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Showing posts with label Homoheresy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homoheresy. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

As Christmas approaches Bergoglio once again makes a mess.

Taking his own advice to "hagan lio" - make a mess, Bishop of Rome Jorge Bergoglio has sanctioned the blessing of unrepentant people engaging in sodomy or has he? Well, yes and no. It depends on how you wish to interpret it. The Germans are elated. So is Jim Martin, he does not deserve the salutation of "Father." Bergoglio has led everyone to the cliff and now sits back to watch them jump off. 

Utterly demonic.

The media took the document and ran with it - that same-sex marriage is now being blest. It isn't, but then again, two men or women living in a sinful sexual relationship can be blest. 

See how this works?

From the Second Book of the Prophet Malachi:

And now, O priests, this command is for you. If you will not listen, if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to my name, says the Lord of hosts, then I will send the curse on you and I will curse your blessings; indeed I have already cursed them, because you do not lay it to heart. I will rebuke your offspring, and spread dung on your faces, the dung of your offerings, and I will put you out of my presence.

"Dung on your faces!" It won't be long.

Were you surprised? You shouldn't be. It was two years to the day, December 18, that Bergoglio and his minions issued new restrictions on the Church's traditional liturgy. December 18 is the ancient and now abolished Feast of the Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Methinks this is no coincidence. All part of a diabolical plan. He takes delight in harassing and disturbing the faithful. He hates us. He has done this repeatedly. It is as if to quote from Home Alone, "Merry Christmas ya filthy animals."

I think you know which one is Francis.


Thursday, 1 June 2023

Hamilton Diocese OMI priest, Jarek Pachocki is a Christophobe and supports homeheresy!

Hey Jarek, you realize I can still you see you on a different browser when not logged in, right?



Douglas Crosby, OMI, was appointed Bishop of Hamilton in the Metropolitan See of Toronto in 2010. Over 35 years ago, he was pastor of St. Joseph's Ottawa on the campus of the University of Ottawa. The parish has long been a hot-bed of liberal dissent against the Faith. It was from this parish that the outrage was led to remove the fledgling Oratory of St. Philip Neri at St. Brigid's. A demonic scandal for the faithful. I know, I was there. 

Not long after he arrived in Hamilton he brought two OMI priests in from Labrador where he had been bishop. They were appointed as "co-pastors" of St. Lawrence and St. Patrick in Hamilton. This is what they were in Labrador. Contacts in Labrador at the time provided some information on what to expect.

Is it not bad enough that we have the assault from corporations and media and governments. Here it is from our own priests. Jarek Pachocki has made it clear what he is and what he thinks of us.

He will tremble in fear one day before the LORD whom he was to serve.

It won't be nice.

Pray for his repentance and conversion.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

More Bergoglian Heresy - the sin of Sodom was in-hospitality

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They used to call us nuts or radical traditionalists. We were accused of wearing tin-foiled hats - those of us who warned of an infiltration of communists, atheists and sodomites in the Catholic Church in order to destroy Her. In your heart, you know now we were right.

Look at this. The Pontifical Biblical Commission, instructed to study the issue of homosexuality by Bergoglio has come out and said that the sin of Sodom was in-hospitality - the old canard of New Theology. So, on one had, they interpret one section of Holy Scripture but completely disregard others. In fact, that description is quite clear on what was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Here is what they write. Note how it fits nicely with Bergoglio and his antics on human invasion and smuggling.

“This way of reading the story of Sodom is confirmed by Wisdom, (19:13–17) where the exemplary punishment of sinners (first Sodom and then Egypt) is motivated by the fact that they had shown a deep hatred towards the foreigner.”
 “We must therefore say that the story about the city of Sodom (as well as that of Gabaa) illustrates a sin that consists in the lack of hospitality, with hostility and violence towards the stranger, a behavior judged very serious and therefore deserving to be sanctioned with the utmost severity, because the rejection of the different, of the needy and defenseless stranger, is a principle of social disintegration, having in itself a deadly violence that deserves an adequate punishment.”

How do they square their interpretation with that of the Epistle of St. Jude, a very cousin of Our Lord Jesus Christ and brother of St. James the Less.

Jude 1:7 As Sodom and Gomorrha, and the neighbouring cities, in like manner, having given themselves to fornication, and going after other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.

