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Showing posts with label James Martin EssJay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Martin EssJay. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Donald Trump has been driven to his knees!

American President Donald Trump has been driven to his knees and not in submission to the anarchists and assorted, communists, Democrats, race-baiters and thieves destroying American cities right now. He and Melania visited the Saint John Paul II Shrine in Washington and proclaimed an executive order on religious freedom.

The Archbishop of Washington, a man closely connected to McCarrick, Wuerl, Tobin and others of that leftist Anti-Christ, effeminate ilk has condemned his visit to the shrine of St. John Paul II in Washington, calling it "reprehensible." The Episcopal "bishop" of Washington has done the same with his visit to the "Church of the President's" - St. John's Episcopal claiming it is "outraged." I've not seen either state that the terror on America's streets is reprehensible or outrageous.

I think it is apt to remember this.

The Jews have a prayers when they wake that states, "Lord, thank you for not making me a Gentile" and, "... a woman." While these are no doubt Talmudic and from rabbinical Judaism they were and remain an act of spiritual arrogance and superiority. How different is this disgusting Jewish "prayer" which God would not acknowledge from that of our own "Catholic" and other "Christian" so-called, leaders. No doubt, it was this attitude that Our Blessed Lord had in mind when he told of this:

"The Pharisee standing, prayed thus with himself: O God, I give thee thanks that I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, as also is this publican. I fast twice in a week: I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes towards heaven; but struck his breast, saying: O God, be merciful to me a sinner. I say to you, this man went down into his house justified rather than the other: because every one that exalteth himself, shall be humbled: and he that humbleth himself, shall be exalted." Luke 18:11-13

Last night, we had a visit from a good friend whom we have not been able to see for a while. We spoke of this and I remarked that Donald Trump does not have the advantage of being a Catholic through the sacraments. To deny that God is pouring out grace upon him would be wrong. If God did not pour out his grace upon Francis Libermann or Scott Hahn, they would not have become Catholics. We pray for God to pour out the grace of conversion and then we arrogantly deny that there is no grace on non-Catholics? That is spiritual insanity.

I tell you this. For all of his faults, Donald J. Trump is a better Christian and probably closer to God right now than Joseph Biden. Biden has no excuse.

Neither does Wilton Gregory who has been covered up homosexual priests and abuse. Then, we have the hysterical tweets and media interviews by the likes of James "the bible is not a prop" Martin, the effeminate too pretty Father CNN, Edward Beck, or the rantings of an allegedly ordained hater of all things Catholic, Daniel Horan, OFM, and others.

At the end of their lives, it very well be that God says to Donald John Trump, "Well done, good and faithful servant." As for the others, "I do not know you."

As for those who have engaged in the riots, this is their destiny.

Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers: Nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God. And such some of you were. But you are washed: but you are sanctified: but you are justified: in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 

Pray for the President, his safety, holy wisdom and conversion.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Bishop Peter Doyle, James Martin, S.J. Affirm Homosexual Predators

Well, what do we have here...

A poster for a conference in Lincoln, England featuring Jim Martin and Peter Doyle, the alleged Bishop of Northampton.  Joseph Sciambra writes about it and has brought forward this poster for all to see. God bless him. 


Look at the poster.

On the right, a Vatican flag, on the left, the "rainbow" sodomy promoting flag.

Now, look at the hands. On the right, the hands of a man, on the left, a teenaged boy.

At a time when the Church is rocked by scandals with the McCarrick scandal and the cover-ups, these filthy, disgusting, Christ-hating homosexualists show their hands The abuse "crisis" has not ended, it continues on. These sodomite predators have been emboldened and shown their hand for all to see.

James Martin must be a homosexual. Peter Doyle must be a homosexual. Real men, Real men who believe in God and Our Blessed Lord would not do this. These men are evil. They are filthy. They will burn in the lowest pits of Hell, forever. 

More on Peter Doyle here.


Every homosexual priest. Every homosexual bishop must be outed. 

What are you victims waiting for?

In truth, there is healing.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

The bully and hate mongering Catholic priests are raging because they are losing - Fathers, we're not going anywhere!

James Martin, S.J. has had a conference cancelled at a parish. It has been moved to a private venue. Below the picture below of a recent Tweet, is his comment on the matter on his Facebook page.

He refers to those who oppose his dissent from the faith being promoted in our parishes as "hate mongers and bullies." 

