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Showing posts with label Catholic media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic media. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Father Tom Rosica receives prestigious reward from New York media group

Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, has been honoured with a distinguished award praising him as a "Distinguished Communicator." I've not read anything so gratifying since the President of the Internet

Here is the link to the full speech.

Here are some excerpts from his speech delivered at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott for the DeSales Media Group.

I find this quote the most profound, considering what follows below:

"Francis wants us to be warm, welcoming and forgiving as Jesus has modeled to us on every page of the New Testament. Francis wants us to eat with tax collectors and sinners; he wants us to forgive the woman caught in adultery (while admonishing her to sin no more); he wants us to welcome and respect foreigners (even our enemies), and, above all, not to judge others." (except for bloggers, trads-behaving-badly, and of course, Michael Voris as noted at A Nice Letter from Madrid)

"The Digital World and Catholic Blogosphere"...the big battlefield before humanity is also the digital world: (Not an abandonment of faith and Christian life and culture. Not abortion. Not euthanasia. Sodomite priests raping boys. Not atheism, radical secularism, Islamic terrorism. Modernist and heretical priests destroying the Faith. Not running to every sexual deviant idea, rampant greed, globalisation, environmental fascism; none of these except for the "digital world." The "big battlefield" is the digital world! - Vox)
You only need a keyboard, a screen or a hand-held device. In the wild, crazy world of the blogosphere, ... there is no accountability, no code of ethics, and no responsibility for one’s words and actions.  It can be an international weapon of mass destruction, crossing time zones, borders and space. In its wake is character assassination, destruction of reputation, calumny, libel, slander and defamation. ... “Catholics” have turned the Internet into a cesspool of hatred, venom and vitriol, ... character assassination on the Internet by those claiming to be Catholic and Christian has turned it into a graveyard of corpses strewn all around. Often times the obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith or of liturgical practices are very disturbed, broken and angry individuals, who never found a platform or pulpit in real life and so resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners!  In reality they are deeply troubled, sad and angry people. ... The light of Christ reflected in the Church must not become the privilege of only a few elect who float enclosed within a safe harbor or ghetto network of communications for the elite, the clean, the perfect and the saved.  This would be a “church clique” or a “personal blog” or “chat room” more than an ecclesial community.
Hmm, now what was that about, "Francis wants us to eat with tax collectors and sinners; he wants us to forgive the woman caught in adultery (while admonishing her to sin no more); he wants us to welcome and respect foreigners (even our enemies), and, above all, not to judge others?"

Unless of course, they are: "self-absorbed, Promethean, neo-Pelagians," or "fomenters of coprophagia" as Francis has often reminded us and of course, as Cleric Tom tell us, bloggers who are, "obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith or of liturgical practices are very disturbed, broken and angry individuals, who never found a platform or pulpit in real life and so resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners!"

There is a word for that.

This my friends, is why I blog.

Friday, 13 March 2015

The secular media is beginning to notice

Frank Walter at Pewsitter, the latest to be spat upon by Patheos for no reason, makes an astute observation about the secular verses Catholic media as found in the Los Angeles Times

Pewsitter is a very valuable resource.

Patheos is just pathetic.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

EWTN's National Catholic Regsiter permits libel and defamation against Pope Francis and Vox Cantoris in its combox - violates its own comment posting policy

The National Catholic Register which can join the "Reporter" in the fish-wrap category has a comment in its post regarding the recent situation and the lifting of the threat of a lawsuit which was apparently never real in the first place, it was all just a little game.

Why is a Catholic journal of great respect and owned by EWTN allowing an anonymous comment of "Francis Pope" in the combox that contains nothing but calumny, slander, character assassination and defamation?  

If you think that I'm peeved now, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

I demand its removal, a retraction and a public apology!

Let them know what you think and please post a copy in the combox below.


One more thing; my wife and I married during a solemn nuptial mass. We have been publicly accused on an insipid and dyspeptic blog of adultery. The person that has done this is known to me and has engaged in harassment for four years but never to this extent. Unfortunately, while the blog has few people reading it intentionally, it ends up on search engines and feeds where this slander can become widespread. Further, the Church's canonical procedure of annulments has been held in disrepute by these two people. It is a heresy to deny the power of Peter to "bind and loose" and to "deny and loose" as these have done. I have previously spoken with my "brother" and have taken "two" to counsel him. I have now "taken it to the Church" to his Pastor and two other Toronto priests. While I have ignored it in the past, torontotlmserving@gmail.com, this I can no longer ignore. 

