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Showing posts with label Abuse Crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abuse Crisis. Show all posts

Monday, 23 January 2023

Did a lockdown sex party and priest charges and suicide lead to the resignation of the "Oratorian" Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle?

Just another day in the Ape of the Catholic Church. 

Is this why the Bishop of Hexham suddenly resigned a month ago? What did he know? Did he fail to act? Was he blackmailed? Maybe just getting out of the storm. What a coward.

After a visit from the police in April 2022 over historic accusations of sexual abuse, the priest in the article below hanged himself. Innocent people don't commit suicide. They fight to proclaim their innocence or they suffer false accusations as did Christ. 

Newcastle priest found dead was being investigated by police for historic child sex abuse - Chronicle Live

But worry not. The Vatican is investigating. Just like it is investigating the sodomite orgy that took place above the offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. How did that one go?

According to Francis, the Usus Antiquior of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the problem.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Cardinal Collins shut down the Mass for you but wants $30,000,000.00 of your money for pagan "Indigenous spirituality!"


The Archdiocese of Toronto will hold a special collection next weekend, October 1/2, to support the Indigenous Healing & Reconciliation Fund. Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto are invited to participate in this collection. The collection is a national grassroots effort to assist healing and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples of This Land. The fund was the result of a $30 million financial commitment made by the Canadian Bishops in September 2021. 

Funds will support culture and language revitalization, education and community building, healing and reconciliation for communities and families and dialogue involving Indigenous elders, spiritual leaders and youth with a focus on Indigenous spirituality and culture. This is an opportunity to follow the invitation of the Holy Father made earlier this year for each one of us to become engaged in the healing and reconciliation journey.

For more information or to donate online, visit: www.archtoronto.org/healingandreconciliation

That there is generational suffering amongst many of the indigenous peoples of Canada is undeniable. This has been a result of government policy, the tearing up of the same treaties, the perversion and corruption of chiefs and so much more. Is there clean water even yet in Attawapiskat? Over a century ago, the Government of Canada developed a policy of integration and assimilation. On one hand, there were good reasons for this, including full participation of native peoples in social and economic society. On the other, the national interest of resource development, railroads and Eastern European wheat farmers necessitating getting them off their historic land to make room. It is a complicated issue. I have written previously that, in my view, the great error of the Catholics of the day, mainly religious orders, was to work hand in hand with the government in an action against the interests of the people and of truth (as with the shut down of churches over the flu). 

In two days, we will recall the Feast of the Canadian Martyrs who, while three centuries earlier, lived amongst the people and preached Christ and salvation. Those Orders and Bishops should have used St. Jean de Brebeuf and St. Isaac Jogues and companions as examples, not partnering with the secular state. Yes, we will go to their teepees and long houses and we will educate them and guide them, but we won't take them from their homes." This is what the response should have been. The question of residential school graveyards is an opportunity for anti-catholic hatred and bigotry. Yes, there are graves. Children died of diseases, influenza, diphtheria, meningitis, and measles. Maybe some were abused. A tragedy, but these are not mass graves as we understand them from Hitler or Pol Pot or Stalin.

To return to the statement above, Toronto Catholics and others in Canada are being asked to fund $30,000,000.00 in "dialogue involving Indigenous elders, spiritual leaders and youth with a focus on Indigenous spirituality and culture." What does this mean? A return to their pagan routes? The grandmothers of the four winds or whatever other pagan practices have been reborn amongst the current generation of indigenous witch doctors? They shut you out of the church and now expect you to pay for their errors while they affirm these people in pagan idolatry and deny Jesus Christ.

Not one penny. 

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Assistant to the Editor of Toronto's Catholic Register, Michael Swan; "The failure of Catholics" to willingly be raped and pillaged

A so-called journalist with Toronto's Cardinal "No Mass for You" Collins owned The Catholic Register has blamed Catholics for the failure of Canadian bishops to live up to "their" commitment to providing financial resources for programs to somehow make up for the matter of Residential Schools.

