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Showing posts with label Liturgical Abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liturgical Abuse. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Father Eagle Pfan and his liturgical abuse

On Candlemas, 2015, I wrote a blog post that is the second most-read blog post with nearly 40,000 direct hits, even more than Rosicagate. It was about a priest in Seattle defaming the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the worship of the Seattle Seahawks.

Vox Cantoris: Behold, the Tabernacle of Seattle Seahawks 12

It's hard to believe, but it has happened once again. 

Catholic Priest wears NFL vestments to celebrate Mass on Super Bowl Sunday - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Oh look, Father Eagle even convicted himself with a video. What a diabolical narcissist. 

The Pastor

From: Vox Cantoris [mailto:voxcantoris@rogers.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 8:00 AM
To: 'fr.michael@holyspiritweb.org'; 'fr.joseph@holyspiritweb.org'
Subject: Help me, I'm desperate
Importance: High

To know what kind of diabolical narcissism and idiocy you possess that would cause you to do such a blatantly blasphemous and abusive thing? 

Enjoy the publicity. 

Repent, lest Jesus cast you into the outer darkness!

Vox Cantoris

Tell me again how the Latin Mass is a problem?

Oh, what is this? They made their YouTube private?

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Calibreeze Clown of a Priest makes a mockery of the Holy Mass

Can't say much about this. No, can't say much. The pictures say it all.

But the Latin Mass according to the ancient use of the Church is the problem?

Take your Traditio Custodes and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, or a bag. Same thing.

And I'm to accept Vatican II? What about this Calabrian coprophiliac?

A mat as an altar in the middle of the sea, parish priest and faithful in the water. Thus Don Mattia Bernasconi, vicar of the pastoral care for young people of the parish of San Luigi Gonzaga in Milan, celebrated mass in Alfieri, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Crotone area. The parish priest used the mat as an altar.

Don Mattia, together with some boys from his parish, was in Crotone to participate in a field of the legality of Libera.

Being Sunday, they decided to go to the beach, but it was also necessary to celebrate mass, so the parish priest explained what happened: “We had chosen a pine forest for a campsite, but it was busy. It was very hot and so we said to ourselves: why not put in the water? A family heard us speak and made their mattress available which we transformed into an altar. It was beautiful even though we got burned ”.

The parish priest together with his boys carried out excursions and meetings with those who fight the ‘Ndrangheta on the front line. Don Mattia recounted this experience as follows: “It was the first time we did a Free camp and we came to Calabria. We had a strong experience discovering so much beauty, more than we imagined. Not only in nature but above all in people, in the courage to say no to the ‘Ndrangheta, in the desire to have a more just and free land and to stay here to improve Calabria. Our experience, through working with Libera and meeting people, has allowed us to see things more clearly. The reflection is on what we want to do now that we go home: to commit ourselves more to legality and respect or to leave things as they are “?

Saturday, 2 March 2019

How the Bishops appointed by "Saints" treated the simple Catholic wanting a Latin Mass

Here is a gem from sodomite pervert Rembert Weakland who was outed on Good Morning America by his rent-boy lover who was mad because Rembertus Georgius did not embezzell enough for him from the people of Milwaukee. It was posted on Twitter by @CCityCatholic because this writer always attributes. 

There were many who were miscreants in this matter. 

Some of these rats became Cardinals.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Will Father William R. Lugger be wearing a pussy(cat) hat again today?

Inquiring minds are interested in knowing if Father William R. Luggar, Pastor of St. Casimir Parish in the Diocese of Lansing will be wearing his pussy hat again at Mass today in commemoration of the Marxist, abortion-advocating, Christian-hating march which took place yesterday in Washington as he did two years ago.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

The "Mass" of Bergoglio

In the article one below on Cardinal Sarah and the posted story by Marco Tosatti, there are two paragraphs which deserve to be highlighted separately.

