroic practice of the virtues. Some have given their lives to defend the offering of this very form of divine worship.
14. For myself and for others who have received so many powerful graces through participation in the Sacred Liturgy, according to the UA, it is inconceivable that it could now be characterized as something detrimental to the unity of the Church and to its very life. In this regard, it is difficult to understand the meaning of Article 1 of the Motu Proprio: “The liturgical books promulgated by Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of Vatican Council II, are the only (unica, in the Italian version which seemingly is the original text) expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” The UA is a living form of the Roman Rite and has never ceased to be so. From the very time of the promulgation of the Missal of Pope Paul VI, in recognition of the great difference between the UR and the UA, the continued celebration of the Sacraments, according to the UA, was permitted for certain convents and monasteries and also for certain individuals and groups. Pope Benedict XVI, in his Letter to the Bishops of the World, accompanying the Motu Proprio «Summorum Pontificum», made clear that the Roman Missal in use before the Missal of Pope Paul VI, “was never juridically abrogated and, consequently, in principle, was always permitted.”
15. But can the Roman Pontiff juridically abrogate the UA? The fullness of power (plenitudo potestatis) of the Roman Pontiff is the power necessary to defend and promote the doctrine and discipline of the Church. It is not “absolute power” which would include the power to change doctrine or to eradicate a liturgical discipline that has been alive in the Church since the time of Pope Gregory the Great and even earlier. The correct interpretation of Article 1 cannot be the denial that the UA is an ever-vital expression of “the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” Our Lord Who gave the wonderful gift of the UA will not permit it to be eradicated from the life of the Church. [Emphases added]
16. It must be remembered that, from a theological point of view, every valid celebration of a sacrament, by the very fact that it is a sacrament, is also, beyond any ecclesiastical legislation, an act of worship and, therefore, also a profession of faith. In that sense, it is not possible to exclude the Roman Missal, according to the UA, as a valid expression of the lex orandi and, therefore, of the lex credendi of the Church. It is a question of an objective reality of divine grace which cannot be changed by a mere act of the will of even the highest ecclesiastical authority.
17. Pope Francis states in his letter to the Bishops: “Responding to your requests, I take the firm decision to abrogate all the norms, instructions, permissions and customs that precede the present Motu proprio, and declare that the liturgical books promulgated by the saintly Pontiffs Paul VI and John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of Vatican Council II, constitute the unique [only] expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” The total abrogation in question, in justice, requires that each individual norm, instruction, permission and custom be studied, to verify that it “contradicts communion and nurtures the divisive tendency … against which the Apostle Paul so vigorously reacted.”
18. Here, it is necessary to observe that the reform of the Sacred Liturgy carried out by Pope Saint Pius V, in accord with the indications of the Council of Trent, was quite different from what happened after the Second Vatican Council. Pope Saint Pius V essentially put in order the form of the Roman Rite as it had existed already for centuries. Likewise, some ordering of the Roman Rite has been done in the centuries since that time by the Roman Pontiff, but the form of the Rite remained the same. What happened after the Second Vatican Council constituted a radical change in the form of the Roman Rite, with the elimination of many of the prayers, significant ritual gestures, for example, the many genuflections, and the frequent kissing of the altar, and other elements which are rich in the expression of the transcendent reality – the union of heaven with earth – which is the Sacred Liturgy. Pope Paul VI already lamented the situation in a particularly dramatic way by the homily he delivered on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul in 1972. Pope Saint John Paul II laboured throughout his pontificate, and, in particular, during its last years, to address serious liturgical abuses. Both Roman Pontiffs, and Pope Benedict XVI, as well, strove to conform the liturgical reform to the actual teaching of the Second Vatican Council, since the proponents and agents of the abuse, invoked the “spirit of the Second Vatican Council” to justify themselves.
19. Article 6 of the Motu Proprio transfers the competence of institutes of the consecrated life and societies of apostolic life devoted to the UA to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The observance of the UA belongs to the very heart of the charism of these institutes and societies. While the Congregation is competent to respond to questions regarding the canon law for such institutes and societies, it is not competent to alter their charism and constitutions, in order to hasten the seemingly desired elimination of the UA in the Church.
