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Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 January 2013

More Toronto media and university hypocrisy


A week ago, I wrote here about the situation at the Newman Centre in Toronto over the Courage program at the University of Toronto. An article appeared in the getting thinner Globe and Mail and a whole two weeks later has found its way into the even less relevant Toronto Star. The Newman Center is on Catholic land withing vicinity of the University of Toronto.

Last week, the "sexual education centre" at the same university announced a special relationship with a Toronto swingers' club with discounts for students.

The Toronto media and various university groups, executives and others are hyperventilating that a Catholic Chaplain at a Catholic Church would actually teach and promote Catholicism, in this case, chastity for those with same-sex attraction (and opposite-sex attraction for that matter) whilst at the same time, bubbly over about a swingers club.

If there can be any other recent example in this city of how deranged this university, our Toronto media and our culture have become, this writer hard pressed to identify it.

A message first to the haters out there. Courage is not about changing anyone into a heterosexual. Courage is not about condemnation, now, get over it and stop hyperventilating; grow up and grow a real pair because there is more to life than being governed by your gonads.  

Mass attendance is allegedly down since some people have reportedly left the parish over this matter. Sad to see them go but may I suggest that one reads the Gospel of St. John, chapter 6 to see WJWD for a greater understanding into this matter.

The message to everyone else is this; Why not visit the Newman Center and St. Thomas Aquinas Church and attend Mass there today at 11:00 A.M. or 7:00 P.M. to show your support for the young people there and the good work being done by its dedicated, caring and committed Pastor and Chaplain, Father Chris Cauchi

If that's not possible, then let us all pray for him.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Toronto's Newman Centre criticized for being Catholic

The Globe and Mail (there's a reason why it's become so thin), which bills itself as Canada's National Newspaper, has taken it upon itself to note a little dust-up at the Newman Centre at the University of Toronto. The reporter reveals his own bias in the first sentence with his comment about a "controversial program dubbed Courage." It seems that the new Chaplain  has had the temerity to teach the Catholic faith and actually implement a church-recognised program started by the late Father John Hardon called Courage. Courage aids people living with same-sex attraction to live lives in conformity with Church teaching. Where's the controversy? If the reporter actually took the time to study the goals he might have been more objective in his reporting and the typical anti-Catholic hatred in the com-box would, at least, have been properly educated. 

The Newman Centre has come a long way since one of its former Chaplains invited Mr. Gregory Baum to speak and then tried to have Catholic protesters arrested after reporting it to the National Catholic Fishwrap that they were "attacked", but I digress.


The following five goals of Courage were created by the members themselves when Courage was founded.

1. Live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality. (Chastity)
2. Dedicate ones life to Christ through service to others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance at Mass, and the frequent reception of the sacraments of  reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. (Prayer and Dedication)
3. Foster a spirit of fellowship in which all may share thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no one will have to face the problems of homosexuality alone. (Fellowship)
4. Be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are not only possible but necessary in a chaste Christian life and in doing so provide encouragement to one another in forming and sustaining them. (Support)
5. Live lives that may serve as good examples to others. (Good Example)

Some attendees at the Newman Centre were offended and have taken their complaint to the University of Toronto because those five goals are really offensive and hateful.

Note to the Globe and Mail and the University of Toronto: The Newman Centre is a Catholic parish within the University community and we have in this country something called a Constitution, so back-off. To you Catholics who have complained, well; read your catechism, seek spiritual direction and pray and if you still think the same, then deal with it.

For more on Courage and the late Father John Harvey and other matters of same-sex attraction, without the hyperbole of the main-stream media please visit the Sheepcat -- Catholic commentary by a former gay activist and his wife.

Hat tip to Witness.