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Showing posts with label 2015 Synodal Scandals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2015 Synodal Scandals. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Will the Apostolic Exhortation serve to undermine "the natural moral law"?

Dates are important as are symbols. When Pope Francis issued his motu proprio watering-down the annulment process, that he signed it on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, issued it on her Nativity day and brought it into force on the feast of her Immaculate Conception. I heard speculation here in Toronto and then articulated by a contact in Rome that the Pope had chosen March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, as the date for the release of the apostolic exhortation on the family. Dates are indeed important and I wrote on the potential of that date last weekThe rumour has been also been stated now by Edward Pentin.  

Did  your read that?

A recognized moral theologian has said he was "deeply disturbed" and that the document would undermine that "natural moral law."

Pentin is not an alarmist; his credentials are solid. So, we wait and in the meantime we pray and ensure that we do not let up one iota on our protest, denouncement and resistance to what we expect is coming. If we are wrong and it is does not happen, then we will know that we were right and did our job because every indication is that the worst will happen.

And then, all hell will break loose, quite literally I should think.

St. Joseph, intercede for the Church!

Thursday, 7 January 2016

"The Pope's agonising dilemma" - all of his own making

This joyful Christmastide now breaks into Epiphanytide until a few short weeks to Purification coming just after the Gesimas begin, - or you can just call it, Ordinary Time.

Without setting all the beauty of this season aside, we cannot forget the horrendous attack on the Catholic Faith from her own hirelings in fine robes last October and the one before, a horror story that began in March of 2013 and ramped up in February of 2014 with the heretical propositions put forward by a heresiarch from Germany named Kasper.

We await the action of Pope Francis and the Apostolic Exhortation arising out of the Synod on the Family. We well remember the manipulations and machinations of Forte, Baldisseri and the gang under the watchful glare of the Bishop of Rome; the inane verbosity of Thomas Rosica, CSB, and the insulting, degrading and puerile stamping of the papal feet at its close.

As we have said before and will say it again, these men are out to change the doctrine of the Catholic Church on marriage, homosexuality and the discipline of the Faith and the Holy Eucharist is the tool they will use. We have only had a short retreat over Advent and Christmas from their insanity except for their heretical statement on the salvation of Jews and Jorge Bergoglio's idea that Jesus was a bad boy and needed scolding and to make reparation.

The Catholic Herald has an important article by Father Mark Drew, a priest in charge of the parish of Hornsea in Middelsborough Diocedse in Engliand, at least for now. Fr. Drew lists the four options that Francis has, as observed by John Allen of Crux. They are worth pondering.  
First, he can postpone the decision, saying that there needs to be more reflection and study on the matter.
 Second, he can give a clear yes. All the signs are that this would be the option he personally favours. Yet this course is fraught with difficulties, being potentially the last straw for conservative critics whose resentment is already simmering dangerously and whose open rebellion he must want to avoid. It would, moreover, be an unprecedented break with former teaching which would essentially redefine the nature of the papal Magisterium by making it clear that what has in the past been presented as binding and irreformable teaching is in reality no more than a potentially shifting policy choice.
 A clear no, the third possibility, would disappoint and perhaps alienate many, such as Cardinal Walter Kasper, whom Francis has encouraged and whose support in return is important to him.
 The fourth and final option is to leave the ambiguity unresolved and, in effect, leave it to local bishops to choose the interpretation which suits them. The huge implications of such regional variation for the unity of the Church hardly need underlining.
Francis has created a disaster for himself and for all of us. If he comes down on the side of the Magisterium then there will be a falling away of many, perhaps even a formal schism. If he goes with the radicals such as Kasper, there won't be a schism because we know better, but there will be all out war on him and those others who undertook such a calamity.If he devolves the power to decide, he will have set in motion a congregationalist church which is not Catholic. 

Praying for the Pope to do the right thing goes without saying. Confronting him directly by Bishops and Cardinals who are prepared to be Shepherds, not hirelings, is paramount as are the voices of the faithful on forums such as blogs.

This is a disaster of his own doing. Jorge Bergoglio is proving to be the "authoritarian" of his Jesuit Superior past. He has really not changed. He is a Peronist, something he learnt in the perpetually failed-state of Argentina - a land blessed by God with Faith and resources and climate and which has been a land of corruption in Church and State.

Read the whole article at:

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Cardinal Burke on Synodal report paragraphs: "deceptive in a very serious way!"

Barona at Witness Blog, in addition to his kind words, has brought this interview to our attention. We have always had confidence that notwithstanding the hirelings, there are shepherds and Raymond Cardinal Burke is one of them.

In this interview, he lays out with clarity the errors in the Synod document and nails squarely, the skulduggery of Anthony Spadaro, S.J., a close confidant of Francis, Bishop of Rome.

The comment "deceptive in a very serious way" justifies all of our previous concern over the machinations and manipulations that this blogger has been warning about for 15 months and for which Thomas J. Rosica, CSB. attempted to sue into silence.

Rosica was outed for his disgusting action. He has brought ill repute upon himself for it for the world to see. It discredited his entire commentary at the Synod and he brought it on himself.

Spadaro is another one. He is a very dangerous man, in terms of the faith. It will take the likes of true shepherds, such as Cardinal Burke to stop him.

My Catholic brothers and sisters, do not be lulled into sleep. The wolf is prowling and the hirelings have, for the most part, abandoned the flock.