There are many other observations to be made, but these seem to be the most important. I hope that they may be helpful to all the faithful and, in particular, to the faithful who worship according to the UA, in responding to the Motu Proprio «Traditionis Custodes» and the accompanying Letter to the Bishops. The severity of these documents naturally generates a profound distress and even a sense of confusion and abandonment. I pray that the faithful will not give way to discouragement but will, with the help of divine grace, persevere in their love of the Church and of her pastors, and in their love of the Sacred Liturgy.
In that regard, I urge the faithful, to pray fervently for Pope Francis, the Bishops and priests. At the same time, in accord with can. 212, §3, “[a]ccording to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.” Finally, in gratitude to Our Lord for the Sacred Liturgy, the greatest gift of Himself to us in the Church, may they continue to safeguard and cultivate the ancient and ever new More Ancient Usage or Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Rome, 22 July 2021
Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene, Penitent
Monday, 14 December 2020
Sunday, 10 November 2019
Sunday, 8 September 2019
Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller raise spectre of open heresy and apostasy at Amazon Synod
Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller have written to their fellow Cardinals warning about the upcoming synod in Amazonia. That's great, now what else will they do?
It's long past time, but with Bergoglio having stacked the College of Cardinals action is now virtually impossible.
Cardinal Burke and other Cardinals who know the facts about the period leading up to the conclave that elected this Peronist thug and the goings on inside, if they have evidence that Bergoglio is an antipope, then these men must say, "excommunication be damned, I must tell the truth." Any excommunication would be rendered moot because Bergoglio would have no power to do it.
What will it be - loyalty to Christ and His Church or loyalty to a man written Canon and a man who is not a Shepherd. but a wolf!
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
An Open Letter from Two Cardinals to the Bishops gathered at Rome. Why only two?
Saturday, 18 August 2018
The problem IS Homosexuality
"It seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root." Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Bergoglio's conversation with Scalfari was "intolerable" - Cardinal Burke
The confusion and Division in the Church, on the core issues and most important – marriage and family, the sacraments and the right to access it, intrinsically evil acts, eternal life and the new ones – are becoming increasingly spread. And the Pope not only refuses to clarify things with the announcement of the constant doctrine and healthy church discipline, a responsibility that is inherent to his Ministry as the successor of St. Peter but also increases the confusion.
What happened with the last interview with Eugenio Scalfari during Holy week and made public on Holy Thursday went beyond the tolerable. That a well-known atheist claims to announce a revolution in the teaching of the Catholic Church, claiming to speak in the name of the Pope, denying the immortality of the human soul and the existence of hell, has been a source of profound scandal not only for many Catholics but also for so many lay people who have respect for the Catholic Church and its teachings, even if you don't share them. Besides Holy Thursday is one of the holiest days of the year, the day on which the Lord instituted the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and the priesthood, that he may offer us always the fruit of his redemptive passion and death for our salvation eternal. Also, the response of the Holy see are shocked reactions from around the world, was inadequate. Rather than announce the truth about the immortality of the human soul and clearly over hell, in denial it says only that certain words quoted are not the Pope. It does not say that the erroneous ideas, even heretical, expressed by these words are not shared by the Pope and the Pope rejects such ideas which are contrary to the Catholic faith. This play with faith and doctrine, at the highest level of the Church, rightly leave pastors and faithful scandalized.
Of course, the situation is further compounded by the silence of many bishops and Cardinals who share with the Roman Pontiff the concern for the universal Church. Some are simply shut up. Others say that there is nothing serious. Still others spread fantasies of a new Church, a church that takes a totally different direction from the past, fantasizing for example of a "new paradigm" for the Church or a radical conversion of the Church's pastoral practice, making it completely new. Then there are those who are enthusiastic promoters of the so-called revolution in the Catholic Church. For the faithful who understand the seriousness of the situation, the lack of doctrinal and disciplinary direction from their pastors leaves them lost. For the faithful who do not understand the gravity of the situation, this lack leaves them in confusion and possibly victims of malicious errors to their souls. Many who have entered into full communion with the Catholic Church, being baptized in a Protestant ecclesial communion, because their ecclesial communities have abandoned the Apostolic faith, suffering intensely the situation: perceiving that The Catholic Church is going in the same street of the abandonment of the faith.