Another humiliation occurred when the pope eliminated most of the existing members from the Congregation for Divine Worship and replaced them with people who are more hostile to Sarah and his liturgical views. And there is the matter of the “Ecumenical Mass,” a liturgy designed to unite Catholics and Protestants around the Holy Table. Though never officially announced, a committee reporting directly to Pope Francis has been working on this liturgy for some time. Certainly this topic is within the jurisdiction of the Congregation for Divine Worship, but Cardinal Sarah has not officially been informed of the committee’s existence. According to good sources, Sarah’s secretary, Arthur Roche—who holds positions opposite to those of Benedict XVI and Sarah—is involved, as is Piero Marini, the right-hand man of Monsignor Bugnini, author of such noted works as La Chiesa in Iran and Novus Ordo Missae. 
To those names, add the Undersecretary of Divine Worship, Corrado Maggioni, and a layman, the extremely “progressive” liturgist Andrea Grillo. Recently, Grillo harshly attacked Benedict XVI after the pope emeritus wrote in the preface to one of Sarah’s books that with Sarah, “the liturgy is in good hands.” And Grillo attacked Sarah himself, calling him “incompetent and inadequate.” If Grillo behaves so uncouthly, it must be because he is sure of being protected by friends in high places . .

Arthur Roche, Piero Marini - Bugnini is back from the grave.

Benedict XVI and John Paul II's work is all straw to these men.

Refuge is in the traditional Latin Mass.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Bergoglio, the Great Liturgist

Two posts below are my comments on Bergoglio's laughable "Magisterial" teaching that the liturgical reform is "irreversible."

Here are some examples of his liturgical obedience and wisdom.

And he still doesn't genuflect at the Consecration!

Image result for bergoglio foot washing

Image result for bergoglio puppet mass

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Rubrical reminders from Una Voce Toronto - because we're "rigid"


Let us review some terms and basic rubrics for the Traditional Latin Mass, also known in modernist circles, as the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. There is charity in truth and there is peace and unity in truth. There is no charity in silence and appeasement. It is incumbent upon those who work in the sacred liturgy to humble themselves to what the Church expects.

The commentary below is written with "referential authority." That is to say, the authority comes not from this writer but from the documents from the which the information is gleaned and condensed. The referred documents are Tra le sollecitudini, Mediator Dei, Da Musica Sacra et Sacra Liturgia and Rubricarum. The notorious Musica Sacra of 1967 is prohibited in accord with Summorum Pontificum and Universae Ecclesiae.

Read Mass or Missa Lecta
Commonly referred to as “Low” Mass, this form of Mass is more properly referred to as a “Read Mass.” This comes from its Latin name, Missa Lecta. The Mass, in history, would have always been Solemn (see below), but as parishes and villages developed away from monasteries and cathedrals; and as mendicant Orders such as Dominicans and Franciscans, journeyed to preach, priests would desire to offer the Holy Sacrifice for themselves and the souls they found on their journeys. The Missa Lecta was developed for this purpose. It is a quiet and contemplative Mass with one server only, though two can be “tolerated.” The Mass is entirely in Latin, though, in accord with the legitimate Law as prescribed by Pope Benedict XVI, in Universae Ecclesiae the Lesson(s), Epistle and Gospel may be said in the vernacular from an approved translation (at the time of 1962) from the Altar without first being read in Latin. There is normally no music permitted.

Read Mass with Music
Music is not permitted in a Read Mass except in specific circumstances and certain specific rubrics. In fact, a more proper word than permitted would be tolerated, in its classic sense. One may have an organ prelude or postlude and organ music at the Offertory or during Communion in those times of the year where organ music is not prohibited and no solo organ music is permitted in the Mass during Advent, except on Gaudete Sunday or in the season of Lent on Laetare Sunday. No solo organ music is permitted at anytime at a Requiem Mass. Organ music may be used at a Requiem Mass only to support the singing and only if absolutely necessary to even do that. Music or hymn singing may be used at a Read Mass in the following manner. A hymn may be sung as a processional and the recessional and these may be in the vernacular. A Latin hymn may be sung at the Offertory and the Communion but it may not be the text of the Proper of the Mass which must be read by the priest aloud and heard by the faithful in attendance. A hymn may be sung in the vernacular at the Offertory and Communion provided it is connected with the liturgical action. For example, the Offertory hymn could be, “See Us Lord, About Your Altar,” or, “Lord, Accept the Gifts We Offer.” At Communion, the hymn, if in the vernacular, must be a hymn to the Blessed Sacrament or be a hymn of Thanksgiving.  The Gloria and Credo cannot be sung at any Read Mass.  A Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei may be sung if they are short, for example, Mass XVI or Mass XVIII, never Mass IX or VIII the Missa de Angelis. These are two long and delay the priest. All singing must conclude so that the action of the Priest is not delayed and the audible texts are not covered by music. The Priest does not sing the Collect or Postcommunion nor any other oration, nor does he chant in any way the salutations, nor do the people respond in chant. These are only said.