Interview With Cardinal Burke . . . Insights On The State Of The Church In The Aftermath Of The Ordinary Synod On The Family

January 4, 2016
Part 1
(Editor’s Note: His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, recently traveled from Rome to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wis., a magnificent place of worship which he founded and dedicated.
(His Eminence graciously granted an extensive interview to The Wanderer during which he shared his insights on a variety of topics, including the recently concluded Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family and his recommendations for how we should contend with the uncertainty and confusion that is currently prevalent among the clerical and lay faithful.)
+ + +

Friday, 4 December 2015

The Sodomy Synod of Shame

The adulterous and sodomitical synod of shame was called by this writer on more than one occasion, "a sham."

Who is Father Pio Pace? We do not know, Is this true or is it conjecture? Time will tell. 

As for me, I tend to believe it. I think the die was cast long ago. Yes, I believe the Apostolic Exhortation if not completed was certainly well-along, long before the Synod every began in October. 

I don't believe that any of these should operate in the shadows. They should declare their name and go full force if this is true and challenge the malefactors in the Church who would conspire to do such things. If this, and some of the others we've heard about recently, are this concerned then they must link up and declare what is going on. Operating in the shadows is not credible. Yes, they fear for their friends and others who will be punished but this corruption must be outed. What can they do, send them back to parish life? 

If these are careerists then they are no better than those who Pope Francis rages at. 

Put it out into the light and be not afraid.


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Cardinal Burke rebukes Pope Francis advisor Jesuit Anthony Spadaro

Raymond Cardinal Burke has written a commentary in the National Catholic Register rebuking the writing of Anthony Spadaro, S.J. and his assertion that the Synod has approved through the "internal forum," Holy Communion for adulterers.  

God bless Cardinal Burke!

CNA file photo

The Truth About the 14th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops?  


In the Nov. 28 issue of La Civiltà Cattolica, Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, director of the journal and a synod father, presents a summary of the work of the 14th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated to the vocation and mission of the family (pp. 372-391).

Although the author makes various affirmations about the nature and work of the Synod of Bishops, which demand critical comment in a longer study, one affirmation which necessitates immediate comment is summarized thus by the author:
The synod has also desired to touch wounded persons and couples to accompany them and heal them in a process of integration and reconciliation without barriers. Concerning access to the sacraments for those divorced and remarried civilly, the synod has formulated the way of discernment and of the “internal forum,” laying the foundations and opening a door which, on the contrary, had remained closed in the preceding synod.
Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/the-truth-about-the-14th-ordinary-assembly-of-the-synod-of-bishops/#ixzz3tDMB7PKW

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

BREAKING: Dominican real "theologian" determines Pope Francis' Synod document could lead to "de facto schism"

Sandro Magister has another must-read column. A thorough and superb analysis of the Final Relation from the Synod. We must not allow the heretic priests, bishops and commentators to get away with their modernist interpretations. We must call them heretics because that is what they are.

Here is how the real "theologian" speaks and sums up the situation.

Ultimately, if in one territory the priests encouraged by the “guidelines” of their bishop end up establishing practices that are uniform but divergent from those of other territories, this could lead to a de facto schism, legitimized for both sides by a dual possible interpretation of this document. And so we come to what we had presented back in July as a situation to be feared, if the synod did not succeed in defining a clear approach. And here we are.

The rest can be read at the link below. It is worth reading and sending to every priest you know.


Synod of Discord. Toward a “De Facto Schism” in the Church?

Dominican theologian Thomas Michelet lays bare the ambiguities of the synodal text. Which has not brought unity but has papered over the divisions. The conflict between “hermeneutic of continuity” and “hermeneutic of rupture.” The dilemma for Francis

by Sandro Magister

ROME, November 4, 2015 – Two weeks after its conclusion, the interpretations of what the synod on the family said still do not match up.

For some, this uncertain outcome was intentional. Fr. Adolfo Nicolás Pachón, the superior general of the Jesuits whom Pope Francis included on the commission charged with writing the final “Relatio,” openly claimed it as a success just after the synod ended:

“In everyone’s mind, on the commission, the idea was to prepare a document that would leave the doors open, so that the pope could come and go, do as he sees fit.”

And in fact all the expectations are now focused on what Francis will say. Who for his part already on October 28 revealed his intentions by telephone to his friend Eugenio Scalfari, a professed atheist and the founder of the leading newspaper of Italian secularist thought, “La Repubblica,” who promptly transcribed the pope’s words as follows:

“The diverse opinion of the bishops is part of this modernity of the Church and of the diverse societies in which she operated, but the goal is the same, and for that which regards the admission of the divorced to the sacraments, it confirms that this principle has been accepted by the synod. This is bottom line result, the de facto appraisals are entrusted to the confessors, but at the end of faster or slower paths, all the divorced who ask will be admitted.”

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the real Pharisees

During the Rosica Affair, the Fox and I received letters of prayer and encouragement from a Bishop ministering as an Auxiliary in an obscure diocese in a former Soviet republic. What a kind and good and holy man that did this to strangers at a time of distress. 

This bishop has made more Catholics aware of Kazakhstan than any other single person. His little gem, Dominus est, should be read by you and a copy given to a priest for good measure. This is the man that was responsible for Benedict XVI only giving Holy Communion on the tongue whilst people were kneeling. 

Bishop Athanasius Schneider is a Catholic, pure and simple. He is a bishop who speaks and writes words of truth and clarity lacking in many of those we hear from. It is galling to see that this man is not a Cardinal and close to the Pope such as the likes of Maradiaga, Wuerl and Kasper and others.

Rorate Caeli Blog has an exclusive interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider. I'll give you a little taste of it here but for the rest of that cool refreshing drink of Catholicism and episcopal spine. His words at Rorate Caeli are masterful and O, so Catholic. I invite you to go there to read it all, here, he quotes. Saint Basil the Great.