Reconciliation fund approves first project (catholicregister.org)

Writing in the July 20 edition, Swan states, "Given the failure of Catholics to raise $25 million in a “best efforts” campaign that ran between 2008 and 2013 — that campaign fell $21 million short of its goal — the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre is watching closely this time around."

There is an old saying about a fool and his money soon being parted. Any Catholic that gives one penny to these spineless episcopal campaigns has fulfilled that saying. 

Classic gaslighting. Blam the victim. Blame the long-suffering Catholics in the pew for their own "failure."

Not one penny!

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Is Francis really coming to Canada?

Is Francis really coming to Canada? He is scheduled to arrive next week to engage in a farce of apology to the native people of Canada. He has recently cancelled a trip to Africa and that was not the first. The Canadian bishops and Vatican clowns have pagan imagery in the logo and a phrase just reeking of ableism, "walking together" as the theme, clearly excluding those in wheelchairs. That, no doubt, will be the next apology.

Briefly, graves were discovered on the grounds of some residential schools. Graves, in what were cemeteries. Not "mass graves" as in one open pit NAZI or Pol Pot or Stalin style. The children died of many things, influenza, Diphtheria, pneumonia and many other diseases. There is not one piece of evidence that any of these poor children were murdered. It is all a lie. Were some physically or sexually abused? No doubt, some. This happened in all boarding schools. None of it should ever have happened in Catholic schools. One was too many. The residential schools were official Canadian government policy. They wanted the natives off their lands for resources, railroads and farmers from Ukraine. The "Crown," the Government of Canada, broke every Treaty it ever signed. All Christian religious denominations in Canada, along with the Catholic Church, took government money -- all of them took children from their homes, families, and communities and took them at the government's orders to their boarding schools. That, particularly for the Catholic Church in Canada, was a crime against them and the Faith. There can be no debate about this. It was wrong, the Bishops should never have done it. Children always have a right to be at home with their parents, the Church and State never have a right to remove them unless they are in obvious physical or emotional harm and culture and language and history do not equate. But, it was done by all at the coercive hand of the Crown.

The Church in Canada had every obligation in the name of Christ to convert the natives and bring them to Christ. This should have been done by living amongst them as did St. Jean de Brebeuf and his companions, not removing them from their homes.  

As for an apology, the Canadian government already did it as did Pope Benedict XVI and the Canadian bishops. This new action is a political show to force an official apology directly from the Pope in order to set up each diocese in Canada for a massive lawsuit due to the collective guilt they have accepted and the apology they will give. That is what this is about. The Canadian bishops are fools for inviting Bergoglio. Any Catholic who gives one penny for this visit or reparations is an equal fool. Justin Trudeau has already granted $30,000,000.00 for the visit of our tax money. 

The texts of the Masses and Vespers have been seen by this writer. They are the basic Novus Ordo Mass texts for the day. Nothing odd. However, as expected, a smudging ceremony will be undertaken in Edmonton. A pagan ceremony will be used to "purify" a Catholic Church and Bergoglio.

As with his worship of Pachamama which unleashed a horror on the world, do not expect anything good to come from the worship of false idols and false religion by the one who walks in the "Shoes of the Fisherman," or goes along with a ceremony of Smudging to purify a the Temple of God. What utter blasphemy from a blasphemous nation and Pope.

But I return to my original question. Will Papa Hagan Lio actually make the trip or will he cancel at the last minute leaving Canada's Catholic bishops holding the bag? And speaking of a bag, just what kind of bag is it? Is it a Prada? A Ferragamo? A Louis Vuitton? 

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Delirious Dichotomy - the profound liturgical wisdom of Francis

 An Apostolic Letter was issued in Rome today by Pope Francis. A Jesuit has commented formally on the liturgy. The last time I was at Mass celebrated by a Jesuit, everything had changed but the bread and wine. In Toronto, we are blest to have a Jesuit pastored parish, Our Lady of Lourdes.

The document urges proper liturgical formation. I can agree with that.


Let's see. Pope Francis would like proper liturgical formation.