Full disclosure: I do not hate anyone suffering from same-sex attraction. I have three friends, all who formerly engaged in same-sex behaviour and have all overcome it. One is married to a woman. The other two are celibate and chaste faithful men. I have never engaged in hate-mongering or bullying of anyone, let alone those suffering from this awful sin. I do hate homosexualism as a political movement and I hate it as a sin as I hate those sins of my own. I hate how it has transformed our culture and the political force it has become undermining our families. I hate how sodomites have infiltrated the Holy Church and undermined the faith.

Our little Jimmy, just like another rageful priest we all know clearly is the hater and the bully. It seems that these rageful men think that Catholics should just shut up and pay, pray and obey. Yet, did the Second Vatican Council which these men promote continually give to the laity the encouragement to evangelise and speak the faith or does that not apply when it opposes what the

The reality is, they are on the run. They hate bloggers, they think we are visceral and devils and cesspools of hate. Yet, it is because of what we do that they have been outed and forced to be held accountable in the public square. These men are the evil ones, they are the ones who are visceral and devils and cesspools of hate and vitriol. They are scared you know, this is why they are filled with rage. We're on them like white on rice and we are not stopping. We have them by their short hairs and we are not letting go.

It is only a matter of time. it will not end well for James Martin and the others. Not in this life, or the next, if they do not repent and do public penance and reparation for their scandal.

Dear friends: I'm sorry to say that another lecture has been cancelled, or in this case moved, thanks to pressure from a far-right website named "Tradition, Family and Property."
As in the past, I wasn't going to publicize the cancellation out of respect for the organizers, but now that it's been written about on the "Church Militant" website, in order to correct the record, for the sake of transparency and so that you might know what is going on in our church, I thought I should tell you what happened. But before I go farther, I want to say that the parish was a victim in this episode as well, and I hold no grudge against anyone on the parish staff, or in the deanery or diocese, who were all under great stress.
Many months ago, perhaps in early 2017, I was invited by the lay council of the deanery (a juridical, geographic, grouping of parishes) in the Diocese of Metuchen, NJ, to give a Lenten lecture. It was scheduled for February 15 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, where I had previously spoken in 2014. An ad was placed this week in the Diocese of Metuchen's newspaper, "The Catholic Spirit."
A few days ago, I learned that a far-right website called "Tradition, Family and Property" had initiated an online petition to pressure the pastor (a kind and generous priest who had hosted me in 2014) to cancel the talk at his parish: "Please Urge Our Lady of Lourdes Parish to Cancel presentation by Pro-Homosexual Priest--Who Gives Scandal." It was similar to the petitions of personal vilification circulated by Church Militant, another far-right online site that traffics in hate and is similarly obsessed with homosexuality. Here is the petition: http://www.tfp.org/act/take-action-archive-page/
Shortly afterwards, I received an email from a woman on the lay council of the deanery who told me, with sadness, that the parish felt forced to move the talk elsewhere, out of fear of protests. When asked, another parish declined to welcome the talk, also out of fear of protests. The chancery suggested to Our Lady of Lourdes that the talk continue, but with a different speaker. In the end, the deanery decided to move the lecture off church grounds entirely, to a local conference center. Then they contacted me and told me of their decision.
As I said, I see the parish, the deanery and the diocese are all victims of this campaign of personal vilification and online bullying.
But we are left with an important question: What does the church do in the face of hate-mongering and online bullying?
First, caving into bullying is never the right thing to do. It only emboldens the bullies. It also gives the People of God the impression that the judgment of local pastors and lay leaders (who approved the original lecture) is superseded by the angry calls from often anonymous hate-mongers, usually from outside of the diocese.
Second, pastors need to remember that allowing lectures to continue, even controversial ones (which this one was assuredly not) may mean a handful of protesters (usually praying the rosary, with a few signs). Cancelling lectures, on the other hand, means a great deal more negative publicity for the parish and the diocese, and a hornet's nest of feelings stirred up among the majority of the faithful.
Third, bishops need to be invited to see the danger of online hate groups (which traffic in lies and innuendos) taking precedence over the traditional role of the local ordinaries and religious superiors of speakers, in terms of determining who is a person "in good standing." Traditionally, if a priest or religious is invited to speak on a topic, the local ordinary sometimes asks the speaker for a letter from his or her superior saying that the speaker is a priest or religious "in good standing." This rightly comes from the appropriate church authorities, who know the background of the person in question. But that is not what is happening any longer. Now, the conclusions of random groups of haters are superseding the authority of superiors who are not only better able to determine, but actually charged with determining, who is "in good standing." And for the record, I am indeed a "priest in good standing" in my religious order.
Fourth, we need to admit how much of these online petitions are driven by pure hatred and, more often, virulent homophobia. All one has to do is spend five seconds on these websites to see what motivates them: hate. And if the church starts allowing groups that use doctrine as a cover for hatred to replace true church authority, we will end up with a church run by hate.
Finally, we need to understand how much of this is driven by abject fear. Most times when a lecture is cancelled it is not because the organizing institution has a problem with the speaker or the topic (because if they did, they wouldn't have invited the speaker to begin with), but because they fear protests. Fear has a (sic - Ed.) insidious way of overtaking reason. As St. Paul says, perfect love drives out fear. But perfect fear drives out love. We cannot let fear win.
So it's finally time for bishops, priests and lay leaders finally to stand up to the hate-mongering of online groups with no standing whatsoever in the church, who seek to substitute their spurious authority for legitimate church authority, and who seek to run the church by fear and hatred.
Otherwise, what are we doing as a church?
I hope to see people at the newly scheduled talk, on Feb. 15, at the Razberry Banquet and Conference Center in French Town, NJ., which will still be sponsored by the deanery. It will be a larger venue than Our Lady of Lourdes. I'm very much looking forward to it: I'm also at total peace.
The subject of the Lenten reflection, by the way, will be the original subject: "Jesus Christ: Fully Human, Fully Divine."

