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Showing posts with label Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Vincent Long, CFM, Bishop of Parramatta blasphemes the Holy Spirit in the name of sodomy

A reader in Australia, which is undergoing a debate and plebiscite on so-called "marriage" between people of the same sex, has advised of scandalous "pastoral letter" by Vincent Long, OFM, the Bishop of Parramatta. We've written previously about this so-called, "bishop" and the suffering Catholics of Parramatta.



In his letter, Long, a Franciscan, writes about now each should vote according to their feelings and not by being a properly formed Catholic.

He actually blasphemes the Holy Spirit when he suggests, that the "Spirit" is saying something through the "signs of the times" that would test the truth of Holy Scripture and Catholic doctrine.

The Holy Spirit is not guiding this debate in Australia for Catholics to suddenly accept marriage within the same sex. The Holy Spirit is not a liar, but this Bishop, Vincent Long Van Nguyen is a liar, a deceiver and no doubt, a homosexualist.

What does this stupid man think that two men do together in bed? Just as with James Martin, they set up "straw men" and want you to believe it is all about love. It is not about which tea-cup and what colour the his and his towels are or the draperies, it is about felching and rimming and fisting and sodomy and oral copulation and slurp ramps and glory holes and coprophilia (as Bergoglio would know about). This is what two men do together. This so-called Bishop cares not about the poor souls, but instead, does not warn the person who will fall in to this deep sin which will take them to Hell.

It is not about love. No faithful Catholic hates anyone suffering with same-sex attraction. But we hate the sin in them as much as any in ourselves. That, is love.

The vote in Australia will no doubt fall in favour of those seeking this change in the definition of marriage. 

This Judas will be held accountable before God for his dereliction. 


Pastoral letter on the same-sex marriage postal survey

Dear sisters and brothers,
As I write to you, the national debate on same-sex civil marriage is in full swing. It is an issue that many feel passionate about and hence, it has potential to polarise the community. I appeal to all Catholics in the Diocese of Parramatta to conduct this dialogue with a deep sense of respect for all concerned, and for the opinion and decision that each person is free to make.
It is important to remember from the very outset that the postal survey is about whether or not Australians want the legal definition of civil marriage changed to include same-sex couples. It is not a referendum on sacramental marriage as understood by the Catholic Church.
Many years ago, divorce was legalised in Australia; but this change did not alter the law of the Church. Therefore, whatever the outcome of the survey or the eventual legislation by the government, the Church will continue to hold that marriage is a natural institution established by God to be a permanent union between one man and one woman, directed both to mutual companionship and to the formation of a family in which children are born and nurtured.
For many Catholics, the issue of same-sex marriage is not simply theoretical but deeply personal. These may be same-sex attracted people themselves or that may be the case with their relatives and friends. In such cases, they are torn between their love for the Church and their love for their same-sex attracted child, grandchild, sibling, cousin, friend or neighbour.
As your bishop, I wish to reiterate the commitment I made at my installation: “I am committed to make the church in Parramatta the house for all peoples, a church where there is less an experience of exclusion but more an encounter of radical love, inclusiveness and solidarity.” As a community of disciples, we seek to accommodate, accompany and care for one another irrespective of sexual orientation, marital status and situation.
I invite all Catholics in our Diocese to exercise our responsibility as citizens to engage in this community discernment. It should not be a matter of a simple answer Yes or No to the postal survey. It should be an opportunity for us to witness to our deep commitment to the ideal of Christian marriage. But it should also be an opportunity for us to listen to what the Spirit is saying through the signs of the times.
Throughout much of history, our gay and lesbian (or LGBTI) brothers and sisters have often not been treated with respect, sensitivity and compassion. Regrettably, the Church has not always been a place where they have felt welcomed, accepted and loved. Thus, regardless of the outcome of the survey, we must commit ourselves to the task of reaching out to our LGBTI brothers and sisters, affirming their dignity and accompanying them on our common journey towards the fullness of life and love in God.
Let us pray, discern and act with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Catholics, in keeping with the tradition of the Church, are asked to exercise their consciences, ensuring that they are informed as they come to exercise their democratic rights in the coming postal survey.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Most Rev Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv
Bishop of Parramatta
13 September A.D. 2017, Memorial of St John Chrysostom

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Bishop Nguyen of Parramatta walks it back

A few weeks ago, we posted on the Bishop of Paramatta's long, winding statement on homosexuality. The Diocese issued a Tweet to deny it. That post, here on Vox, had over 4,084 direct hits. More read it who came in directly to the blog address. Amazing.

Yesterday, the Bishop, issued a statement to clarify his previous remarks.

Let us have a look.


Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv DD STL, 
Bishop of Parramatta
Ann D Clark Lecture
My Ann D Clark Lecture entitled ‘Pope Francis and the challenges of the church today’ delivered on August 18th 2016, has caused considerable debate and discussion, not only within the Diocese of Parramatta but also beyond.
I would like to thank everyone who has read the text of the lecture and responded with their considered comments.
To avoid any misunderstanding as a result of misrepresentations of the lecture, especially in the secular media, I offer the following clarifications:
The lecture was an effort on my part to articulate an understanding of the vision of Pope Francis of what the church is and our response to this vision in the light of the challenges we face today.
Part of that vision as I understand it, is about being inclusive. It is the ability to create and nurture a welcoming space for all people, including those who have been alienated such as our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.
  • The lecture appealed for respectful language and pastoral engagement with them, based on the fundamental dignity of every person and the teaching and example of Jesus.
  • It is a misrepresentation of my lecture to equate the sexual identity of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters with their lifestyle or behaviour. (As in the case of the article by The Australian – ‘Catholic bishop calls on church to accept homosexuality’ 07/09/2016 and The Australian – ‘Cut & Paste’ 14/09/2016).
  • To accept a person’s sexual identity does not mean to condone his or her behaviour which are contrary to moral norms and the church’s teaching.
  • Thus, my lecture can in no way be construed as a challenge the teaching of the Catholic Church, which as a bishop I wish to maintain in union with Pope Francis and my fellow bishops in communion with him.
Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv

Let's take a look at his bullet points.