Can we begin with Sacrosanctam Concilium?

Chirograph on Sacred Music?

Redemptionis Sacramentum?

How about the General Instruction on the Roman Missal?

Please, spare me, Jorge.

As for this, your "intention" will mean nothing. Nor, will you live long enough. Your attempt to tear the Church apart over this will fail. You will not stop It. Who thought at Easter or a year ago or a decade ago that we would see Roe vs. Wade collapse so quickly? The same will happen to the false church dwelling within the Bride of Christ. 

For more information, Father Zuhlsdorf has explored the shallow depths of the mind of Francis and his ghostwriters.


Thursday, 29 October 2020

Upset readers over posting of pervert Basilians - some prefer cover-up. "Better that scandal arise than the truth be suppressed." - St. Gregory the Great

It seems that some are upset that I have posted this matter of the perverted Basilian priests and in particular, the bedpan carrying serial plagiarist, Thomas J. Rosica. I have received harassing and abusive messages and posts on Facebook. He is now blocked, (sorry Zacchaeus Neil Capasso). You cannot come on my page and publicly call me "evil" and then send me private messages insulting me and deriding me and not be publicly outed for it. Perhaps yous should now make your Facebook, private.

This kind of Catholic who hides behind his "prayer" and yet his prayer directs him to send abusive and spiteful messages is suffering delusion. He is also a hypocrite. I've dealt with this type of barking madman for years because of this blog and my refusal to stay silent in the face of evil. They think they pray and then God tells them to send abusive emails and messages. 

So, we shall post it again.

No cover up. Not now. Not ever! 

Friday, 21 August 2020

Nino Cavoto a Toronto Priest accused of sexual predation from time in New York!

There is some very sad news to report from Toronto.

Nino Cavoto, the Pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows of the Holy Moly Doors and former Salesian priest in the Archdiocese of New York has been removed from ministry. The Archdiocese of Toronto received information that allegations have been in New York that Cavoto sexually abused a minor whilst there between 1979 and 1983. Cavoto is, of course, entitled to his defense and due process. There is no indication, at this point, that Cavoto engaged in any abusive behaviour with a minor in Toronto. 

Some time after Summorum Pontificum a rather nasty comment was made in the church bulletin there about it. It was sent to me and I wrote a post on it. Nino didn't appreciate it and would have known where I was involved in church music at the time. He clearly applied some pressure and I was "asked" to remove the post. Nino made controversy when he removed the original crucifix which was preserved on the reredos for a rather beautiful but unnecessary icon of Christ Pantocrator. Its not as if colour or mosaic were lacking in the church. An action that upset the artistic symmetry of the original design. He went further when the beautiful oak doors were replaced by a bronze monstrosity at over $400,000,00 with an engraved spelling mistake. Why are these important? Because of the narcissisms they reveal. 

It is interesting that the accusations should come forty years later. It reveals that it often takes this long for a victim to deal with the crimes but also reflects the changes in statutes of limitation. 

Where there is smoke, there is not always incense, sometimes it is fire. The Toronto "A-Team" just lost one of their own. 

All of this is so very, very sad. For the victims of these "alleged" perverts and the affect on evangelisation and the beautiful truth of the Catholic faith so destroyed by the infiltration of those who came in to use their power for their own selfish and demonic desires.

Monday, 27 April 2020

SSPX: Allegations of cover-up or stonewalling of criminal investigation is "false!"

In my continuing effort to be fair and balanced in the matter of ChurchMilitant's reporting on allegations of sexual abuse and cover-up by some in the Society of St. Pius X, I present here, the latest response from officials in the Society and comment.


The scourge of perversion, predation and sexual abuse in the Church must be cut out. We know that it has reached the highest levels. Theodore McCarrick is not the first prelate to have been found out, only the most prominent and recent. The cover-up of McCarrick's actions even reached Francis Bergoglio himself. Why would we doubt that even in the Society, sodomites embedded themselves? Others, for whatever reason, whether in denial and acting in good faith to prevent scandal, did not make public reports. Did some act maliciously? Maybe. 