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Father James Martin - no eyes to see to see that he is a cruel and foolish man






Open Your Eyes Father Martin

Father James G. Martin, S.J., is either a cruel or a foolish man. It does not seem to be the first. But if it is not that, it must be the second, because that alone can explain how a Catholic priest can live in the midst of massive and unprecedented family breakdown, and the chaos, loneliness, and alienation consequent upon it, and still wave the banner for the latest innovation in sexual confusion.
He is good at telling stories. Let me tell a few.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Massimo Faggioli and James Martin - two men who reveal they are Catholic no more and full of evil

Massimo Faggioli, an alleged "theologian" reveals today what most of us have known for a long time, that the Catholic Church, while it still exists, has been overtaken by men who have put a new and false church into being. A church of Satan, a church that is against Christ and His Truth.

At the same time, James Martin issues the following. Rather than correct the poor child from what is clearly confusion and probably some kind of mental illness, he leaves him in his state and deceives the parents. He dares to write that it is a "scandal."  

The scandal is James Martin.

Where are the Church leaders who have the power to silence both of these men for their heterodoxy?

They are nowhere to be found because they agree with them.

As with Mundabor, I look forward to being excommunicated.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Bergoglio's overreach with the tolerance of perverts exposes his hypocrisy. Is James Martin next?

There were remarks made yesterday by Jorge Bergoglio, the man thrust upon the Chair of St. Peter by malefactors, on the matter of child abuse. Edward Pentin reported on Twitter that the Vatican media were instructed only to report the "prepared text" on the abuse of minors. The Bergoglian regime has learnt well from Peron on the manipulation of the truth and the control of the message. Too bad it can't hide from Internet reality. After some blowback they relented that the casual remarks would need to be vetted. Such fools.

Let us be perfectly clear on the matter of child sexual abuse in the Church. While there has been some despicable sexual abuse of girls, the overwhelming majority has been due to the admission of sodomites - homosexuals into the priesthood. These perverts came in to the priesthood to put then in close contact with their potential victims, with the indisputable facts that show that these victims were post-pubescent boys between thirteen and seventeen years. It is the age perversion of hebephilia and ephebophilia.  

In the "off-the-cuff" that was probably intended not to be reported, La Stampa writes that Bergoglio stated that the he has never "signed a request for grace," in the matter of abusers. 

Well, history seems to show something different and even the National Catholic Reporter did its homework back at the time.

Let us re recall then, the case of Mauro Inzoli, a notorious sodomite who infiltrated his way into the priesthood of Christ in order to find his young male victims with which he could enjoy his sexual deviance, Known as "Don Mercedes" after his love of luxury, this filthy sodomite was found out, Pope Benedict XVI defrocked him, only to see this Bergoglio come along and retract Benedict's decision and reinstate the carbuncle on the Body of Christ. That was until it was found out and the pervert priest Inzoli did it again and Bergoglio had to defrock the cretin again.

The Catholic New Service  translation states Bergoglio did say that he has "never and would never grant a papal pardon to a proven perpetrator."

But this is not true as we've seen above, to say nothing of Msgr. Ricca caught with his boy-toy in an elevator. The tolerance of the situation in Chile, Danneels and how many others?