This situation leads me to reflect more and more on the message of our Lady of Fatima who warns us of evil-even more serious of serious ills suffered due to the spread of atheistic communism-what is apostasy from the faith in the Church. The # 675 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that "[p] rhyme of the coming of Christ, the Church must go through a final round that will shake the faith of many believers," and that "[t] he persecution that accompanies his [the Church] pilgrimage on Earth will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems, at the price of apostasy from the truth ".
According to the constant teaching of the Church, the Pope, for the express will of Christ, is "the perpetual and visible source and Foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful" (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of the Council Vatican II, # 23). Is the essential service of the Pope to safeguard and promote the deposit of faith, the true doctrine and sound discipline consistent with the truths believed. In the interview cited with Eugenio Scalfari, referring to the Pope as "revolutionary" compliant. But the Petrine Office has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the revolution. In contrast, exists solely for the preservation and propagation of the Catholic faith unchangeable leading souls to the conversion of heart and lead all mankind to unity based on the order in writing by God in his creation and especially in the heart of man, the only earthly creature made in the image of God. Is the order that Christ has restored to the Paschal mystery we are celebrating these days. The grace of redemption that emanates from his glorious pierced heart in the Church, in the hearts of its members, gives the strength to live according to this order, that is in communion with God and neighbour.
The notion of the fullness of the power of the Roman Pontiff has been clearly set out already by Pope Saint Leo the great. The medieval canonists have contributed greatly to the development of the power inherent in the Petrine Office. Their contribution remains valid and important. The concept is very simple. The Pope, for the divine, enjoys all the power necessary to safeguard and promote the true faith, the true divine worship, and healthy demand discipline. This power belongs not to him but to his Office as the successor of Saint Peter. In the past, most of the time, the Popes have not made public their personal acts or their opinions, just to avoid the risk that the faithful are confused about what she does and thinks the successor of Saint Peter. Currently, there is a risky and even harmful confusion of the person of the Pope with his Office resulting in the darkening of the Petrine Office and into a worldly and political concept of the service of the Roman pontiff in the Church. The Church exists for the salvation of souls. Any act of a Pope that undermines the Mission of Christ in the Church, is an act heresy or is a sinful Act in itself, it is simply empty from the perspective of the Petrine Office. So even though it clearly bears very grave damage to the faithful, does not command the obedience of pastors and faithful. We always have to distinguish the body of the man who is the Roman Pontiff from the body of the Roman Pontiff, the man who exercises the Office of St. Peter in the Church. Don't make the distinction means papolatria and ends with the loss of faith in the Petrine Office divinely founded and supported.
The Catholic must always adhere to, absolutely, the Petrine Office as an essential part of the establishment of the Church from Christ. The moment in which the Catholic no longer complies with the Office of the Pope placed itself or schism or apostasy from the faith. At the same time, the Catholic must respect the man in charge with the Office which means attention to his teaching and pastoral leadership. This also includes the duty to express to the Pope the judgement of a properly formed conscience, when he diverts or seems to deviate from the true doctrine and healthy discipline or abandon the responsibilities of his Office. Natural law, to the Gospels, and the Church's constant tradition govern, the faithful are obliged to express to their pastors their concern for the State of the Church. Have this duty to which it is entitled to receive a reply from their pastors.
If the Pope does not fulfill his Office for the benefit of all souls, it is not only possible but also necessary to criticize the Pope. This criticism must follow the teaching of Christ on fraternal correction in the Gospel (Mt 18, 15-18). First, the faithful or pastor should express his criticism in a private way, which will allow the Pope to correct themselves. But if the Pope refuses to correct his way to teach or act seriously missing, the criticism should be made public, because it has to do with the common good in the Church and in the world. Some have criticized those who have publicly expressed criticism of the Pope as a sign of rebellion or disobedience, but inquire – with due respect for his Office-the correction of confusion or error is not an act of disobedience, but an Act of obedience to Christ and thus to his vicar on Earth.
Saturday, 30 September 2017
In a classic Machiavellian move, Pope appoints Cardinal Burke to Apostolic Signatura
The move is at the same time, an insult to the former Prefect, though in his humility he would never say that, and a strategic move to attempt to silence him and prevent him from acting further on the "Dubia," of which Cardinal Burke was a signatory.
As New Catholic at Rorate writes, "Molto bene, Santità!... Magnifico!"
Really, do they think we are that stupid not to see through this charade?
Well, as the saying goes, ...