As we were told by St. Gregory the Great; "It is better to let scandal arise than truth to be suppressed." 

Just as this disease has infected our dioceses and religous orders and does not change the truth of the Faith, so it is that any malefactors in the Society of St. Pius X, whomever they may be, do not change the good work done by 99.9% of the priests, nuns and religous and the faithful Catholic communities. 

Monday, 20 May 2019

Buffalo: Police and Church conspire to cover Sodomite Predator Abusers!

The latest diocese in the United States to explode with the filth of homosexual perverts in the priesthood is Buffalo. 

President Trump; RICO NOW!

Some of the Catholic priests who served in the Buffalo Diocese and were accused of molesting children.

For years, most of their victims were too scared or embarrassed to make complaints.
But Buffalo Police had marching orders not to arrest Catholic priests, according to former vice squad Detective Martin Harrington and other retired officers. Instead they alerted the bishop’s office to any illegal activities.
“The department’s unwritten policy was that Catholic priests did not get arrested,” said Harrington, who investigated vice crimes for 17 years and retired in 1995. “I never had any experience with priests who molested children. I never heard of any priests molesting children. But we had priests we caught with pornography, or masturbating in the city parks, and our orders were to turn them over to the Buffalo Diocese. The diocese would deal with them … but they would not be arrested.”
The policy “only extended to Catholic priests,” Harrington recalled. “If we caught clergy from other religions, we arrested them.”

Saturday, 2 March 2019

On Cardinal Pell

Image result for cardinal pell

As is known, George Cardinal Pell was found guilty in an Australian court and is in prison, with bail denied, awaiting his sentencing, an appeal has been announced.

This was a controversial case. I find it incredulous, unbelievable that any bishop could assault an altar boy in the sacristy after Mass. The bishop would be the first to leave, there would be all kinds of people around. It does seem odd. The evidence seems to be scant. One alleged witness or victim is dead and denied ever being assaulted.

It all seems a set-up.

Unless, it isn't.

People are proclaiming his innocence and describing the Australian justice system as "Kangaroo" Courts, if you'll pardon the expression. Some opine that it was a Bergoglian set-up because he was getting too close to financial corruption and the Australian Left and sodomite union was happy to do it.

I have no doubt that Bergoglio is capable of anything, absolutely anything. But on this band-wagon for or against him, I am not jumping on.

A reader has asked me to post this link and I shall. 


There is this.


My question is this. Are we engaged in denial and wishful thinking because Cardinal Pell is a conservative, whatever that may be in the present day church crisis?

What if it is true?

Friday, 21 December 2018

Francis calls on predator clergy to turn themselves in to "human justice" but why should we believe that this will do anything?

In the annual Christmas address and greetings to Cardinal and other Vatican officials, Pope Francis has called upon priests and clergy who have abused children to turn themselves over to civil authorities and to prepare for their own divine judgement. He continued by expressing his "heartfelt thanks" to journalists, and presumable bloggers, who "sought to unmask these predators and give voice to the victims." 

Francis chose to quote from St. Matthew, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." The picture below was taken by this writer recently at a historical mill just north of Toronto. It is a fitting reminder for these damnable perverts. 

Yet, it is Catholic bloggers such as this writer, Michael Voris, Michael Matt, Michael Hichborn, Louie Verrecchio and writers and researchers and lawyers such as Elizabeth Yore and Randy Engel who have been testifying and proclaiming from the ramparts for years, and all of us have been ignored or relegated as "divisive" or "hysterical" or "uncharitable" or having "messiah complexes." 

Now, even after he mocked the victims in Chile and then affirmed one in his homosexuality expects the Catholic faithful to believe that he is serious.

Surely, we can support him when he calls upon these perverts, these malefactors and wretched predators to turn themselves over to civil authorities. Surely, we can support him when he calls upon them to prepare for "divine judgement." But what he has said is not enough, it does not go near far enough and it does not deal with the source of the problem. 