Sung Mass—or Missa Canata or Solemn Mass—Missa Solemnis
All Propers must be sung, there are no exceptions. The Epistle and Gospel must be sung, there are no exceptions. All salutations and response are sung, there are no exceptions. If the priest cannot sing the melismatic tones of the Lesson, Epistle or Gospel, then he can chant them recto tono, on the same note. If the Schola cannot manage to sing the Proper chants with the melisma, then it is permissible to sing them in psalm tone, or recto tono. They can also be sung in Polyphony when considered appropriate. At the Offertory and Communion, Latin motets or hymns can also be sung, but only after the Proper Antiphon.
Requiem Mass
The musical rubrics apply to a Requiem Mass as to the degree above.

Holy Mother Church has determined the above rubrics in order to ensure the proper dignity of the Mass. When we work within the Laws of the Church, there is peace and understanding and serene contemplation of the holy actions taking place before us.

When we deviate from these for pastoral or other reasons or through pressure, we create confusion and disunity and distress and these are not from the Holy Spirit; we insert our own desires into the liturgy, where it does not belong. None of us are masters of the Liturgy of God, we are rather, its servants. We must do our work in truth and humility, we must submit to the mind of the Church and we must reject any inculturation and pastoral provision that deviates from the truth.

At no time is a guitar permitted during a Traditional Latin Mass. It's been done!

There is no evidence that Fr. Franz Gruber, S.J. ever permitted Stille Nacht on guitar at a Midnight Mass due to a broken organ. This is “fake news.”

At no time is it permitted to sing anything in the vernacular in a Sung or Solemn Mass. Processional and recessional hymns take place outside of Mass. Mass begins with the Introit and ends with the Ite.  Any reference to what occurred between the great wars in Europe in Germany, Belgium or Holland should be understood in the context of dissent and diabolical disorientation that lead to the complete upheaval of the holy liturgy.

Lest one doubt the above, be assured that every educated Catholic in proper Church music and liturgy according to its venerable tradition is aware of these rubrics and knows where to find the sources. If they are not, then they are unqualified to do the work and they need to become educated. Let those who labour for the love of true worship of the LORD in the timeless liturgy understand the need to maintain consistency, peace and serenity in the work before us. This peace and serenity can only be achieved if we work within that which we are given. By humbling ourselves to the timelessness, we will achieve peace in our work. It is when deviations occur that we bring disunity and cognitive dissonance to the holy work before us.

Una Voce Toronto

Friday, 27 January 2017

Get out of the Novus Ordo - Bastard Rite II is about to be pushed on you!

From Louie Verrecchio:

V. Positive thoughts be with you.
R. Likewise with you.
V. Lift up your hands.
R. We lift them up to the sky.
V. Let us give thanks to creation.
R. It is good and green.

It is truly good and green, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to care for the environment,
and to welcome the immigrant,
in imitation of Jesus the itinerant preacher,
who made all people happy, except the powerful,
was born of the Virgin Mary who felt betrayed by God,
and condemned nothing,
while judging no one.

Fulfilling our will and gaining popularity among the people,
we lend a helping hand to the poor,
so as to break the bonds of poverty, and to manifest equality.

And so, with all the United Nations and every religion,
we declare our glory,
as with one voice we acclaim:

Happy, Happy, Happy, we adore
Mother Earth in all her glory.
Nirvana she suppliest.
Rigid is he who invokes the name of the Lord.

Nirvana she suppliest.

America Magazine is reporting that Bergoglio of Rome has ordered a study of Liturgiam Authenticum which could lead to another re-writing of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal.


To my priest friends, please take no offense. Learn the traditional Mass, prepare for what is coming. They will change the Novus Ordo to render it invalid. 