A back door to a neo-mosaic practice in the Final Report of the Synod
In a letter to Pope Damasus and to the Occidental Bishops, Saint Basil describes as follows the confused situation inside the Church: “The laws of the Church are in confusion.  The ambition of men, who have no fear of God, rushes into high posts, and exalted office is now publicly known as the prize of impiety.  The result is, that the worse a man blasphemes, the fitter the people think him to be a bishop.  Clerical dignity is a thing of the past. There is no precise knowledge of canons.  There is complete immunity in sinning; for when men have been placed in office by the favour of men, they are obliged to return the favour by continually showing indulgence to offenders. Just judgment is a thing of the past; and everyone walks according to his heart’s desire. Men in authority are afraid to speak, for those who have reached power by human interest are the slaves of those to whom they owe their advancement. And now the very vindication of orthodoxy is looked upon in some quarters as an opportunity for mutual attack; and men conceal their private ill-will and pretend that their hostility is all for the sake of the truth. All the while unbelievers laugh; men of weak faith are shaken; faith is uncertain; souls are drenched in ignorance, because adulterators of the word imitate the truth. The better ones of the laity shun the churches as schools of impiety and lift their hands in the deserts with sighs and tears to their Lord in heaven. The faith of the Fathers we have received; that faith we know is stamped with the marks of the Apostles; to that faith we assent, as well as to all that in the past was canonically and lawfully promulgated.” (Ep. 92, 2). 

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Tommy Rosica says that you "traditional, faithful, orthodox Catholics throw out words and have no idea what those words mean"

Our good friend Barona did his Friday penance by watching the entire video so you won't have to. If you visit over at Toronto Catholic Witness you can watch the snippet of it with this most wonderful quote by one of the interviewees, Tommy Rosica.
"Those claiming to be...traditional, faithful, orthodox Catholics throw out words and they have no idea what those words mean."
Logically then, of course, it would follow that if one does know what those words mean, then one is not a "traditional, faithful orthodox Catholic."

I fully agree.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Dr. Anca-Maria Cernea - A Doctor of more than medicine

During the Sodomy Synod to destroy the family, you may have heard about an intervention by a laywoman, a doctor from Romania. Here name is Dr. Anca-Maria Cernea, Doctor at the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment-Victor Babes and President of the Association of Catholic Doctors of Bucharest.

How bad has it gotten when it is the laity that understand the Catholic Faith and Truth more than some clerics, some prelates and even the Bishop of Rome himself?

Did they listen?

Tom Rosica, why have you not published this? you seem to care so much for what the laity thinks.

James Martin, you write of "love" and "mercy," why don't you write of this?

Donald Wuerl, why do you give interviews of distortion and manipulation, even outright lies instead of commenting on the clarity as expressed by Dr. Cernea.

Why, indeed.

Your Holiness, Synod Fathers, Brothers and Sisters,  
I represent the Association of Catholic Doctors from Bucharest. I am from the Romanian Greek Catholic Church. My father was a Christian political leader, who was imprisoned by the communists for 17 years. My parents were engaged to marry, but their wedding took place 17 years later. My mother waited all those years for my father, although she didn’t even know if he was still alive. They have been heroically faithful to God and to their engagement. Their example shows that God’s grace can overcame terrible social circumstances and material poverty.
We, as Catholic doctors, defending life and family, can see this is, first of all, a spiritual battle. Material poverty and consumerism are not the primary cause of the family crisis. The primary cause of the sexual and cultural revolution is ideological.
[Prophecy!] Our Lady of Fatima has said that Russia’s errors would spread all over the world. It was first done under a violent form, classical Marxism, by killing tens of millions. Now it’s being done mostly by cultural Marxism. There is continuity from Lenin’s sex revolution, through Gramsci and the Frankfurt school, to the current-day gay-rights and gender ideology. Classical Marxism pretended to redesign society, through violent take-over of property. Now the revolution goes deeper; it pretends to redefine family, sex identity and human nature. This ideology calls itself progressive. But it is nothing else than the ancient serpent’s offer, for man to take control, to replace God, to arrange salvation here, in this world. It’s an error of religious nature, it’s Gnosticism. It’s the task of the shepherds to recognize it, and warn the flock against this danger.
“Seek ye therefore first the Kingdom of God, and His justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.” The Church’s mission is to save souls. Evil, in this world, comes from sin. Not from income disparity or “climate change”.
The solution is: Evangelization. Conversion. Not an ever increasing government control. Not a world government. These are nowadays the main agents imposing cultural Marxism to our nations, under the form of population control, reproductive health, gay rights, gender education, and so on. What the world needs nowadays is not limitation of freedom, but real freedom, liberation from sin. Salvation.
Our Church was suppressed by the soviet occupation. But none of our 12 bishops betrayed their communion with the Holy Father. Our Church survived thanks to our bishops’ determination and example in resisting prisons and terror. Our bishops asked the community not to follow the world. Not to cooperate with the communists. Now we need Rome to tell the world: “Repent of your sins and turn to God for the Kingdom of Heaven is near”.
Not only us, the Catholic laity, but also many Christian Orthodox are anxiously praying for this Synod. Because, as they say, if the Catholic Church gives in to the spirit of this world, it is going to be very difficult for all the other (orthodox) Christians to resist it.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

The Wuerligig Cardinal keeps spinning and spinning; which way will it face?

Cardinal Wuerl continues to utter comments in the spirit of the recently held Synod that confound us. The latest is that:
“The frame of reference now is no longer the Code of Canon Law. The frame of reference is now going to be, ‘What does the Gospel really say here?’”
To which canonist Ed Peter’s responds.
“The 'frame of reference' for the mission of the Catholic Church has never, ever been the Code of Canon Law, and no canon lawyer I know of has ever, ever claimed otherwise. The 'frame of reference' for the Catholic Church has always been, and has only been, Christ the Lord."