  • The lecture appealed for respectful language and pastoral engagement with them, based on the fundamental dignity of every person and the teaching and example of Jesus. 
  • What language, is His Excellency writing of? That the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the inclination is "objectively disordered" and the acting out is "intrinsically disordered?" The facts are what they are. Up until the early 1970's and the political lobby of the "Gay Liberation" movement, it was considered a psychiatric disorder. The word "homosexual" is just over a century old. Prior to that, the acts were considered sodomy and grossly sinful by Catholics and Protestants and Jews throughout the world. Where are the Catholics today who, believing the Church's teaching, go about throwing eggs or insulting people that suffer with same-sex attraction. This bishop, and the others at the disgraceful Synods who talked about the change of language, are deceptive. Frankly, they are liars and most-possibly, closed sodomites themselves. Catholics who go around verbally abusing any persons are committing a sin. We are called to respect people, we are not called to be friends with them. We are not called to accept a "lifestyle" that is abhorrent to the faith and to natural law. Watch for Francis to initiate formal changes to the text of the Catechism. These men are homosexualists, they are either sodomites themselves and may be active, or they are closeted and sympathetic. Either way, they have no business in the priesthood and are engaging in deception.
  • It is a misrepresentation of my lecture to equate the sexual identity of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters with their lifestyle or behaviour. (As in the case of the article by The Australian – ‘Catholic bishop calls on church to accept homosexuality’ 07/09/2016 and The Australian – ‘Cut & Paste’ 14/09/2016).
  • The good bishop said what he said. His comments stand. He was so enthused over his effervescent discourse that he did not see the incoming missile from this blog and the secular media. Well, he has now and he is trying to walk it back. Their "lifestyle" and their "behaviour" will cause them to spend an eternity in Hell. Where is the love that Bishop Nguyen of Paramatta has for "our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters." If he truly loved them, he would tell them what they are doing. He also would not refer to them by their sins. He would refer to them as "our brothers and sisters trapped in a sinful lifestyle and behaviour."  
  • To accept a person’s sexual identity does not mean to condone his or her behaviour which are contrary to moral norms and the church’s teaching.
  • On the contrary, it most certainly does! If you fail to teach the truth, then you accept that which is a lie. 
  • Thus, my lecture can in no way be construed as a challenge the teaching of the Catholic Church, which as a bishop I wish to maintain in union with Pope Francis and my fellow bishops in communion with him.
  • Too late for His Excellency, he said it, it will live forever, your flock now knows what you think; but good on you for trying to walk it back.

Can you imagine, for a moment, what our parents and grandparents would have been able to do if they had the resources of blogs and social media at their disposal fifty to sixty years ago?

At least he knows how to wear his pectoral cross.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Francis appointed Bishop of Paramatta in Australia demands Catholic Faith accept "sodomy!"

Nota Bene: The Diocese of Paramatta has put out a Tweet: 

Misleading article by - read what Bishop Vincent ACTUALLY said about acceptance of all people here

The Bishop's original comments are found here.


Image result for Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen

The bishop of the Catholic diocese of Parramatta has called on the church to accept homosexuality, lamenting that the faith is not a “trailblazer” against inequality. Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen has gone further than the Pope, who has said God loves and accepts gay people. 
Bishop Long said it was not good enough to treat gay people with compassion and then define their lifestyle as “intrinsically disordered”.
The comments, del­ivered in a speech in western Sydney last month, are likely to cause consternation in the church hierarchy, which is against same-sex marriage. 
“We cannot talk about the ­integrity of creation, the universal and inclusive love of God, while at the same time colluding with the forces of oppression in the ill-treatment of racial minorities, women and homosexual persons,” Bishop Long said. “It won’t wash with young people, especially when we purport to treat gay people with love and compassion and yet define their sexuality as ‘intrinsically disordered’.
This is particularly true when the church has not been a shining beacon and a trailblazer in the fight against inequality and ­intolerance.” 
Bishop Long was appointed by Pope Francis in May to lead one of Australia’s largest dioceses. The speech is in direct contrast to the views of his predecessor at the diocese, Anthony Fisher, who is now the most senior Catholic in NSW as Archbishop of Sydney. 
The Australian reported in May that Archbishop Fisher condemned the anti-bullying Safe Schools program as even more radical and dangerous social engin­eering than same-sex marriage, to which he is also vehement­ly opposed. Bishop
Long fled Vietnam on a boat in 1979, eventually making it to Australia as a refugee. In his speech, he said the gospel showed that it was the holders of tradition who were often guilty of “prejudice, discrimination and oppressive stereotype”. 
“That is what Jesus consistently does. He has a habit of challenging ingrained stereotyped attitudes, subverting the tyranny of the majority, breaking social ­taboos, pushing the boundaries of love and redefining its meaning,” Bishop Long said. “He questioned the prevailing assumptions and stereotyped attitudes. He turned the presumed order of moral goodness upside down.”