Catholic people. Find a traditional Mass, get to it, no matter the cost.

Mark her words.

“I saw that many of the instruments in the new Church, such as spears and darts, were meant to be used against the living Church. Everyone dragged in something different: clubs, rods, pumps, cudgels, puppets, mirrors, trumpets, horns bellows – all sorts of things. In the cave below (the sacristy) some people kneaded bread, but nothing came of it; it would not rise. The men in the little mantles brought wood to the steps of the pulpit to make a fire. They puffed and blew and labored hard, but the fire would not burn. All they produced was smoke and fumes. Then they broke a hole in the roof and ran up a pipe, but the smoke would not rise, and the whole place became black and suffocating. Some blew the horns so violently that the tears streamed from their eyes. All in this church belonged to the earth, returned to the earth. All was dead, the work of human skill, a church of the latest style, a church of man’s invention like the new heterodox church in Rome.” Blessed Anne Katherine Emmerich

Monday, 31 October 2016

Piero Marini - Coming soon to the Bergoglian Church

The appointment of Piero Marini to the Congregation of Divine Worship shows the farce that is this papacy.

Let us look back at a brief pictorial exercise of some of this malefactors finer liturgical presentations.

Because with Piero Marini, the Sacrifice of Christ is not enough.

Only a Freemason could think this is worthy.

The Novus Ordo is irreformable. It is a dying liturgy. It will not transform, it will not convert. It is an insult to God.

Get out of it if you can. Get to the traditional Mass, the Ordinariate Mass and if the SSPX is  your only option, take it!  If not, find the best priest and the most properly celebrated new Rite Mass you can.

Image result for john paul ii liturgical dances
Hindu Liturgical Dance before John Paul II in Delhi

A nude woman brings the Offertory gifts to John Paul II
Naked Offertory Procession in Papua
Image result for john paul ii liturgical dances
And in Africa, too!
Image result for piero marini liturgy
Embarrassing Benedict XVI at Marianfeld

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

St. Michael's Church in Athy, Ireland - Remember that "Lesbian" Mass in Ireland? It was clearly an agenda driven takeover and a priest clarifies that fact!

Readers may recall the story about a church in Ireland where two so-called "married" women committing the grotesquely affront to Christ the lifestyle and sin of lesbianism, were praised and given an ovation at a Holy Mass. The abomination took place at St. Michael's 

ChurchMilitant reported on it here:


That's right, "death threats" to one, Mr. Anthony Murphy who has protested the goings on at St. Michael's parish in Athy, in the Archdiocese of Dublin.

What has happened to you Irish?  You once evanglised the world. Now, you are but a pathetic and disgusting example of your pagan past. The snakes, by the way, were sodomites! You've invited the snakes right back in. 

What is wrong with the priests in this parish? What is wrong with you people? You disgust me. You're not Catholics, you're filthy, posturing pagans! Narcissists entrapped in your own egoism. You have forgotten Christ!

If you want to have you stomach turn, listen to a few minutes of the opening of this disgraceful display. Still think it is not a "nervous disorder?"

One of the concelbrating priests has spoken out on Catholic Voice

Father Brendan Kealy writes:

I was not present to promote or condone same-sex ‘marriage’ or what appeared to be the apparent triumphant and victorious return of our musical directors which seemed to become the focus of the evening. In my opinion, the Mass was hijacked to support the cause of same-sex ‘marriage’ which is clearly in breach of Catholic Church teachings.
How does this make sense within the Catholic Church?
This breach was displayed openly and in a very public manner from the holy sanctuary. I felt very uncomfortable about this as I had not given my blessing to such a union. I am not been harsh but simply following the teachings of the Church, that we all serve.
The ladies in question have a very important leadership role in the Church but decided to enter into a civil same-sex marriage which blatantly contradicts and challenges the teachings of their Catholic Church, and the instruction of Pope Francis. To me, this defies belief ? Is it not a contradiction to our faith? How does this make sense within the Catholic Church?

What about the others?

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB: What's that you say about Summorum Pontificum?