During the lead-up to the Synod on the Family, the Pope issued a motu proprio modifying the process for declarations of nullity. Some have commented that this motu proprio will mean for the Church that which was previously admonished and ended by Rome in the United States in the early 1970's.

On  April 11, 1973, the  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the authority of Blessed Paul VI, issued a letter to the Bishops of the United States of America on "Invalid Marriages."

Letter regarding the indissolubility of marriage

This Sacred Congregation, which is responsible for defending the doctrine regarding faith and morals throughout the Catholic world, has been examining with careful attention the dissemination of new opinions which seek to deny or to put in doubt the doctrine regarding the indissolubility of marriage constantly proposed by the Magisterium of the Church.
These opinions are widespread, not only in books and newspapers, but also beginning to circulate even in seminaries, in Catholic schools, and even in the practices in some ecclesiastical tribunals of this or that Diocese.
Furthermore, these opinions, together with other doctrinal or pastoral explanations, have been advanced here and there as a pretext to justify abuses against the current discipline regarding the administration of the Sacraments to those who live in an irregular union.
Therefore, this Sacred Dicastery examined this problem during its Plenary Meeting of 1972, and issued its mandate, approved by the Supreme Pontiff, exhorting the Bishops to attentively insure that all those entrusted with teaching religion in schools or institutes of any grade, as well as those who serve as officials in ecclesiastical tribunals, remain faithful to the doctrine of the Church on the indissolubility of marriage and act in accord with this doctrine in their ecclesiastical tribunals.
Regarding the administration of the Sacraments, local Ordinaries should strive, on one hand, to encourage the observance of the discipline in force in the Church, and on the other hand, to act so that pastors of souls show particular solicitude toward those who live in an irregular union, seeking to resolve these cases through the use of the approved practices of the Church in the internal forum, as well as other just means.
Communicating these things to you with devoted respect, I remain yours,
+ Franjo Cardinal Seper
 + Jérôme Hamer, O.P.
Rome, April 11, 1973.

The following quote bears reading:
"A Catholic who is knowingly a partner in an invalid marriage is in reality and before God not married to his or her apparent spouse. Hence performance of the marriage act within that union is not a sacred and holy seal of married love, but really a wrongful use of sex. Those who have seriously disobeyed divine or ecclesiastical law by entering into an invalid marriage, and have perhaps committed many sins within that union, have a duty to return to grace as quickly as possible, and certainly to abstain from Holy Communion until they do soSome solution is always possible, even in the most difficult cases. At times one must accept a considerable amount of self-denial and bear the cross generously; but God’s grace is able to make even the most difficult burdens bearable. Even if individuals feel that they do not now have the moral strength to do what the law of God demands of them, they ought not despair. In prayer, faithful attendance at Mass, in doing the works of Christian love, they can with God’s grace gradually acquire the courage to do with peace whatever is necessary. Pastors and diocesan marriage tribunals will try to be of assistance to those in invalid marriages. Those seeking a good conscience in these matters must remember that their consciences are to be formed in the light of Church teachingEvery solution that is reached must be entirely faithful to the command of Christ that consummated and sacramental marriages can in no way be dissolved or treated as though they can be." 
The above quotation comes from page 514-515 from The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults published in 1983. (ISBN 0-87973-899-5).

The editors were Donald W Wuerl, Ronald Lawler OFM Cap and Thomas Comerford Lawler.

It would follow then, that Cardinal Wuerl knows very well what The Teaching of Christ is. It is, therefore, incumbent on the Cardinal to provide clarity, not obfuscation, truth and not distortion during his utterances with the media and Catholics in general as it relates to matters discussed at the Synod. 

Perhaps the good Cardinal can start a blog based upon his point at the opening of this post which was challenged by Ed Peters; it could be titled, WDTGRS. I'm sure Father Z wouldn't mind.

A line attributed to St. Thomas More, at least as spoken in the movie A Man for All Seasons, comes to mind.
"We must pray that when your head stops spinning, your face is front again."

Donald Wuerl is not a hypocrite

A few weeks ago, just before the start of the Synod, I was chatting with a priest friend. The subject of the Synod came up and the issue of homosexuality and state sanctioned, so-called marriage, between members of the same-sex and the overwhelming support for it by Catholics. I said that it is because these Catholics who support the abomination of sodomite and lesbian "marriages" are chronic masturbators. They view pornography on a regular basis alone or with their spouses or concubines and keepers. They engage in adultery themselves or have an "open marriage" and engage in "threesomes." They have experimented in the past with orgasms with someone of the same sex. They engage in sodomy in its actual and broadest sense as man and woman and as husband and wife to their own physical and spiritual detriment. They contracept, as a couple or individual. They may have had or aided the murder of their baby in the womb or they may be a closet sodomite or lesbian themselves.

They do this and they call themselves "Catholic." They may go to Mass and if they do, they surely receive the Holy Eucharist. What they do not do is go to Confession. In addition to not accepting the above as sins because they do not see them as sins, the one sin they do accept and would never want to commit is that of hypocrisy. To them, being hypocrite would be the greater sin.

After all, "Who am I to judge," they would ask themselves.

Coincidentally, the afternoon of writing the above, I found this on a Twitter feed.