Furthermore, the person behind Wendy List, Linda List, Maggie, Francis Pope who operates from 0102anonymous@gmail.com and whatever pseudonym that cowardly mind can conjure up should be aware that the I.P. address has been determined and all of this information has been provided to your Pastor. Unlike others, I choose to follow Holy Scripture as found in the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. It is now up to him to deal with you through the internal forumThe fact that you wrote the bile which was then reprinted by the young and impressionable blogger in question has deepened your own culpability and perpetuated your own public scandal by inviting him to participate in it.

Suffice to say, I am not putting up with this harassment any longer.

While I don't agree with every thing our Pope has said or done, I am certainly not going to accuse him of  "smoking a big, big spliff in a jacuzzi!"  with a priest who was known to engage previously in a manner for which we can ask "who are we to judge!" Now, how did that calumny escape the attention of the moderator!

Shame on the NCRegister and shame on both of you who are, objectively speaking, in serious need of spiritual guidance, confession and penance, I suggest you obtain it quickly for you not what time the Bridegroom comes.

Update at 20:00hrs EDT

I am pleased to report that the young man with the blog linked at the National Catholic Register combox has purged the many offensive posts from his blog. Let us hope he has learnt his lesson and refrains from any further behaviour in this regard.

However the National Catholic Register has still not undertaken the removal of the offensive (and apparently moderated comment) which includes calumnious description of Pope Francis and others.

Raymond Arroyo has taken it upon himself to apologise. He is a man of class.

* * *

Posted by Frances Pope on Sunday, Mar 8, 2015 1:03 PM (EDT):

This website of a young Catholic I know;and Domet has been slandering on the web for years is worth visiting.  It might educate people to the truth.

Here is what this young man has to say.  He is right.

“...Worse, I hate to see it done to young people of my generation and the next. To do it to the Church`s next generation and kids, to me, is a darker, more villainous sin to commit vs. older adults. It is deeply contrary to the New Evangelization, and instead embraces a New Tyranny…”
Posted by Frances Pope on Sunday, Mar 8, 2015 12:52 PM (EDT):

This case is not as cut and dry as you think.  It’s amazing that those who know little or nothing are writing or commenting here.

My experience with Domet who has maliciously slandered Young Catholics on the web,is voiced by Maggie on another Blog.  I take the liberty of forwarding a very accurate comment by Maggie on another blog which was deleted by the blogger who happened to be a Domet supporter.

David is no martyr. He’s been brazenly libelling people for years; and we’re not just talking of people like Fr. Rosica. He’s written tirades in his blogs against people who were formally his friends, kids at least 3 decades younger than he. He’s even lashed out at others in the traditionalist movement here in Toronto and undermined their efforts when they've organized Solemn Masses on Holy Days at churches that haven’t so much as smelt incense in 40 years.

This man was a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time. If Rosica pursues this and decides to reach out to other people David’s libelled it could get interesting. And it would be his own doing.
I’ve been reading comments on the traditional Catholic blogosphere giving David all kinds of advice from “hiring a canon lawyer” to suggestions of writing to our archbishop or even writing to the pope. Some are painting this as some vast conspiracy instigated by Francis to silence blogs that he doesn’t like. With respect, Francis is likely busier smoking a big big spliff with Rabbi Skorka and Msgr. Ricca in a heated jacuzzi in Sanctae Marthae than following bloggers of the likes of Domet. All this support from clueless people who don’t even know him just feeds the beast that is David’s ego at the expense of more sober thought.

Rosica has a good prima facie case for libel. This is true not because the judges are bad or the system is corrupt or because Canada is an awful, hedonistic, sodomitic, anti-Catholic country. If Mars were a common law jurisdiction, David would be in trouble there too. Considering all the facts, should he issue a retraction, remove the objectionable posts and escape this with his finances in order, his roof over his head and not facing [redacted] it’ll be because of Fr. Rosica’s goodness. But knowing David, he won’t do that. Facts and laws be damned. David is always right, you see”





My name is David Anthony Domet and I own the blog at www.voxcantor.blogspot.com. I have been a subscriber of EWTN for over 15 years.

Your newspaper, The National Catholic Register, has permitted in its combox a comment regarding me that is libellous, defamatory, calumniating and filled with outright lies posted by someone anonymous using the name of "Francis Pope." 

How is it possible that this bile made it through a comment moderator?

This is a disgrace for a Catholic publication and EWTN. The person that has done this is known to me and has been harassing me for four years. She is in a grievous state of mortal sin, objectively speaking, and you have participated in it by publishing her filth and bile.

I demand that this filth be removed immediately and that an apology for it and a retraction be printed at the top of the story.

Yours truly,
Vox Cantoris

And this:

Dear Mr. Domet,

On behalf of EWTN I will step forward and apologize. 

I'm so sorry. 