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Cardinal Caffarra, may he rest in peace
Cardinal Caffarra, has died suddenly. While said to be ill, his death seems to have come as a surprise. May he rest in the peace of Christ, whom he loved.
The Cardinal is the second of the four "dubia" Cardinals to pass away in the last few months, the first being Cardinal Meisner.
Raymond Cardinal Burke has issued a statement:
“With the death of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra the Church has lost the earthly presence of an exemplary priest, Bishop and Cardinal. Having enjoyed the great gift of knowing Cardinal Caffarra over many years and of working very closely with him during the these last years in the safeguarding and promoting of the Church’s constant teaching and practice regarding Holy Matrimony and the Holy Eucharist, I can testify that he was completely and solely inspired by a deep and pure love of Christ and of Christ’s Mystical Body, the Church. His purity of heart was always evident to me and was an unfailing inspiration. His knowledge of the Church’s doctrine and discipline was the fruit of years of study, which he continued until the end, for the sake of giving the best possible care to souls. Just recently, he related to me how he was studying the texts of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Cardinal Newman on conscience in preparation for a public lecture in England. While I mourn deeply the loss of his earthly presence, I am confident that his love of Christ and of the Church will continue. I count upon the help of his prayers in carrying out my weighty responsibility as a teacher of the faith and a doctor of souls. May the good and faithful Cardinal rest in peace.”
Its seems to this writer that Cardinals Burke and Brandmuller should avail themselves of food-tasters, body-guards and bullet vests under their albs and if you think I'm wearing a tin-foiled hat then you've not studied history.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Pope not only ignores the Cardinals' dubia, but their request for an Audience
Remember friends; your job and mine is to be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Etneral Father begotten from the beginning, consubstantial with Him and the Second Person in the Unity of the Godhead of the Holy Trinity. Your job is to be faithful to Him. Let us praise the FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT, let us praise Him forever. Put not your trust in princes or popes. You must remain faithful to Jesus and to His Church and to the Papacy as an institution and the Magisterium of teaching of Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. You must be faithful to Christ, not to men.
“Most Holy Father,
It is with a certain trepidation that I address myself to Your Holiness, during these days of the Easter season. I do so on behalf of the Most Eminent Cardinals: Walter Brandmüller, Raymond L. Burke, Joachim Meisner, and myself.
We wish to begin by renewing our absolute dedication and our unconditional love for the Chair of Peter and for Your august person, in whom we recognize the Successor of Peter and the Vicar of Jesus: the “sweet Christ on earth,” as Saint Catherine of Siena was fond of saying. We do not share in the slightest the position of those who consider the See of Peter vacant, nor of those who want to attribute to others the indivisible responsibility of the Petrine munus. We are moved solely by the awareness of the grave responsibility arising from the munus of cardinals: to be advisers of the Successor of Peter in his sovereign ministry. And from the Sacrament of the Episcopate, which “has placed us as bishops to pasture the Church, which He has acquired with his blood” (Acts 20:28).
On September 19, 2016 we delivered to Your Holiness and to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith five dubia, asking You to resolve uncertainties and to bring clarity on some points of the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia.
Not having received any response from Your Holiness, we have reached the decision to ask You, respectfully and humbly, for an Audience, together if Your Holiness would like. We attach, as is the practice, an Audience Sheet in which we present the two points we wish to discuss with you.
Most Holy Father,
A year has now gone by since the publication of Amoris Laetitia. During this time, interpretations of some objectively ambiguous passages of the post-synodal Exhortation have publicly been given that are not divergent from, but contrary to, the permanent Magisterium of the Church. Despite the fact that the Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith has repeatedly declared that the doctrine of the Church has not changed, numerous statements have appeared from individual Bishops, Cardinals, and even Episcopal Conferences, approving what the Magisterium of the Church has never approved. Not only access to the Holy Eucharist for those who objectively and publicly live in a situation of grave sin, and intend to remain in it, but also a conception of moral conscience contrary to the Tradition of the Church. And so it is happening — how painful it is to see this! — that what is sin in Poland is good in Germany, that what is prohibited in the archdiocese of Philadelphia is permitted in Malta. And so on. One is reminded of the bitter observation of B. Pascal: “Justice on this side of the Pyrenees, injustice on the other; justice on the left bank of the river, injustice on the right bank.”