Donald Wuerl is a lot of things. He is a manipulator and a deceiver to be sure and he may be other things, but what Donald Wuerl is not, is a hypocrite as evident by this comment from Fr. V.F., which appeared overnight in the combox:
Fr. VF said...
Cardinal Wuerl is the foremost spokesman for giving Communion to abortionists in public office.
All his current arguments for giving Communion to adulterers and sodomites are recycled from his many past statements in defense of giving Communion to abortionists in public office.
He pretends that Denial of Communion is a "penalty" that exists ONLY because of canon law--i.e., Canon 915. It is not, of course. It is mandated by the moral law, because: a) a minister of Communion who gives the sacrament to a person obstinately persisting in manifest grave sin is collaborating directly in the sin of sacrilege; b) the faithful are led to believe that the sin of the communicant is not a sin. By pretending that Denial of Communion is a "penalty," Wuerl evades the REAL issue: Giving Communion to person obstinately persisting in manifest grave sin is always grave matter; i.e., a mortal sin.
By pretending that Denial of Communion is a "penalty," he pretends that he is exercising legitimate "discretion" or "prudence" or "pastoral judgment" when he gives Communion to abortionists, adulterers, lesbians, etc. Bishops DO have discretion when it comes to the application of penalties, but Denial of Communion is not a penalty.
Cardinal Wuerl's long-standing PRACTICE--giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians, self-proclaimed lesbians (Cf. the case of Fr. Marcel Guarnizo), and gay couples (at regularly-scheduled "gay Masses in Pittsburgh and Washington), etc., is the reason that he is COMPELLED to insist now that Communion be given to people living publicly in adulterous unions.
Donald Wuerl is being entirely consistent. He could never, ever be a hypocrite. 

Or could he? 

On his blog, Wuerl writes that, "Dissent is perhaps something we will always have, lamentable as it is." Yet, when one reads the whole post, one realises that the real dissenter, is in fact, Donald Wuerl. 

Randy Engel, author of the Rite of Sodomy wrote whilst Wuerl was Bishop of Pittsburgh that, amongst:
"Pittsburgh Catholics, struggling to maintain their Catholic Faith and identity, many believe that what Bishop Wuerl has an obsession (and) a dangerous preoccupation with sex education, homosexual advocacy, multiculturalism, ecumenism, destruction of schools and parishes, feminism, married priests, politics, money, power, and suppression of the Faith."
The question then is not why is Wuerl fomenting confusion over the Synod report?

The question is, what caused Donald Wuerl to long ago accept other matters in so far as he did not see them as a barrier to Holy Communion based on Canon 915?

Or did I answer that in the very first paragraph above?

Post Script

In three weeks (November 12, 2015, Wuerl turns 75 and will offer his resignation as Archbishop of Washington to Pope Francis. He was appointed there and raised to the Cardinaliate by Benedict XVI.l He was consecrated a bishop personally by John Paul II.

For more on this. Canonist Edward Peters deals specifically with the matter. 

Raymond Cardinal Burke gave this overview in 2007.

Phil Lawler writes about Wuerl's betrayal of Father Marcel Guarnizo

Matt C. Abbott writes of Randy Engel's research into Donald Wuerl, Engel is the author of the Rite of Sodomy and the quote above can be found within. 


Randy Engel also writes of Wuerl's support of "Dignity" Masses over a period of eight  years, and his time as seminary rector.

UPI reports that Wuerl eventually ended "Dignity" after nearly ten years. 

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Cardinal Kasper is not following the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Walter Kasper, the German Cardinal who has created the storm of Holy Communion for those in adultery has been interviewed by Il Giornale.
Il Giornale: Your Eminence, in the Synod your line has predominated, that is to say, the possibility to allow  remarried divorcees to communion through an individual assessment. How do you rate the discussion of the Synod Fathers on this subject?Kasper: I am pleased to open the door to the possibility of the divorced and remarried to  communion.  There is a certain opening, but you do not even talk about the consequences. Now everything is in the hands of the pope, who decides. The Synod has made recommendations. There has been an opening, but the matter is still not completely resolved and needs to be further deepened.
The only truth that this dissenter from it states is that it "is in the hands of the pope, who decides."

Kasper's admission that "there is a certain opening," is a manipulation. The document refers to the "Internal Forum." Every priest knows what that is and what it means. It is spiritual direction and/or confession. The priest must counsel the person as to what the Church teaches. The priest must admonish the sinner and explain God's mercy and put them on a path to find it. That path DOES NOT include Holy Communion and can never include It. To do so, would be to commit the mortal sin of sacrilege. The priest, would have on his conscience, a grievous matter for which he would be held accountable by the very God, Himself.

Paragraph 86 states:
86. The path of accompaniment and of discernment orients these faithful to an awareness of their situation before God. The interview with the priest, in the internal forum, contributes to the formation of a correct judgment on what hinders the possibility of a fuller participation in the life of the Church and the steps that can foster it and make it grow. Given that within the same law, there is no gradualness (cf. FC 34), this discernment must not disregard the needs of truth and charity of the Gospel proposed by the Church. For this to happen, the necessary conditions of humility, confidence, love for the Church and its teaching, in the sincere search for God's will and in the desire to achieve a more perfect answer to it, must be guaranteed.
This paragraph does not say what Kasper says it does. 

Wuerling and spinning that would make a Dervish jealous

It is incumbent upon us to find and report and challenge the manipulations and distortions stemming from the Synod and in general when they are made by these prelates. The Church is in a deep crisis and it is men such as Cardinal Wuerl that have put Her in this position.