According to Father John Zuhlsdorf, Thomas J. Rosica, CSB., sent out the following blurb to his newsies:

"Fr Lombardi notes that Pope Francis made this view clear to Cardinal Sarah during a recent audience, stressing that the ‘Ordinary’ form of the celebration of Mass is the one laid down in the Missal promulgated by Paul VI, while the ‘Extraordinary’ form, permitted in certain specific cases by Pope Benedict XVI, should not be seen as replacing the ‘Ordinary’ form."

Summorum Pontificum provides that any priest, anywhere, any day, at any time can offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the Roman MIssal of 1962, without the permission or approval of the bishop. It is not in "certain specific cases."

Whether by ignorance or intent, Father Rosica is wrong.

Father Thomas J. Rosica, changed the words at the Offertory of the Mass, shown below. It was a violation of the Second Vatican Council's Sacrosanctum Concilium as well as Redemptoris Sacramentum. It seemed to be an "exercise in personal preference or taste" as Cardinal "hindu-gods-ad-orientem" Nichols was referring to in his slapdown of any priest who would dare follow Cardinal Sarah's advice and offer the Holy Sacrifice in the posture it was intended to be and was for 1900 years.

Isn't what is good for one priest good for the other, or is there an exception for Thomas J. Rosica?

The word change begins around 5:17 (Nota Bene: This was prior to corrected translation)

What is this hatred for the Church's traditional and timeless liturgy that these men have such a problem with?

I have my theories, what are yours?


Friends, I wrote it yesterday, I will say it again The Novus Ordo liturgy is a dead letter. There is no "reform of the reform." It is dead. Pope Benedict XVI vision has been abrogated. The Missal of Paul VI is an abomination. It is a disgrace. Look at the fruits, look at the culture, look at the faith. Look at your families.

Get out of it. Leave the new rite. Get to the traditional Latin Mass in your diocesan parish, the FSSP, ICK or even the SSPX if you have no other option. Do whatever you need to do to get out of the Novus Ordo and back to the Mass and Faith of your Fathers. Save your soul, S Save your children. Save the Church. Save the liturgy and save the world! There is no hope in Modernism. There is no power to transform and covert in the new bastard rite. It is valid, that is not a debate, it is deficient, it always was and it always will be. 

They destroyed most of the faith through the liturgy, now they wish to finish it off in Amoris Laetitia.

The fish rots from the head first.

O LORD save us. save your people.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Priests and Bishops of Canada : STOP beating up Catholics who KNEEL for Holy Communion! Where is mercy?

An email from a friend in a Canadian Diocese, contains the following information about a recent occurrence:

At a funeral last week, the person knelt for Holy Communion. She was refused to be given Holy Communion until she stood but was allowed to receive on the tongue.

Page 44, Paragraph 160 of GIRM for Canada (General Instruction on the Roman Missal), present in the front of every Roman Missal in every church in Canada states:

160. The Priest then takes the paten or ciborium and approaches the communicants, who usually come up in procession.
    It is not permitted for the faithful to take the consecrated Bread or the sacred chalice by themselves and, still less, to hand them on from one to another among themselves. In the Dioceses of Canada, Holy Communion is to be received standing, though individual members of the faithful may choose to receive Communion while kneeling. When standing before the minister to receive Holy Communion, the faithful should make a simple bow of the head. When receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, they reverently join their hands; when receiving Holy Communion in the hand, they reverently open their hands placing one beneath the other, and they consume the host immediately upon receiving it.

From this perspective, the then-Cardinal Ratzinger assured that: "Communion only reaches its true depth when it is supported and surrounded by adoration" [The Spirit of the Liturgy (Ignatius Press, 2000), p. 90]. For this reason, Cardinal Ratzinger maintained that “the practice of kneeling for Holy Communion has in its favor a centuries-old tradition, and it is a particularly expressive sign of adoration, completely appropriate in light of the true, real and substantial presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ under the consecrated species” [cited in the Letter "This Congregation" of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 1 July 1, 2002].

It is important to note that Pope Francis has not changed what Pope Benedict began. While in large "Papal" Masses, he generally does not distribute Holy Communion to the lay faithful, he has been quite consistent with Deacons kneeling for Communion. If one wishes to make a distinction, "well that is a Deacon," one should look up the definition of, clericalist

The question must be asked.