Pope Francis specifically refers to those priests who abused minors, a horrendous crime against God and man, against the spiritual and physical. Yet, the abuse of minors is only on the radar because it is, of course, "illegal." But while every one of these predators must be punished, must be tried in courts and defrocked from the priesthood, Francis is leaving something out.

While some victims were girls and women, the overwhelming majority of victims were young boys and teenagers. This tells us that it is a problem of sodomites in the priesthood. But the abuse of children is only part of the problem. The ongoing sexually perverse corruption of homosexuality in the priesthood and episcopacy is the source of the problem. It is fair to say that a sodomitical act between two consenting priests or a priest and layman or seminarian is not under civil law, "illegal." But it is under God's law. It is under all the moral law. 

Where is the action on the  part of Pope Francis to remove from the clerical state any priest, bishop or cardinal who has engaged in sodomitical acts with anyone? Where is the commitment to rid the clergy of all men who or so inclined and the absolute refusal to ever ordain one?

Do not be fooled. This is deflection and spin.

It is nowhere near enough.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

McCarrick's Victim Speaks Out on McCarrick and St Gallen Mafia

"What is the connection between the St Gallen Mafia meeting in Switzerland and the early studies of ex Cardinal Theodore McCarrick in Sankt Gallen Switzerland? Informed Catholics know that the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of Pope Francis were tied to the Saint Gallen Mafia, but McCarrick's victim James Grein breaks open the story. Dr. Taylor Marshall interviews "James" Grein from the New York Times story, and reveals how the young Theodore McCarrick made connections with his family in Sankt Gallen Switzerland and how this event shaped McCarrick's ecclesiastical career and the movement against Pope Benedict XVI with his eventual resignation. Archbishop Vigano's testimony and the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI make sense now in light of this discovery of McCarrick's historic connection with the city of Sankt Gallen Switzerland. James Grein also explains the importance of McCarrick as a fundraiser and the importance of the Vatican Bank in the pontificate of John Paul II. If you are interested in the resignation of Pope Benedict and the unusual election of Pope Francis, you must see this video to connect the dots." ... Dr. Taylor Marshall

Monday, 12 November 2018

Whatever little action on perverts by American bishops has been deep-sixed by Bergoglio and his minions

NATION |  NOV. 12, 2018

Vatican Cancels US Bishops’ Vote on Sex-Abuse Reform Measures

The instruction to delay consideration of a new ‘Code of Conduct’ for bishops, creation of a lay-led investigative body came directly from the Holy See, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo told USCCB meeting.
Ed Condon/CNA
BALTIMORE — Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, has told the American bishops that they will not vote on two key proposals that had been expected to form the basis for the Church’s response to the sexual-abuse crisis.

The news came at the beginning of the U.S. bishops’ conference fall general assembly, meeting in Baltimore Nov. 12-14.

The instruction to delay consideration of a new “Code of Conduct” for bishops and the creation of a lay-led body to investigate bishops accused of misconduct came directly from the Holy See, Cardinal DiNardo told a visibly surprised conference hall.

Cardinal DiNardo said that the Holy See insisted that consideration of the new measures be delayed until the conclusion of a special meeting called by Pope Francis for February. That meeting, which will include the presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences, will address the global sex-abuse crisis.

Apologizing for the last-minute change to the conference’s schedule, he said he had only been told of the decision by Rome late yesterday.

Ahead of the bishops’ meeting, two documents had been circulated: a draft “Standards of Conduct” for bishops and a proposal to create a new special investigative commission to handle accusations made against bishops.

These proposals had been considered to be the bishops’ best chance to produce a substantive result during the meeting and signal to the American faithful that they were taking firm action in the face of a series of scandals that have rocked the Church in the United States over recent months.

Speaking before the conference session had even been called to order, Cardinal DiNardo told the bishops he was clearly “disappointed” with Rome’s decision. The cardinal said that, despite the unexpected intervention by Rome, he was hopeful that the Vatican meeting would prove fruitful and that its deliberations would help improve the American bishops’ eventual measures.