Cardinal Donald Wuerl, gave an exclusive interview about the synod to America Magazine whose Editor is our good friend, James Martin, S.J. This interview was conducted by Gerald O'Connell. 
The synod has concluded its work. Yesterday the synod fathers approved the final document and all 94 paragraphs got the two-thirds majority required.  What are your reflections now?
Well,  looking back over the whole synod and at yesterday particularly,  I think the big take-away from this synod is not so much the discussion about this or that paragraph, this or that point, but Pope’s Francis’ introduction of a whole wider, far more open approach to addressing  pastoral issues in the Church.  We will not be able to go back (to) a closed version of this after these two synods.
The conclusion yesterday said to me, in that aula of bishops from all round the world, there is huge support for what the Pope is trying to do, and this opens the discussions in the Church to a wider, wider, broader group of Church membership and that, I believe, is how he believes that the Holy Spirit will move the Church forward.  How can there be “huge support” when one considers that there were less than 280 bishops at the Synod? When one considers that over 40 were appointed directly by Pope Francis then the potential for a skewed result is even greater. We know that on the most contentious paragraphs the votes were close, in the case of the marriage and divorce issue, it passed by one. We do not know who voted how, but conceivably, on that paragraph, Cardinal Kasper and Cardinal Sarah or Marx and Cardinal Collins may have all voted against it, for reasons that it contained too much or too little. Second, Wuerl continues to make the egregious error that this Synod document actually means “Law.” It does not. It is advisory. The Pope can accept all, part, none, do something of his own choosing or do nothing at all. What is this “closed” version of pastoral care that Wuerl speaks of? I was told recently by a Monsignor how hurt and angry he was that priest have been lectured for “not being merciful.” The Pope has changed nothing. Will he? We will deal with that if and when he does, but so far, he has not. What has changed is the “language” by these deceitful Clericalists who defy the Second Vatican Council’s documents as it suits them, particularly liturgical and those empowering the laity to speak, unless of course you’re a lobbyist for a sodomite association and some homosexualist in the Vatican Press Office scams you a set of “press credentials.” Then, they’ll listen to you.
In his speech last night he said “many of us have felt the working of the Holy Spirit who is the real protagonist and guide of the synod.”  Is that what you felt too?
When I was asked about the document, my first response was this is the work of the Spirit. That final document could not have come about just from the writing team. There were ten people around that table and there were times when I actually could sense that there was more happening in the room than people just passing words around, something was happening and I think it was the gift of the Spirit working to say the mercy of God, the love of God, the pastoral ministry of the Church, has to be seen today as integral to the life of the Church and that’s what the synod accomplished.  That was not the Holy Spirit, it was group-speak and group-think. It was not God the Holy Spirit then any more than it was the Holy Spirit that Mahony felt take control of his pen and write the name “Bergoglio.” 
"I picked up my pen to write, and I began.  However, my hand was being moved by some greater spiritual force.  The name on the ballot just happened.  I had not yet narrowed my thinking down to one name; but it was done for me."  
The Holy Spirit gives clarity. He gives peace. He gives coolness and refreshment. There may have been a spirit alright, but it wasn’t of God and it was not God. Don’t say it was God the Holy Spirit. He is not confusion. If it were the Holy Spirit, there would be no ambiguity in the document. There would be no confusion. There would be no ability for James Martin, S.J., or any other dissenter to twist and confuse that which is not there or to exploit openings for their own agenda. If there are weaknesses in this document, then it is a result of man’s machinations. The Holy Spirit is no more behind this document than He is in “directly electing” the Pope at a conclave. He keeps men from electing someone who would totally destroy the Church. The promise of infallibility is given to the Pope on two very specific items, a solemn pronouncement on faith or morals, period. This synod was not and can never be, magisterial, unless the Pope, declare something from it to be, in his words. It is not infallible, only the Pope is and on that, he is gravely restricted. For Wuerl to insinuate that God is behind this is frankly, blasphemy against Him and insult to the intelligence of John and Mary Catholic. The Synod has changed no law!
 This morning in his homily the Pope said “This is the time for mercy”, and I thought it was very significant that he said it. The synod has closed and he has linked it directly to the Year of Mercy.
And it makes very good sense, doesn’t it. In that homily he took all the three (scripture) readings and showed how it’s the mercy of God that’s central.  And one of the priests said at the synod in his intervention, the love of the Father when it encounters the human condition becomes the mercy of Christ. I think that we’re seeing this magnificent revelation of God’s love for us, in creating and redeeming us, is alive in the world today precisely because of the mercy of God in his Church. I think that’s another take-away from this synod. The first is the openness - and there’s no going back on that. Secondly, no longer is the framework of the Church’s pastoral response the code of canon law. It’s now the Church’s understanding of God’s mercy at work in the Church’s pastoral and sacramental ministry. That’s a great shift.   A great shift? Our Blessed Lord said, “If you love me, keep my commandments." He also said, “I have not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it.” Wuerl would have us believe that we can throw it all away – throw away Canon Law as if it is somehow opposed to the Gospel. Canon Law is based upon the Gospel. The Church has not suddenly discovered “mercy.” Wuerl is a manipulator at best. He is manipulating these words for his own agenda.  That is the “take-away” from his comments. The Sacraments are mercy. The Church has always and everywhere, been "open."
John Paul II once told a close advisor in relation to a serious situation the Church was facing: when it’s a question of canon law or the Gospel, you follow the Gospel.
That’s the same thing.  You know what’s come out of this synod gradually, and in all the discussions – and I think they were very good discussions, once the smog of the idea that this was being manipulated and that there was a sinister plot, once that smog was blown away, and it was blown away in the small circles (language groups) when everybody realized we’re all talking about what we want to talk about, once we got out of the smog and into the fresh air the Spirit began to move.  And I think what we saw in the three weeks of the synod was a real reappraisal of, not the teaching – we all affirmed from day one the teaching - but how you share that teaching; how do you get people to stop long enough to listen to it.  How do you - as Francis said from the beginning - go out, encounter, and accompany? This synod did just that. It’s the first time that I have heard a synod attempt to do that.  Wuerl is simply not being truthful. The manipulation of the synod process and the communications stemming from it was evident for all to see in 2014 and again this past month. He is simply denying the obvious and putting a spin in this that he cannot defend.