Why are you as priests and bishops doing this to the faithful and allowing it? The GIRM clearly acknowledges the right of the individual to kneel notwithstanding the general norm.

Fathers, do you not know this? If you do not know it, you do now.

Listen to me. If you do know it and you are denying the faithful of their right, then it is fair to say that you are, objectively speaking, in a state of severe disobedience to the Law of the Church and objectively, in a state of serious sin. You are committing an illegal act against the faithful. What will you say to Our Lord Jesus Christ on your particular judgement day for this action?

You, Bishop; why do you allow this. How will you answer for it? Will you simply plead ignorance?

Where is "mercy"?

Given the prevailing culture, I'm just a "rigorist" and a "self-absorbed Promethean, neo-Pelagian" who is "judging from the Seat of Moses."

As laity, in Canada in particular, what is your experience and feel free to name your diocese and parish.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

"Bi"-cycling, Bergoglio Bishop!

Bicycling in the Sanctuary --- The "Model" of the "Merciful" Bishops

Archbishop Lorefice Travels With His Bike Through the Presbyterium
of his Cathedral
(Rome) The new Archbishop of Palermo, recently appointed by Pope Francis, Msgr. Corrado Lorefice, swung himself in a bicycle and drove through the presbyterium of his Cathedral.
"Sometimes I ask myself whether certain prelates do not invent these surprises from a mere desire to see if they come into the media and land especially on certain blogs, for example, ours ..." according to the traditional website Messa in Latino.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Has Thomas J. Rosica, CSB hurt his back or perhaps his knees? Does he need glasses to read the Missal?

Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB showed up recently at the "Daily Mass" on television in Toronto.

Shall we take a look?

Here is our good priest at the 19:37 minute mark right after the consecration of the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is bowing.

Here he is at 20:11 after the elevation of the chalice containing the Precious Blood of Our Lord.


Has Father Tom hurt his back? Perhaps his knees are bad? 

Or, could this be the famous, "Francis Effect?; after all, he doesn't genuflect before the Lord in the Eucharist either, though he can grovel on the floor to wash feet.

No, I'm sure Tom has hurt his back or his knees. Just like George.

In the video below at this link; you will note that, even under the old and incorrect translation, our advisor to the Bishop of Rome took liberty and changed the words of the Mass, relegating it as "llicit." 

"...these gifts of bread and wine be acceptable to God our Father in heaven." 
At the time, the translation was "...that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father" and is now rendered correctly as "...my sacrifice and yours..."


Father Rosica is one who frequently cites and praises the Second Vatican Council. Shall we look and see what Paragraph 23.3 of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctam Concilium, the first document issued by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council has to say about this?

22.3 Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the liturgy on his own authority.

St. John Paul II ordered the disciplinary Instruction, Redemptionis Sacramentum, to be enacted which states emphatically: 
59. The reprobated practice by which priests, deacons or the faithful here and there alter or vary at will the texts of the Sacred Liturgy that they are charged to pronounce, must cease. For in doing thus, they render the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy unstable, and not infrequently distort the authentic meaning of the Liturgy.
We also find in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, the very Missal of 2002 now in use, the following: 
Nevertheless, the priest must remember that he is the servant of the Sacred Liturgy and that he himself is not permitted, on his own initiative, to add, to remove, or to change anything in the celebration of Mass. [GIRM§ 24]
The GIRM in the Third Edition of the Roman Missal also states:
42. The gestures and posture of the priest, the deacon, and the ministers, as well as those of the people, ought to contribute to making the entire celebration resplendent with beauty and noble simplicity, so that the true and full meaning of the different parts of the celebration is evident and that the participation of all is fostered.[52] Therefore, attention should be paid to what is determined by this General Instruction and the traditional practice of the Roman Rite and to what serves the common spiritual good of the People of God, rather than private inclination or arbitrary choice. [§42] 
Perhaps Father Rosica has hurt his back, or his knees.

I hope he gets well soon.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

To all Catholic Priests and Faithful: The Case of two Bishops - Bishop Morlino and Archbishop/Cardinal Bergoglio - Which one is more faithful? Which one is more obedient? Where is real humility?