These liars say that Jesus never spoke of homosexuality. Well, the word was not invented until a century ago, they were called what they were, sodomites. I highly doubt this. It was only that the gospel writers did not record it because whatever he said directly was not necessary. Everyone knew it was an "abomination before the Lord" and an evil that must be dealt with, directly and without mercy for those who would not turn away from it. St. Jude's statement proves what the Apostles believed and therefore, Jesus. They also lie when they say He never spoke of it. Moses did and Moses was enlightened by God in the Burning Bush. Who do we think that was who spoke but the Word, not yet made flesh.

Make no mistake, Bergoglio is behind this. Your job is to resist it and denounce the action and him and pray that God delivers us from this horror that has beset his Church.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Stop it. Stop it now. Stop sending any money to Peter's Pence or any Bishops' Collections! Look at what they are doing with it! Every dollar in your collection plate has a diocesan tax called a cathedraticum. A portion of that goes to Rome, or to cover for sodomites in the priesthood or to pay luxury living for clergy. Stop, starve the bastards.

Exceptions? Yes; Latin Mass communities. For good priests and good parishes, slip them cash into his hand for his expenses. For the building, buy what is needed "in kind" for a tax receipt or give to the Building Fund which is not subject to Cathedraticum, do physical work. 

Now, they fund a movie about a filthy has-been sodomite. 


Friday, 29 November 2019

When those who should know better spread the lie of genderism, this is what they don't discuss!

Those in leadership in all walks of life in government, academia, business and even the Church tell you that gender is fluid and that a boy born a boy can really be a girl or whatever, this is what they leave out.

Transgender boy Damian of New York takes part in the NYC Pride March as part of World Pride commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising on June 30, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Angela Weiss / AFP) (Photo credit should read ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images)

They are evil. 

What parent permitted this?

What authority figure affirmed it?

What doctor performed it?

There was a time when we took mental illness seriously. Now, we simply affirm delusion and if you don't agree with it, you're a hater. There was a time when we would have taken the doctor that butchered this poor girl and removed his license and then put him on trial and the parent would have been arrested for child endangerment and the child taken into protection by the State. Now the State endorses it and demands you accept it as right and just.

Yes, this IS a girl. This poor girl needed help. She needed love, she needed therapy, psychological and spiritual. She deserved care and protection to work through whatever delusions she had that caused her to think herself as a boy. Instead, she was used by an anti-Christ fascist mob for their political ends and will endure suffering the rest of her life that she cannot yet comprehend.

Lest you think this is not occurring on a large scale, dozens are raising money for what they now call, "top surgery."


Walt Heyer found out the truth.


Thanks to a reader for this. Notice, the first person interviewed, "Billy," was "fondled" as a confused boy. Perpetrating perverts can sense who is the weak one, who is the target, then the go after their prey. They take a confused child and groom him or her to be one like them. Note that the second one, "Rene" had an absent and alcoholic father. Walt Heyer is also interviewed, he had a crazy grandmother who cross-dressed him and later was sexually abused. Is there a theme here?

And this is what our leaders in government, academia, industry, church and state think is good and fair and just.

God will deal with them friend. In every way.

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Canadian Jesuits admit being behind Toronto's "gay" church movement

On this feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, I present to you some of his sons. May he intercede before God almighty to drive these filthy perverts out of the Society of Jesus. May he slay them and execute God's holy judgement on these filthy perverts as this image suggest with Heresiarch Luther.

Gilles Mongeau, S.J. allegedly offering Holy Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Toronto

All Inclusive Ministries : 6 years as a bridge between the Church and LGBT+ Catholics
By Stephen Noon, SJ
July 23, 2019 — This summer marks the sixth anniversary of All Inclusive Ministries (AIM). AIM is a real gem in the collective mission of the Society here in Canada (and perhaps also one of our best kept secrets). We are based at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and gather once a month to celebrate the Eucharist together. This monthly mass, and the social that follows it, brings together a richly diverse group of LGBT+ Catholics. This short video will give you some flavour of who we are and what we do:

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

From the grave. St. John Paul II backs Father Chisolm against Archcoward of Kingston, the homosexualist Mulhall

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Sunday 9 July 2000
Jubilee in Prisons

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

1. This morning I had the joy of meeting the inmates of "Regina Caeli" Prison for the celebration of the Great Jubilee. It was a touching moment of prayer and humanity. Looking into their eyes, I tried to glimpse the sufferings, anxieties and hopes of each one. I knew that in them I was meeting Christ, who identified with them in the Gospel to the point of saying: "I was in prison and you came to me" (Mt 25: 36).