How many more examples are necessary to show the hypocrisy of Bergoglio?

Apparently, he also stated that he has been learning “on the job” better ways to handle priests found guilty of abuse. He actually recounted the Don Mercedes situation and that his made a "decision he has now come to regret: that of agreeing to a more lenient sanction against an Italian priest, rather than laicizing him as the doctrinal team recommended." 

Is this the closest that the victims and the faithful will get to an apology from Father Bergoglio.

What it really shows is his own pathetic arrogance, his own delusion of grandeur of the "merciful Francis." He has overreached on his manufactured mercy and it has come up an bitten him harshly. 

It is not beyond question that the pathetic and scandalous tweeting and articles of Bergoglio's fellow Jesuit, James Martin, is going to blow up right in his face. The overreaching by both of these pathetic men cannot continue.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Persecution of Catholics on the uptick by the Bergoglian regime - now we are a "cancer"

In what can only be described as a regime rather than a papacy, it is quite obvious to all that are prepared to take their heads out of the sand that it is open season on faithful Catholics.

We see an unending and almost obsessive stream of publicity from the homosexualist James Martin, S.J., and a string of supporters lined up behind him including now Robert McElroy, Bishop of San Diego. This McElroy puts forward the notion that one who upholds the Catholic truth, that sodomitical acts are grievous sins in the eyes of God and one of the four sins which "cry out to heaven for justice," are a "cancer" in the Church and opposed to Pope Francis.

Can you imagine that a Bishop of the Catholic Church of Christ would write this?

It would be too easy to say that Robert McElroy is badly-formed or deluded. No; the man is a bishop, he is educated he can only be described as evil, a wolf, a son of Satan, he is not a true shepherd of Jesus Christ. Robert McElroy is a man that is going to Hell for the souls he is leading there.

If you are a cancer call McElroy and let him know at 858-490-8300.

What these filthy malefactors are doing is, as Father Zed calls it, outright "bullying."

I stand with Jesus Christ, and His Church and its magisterial teaching over time. I do not stand with a pope, bishop or priest who does not. If this puts this writer against the current claimant to the Chair of Peter, then so be it.

Professor Claudio Pierantoni is a scholar of patristics and professor of medieval philosophy at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago. In this report on LifeSiteNews, Pierantoni explores the dismissal of Dr. Josef Siefert from the Catholic university at Granada, in Spain. He writes of this as an "official persecution" under the regime of Jorge Bergoglio.

Make no mistake, this is true in every way and I can speak of this personally and directly some of which has been made public on this blog and much of which cannot be made public. It is diabolical, hypocritical and deceitful and I can assure you, they will not triumph.

Let it be clear to Martin, McElroy, Bergoglio, Spadaro, Maradiaga and the rest of these malefactors, - we're not going anywhere and we are on the side of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We will not leave our Holy Mother, the Church, we will not abandon Her and, with the help of God, we will defeat you.

These filthy priests and prelates must repent and do reparation before it is too late. Their judgement will be swift, severe and eternal.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Congratulations to LifeSiteNews, Church Militant and Father Z - James Martin, S.J. says it's all your fault

Little Jimmy Martin of the homosexualist infiltrated Society of Jesus is having a hissy-fit. Jimmy is lashing out irrationally at the good folks at LifeSiteNews, Michael Voris and the team at Church Militant, and of all people, Father John Zuhlsdorf.

Perhaps Jim ought to see in this that his dissent and diabolical embrace of sodomy as a "differently ordered" act of God, is what has caused Catholics to rise up and say to this errant priest and those who would give him a platform, "enough.!"

The two recent examples of cancellations have shown us that we cannot stop in our opposition to the rampant and vicious actions of these malefactors and their hatred of Christ and His Church.

This is not the time to let up, but the time to "double-down."

As for this errant priest, he needs to seclude himself in a monastery for a life of repentance, prayer and reparation for the souls he has aided in their descent to Hell and to save His own from being there.


