Other than Athanasius Schneider, for the most part, the Cardinal and Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church may be cowards, but the laity are not!
There are doctrinal errors and ambiguities in Amoris Laetitia. Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome, promulgated an exportation that is a scandalous assault on the Truth and Catholic doctrine.
Every Catholic has a right to demand that the Bishop of Rome retract this document or issue immediate corrections to the various matters even far beyond the Chapter 8 and its heretical footnote.
Some will say, "oh, there is much beautiful in this document." We hear this from celebrity almost daily. It is so affirming of "Life," because he wrote against abortion.
The day my friends when we praise a Pope for speaking against abortion is a pretty sad day because we've set the bar pretty low on what it means to be a Catholic, what it means to be a Pope.
There is more than one drop of poison in this wretched document. Some are highlighted below, in the above link and by Bishop Schneider.
None of us must rest until the Pope yields. Yes, we call upon the Pope to yield. Yield to the true faith and retract this heresy!
It doesn't matter what he said about gender ideology, large families, abortion, or on a plane about marriage, what matter is the last thing he did. That last thing, is his current thought and it is wrong!
The day of death will come for all of us and it will come for Jorge Bergoglio. As with all, he will stand along before Our Lord Jesus Christ to be judged. Unless he is unaware of what he is doing, if he is knowingly creating this confusion and perception that sacrilegious Communions can be tolerated, that immorality can be excused in false mercy, that sex-education is the right of the State over the parents and more, he will be held accountable. He will not get away with this; nor with Kasper, Forte and the rest of them. Neither will the local parish priest who sits by in silence while the sheep are devoured by the wolves.
All will be brought into the Light!
Pope Bergoglio! For the sake of your soul, retract this error!
Voice of the Family calls on Pope Francis to withdraw Amoris Laetitia
ROME, May 9, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Over 100 pro-life and pro-family leaders from all over the world leapt to their feet in applause at a meeting in Rome on Saturday after hearing a call for Pope Francis to withdraw his controversial exhortation
Amoris Laetitia.
John Smeaton, co-founder of Voice of the Family and the CEO of the UK Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, issued the request to the Pope in his keynote address at the annual Rome Life Forum.
Smeaton spoke following Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who in his speech decried growing confusion in the Church, and who has previously expressed grave concerns about the exhortation.
Smeaton highlighted several grave concerns with the exhortation, including:
- the section about sex education, which speaks at length about sex education in schools, without reference to the rights of parents;
- references to public adultery which fail to point out the intrinsic evil of adultery;
- the suggestion that adulterous sexual acts may be justifiable; and,
- the false message that marriage is not indissoluble.
The failure to speak clearly on adultery "shows a lack of mercy" said Smeaton, "because it denies Catholics the truth about right and wrong."
"It denies Catholics the knowledge they need to exercise true freedom, freedom from sin. It also shows a lack of mercy because it sends children the false message that marriage is not indissoluble. Arguably, Your Holiness, the most effective way of destroying children is to destroy marriage as an indissoluble lifetime union of a man and a woman."
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