Precisely with their hard situation in mind, I asked in my Message for the Jubilee in Prisons that on the occasion of the Holy Year they would be offered a gesture of clemency. I especially asked lawmakers throughout the world to rethink the prison system and the penal system itself, in order to make it more respectful of human dignity in accord with a justice that redeems the offender and not only repairs the disorder caused by crime. Those who have made mistakes must be helped to begin a process of moral redemption and personal and community growth for their effective return to society.

2. Today in Baltimore the Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches is meeting in plenary session to study, on the threshold of the third millennium, several topics regarding the future of our mutual relations.
I invite everyone to pray to the Lord that he will instill in hearts the gifts of his Spirit, so that this meeting can foster an ever greater understanding between Catholics and Orthodox and thus contribute to further progress towards the desired goal of full ecclesial communion.

3. I feel obliged, now, to mention the well-known demonstrations held in Rome in the past few days.

In the name of the Church of Rome I can only express my deep sadness at the affront to the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 and the offence to the Christian values of a city that is so dear to the hearts of Catholics throughout the world.

The Church cannot be silent about the truth, because she would fail in her fidelity to God the Creator and would not help to distinguish good from evil.

In this regard, I wish merely to read what is said in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which, after noting that homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law, then states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.

These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition" (CCC, n. 2358).

May the heavenly Mother assist us with her protection.

After leading the Angelus and giving his Blessing, the Holy Father greeted Italian and Mexican pilgrim groups and then said:

Tomorrow, God willing, I will go to the mountains of Valle d'Aosta for a time of rest. I would like to greet those who are already at various holiday spots and those who are still in town. In a special way I offer my best wishes to the young people taking examinations at the end of the school year.

I also greet those who cannot go on holiday. I am thinking of the sick, those alone and all who are obliged to remain at home for various reasons. May they receive our solidarity.

I promise to remember you all and give you a special Blessing.

© Copyright 2000 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Kingston's new Archbishop Mulhall proves himself to be a trembling coward! And you thought he was one of the "good ones."

Archbishop Michael Mulhall
Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario
Ph: (613) 548-4461 

To support Fr. Robert Chisholm 
Ph: (613)-476-6276 

In an note in a church bulletin, not dissimilar to American Bishop Tobin's original statement, the Pastor of Picton's St. Gregory the Great parish in the bucolic Prince Edward County in eastern Ontario, has come under intense media fire and has been thrown under the Sodomite Mafia bus by his bishop. What is also not dissimilar, is the Archbishop's response, nearly modelling that of the backtracking coward, Tobin.


Father R.J. Chisolm was correct in his warning. The movement of the PRIDE is the public face of the normalisation of a sodomite culture that rejoices in anal sodomy, analingus, fisting, felsching, oral copulation and coprophagia and other degenerate activities that harm the body and destroy the soul. This is what people want to take PRIDE in. They say it is about "love." It is anything but love.

Father Chisolm was doing his work, leading, teaching and warning the flock that participating in the public aspects of PRIDE is actually acknowledging it as legitimate and normal. It is anything but.


On Facebook and Twitter, the Pastor has come under intense fire. In comment boxes on media web pages, he has been threatened and attached, even by those who call themselves, "practicing Catholics." Deluded, apostates are more like it.

And into the fray comes the cowardly Mulhall, newly arrived from the Diocese of Pembroke, Mulhall has been long thought of as one of the "good ones." He is a coward and has now sent the message to all his priests, that he does not have their backs and like Father Chisolm, they will be thrown under the bus if they dare to hold up the faith and stand against the Sodomite Mafia.

Hey Mulhall, what do they have on you?

Statement from the Archbishop of Kingston
regarding a bulletin announcement
at St. Gregory the Great Parish in Picton
Friday, June 14, 2019
For immediate release
I understand that there was a message published in the Sunday bulletin of St. Gregory the Great Parish regarding Pride Month activities in Prince Edward County.
I did not sanction this message, and it does not reflect the spirit of accompanying charity and compassion that should always characterize our faith.
The Archdiocese has spoken with the pastor of the parish. He regrets any hurt that his inappropriate comments have caused.
+ Michael Mulhall                                                                                                                   Archbishop of Kingston

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Perverted, Drunken, Sodomite Thief Bishop Michael Bransfield

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In the years before he was ousted for alleged sexual harassment and financial abuses, the leader of the Catholic Church in West Virginia gave cash gifts totaling $350,000 to fellow clergymen, including young priests he is accused of mistreating and more than a dozen cardinals in the United States and at the Vatican, according to church records obtained by The Washington Post.
Bishop Michael J. Bransfield wrote the checks from his personal account over more than a decade, and the West Virginia diocese reimbursed him by boosting his compensation to cover the value of the gifts, the records show. As a tax-exempt nonprofit, the diocese must use its money only for charitable purposes. 
The gifts — one as large as $15,000 — were detailed in a draft of a confidential report to the Vatican about the alleged misconduct that led to Bransfield’s resignation in September. The names of 11 powerful clerics who received checks were edited out of the final report at the request of the archbishop overseeing the investigation, William Lori of Baltimore. 
Read the rest at The Washington Compost.
And this:  https://nypost.com/2019/06/05/ex-bishop-blew-over-2m-in-church-funds-on-lavish-vacations-booze-report/

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Viganò calls on Summit Bishops to convert!