While Cardinal DiNardo was still speaking, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago intervened from the floor, expressing his support for the Pope. 

“It is clear the Holy See is taking the abuse crisis seriously,” Cardinal Cupich said.

At the same time, he suggested that the work that had gone into preparing the two proposals should not go to waste.

Cardinal Cupich suggested that if the conference could not take a binding vote, they should instead continue with their discussions and conclude with resolution ballots on the two measures. This, he said, would help best equip Cardinal DiNardo to present the thoughts of the American bishops during the February meeting, where he will represent the U.S. bishops’ conference.

“We need to be very clear with [Cardinal DiNardo] where we stand and be clear with our people where we stand,” Cardinal Cupich said.

While acknowledging that the February meeting was important, he noted that responding to the abuse crisis “is something we cannot delay — there is an urgency here.”

Cardinal Cupich went on to propose moving forward the American bishops’ next meeting, currently scheduled for June 2019. Instead, he suggested, the bishops should reconvene in March in order to act as soon as possible after the February session in Rome.

Ed Condon is the Washington editor for Catholic News Agency.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Bergoglio blocked investigation of abuse against a Cardinal who was his promoter!

Image result for cormac murphy o'connor

Mon Sep 24, 2018 - 3:30 pm EST

Source: Pope blocked investigation of abuse allegations against cardinal who helped elect him

September 24, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis told Cardinal Gerhard Müller in 2013 to stop investigating abuse allegations against British Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, according to a highly-placed Vatican source who spoke to Marco Tossati. Murphy-O'Connor, as a member of the “Sankt [St.] Gallen mafia,” played a pivotal role in getting Jorge Bergoglio elected Pope in 2013.
A source from England with inside knowledge of the case told LifeSiteNews that a woman alleges the cardinal had himself been involved in abusing her when she was 13 or 14 years old and that she was the reason for the investigation by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).
Tosatti and LifeSiteNews have worked together on this joint story for some weeks now. We have shared our findings with each other.
Tosatti had previously revealed what he learned in September 2013 from a high-ranking Vatican source – “an extremely good source, who was then in the government of the Curia,” and he adds that his source has “learned [it] from those directly concerned.” – that Cardinal Müller, then Prefect of the CDF, was interrupted by the Pope while saying Mass at the Church of Santa Monica (next to the CDF building) for a small group of German students. But now Tosatti reveals that the reason for the interruption was to demand that an investigation into Cardinal O’Connor be halted.
Read the rest at: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/source-pope-blocked-investigation-of-abuse-allegations-against-cardinal-whohttps://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/source-pope-blocked-investigation-of-abuse-allegations-against-cardinal-who

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

More sociopathic abuse from the mouth of Bergoglio - attack those who expose the perpetrators as if they are the Devil

In his homily at the morning Mass today in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta, luxury abode of Bergoglio, he said:

“In these times, it seems like the 'Great Accuser' has been unchained and is attacking bishops. True, we are all sinners, we bishops. He tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people."

It was St. Gregory the Great who said;

"It is better for scandal to arise than the truth to be suppressed."

It should not be too hard to decide who is correct and who is a liar a deceiver and a fraud.

Does this malefactor masquerading as the Vicar of Christ on Earth have any feelings for the victims or the sufferings of faithful Catholics now? With this kind of attitude, can Bergoglio not be an abuser himself? Does he really expect us to believe anything he might say to defend against the Viganò Testimony? He only confirms more and more on a daily basis how right Viganò was and how corrupt the rest really are.

What more does this puss filled boil on the seat of Peter have to do to convince all that he is a sociopath in his treatment of the poor faithful, and as far as Carlo Maria Viganò, goes, an actual psychopath.

This malefactor, this pompous arrogant monster Bergoglio would rather keep secret the corruption and filth of the bishops. These are not private sins, these are public sins. This is not a case where of a few men with same-sex attraction fell, these are actions which are demonic, satanic, we are in Black Mass territory. 