Some see this synod as a turning point, a watershed, in the history of the Church.  How do you see it?
I think it is an opening to a new direction. I think the new direction is in complete continuity with the Second Vatican Council.  It’s just taken 50 years, good years in between where there was, sometimes, a lot of upheaval and then the consolidation of John Paul II.   We wouldn’t be here today if it were not for John Paul II. But now we’re at a point where the openness that the Council asked for, taking the Gospel in all of its integrity, in all of its truth and trying to find how does it actually reach and touch and change the world today. I think that’s where we are but in a whole new mode.  Pope Francis has said you can’t sit behind closed doors and do that.  This is nothing more than the heretical “spirit of Vatican II” manipulation, Wuerl is a master at it. When did the Church fail to proclaim the “Gospel in all its integrity?” Where did the Council Fathers proclaim a “new direction” that this Synod should somehow follow it, provided we read the Council with the “hermeneutic of continuity” and not “rupture.” It is Wuerl who defies the Council by trying to argue that some “new direction” is taking place. That is not what the Council taught. This is the "spirit of Vatican II" lie and heresy all over again and now they are calling it the spirit of the synod.
Yes and his concept of ‘synodality’ is crucial here. One week ago, speaking on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the synod of bishops, he said, “The way of synodality is the way that God wants for the Church of the third millennium.”
Yes, and that was I think the genius of connecting the two synods to say it’s ongoing.  You can’t come together in two weeks’ time, in three weeks’ time, and arrive at pastoral decisions that truly impact the world.  But if you start talking about it, and invite the larger Church into it as he did from before the first synod, through all the consultations, the episcopal consultations, then you’re on the road.  Pope Francis basically said we need to discuss these matters openly and in the light of the Holy Spirit.  I don’t think we can go back on that in the future.  If it was so "open," then why were the debates not in public? Did Wuerl and Baldisseri and Forte and Lombardi pressure Francis to go along with their secrecy? This is not Catholic, it is Masonic!
 It’s very interesting that in his speech last night at the end of the synod, the Pope said, “what seems normal for a bishop in one continent is considered strange and almost scandalous for a bishop from another.”  That is something that was evident in the synod.
I think that what we learned in the synod in dealing with human sexuality, marriage and family was that around the world all that’s lived and experienced differently, culturally.  The Church hasn’t changed her teaching on any of that, but the challenge to even have that teaching get a hearing varies greatly.  In our small circle (language group), I so much appreciated hearing from people from India, from Africa,  and one from a country that was previously behind what was called the Iron Curtain, and then from all of us from the Western world. I think you’ll note that this Final Document is not seen only in the framework of the Western world.  When you look through those paragraphs it’s no longer a Western world speaking on behalf of the whole Church.  That’s also a huge difference.  “I so much appreciated hearing from people from India, from Africa and from one from a country that was previously behind what was called the Iron Curtain.” What a condescending an arrogant statement. I’m surprised he didn’t add “but they should not tell us too much what to do.” 
As you said earlier, it’s taken the Church almost fifty years to reach this point. As you look to the future what do you see?
Well, remember the Church always, just given the size of it and the importance of the message, moves very, very slowly. One of the reasons it took fifty years to get here was because of all the confusion and upheaval in the late sixties and seventies.  And it took the entire pontificate of John Paul II to begin to right order things.  Once again to provide stability to the Church based on the Council. Now we’re in a position to move forward.  I suspect we’re going to run into a number of currents, and it’s going to be up to the leadership in the Church, now working in a very different way, working with the whole body of the Church, to steer clear of exaggerations.  Ah, there is that wonderful word, “Forward.” Used by Marxists and Maoists for a century now. The “confusion and upheaval” is still present, it has not gone away and under these men who have felt the freedom to be so bold under this pontificate, it continues anew. The Second Vatican Council is not the only Council the Church has had. If one is looking to it for stability, one will end up in the opposite place. The “leadership of the Church” he speaks of. Friends, the Church is all of us united with one bishop in our diocese united with the Pope of Rome. The Church is not some political entity, some government where majority rules. Less than 280 men cannot make decision on matter that will affect the whole Church. This man ascribes more power to himself and synodality than there is. SYNODALITY IS NOT CATHOLIC! 
By this you mean people, priests and bishops, working all together?Yes, the bishops exercising their responsibility, but as pastors of a Church made up of the faithful - the rest of the faithful. That’s what Pope Francis asked these two synods to do, which is what they did. The voices heard at the synod just concluded reflected the consultation round the world. That’s going to be a part of going into the future. But  I think we have to be cautious that moving into the future we don’t take every suggestion and say this now has to be done. We can take every suggestion and say let’s consider it.  The Church does not change doctrine or practice based on a poll. 
Discernment is the key.
Yes, discernment.  We can discern too, can't we, my fellow Catholics. We are also able to use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and we can discern when those who have been given great gifts, use them to undermine and manipulate Truth.
Obviously the question that now many people ask after they saw that the real battle in the synod last night was around the three paragraphs (Ns.84,85 and 86) in the final document regarding the divorced and remarried. You were in the commission drafting the final document, how did you manage to arrive at a text that could actually garner the approval of two-thirds of the synod?
The norm was, whatever we present has to be balanced.  Remember the Holy Father told us that he wanted that whatever we produced to truly reflect what was heard in the (synod) hall.  Ambiguity is not from the Holy Spirit.