From Archbishop Viganò.

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We cannot avoid seeing as a sign of Providence that you, Pope Francis, and brother Bishops representing the entire Church have come together on the very day on which we celebrate the memory of St. Peter Damian. This great monk in the 11th century put all his strength and apostolic zeal into renewing the Church in his time, so deeply corrupted by sins of sodomy and simony. He did that with the help of faithful Bishops and lay people, especially with the support of Abbot Hildebrand of the Abbey of St Paul extra muros, the future Pope St. Gregory the Great.   

Allow me to propose for our meditation the words of our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI addressed to the people of God in the General Audience of Wednesday, May 17, 2006, commenting on the very passage of the Gospel of Mark 8:27–33 that we proclaimed on today's Mass.

Peter was to live another important moment of his spiritual journey near Caesarea Philippi when Jesus asked the disciples a precise question: "Who do men say that I am?" (Mk 8: 27). But for Jesus hearsay did not suffice. He wanted from those who had agreed to be personally involved with him a personal statement of their position. Consequently, he insisted: "But who do you say that I am?" (Mk 8:29).

It was Peter who answered on behalf of the others: "You are the Christ" (ibid.), that is, the Messiah. Peter's answer, which was not revealed to him by "flesh and blood" but was given to him by the Father who is in Heaven (cf. Mt 16:17), contains as in a seed the future confession of faith of the Church. However, Peter had not yet understood the profound content of Jesus' Messianic mission, the new meaning of this word: Messiah.

He demonstrates this a little later, inferring that the Messiah whom he is following in his dreams is very different from God's true plan. He was shocked by the Lord's announcement of the Passion and protested, prompting a lively reaction from Jesus (cf. Mk 8:32–33).

Peter wanted as Messiah a "divine man" who would fulfil the expectations of the people by imposing his power upon them all: we would also like the Lord to impose his power and transform the world instantly. Jesus presented himself as a "human God," the Servant of God, who turned the crowd's expectations upside-down by taking a path of humility and suffering.

This is the great alternative that we must learn over and over again: to give priority to our own expectations, rejecting Jesus, or to accept Jesus in the truth of His mission and set aside all too human expectations.

Peter, impulsive as he was, did not hesitate to take Jesus aside and rebuke Him. Jesus' answer demolished all his false expectations, calling him to conversion and to follow Him: "Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men" (Mk 8:33). It is not for you to show me the way; I take my own way and you should follow me.

Peter thus learned what following Jesus truly means. It was his second call, similar to Abraham's in Genesis 22, after that in Genesis 12: "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospel's will save it" (Mk 8:34–35). This is the demanding rule of the following of Christ: one must be able, if necessary, to give up the whole world to save the true values, to save the soul, to save the presence of God in the world (cf. Mk 8:36–37). And though with difficulty, Peter accepted the invitation and continued his life in the Master's footsteps.

And it seems to me that these conversions of St. Peter on different occasions, and his whole figure, are a great consolation and a great lesson for us. We too have a desire for God, we too want to be generous, but we too expect God to be strong in the world and to transform the world on the spot, according to our ideas and the needs that we perceive.

God chooses a different way. God chooses the way of the transformation of hearts in suffering and in humility. And we, like Peter, must convert, over and over again. We must follow Jesus and not go before Him: it is He who shows us the way.

So it is that Peter tells us: You think you have the recipe and that it is up to you to transform Christianity, but it is the Lord who knows the way. It is the Lord who says to me, who says to you: follow me! And we must have the courage and humility to follow Jesus, because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life."

Maria, Mater Ecclesiae, Ora pro nobis,

Maria, Regina Apostolorum, Ora pro nobis.

Maria, Mater Gratiae, Mater Misericordiae, Tu nos ab hoste protege et mortis hora suscipe.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò

Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio
February 21, 2019
Memorial of St. Peter Damian

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Bishop Serratelli of Patterson threatens Church Militant with a lawsuit over "exposure" of sodomite priest "lovers" recently ordained!

