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Showing posts with label Cardinal Baldisseri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Baldisseri. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Cardinal Baldisseri "blows a gasket" demands Vatican employee be "fired"

More from Edward Pentin's book, "The Rigging of a Vatican Synod? which you must buy! 

"A second source in the secretariat said that a “discussion” then took place among staff concerning what to do with the books. Cardinal Baldisseri, he said, was “blowing a gasket” about the book being delivered to the synod. He also alleged that the cardinal then got on the phone to the Governorate, the administrative body managing Vatican City State. He reached Giuseppe Cardinal Bertello, president of the Governorate, and ordered that the postmaster of the Vatican post office be fired, saying his staff had not done their job stamping the envelopes. In response, Cardinal Bertello reportedly told him to calm down and suggested the books be sent back to the Vatican post office to be stamped."
"The inside source said Cardinal Baldisseri still wanted their delivery blocked, but he was warned such an action would be a crime and so changed his mind. Instead, because they had not been stamped, he decided to apply a different tactic and had them sent back to the Vatican post office to be stamped properly. The books were then held back from distribution as long as possible."

Monday, 21 September 2015

Cardinal Baldisseri - Jesus is too negative, put Francis first!

The Rigging of a Vatican Synod?I am reading Edward Pentin's book, "The Rigging of a Vatican Synod? I would not have put the question period. I've only just started it but you must buy this book.

This excerpt is chilling and reveals the evil men and weak men as betrayers of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

On Friday, October 3, two days before the opening of the synod, this scholar received a call directly from Cardinal Erdö to come and meet him the next day. “I said: ‘Sure, when would you like me to come, maybe 4 or 5 P.M.’ ”, reported the scholar, thinking he would prefer to meet after a siesta after lunch. But the call was more urgent than that. Erdö wanted to see him at 1:30 P.M.
When he arrived at Cardinal Erdö’s office, the Hungarian cardinal was “ashen faced”. He had just come from Cardinal Baldisseri. Erdö had read to Baldisseri the Relatio that he had written, and the synod secretary general had picked it apart. “He’d just brow-beaten him into submission”, the scholar said.
Cardinal Erdö had, it seems, drafted the document with the opening line beginning with “Jesus Christ is our Master before all others and our only Lord”, and had stated, in an allusion to 2 Timothy, that the faithful owe obedience to Him whether it is convenient or not convenient.
“We’re sitting across the table from another, and he says with a tortured expression on his face: ‘Cardinal Baldisseri wants me to change that.’ ”
“I said ‘Why?’ ”
“He said: ‘It’s negative’ and that I should I begin with the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ [Pope Francis’ 2014 apostolic exhortation]33 and quote Pope Francis. Before Jesus Christ.”
Erdö asked the scholar: “Do you think I should quote Pope Francis first?”
The expert had been told by someone who knew Cardinal Erdö well that, although solidly orthodox, he would be liable to backtrack under pressure.
“You could have knocked me over with a feather”, the scholar told me. “Here we are, two days before the opening, there’s the Mass, two days before, and he’s asking me if we should start with Jesus Christ? I said, ‘Eminence, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the Alpha and the Omega. We start with Jesus Christ.’ He left it in. You’ll see it, it’s still the first line.”
But the cardinal was not so successful with the second line. In his draft, Cardinal Erdö had wanted to move from Jesus Christ to Pope Paul VI, Evangelii nuntiandi (his 1975 apostolic exhortation on evangelization in the modern world), and from there to Pope Saint John Paul II with Familiaris consortio and then Benedict XVI and finally Pope Francis.
But Cardinal Baldisseri said, “No, invert the order.” He wanted the opening Relatio to begin first with Francis and Evangelii gaudium and then cover the other popes. The scholar reminded Erdö that it was common to start with the earlier popes and follow through, in chronological order, to more recent popes, because that is how doctrine develops.
Despite this, Cardinal Baldisseri got his way. According to the scholar, after pushing Erdö to make several rewrites and appealing directly to the pope to have contributions from Forte and others reinstated that Erdö had removed, the text was accepted.
In the report, it is still Jesus first, but then it is Francis, and then it is Paul. “Every reference to truth, the Word, bothered Baldisseri”, the scholar observed. “That’s Baldisseri”, he said. “He wanted mercy, a lot of mercy, less truth.”