The dust has not settled yet, nor shall it, over the Bishop of Rome's unwise and imprudent change to the rubric of the ritual of the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday. Make no mistake, as Bishop or Rome, Jorge Bergoglio has the legal right to make this change, he does not have the moral right. In order to do it, he took it upon himself to redefine the meaning of the ritual. Had Benedict XVI or John Paul II acted in such an arbitrary manner with no respect for the curial process or the blessed post-Vatican II collegiality, there would have been literal hell to pay.  

Priests harassed

To all priests who have for five, ten, twenty, even forty years or more have resisted the feminist ideology and held firm to the rubric, viri selecti, thank you. I have had conversations with a few in the last two days. There is distress and frustration. You have been obedient to the Law of the Church and you were insulted for it by busy-body parishioners, liturgical terrorists and brother priests. You've been placed on the "B-Team" or worse. You've been shuffled off to the far reaches of the Diocese. You've been insulted by your flock.

You did it for Christ!

Your obedience and faithfulness to the liturgy was much more meritorious and will be more fruitful than you can imagine even now. You did the right thing. Fathers, do the right thing still. Do not wash the feet of women. Option it out!

St. Ignatius of Loyola said, 

"A precious crown is reserved in heaven for those who perform all their actions with all the diligence of which they are capable; for it is not sufficient to do our part well; it must be done more than well."
Focus on the Eucharist and Priesthood

Fathers, dispensing with this para-liturgy gives you a golden opportunity. You can take the ten minutes this would take and add it to your homily. Focus more on the Holy Eucharist and the priesthood. 

A call to the Catholic laity

Support your priest to option it out. Do not harass him to do it. Support his decision and admonish those of your fellow parishioners who would harass him for not washing feet. It is a ritual which should never have been put into the Mass to begin with. This was an inevitable as the culture changed and the Church sold out to the world.

The Pope's decision was his to make, it was wrong

The Bishop of Rome has done what he has. It was a bad decision. It was imprudent and it codified disobedience. It legalised his own dissent. It will produce no good. No decision should be made by the Pope without it being a benefit for the salvation of souls. This will save not one soul. There is not good to come from this. It was a political decision. It was a pandering to special interests. Never before has a Pope with such arrogance and lack of consult made such a decision. It seems minor, one little liturgical act on one night of the year, but the implication is much, much greater. 

Comments from Bishops

Not many bishops have commented yet. The Bishop of Madison. Robert C. Morlino, has released an official statement including sound advise to the priests which includes,  the option to "omit the ritual of the washing of the feet altogether." 

When Pope Francis was elected in March 2013, we know that he immediately proceeded that week and again for the next two years, to dispense with liturgical law by washing the feet of women and in fact, non-Christians on Holy Thursday. If Francis really wanted to demonstrate charity, he could have picked any of the other 364 days or nights of the year to do it. It was a media circus - a religious ritual of deep significance turned into a spectacle of false humility.

In my column on this unfortunate decision, which I believe a future Pope will abrogate, I used a photograph. I republish it along with others from the time when he was Archbishop or Cardinal of Buenos Aires to illustrate a point and to show the contrast between two bishops.

Tell me, who is obedient?

Who is truly humble?

The one who obeys and allows for the Law's escape, such as St. Thomas More would have done and optioned it out, or the one who flouts the Law and decides that he knows better?

Who is truly humble and who is displaying narcissism, arrogance, egotism and pride.


So there you have it. Three photographs from the time where Jorge Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos Aires. An Ordinary. Just as Bishop Morlino. Yet, Bishop Morlino will follow the Law, whilst taking full advantage of its liberality, no doubt and Bergoglio broke it. 

Morlino obedient. Bergoglio, dissident

One more thing. Why can he grovel on the floor to wash feet, but he cannot genuflect to the WORD MADE FLESH truly present on the Altar under the elements of Bread and Wine which have become the WORD's Body and Blood?

Will this be the next rubric he will change?

Rumour has it that March 19, the Solemnity of St. Joseph, will be the day that he will release his Apostolic Exhortation on the Family. Dates are important to some people.

St. Joseph, Patron of the Church, 
Protector of the Holy Family and 
Patron of a Holy Death, 
Intercede for us.