Numerous competent lay faithful, who are deeply in love with the Church and staunchly loyal to the Apostolic See, have turned to their Pastors and to Your Holiness in order to be confirmed in the Holy Doctrine concerning the three sacraments of Marriage, Confession, and the Eucharist. And in these very days, in Rome, six lay faithful, from every Continent, have presented a very well-attended study seminar with the meaningful title: “Bringing clarity.”
Faced with this grave situation, in which many Christian communities are being divided, we feel the weight of our responsibility, and our conscience impels us to ask humbly and respectfully for an Audience.
May Your Holiness remember us in Your prayers, as we pledge to remember You in ours. And we ask for the gift of Your Apostolic Blessing.
Carlo Card. Caffarra
Rome, April 25, 2017
Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist
1. Request for clarification of the five points indicated by the dubia; reasons for this request.
2. Situation of confusion and disorientation, especially among pastors of souls, in primis parish priests.”
Monday, 22 May 2017
What kind of man is this Oscar Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga? What kind of evil has overwhelmed this priest?
What kind of man is this Cardinal Oscar Rodriquez Maradiaga? Who would sit so pompously as he has in this photograph? What arrogance. What hubris. What clericalism. What defiance of all humility and service.
We have written before of this Cardinal, this close collaborator of Pope Francis.
How much pain it is to endure when we see these priests, these bishops and cardinals spew such as what you will read below.
Was there ever in the history of the Church, any Cardinal who spoke thus about another brother Cardinal? Particularly one so known for his humility and peace?
As reported on Crux. this is what Maradiaga has said about Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke:
He was among four cardinals who submitted a set of questions, called dubia, to Francis, seeking to dispel what they described as “grave disorientation and great confusion” created by the document.
In the new interview, Maradiaga comes out swinging.
“That cardinal who sustains this,” Maradiaga said, referring to the criticism of Amoris, “is a disappointed man, in that he wanted power and lost it. He thought he was the maximum authority in the United States.
“He’s not the magisterium,” Maradiaga said, referring to the authority to issue official teaching. “The Holy Father is the magisterium, and he’s the one who teaches the whole Church. This other [person] speaks only his own thoughts, which don’t merit further comment.
“They are the words,” Maradiaga said, “of a poor man.”
Maradiaga also criticized conservative schools of thought in Catholicism, of which Burke is often seen as a symbol.
“These currents of the Catholic right are persons who seek power and not the truth, and the truth is one,” he said. “If they claim to find some ‘heresy’ in the words of Francis, they’re making a big mistake, because they’re thinking only like men and not as the Lord wants.
“What sense does it have to publish writings against the pope, which don’t damage him but ordinary people? What does a right-wing closed on certain points accomplish? Nothing!
“Ordinary people are with the pope, this is completely clear,” Maradiaga said. “I see that everywhere.
“Those who are proud, arrogant, who believe they have a superior intellect … poor people! Pride is also a form of poverty,” he said.
“The greatest problem, however, is the disorientation that’s created among people when they read affirmations of bishops and cardinals against the Holy Father,” he said.
Maradiaga called his fellow cardinals to loyalty.
“I think that one of the qualities we cardinals [should have] is loyalty,” he said. “Even if we don’t all think the same way, we still have to be loyal to Peter.”
Whoever doesn’t offer that loyalty, he said, “is just seeking attention.”
He writes of those who are "proud, arrogant, who believe they have a superior intellect."
Who is this man but proud, arrogant, gnostic, who believes that the "poor (pathetic) people," have no ability to discern the truth from a lie, right from wrong, a sheep from a wolf?
He calls his fellow cardinals to "loyalty." Loyalty? If loyalty to the Bishop of Rome means disloyalty to Jesus Christ and what has come before then this writer will have no loyalty to that Bishop of Rome in matters where he is wrong.
"Loyal to Peter," says Maradiaga. No, not if it means being disloyal to Christ!
He speaks of obeying a "magisterium," but ignores "collegiality." Is this Cardinal opposed to Vatican II?
His words are full of lies and slander.
It is certainly not Our Lord Jesus in possession of this man's heart. To say what he has said, he can only have handed it over already to the evil one himself.
Father Z has suggested rosaries for Maradiaga. Perhaps and exorcism might also be in line.