Bishops, Cardinals, you faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, how long will you silent whilst this filthy arrogant man continues to scandalise and insult the faithful. You sit there in fear of this man, yet; you have no love for the sheep and no fear of God.

You will be damned to Hell with Bergoglio.

You will deserve it for abandoning us.

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Chris O'Leary - a victim abused and ignored, and abused again!

The man in the background above is Chris O'Leary of St. Louis. Chris is a survivor of sexual predation by a priest. The story he tells is tragic, shameful and shockingly cruel. 

I came across Chris on Twitter, I've had some communication with him. Chris is in a hard place right now. Something you may not have considered is how hard this publicity is on the victims as it provokes the anxiety, memories, rage and PTSD associated with the events. Yet, it is also helping because it brings to the fore the absolute evil and the need for justice.

Chris is in a hard way, surviving from the abuse, cancer and the impact all of this has had on him. The treatment that he has received from the Archdiocese of St. Louis for a number of years is disgraceful. Friends, I believe this includes the years under Raymond Cardinal Burke. Let us not hide behind anything that may have perpetuated this. I am publishing below, Chris' story and his pleading for assistance on GoFundMe.

If you think you can help Chris, take that envelope you were going to give today to the parish and diocese that has raped and abused boys like Chris and then covered it up, and send it to him.


 My name is Chris O'Leary and I'm a survivor of abuse by a Catholic priest.

And worse.

- The Second Scandal

Most recently, I told my story -- and described the plight of survivors -- to EWTN.

- Why Two States Might Begin a Probe Into Clergy Sex Abuse

In sum...

1. I've spent the past year -- coincidentally, EXACTLY a year -- fighting to force the Archdiocese of St. Louis to recognize the (continuing) plight of survivors like me. And to help us. Actually. This week my efforts were rewarded and my prayers were answered with the announcement that the Attorney General of Missouri is opening an investigation into the actions of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

2. The Archdiocese of St. Louis and the Catholic Church promise treatment for survivors of abuse by priests, but what I received was only torment; psychological abuse on top of my original sexual abuse. A year ago I did receive a settlement of $9,000 (net) from the Archdiocese, but I lived off of that settlement over the past year as I fought to help the other survivors who have contacted me and the others who I know are out there. And that money is now gone.

3. I was forced to settle for that small settlement, instead of going to trial, due to the (sadly successful) efforts of the Archdiocese of St. Louis to create a problem with the Statute Of Limitations by first Gaslighting me and then giving me the Run-Around. And I'm not the only survivor the Archdiocese of St. Louis did that to.

4. I was fighting Cancer (Malignant Melanoma) at the same time (2013-2016) I was fighting the Archdiocese of St. Louis -- which they knew due to the lawsuit I filed and the discovery process -- leaving me with $6,000 of unpaid medical debt to SLU hospital and my surgeon.

As a result, I'm broke.


When I last checked, I had $.40 to my name.

Yes, 40 cents.

Fighting the Archdiocese of St. Louis, forcing them to open their files to the Attorney General of Missouri, and financing that fight with my settlement, was worth it.


But it's left me mentally and physically exhausted.

And literally hungry.

Read the rest at: 

Saturday, 25 August 2018


Faithful Catholics are reeling from the news of the latest scandals resulting from the sexual and physical abuse of thousands around the world by Catholic priests. For those of us who have been writing about these issues, none of this is a surprise but it is no less distressing.

At the same time that these horror stories continue to break with more to come, clerics such as James Martin with the continued blessing of the Jesuits preaches heresy and a path to perdition for people suffering from same-sex attraction. We see some bishops issuing statements that the main cause has been homosexuality in the priesthood and episcopacy but it seems that they can be counted on one hand. Most have taken a more passive approach as has the Bishop of Rome with his woefully inadequate letter. 

Let us get to the facts.

Evil men with debased sexual desires, men attracted to other men, mostly younger, mostly teenaged, have for nearly a century infiltrated Catholic seminaries and the priesthood in order to gain access to their victims and to destroy the faith.  

