After the election of Pope Francis, the Grand Orient Lodge of Italy's Grand Master stated that "nothing would be the same again."
I have also written about the disgraced Emeritus Cardinal of Washington, Theodore McCarrick's statements in a talk which revealed that he was lobbied to vote for Jorge Card. Bergoglio and to "talk him up."
Today, Rorate Caeli has broken this:
Cardinal Ravasi calls for Dialogue with Freemasonry - Excerpts
Dear Brother Masons
Over and above our different identities, there is no lack of common values: a sense of community, charitable work and the fight against materialism.
Gianfranco Ravasi [Cardinal President of the Pontifical Council for Culture]
Sunday, February 14, 2016
“…These various declarations on the incompatibility of the two memberships in the Church or in Freemasonry, do not impede, however, dialogue, as is explicitly stated in the German Bishops’ document that had already listed the specific areas of discussion, such as the communitarian dimension, works of charity, the fight against materialism, human dignity and knowledge of each other.
“Further, we need to rise above that stance from certain Catholic integralist spheres, which – in order to hit out at some exponents even in the Church’s hierarchy who displease them – have recourse to accusing them apodictically of being members of Freemasonry. In conclusion, as the German Bishops wrote, we need to go beyond reciprocal “hostility, insults and prejudices” since “in comparison to past centuries the tone and way of manifesting [our]differences has improved and changed” even if they [the differences] still remain in a clearly defined way.”
[Translation: Contributor Francesca Romana | Source: Il Timone]
The Grand Orient Lodge of Italy has it on their web page.
The entire article can be found here in PDF.
Further reading of posts by this writer on the current infiltration of the diabolical Masonic Brotherhood can be read:
No Catholic can be a Freemason. It is contrary to the One, True, Faith and the Church. The mission of Freemasonry is the destruction of the Catholic Church, globalism, corporatism, one world religion and world government. It is evil and despicable in every way. It is an excommunicable matter for a Catholic and one that risks the very soul.
Ravasi is guilty of grave scandal, in the least.