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Africans will save the Church from Kasper and his fascist henchmen

Austin Ruse, President of the Centre for Family and Human Rights, opines at Crisis Magazine that it will be the Africans who save the Church and that he sees similar situations with African diplomats and the West with his work at the United Nations.

I urge you to read it there and subscribe to Crisis.

Here are a few excepts which reveal from Pentin's research the sheer manipulation (in spite of those who denied it and tried to sue me for it); the sheer evil present at the last Synod. Can you seriously doubt any longer that the fascistic and non-collegiality practices and are the work of the Holy Spirit? Does all of this discord come from God? It is not possible! Bishops calling for homosexual unions, Cardinals who should be in jail for covering up homopervert, sodomite priestly and episocopal abuse of children called by the Pope as delegates to the Synod. This is not the action of the Holy Spirit. It is sheer diabolical. The devil is not only sowing confusion, he is sowing deception and millions are falling for it!

Kasper did not learn well from his childhood in Germany. It is regrettable that he did not learn how not to be corrupted by Nazisim as Joseph Ratzinger did.

Pentin's book makes for a jarring wake-up for those who wish bury their heads in sand.

Don't be amongst them.

Image result for crisis magazine


Pentin presents evidence of manipulation in practically everything related to the synod, including the fact that homosexuality was barely a topic of conversation for the synod fathers, yet loomed large in the interim document. 
Pentin reports on some things not previously revealed. For instance, he records that the synod secretariat deliberately excluded “conservative” theologians as experts for the meeting. He also reports that Archbishop Bruno Forte was elected to the position of special secretary of the extraordinary “by only a small number of the fifteen-member Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops.” Forte is generally blamed for writing the most controversial paragraphs of the interim document. Indeed he was outed as the author of the gay paragraphs by Napier of South Africa during the raucous first-day press conference.
Pentin also presents voluminous evidence that Kasper, seemingly with the approval of Pope Francis, initiated a global campaign to change Church teaching on marriage, beginning with his two-hour address to a consistory of cardinals wherein he “floats the idea of admitting divorced and ‘remarried’ Catholics to Holy Communion without amendment of life.” 
So it’s odd that Kasper and his allies got so angry when a group of cardinals and other experts published a book upholding Church teaching on marriage, and then tried to get copies to the synod fathers. Their efforts were blocked by the synod secretariat. 
They decided the best way was to send them to the temporary addresses, which turned out to be Casa Santa Marta, the hotel-like residence within the Vatican walls. Organizers of the book did display a bit of skullduggery. They made sure the books were deliberately mailed from a post office away from the Vatican, and that “the books were placed in envelopes of different types and colors…” (they must have anticipated that there would be an attempt to block the distribution of the book, Vox)
Trouble brewed when a synod staff member looked inside of one of the packages after “an envelope came open and the book was identified.” Pentin reports that Cardinal Baldeserri “was ‘furious’ to learn that the book was being sent to synod fathers.”
Pentin says Baldeserri wanted the deliveries blocked, but was told that was illegal. Because most of the books had not been stamped by the Italian post office, he decided to send them back for stamping figuring the delay would mean synod fathers would never get them, which turned out to be true.
The cover-up of what happened with the book is quite remarkable. But there is also the fallout—the score settling. Pentin reports that Baldeserri’s cronies tried to get American Father Robert Dodaro to resign his post as president of the Institum Patristicum Augustinianum in Rome because Dodaro served as editor of the book.
Remarkably, Kasper said the book should have been given to him in advance so that he could “review it.” Vaticanista Marco Tosatti wrote in La Stampa that a group of Italian bishops told the Pope that the five cardinals who wrote the book had the “sole intention of fighting against Kasper,” and that the cardinals had committed a “mortal sin” in publishing it.
So angry was Kasper that he actually shouted at Cardinal Burke on the floor of the synod meeting. It is said the book was the final straw that caused the Pope to fire Burke from head of the Apostolic Signatura.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Rosica and Baldissiri in conversation: "there must be an update ... the Church must be made incarnate into time." Barona asks, "What does he mean?"