Lest I disgrace this blog with the actual photos of the lover boys Dulibber G. Gonzalez and Marcin Bradtke, I'll just link to the story over there.

Serratelli - another apostate, homosexualist, heresiarch.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Buffalo's pervert protector Malone about to be outed on 60 minutes!

(WIVB) - The woman who claims to have copied hundreds of incriminating documents from Bishop Malone's secret archives is coming forward. 
Siobhan O'Connor, Malone's former executive assistant, will speak to 60 Minutes this Sunday night at 7 p.m. 
60 Minutes will reveal what the documents she copied show. 
According to CBSNEWS.com, O'Connor accuses him of withholding the names of dozens of priests with sex abuse accusations against them from a report released last March. 
"Hundreds of documents O'Connor secretly copied from the confidential files of the Diocese of Buffalo offer an extraordinary window into Bishop Malone's decisions about priests accused of abuse. The devout O'Connor professes love for her church and her bishop. But she says she left the diocese last summer after three years because the documents she discovered indicated the bishop had allowed the accused priests to continue in ministry. "The reality of what I saw left me with no other option because at the end of my life, I'm not going to answer to Bishop Malone, I am going to answer to God," she tells Whitaker."
"I did betray [Bishop Malone], and yet I can't apologize for that, because there was a greater good to consider," says O'Connor.
Whitaker also interviews Deacon Paul Snyder of the Buffalo Diocese. He is the first clergyman of the diocese to call for Bishop Malone's resignation. The information exposed by O'Connor enraged him. "[Bishop Malone] is behaving in a way that you would typically think a CEO in a corporation that's being accused of corrupt practices might act, hiding behind attorneys," he says. Some of the documents O'Connor found were prepared by the dioceses' attorneys.
Since calling for Bishop Malone to step down, he has received 400 notes and emails. "They want to be part of the solution but they think this bishop is preventing that," says Deacon Synder.
60 Minutes has learned that the Buffalo diocese is under investigation by federal authorities. Bishop Malone declined to be interviewed by 60 Minutes.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Francesco, "CocoPuff" Coccopalmerio was present and a participant in drug-fueled homosexual orgy - and Bergoglio knows - Report!

John-Henry Westen and Maike Hickson are reporting on LifeSiteNews that Cardinal Coccopalmerio was at that cocaine-laden, homosexual orgy where numerous persons were arrested, including Monsignor Luigi "Cocaine" Capozzi. We have written on both of these perverts at the following links:



The report indicates that Bergoglio knows of Coco's presence.

As hard is it is to bear this, this is really great news. All this writer would add is that those who report this who fear being found out must find the courage to come into the light and make their names public to lend credibility to the reports. The time to remain fearful has long since past.

Let these filthy, Christ-hating perverts be exposed.

All of them.

Source: Vatican cardinal was at drug-fueled homosexual party, and Pope knows it 

Featured Image
ROME, October 10, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, a close collaborator of Pope Francis, was present at the homosexual drug-fuelled party raided by the Vatican police in the summer of 2017 at which his secretary, Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, was arrested.

A highly-placed Vatican source with direct knowledge, who must remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, tells LifeSite that the Pope himself knows of Coccopalmerio’s presence at the party. The party took place in an apartment in the building of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).

Coccopalmerio was head of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts until his retirement in April.

The same Vatican source spoke in more depth in a private meeting this summer with a group of priests, three of whom spoke to LifeSite about it.

One of these priests told LifeSite that according to the Vatican source, Cardinal Coccopalmerio, 80, was not only an attendee. The source said “in fact, that he ‘was presiding’ over it when the Vatican Gendarmes broke in, and that they instructed him to absent himself before they started making arrests,” according to the priest.

Another priest who was at the private meeting said the Vatican source “stated clearly to me and a number of others that, when the police raided the apartment and arrested Capozzi, Cardinal Coccopalmerio was actually present at the orgy.” He was then told by the police to leave “immediately.” This priest added that the source “gave us to understand that Coccopalmerio is a practicing homosexual.”

Read the rest at:

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Don't pull a cupich

If there is a more dumbass clericalist in the Church today than Blase Cupich, it would be a surprise.

Here he is pictured with his Uncle, Teddy McCarrick having just given him an award.

Image result for blase cupich

Oh, by the way, Bergoglio just appointed him to the shameful Synod of Bishops on Youth, this coming October.

When will the non-gay Catholic priests and seminarians of Chicago rise up and depose this filthy malefactor?