When we read of the actual actions of these priests, it is to make one vomit. These are not simply men who have same-sex desires and fall, these are manipulative monsters. These are clearly, Satanists, the actions are demonic.

  • Forcing a 13-year-old boy to strip and pose naked as Our Lord on the cross.
  • Inserting the Most Blessed Sacrament into a girls vagina.
  • Putting the penis into the mouth of a boy and then washing his mouth with Holy Water. 

This is more than just homosexual behaviour. This is more than a simple fall from grace. This is evil. It is ritualistic. It is demonic. It is in the realm of the Black Mass.

Look, we were warned. We were told by Bella Dodd what was coming. Malachi Martin wrote all about it under the guise of fiction. People laughed, they scoffed. 

Nobody is laughing now.

My fellow Catholic, you must remain faithful. Do not walk out on the ledge and away from the Church. The Church of Christ is here, it is alive but it is overshadowed and hidden by this false church, this corrupt and filthy church.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not your friend. While he is not responsible for the current situation in America he has his own shadows in Argentina. Someone will out him yet, While he did not appoint McCarrick, he surely took his lobbying effort. He has continued to appoint bishops and cardinals of McCarrick's ilk. Tobin. Farrell. Cupich. McElroy whose bloom is off thanks to the late Richard Sipe, and yet, even Sipe was distorted. While he did much good to expose the rot, he was a modernist. He, like Marie Collins, sees no problem with homosexuality, even in the priesthood, he simply believed no homosexual should be admitted to seminary because they would be preyed upon.

When Bergoglio came out that night on the loggia, your writer was shaken. I had the urge to vomit, it lasted for hours. The next day, when he offered Mass from a table set up in the Sistine Chapel, I gasped and when he refused to genuflect at the consecration, I knew what we were dealing with. 

Every homosexual priest must be outed. Every bishop must remove them. Every bishop who is a homosexual must be outed, he must be exposed and removed. He cannot be trusted. No homosexual priest or bishop or cardinal or pope can ever, ever be trusted. 

Was it a coincidence that the grand jury report in Pennsylvania was released on the Vigil of the Assumption? Some think not and that this was a sign from heaven that Our Mother is taking action. 

In the homily below by Father Altier he refers to a teenagers room and that the mother has been bugging the child to clean it up. He refers to how Our Blessed Lord cleaned up the Temple but did it like a man and that when this cleansing comes, it will be done as if by a mother. Every nook and cranny, every corner, every cobweb will be removed. 

It won't be easy, but it will be glorious.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Blasphemous Bergoglio affirms the pervert Karadima's victim in his homosexuality

"They had said to him almost that I was a pervert. I explained there that I'm not the reincarnation of San Luis Gonzaga, but am not a bad person, try not to harm anyone. He told me to "Juan Carlos, who you're gay it doesn't matter. God made you so loves so and I don't care. The Pope loves you so, you have to be happy with who you are"

There are two stories here. The situation that Juan Carlos, the victim of the filthy sodomite who abused him, seduced him and introduced him into homosexuality and the Bishop of Rome, the alleged Vicar of Christ who affirms the poor man in sin and error.

The first is of a man raped and abused, sodomized and betrayed who no doubt because of that has suffered immeasurably. His youth was stolen, his faith betrayed. A man who suffers from that day to this day, thinking that his life of homosexuality is normal. Let us pray for him, that he will heal from the evil done to him by filthy, vile evil men who deserve Hell.

God will forgive Juan more quickly than the filthy, lewd, man who is Pope which brings the second part of this story into focus. A man who betrayed all these abused in Chile and now puts forward a good show. He leaves this poor man in his sin telling him that "God made you gay." He lies to Juan Carlos and he blasphemes God.

God made nobody "gay" any more than he made anyone a murderer or a thief. 

Bergoglio is a scandal. Every time he opens his mouth it is as if to spout more blasphemy, more lies. He is a vile and despicable Pope, a man who has disgraced his Office. A boil on the seat of Peter that needs to be lanced.

O LORD, how long until you will deliver us and send us a holy pope who will restore all things in You?