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB of the great Salt+Light media empire and official English-language spokesman for the Round II of the Synod on the Family interviewed Lorenzo Cardinal Baldissiri in July 2014 on the "Witness" series on the same Salt+Light.

Cardinal Baldissiri was in charge of the Synod on the Family at the behest of Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome.

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has posted a portion of less than a minute from the interview.
"Things have happened, may new things" exclaims the Cardinal to Rosica as he tries to defend how the great Familiaris Consortio needs to be thrown on the dust heap of history as Humanae Vitae will be with this new Synod on "conscience."
So, what does the Cardinal mean? Could it mean, as Father Thomas Rosica has said many times that:
"Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love?" Does he mean that "Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights?" Or does he mean that, "It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world?" 
It is all becoming clearer. With the Bergoglio motu proprio permitting "millions" of annulments, the question of Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried, that heretical proposal put forward by Cardinal Kasper and so admired by Pope Francis, is now a moot point. Writing on his blog at Salt+Light, Rosica says that:
"Today’s decrees did not address the significant question of Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried. The Church did not back down from its stand on divorce, but the Church was at least trying to show greater compassion and outreach to those who have experienced a breakup of their marriage. By implementing the compromise in advance, Pope Francis has not resolved the Communion debate; he has put it into a new context. The question must be studied further by the pastors of the Church."
And there we have it. There is no need to debate whether Catholics who divorce and remarry civilly should receive Holy Communion (they cannot as they are in a state of mortal sin - adultery) because everyone can get an annulment and then it is no problem!

The Pope is duplicitous. (as a Catholic, I can't believe I just wrote that). On the one hand, he upholds doctrine on Holy Communion and on the other hand he changes the pastoral practice (by providing annulments for nefarious and new invented reasons such as lack of faith) so that it's no longer an issue. They've done it. They've done exactly what they said that they would do. Earlier this year, I was sued for saying that they would do this even though I was quoting there own very words.

Ipso chango facto!

The next time that they tell you that the Pope did not create "Catholic Divorce" with these reckless changes to the annulment process, read them the quotes above and then get ready for the next wave of heresy that is coming out of Rome under the watchful eye of Francis himself aided and abetted by pervert protectors such as Danneels, sodomite union advocates such as Bonny and those who would equate the murdering of babies and cutting up of their bodies for money with unemployment such as Cupich.

We did not get the Pope we needed in 2013, we got the Pope we deserved.

As Christopher Ferrara states in this video, "They've wrecked the liturgy, they've wrecked the Church's mission to the world" and now they want to wreck the family under their false vision of mercy and maniacal ecumenical infantilism that is better suited to the P2 Lodge than the Holy Catholic Church. When the Grand Lodge of Italy proclaimed that "with the election of Bergoglio nothing will be the same again," know it to be true. 

May the days of this tribulation be shortened lest more souls be lost because of false teachers and false prophets and may we soon see a Holy Pope who will "restore all things in Christ" emerge on the loggia of St. Peter's Basilica not with "good evening" but with a resounding Viva Cristo Rey!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