That was when he came in and spoke to the commission.  
He said this document has to be a consensus document; and a consensus document has to reflect what the majority of people in the hall were saying.  And so we made that the touchstone to say whatever we produce the majority of bishops in the hall have to be able to “you know that sounds like what we heard, that sounds like what we said.” And when we came to these neuralgic issues – I have to tell you I kept using that word until one of the other fathers said to me “why don’t we just use the word ‘difficile’  (difficult) not ‘neuralgici’ “, so I started using the word ‘difficile’ – when we came to the difficult points we said it has to be balanced, because you heard great balance in the synod hall, you heard people speaking from a variety of positions.
You also heard apocalyptic declarations.
Yes, but they did not represent the consensus in the hall. Yes, let us dismiss as nonsensical those in the synod hall who clearly took a serious view of the proceedings from the spiritual. Who is Wuerl to conclude that these bishops warning with “apocalyptic declarations” (which means, revealing), were not acting with the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If God was present at the Synod then if He saw that men were going down a road to perdition, would a God of mercy not seek to influence it? Is only Wuerl party to the words of the “spirit?”
You mean they were marginal voices  (Those on the periphery don't count?)
Yes, they didn’t represent the consensus in the room.   So that’s what we tried to do (to write a consensus document) and I think that our brother bishops in the hall recognized that.These paragraphs are very balanced, they don’t come down on any one side saying “you’re all right and you’re all wrong.”  Those paragraphs pretty much describe where the Church is today; what the Church is saying we’re trying to do today, without saying “this is all right, this is all wrong.”  Here friend is the problem. The Church is not a democracy. Voting cannot ever decide “This is all right, this is all wrong.” Scripture and Tradition decide. There can be no changes to what is right and wrong. Sodomy is wrong. Adultery is wrong. They are sins. People who commit them without repentance will go to Hell. The result of this “balance” is a document which has orthodoxy but one with wording that is soft enough and mushy enough for someone with an agenda opposed to Church teaching to use to suit their agenda.  
The three major Italian newspapers today lead with the same banner headline on their front pages: the synod reaches agreement on opening to the divorced and remarried.
The synod’s final document says people who are divorced and remarried are still members of the family, they are still our brothers and sisters and so we want to make sure that they don’t feel excluded from the Church, but it doesn’t say therefore this and this and this must happen.  It’s the “therefore” that we will be talking about going into the future. They are not “excluded.” This is a boldfaced lie. They are not excommunicated which is what “excluded” means. Do they “feel excluded?” Then involve them in parish life, counsel them; ensure they come to Mass. They cannot receive Holy Communion unless they do what is required of all of us. Confession. Penance. Firm intention of amendment of life. Wuerl is silent on this but he knows and we know what it is to which he is referring. The Church has always had a pastoral approach for people in this situation. Live together for the sake of the “family” as “brother and sister.” It has been done. It is done every day. People don’t die if they don’t have an orgasm. We are greater than the sum of our genital parts. Frankly, these prelates have a Freudian preoccupation with the whole matter of sex and sodomy!
I imagine the Pope will write something about this, since you asked him to do so in the final document.
That was the last paragraph.  By the way we introduced that last paragraph because there were people saying “what’s going to come out of this?” So we said, why don’t we ask the Pope to produce something on this?
What do you expect?
This is really perplexing for me. I don’t know if he will do a document, a post-synodal apostolic exhortation, or whether he will use this, different sections of it, to have further reflection on, or to give some series of conferences, homilies, Wednesday audience talks on one or other aspect of it, and help it develop. I really don’t know.
Do you think he could write an encyclical?
He could easily write an encyclical based on all of this.  I just don’t know.
What are you taking back from the synod for the American Church?
What I want to take back, and what I’ve already started to put together, is the recognition, first of all, that it was a successful synod.  We set out to talk about family, and for three weeks the whole world was talking about the Catholic Church. There is no “American Church.” You can tell this came from America Magazine. There is the Catholic Church in America or Canada or Uganda. Yes. The whole world was talking about the Catholic Church. God help us.
I’ve never seen so many journalists come to report on a synod
Yes. So we succeeded in focusing on the family.  We also succeeded, I believe, and this is something all in the Church have to work on, we succeeded in realizing, recognizing that we need to focus a lot more energy on our families and on strengthening for the next generation the concept of family and marriage. Having said that we also said you just can’t say that every pastoral issue is closed. There has to be in the Church more ongoing reflection and discussion.  I think that is also a very good thing. So I will be saying to the Church in the United States -I get back to my archdiocese tomorrow - I hope to be able to say this synod was a success because it brought our attention to marriage and family. It was a success because you can see the work of the Spirit in those final 94 paragraphs. And third, the synod was a call of the Spirit to say we have to be far more embracing, the outreach of the Church even to her own members has to be far more embracing. I would also like to remind everyone to pray for Our Holy Father.
Yes everyone recognizes that without Pope Francis this kind of synod wouldn’t have happened.
His closing talk, I thought, spoke to his sanctity. He gave this beautifully serene, compassionate talk, (!) pointing out facts and being open, even referring  to conspiracy theories, but at no time condemning anybody, just saying let’s move on now and keep moving forward.
Yes, and he said, “The Church’s first duty is not to hand down condemnations or anathemas, but to proclaim God’s mercy, to call to conversion, and to lead all men and women to salvation in the Lord.”

I think that’s why people love him.   He speaks the truth, but he really does it in love.
Note:  This article was first published in America magazine and is not reproduced here with permission, nor do I care.

“What makes people hypocrites? They disguise themselves, they disguise themselves as good people: they make themselves up like little holy cards, looking up at heaven as they pray, making sure they are seen—they believe they are more righteous than others, they despise others.”  Pope  Francis