The line in the sand

From the infamous Relatio of last October's Synod:
‘Welcoming homosexual persons’  --  “Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community.” ... “Are our communities capable of providing [them a welcoming home], accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?”
From Cardinal Baldisseri, the Cardinal in charge of the Synod:
The documents were all seen and approved by the Pope, with the approval of his presence,” “Even the documents during the [Extraordinary] Synod, such as the Relatio ante disceptatationem [the preliminary report], the Relatio post disceptationem [interim report], and the Relatio synodi [final report] were seen by him before they were published.”
The Statement on Marriage by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (British Province) issued on January 19, 2015:
Marriage was instituted by God, not invented by man (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n.1603). The Creator has built it into human nature, even into the human body, in its two complementary forms, male and female. ‘Male and female He created them’ (Gen.1: 27): man for woman, and woman for man, united in marriage as ‘one flesh’ for the procreation of new life: ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ (Gen. 1: 28). God has given marriage its essential characteristics and proper laws: unity (one man married to one woman); indissolubility (nothing but death can end a marriage); and openness to procreation (in every act of physical love). No president or religious leader, no senate or synod, nor any government, has the authority to re-define marriage. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, raised marriage to the dignity of a Sacrament. The marriage of a Christian man and woman is a sacramental sign of His union with His Church (cf. Eph. 5: 32). Since the union of Christ with the Church, His Bride, cannot be dissolved, no power on earth, not even the Pope himself, can dissolve the valid sacramental marriage, once consummated, of a Christian man and woman. ‘Those whom God has joined together let no man put asunder’ (Mt. 19: 6). The Church’s discipline is built upon the doctrine of the faith, and gives practical expression to it. To introduce a discipline at odds with a doctrine thus implicitly undermines the doctrine. The discipline of not admitting to the Sacraments divorcees who have entered a subsequent civil ‘marriage’ follows directly from the doctrine of Marriage and the Eucharist as the Church has received it from Christ and His Apostles. Unless an annulment has recognized the invalidity of the original marriage, then the state of life of divorced and ‘remarried’ Catholics ‘objectively contradicts the union of love between Christ and the Church signified and effected by the Eucharist’ (Pope St John Paul II, Familiaris consortio, n. 180). However sorrowful for their sins they may be, the divorced and ‘remarried’ remain ‘one flesh’ (cf. Gen. 2: 24; Mt. 19:5) with their original and only spouses. Therefore, their second ‘marriages’ cannot participate in the one flesh union of Christ and His Church that is signified and effected by the Eucharist. In the absence of a clear appreciation of marriage and the true meaning of human sexuality, a number of associated moral challenges have arisen. Amongst these is the growth of widespread homosexual activity and the promotion of such behaviour. The Church teaches, as she has always taught, that homosexual activity is gravely sinful, as it distorts one of the most sacred and fundamental dimensions of human life. Even the inclination to homosexual activity is ‘objectively disordered’ (CDF, 1986) in the sense that such a sexual inclination, with its associated tendencies, feelings and expressions, is not properly directed to spousal union, marriage, and procreation. The Church, of course, welcomes all human beings created in God’s image, who by His grace have the power to renounce their sins, live a chaste life and become saints. But the Church cannot bless, or tolerate, sin in any form, nor structures and lifestyles that encourage or promote sin, disorder, and temptation. The Church in so many ways reaches out to those broken and hurt by the breakdown of marriage in our society and by the widespread confusion of what it means to be male and female. No-one is turned away. The first mercy and true compassion is offering to sinners the truth of Christ as the light by which to live. The greatest help for those who struggle is to point out with charity the way of Christ, the only way conducive to virtue and true joy. The Church has nothing, can do nothing, is nothing, without Christ, her Head and Bridegroom. She is the servant of the Word of God (cf. Dei verbum, n. 10). Her pastors therefore have no power whatever to change what He taught about the nature and goods of marriage and have the duty to promote and defend that truth for the good of every person and society.
Well, I guess we know where the line is in the sand.

So, who's Catholic?

Bring it on, baby!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Cardinal Baldisseri or Layman - Who do you think knows the Catholic faith better?

Cardinal Baldisseri is one of Pope Francis' closest confidants and is in charge of the disgraceful Synod on the Family.

The Cardinal said that the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ can be "called into question."

A layman said Our Blessed Lord's words are "immutable law."

The Eponymous Flower as the story here.

This and Maradiaga and Marx and reprimands and trans-sexuals.

Are these men all heretics - Aryans? Gnostics?

How much more?

How long until all see the situation from even the very top for what it is?