Dear friends: Theologica College, the seminary at The Catholic University of America, in Washington, DC, today cancelled a talk I was to give on Alumni Day, on Oct. 4, thanks to a campaign by Church Militant, the priest known as "Father Z" and Lifesite News.
That campaign caused a storm of phone calls, emails and messages to Theological College, which included, I was told, people screaming at the receptionists who answered the phone. In the end, they felt that the expected protests and negative publicity would distract from Alumni Day.
This follows the cancellation of another lecture at the Annual Investiture Dinner of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in New York City, scheduled on Oct. 21. The organizers told me that they had received angry emails and calls from several members of the Order, most of whom, they believed, were encouraged to protest thanks to another campaign initiated by Church Militant, which you can see here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/…/episode/vortex-unbelievable
As an aside, a few years ago I was invited to join the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, but couldn't because of its steep entrance fee. Also, Catholic University hosted me for a talk, one of a few that I have given there, just last year.
That follows an earlier cancellation of a lecture in London for Cafod (Catholic International Development Charity in England) which was scheduled for the third week in October.
Each of these cancellations was a result of anger or fear over my book "Building a Bridge," about LGBT Catholics. The book has the formal approval (the "Imprimi Potest") of my Jesuit Provincial, the Very Rev. John Cecero, SJ; and has been endorsed by Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Archbishop John Wester, Bishop Robert McElroy and Bishop John Stowe.
In the case of Theological College, the fears were of angry protesters disrupting their Alumni Day. In the case of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre Dinner, it was anger from some members over the topic of LGBT Catholics. In the case of Cafod lecture in London, it was not a response to any campaign but fear that my presence itself would garner negative attention, after the group had recently faced other similar problems. In none of these cases was the local ordinary--in each a cardinal--in any way advocating for the cancellation of the talk. The impetus was purely from those social media sites.
I have asked each organization to be honest about the reasons for these cancellations. That is, I told them I did not want to lie and say, "I withdrew" or "I declined" or "I was afraid to come."
So I share with you as much as I can in the interests of transparency, which we need in our church. And to show you the outsize influence of social media sites motivated by fear, hatred and homophobia.
For my part, I bear no ill will to Theological College, Catholic University, the Order of the Holy Sepulchre or Cafod. The organizers were all apologetic and in some cases more upset than I was. I know that they were under extreme pressure, and in some cases were overwhelmed by the rage that can be generated by social media: ill will based on misrepresentations, innuendos, homophobia and especially fear. Perfect love drives out fear, as 1 John says. But perfect fear also drives out love.
Also, I want to say that none of these cancellations disturbs me. I've not lost any sleep over them. (The outsize influence of social media sites that traffic in homophobia, specialize in personal attacks, and whips up hatred another matter. This is disturbing and should be disturbing to all of us. It is not coming from God.)
And there will be many other venues. In fact, after the talk in DC was cancelled, Holy Trinity Church in DC invited me to deliver a lecture a few days before the planned Theological College event was to occur, on Sept. 30. So I look forward to seeing you all in Washington.
I'm also happy to say that a revised and expanded version of "Building a Bridge," with a new introduction, more stories drawn from my encounters with LGBT people, more insights from church leaders, and more biblical meditations, will be published early next year.
Last night at the University of Scranton, after the talk to the incoming freshmen, a mother approached the book-signing table, and started to cry when she talked about her gay son and what the book had meant to her. And I told her that her tears put any opposition in perspective.
Because what is opposition next to the love of Jesus? It is nothing.
I also have the support of my Jesuit Provincial, my Jesuit brothers, and two cardinals and several bishops who endorsed my book (as well as many other cardinals, archbishops and bishops who have contacted me privately). Most of all, I want to say that Jesus is close to me in prayer.
So I am at total peace.
A final note: all of the talks that were cancelled--at Theological College, at the Order of the Holy Sepulchre Investiture Dinner, and at Cafod, were not about LGBT Catholics. They were about Jesus.

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Wednesday, 13 September 2017

James Martin, S.J. - a man crying out in desperation for attention and secretly for help

One could blog nearly daily on the ravaged mind of James Martin, S.J., and the perverse, corrupted doctrine he bleats on Twitter, Facebook and in various media publications. Martin has been covered numerous times on this blog. Lately, I've avoided writing and instead, just end up shaking my head in disgust and in sadness for what this poor sick man has become.

Image result for james martin sjGiven his volume of activity on social media, one could rightly ask, "Does this priest ever pray his Office, or Rosary, does he spend an hour in adoration?" I think the answer must be, "no." How can it be otherwise? If a priest was rising early to read his Office and praying, and ministering to souls, and offering Mass well and hearing confessions, how could he have time to be as active on social media as Martin? How could he write that which he does in what can only be described as a pathological, deranged and obsessive promotion of homosexualism and an outright rejection of the Church's teaching on the grotesque sin of sodomy, effeminacy and same-sex behaviour.

In a recent interview at Fordham University, Martin has gone perhaps further to reveal the severely deranged and poisoned mind to the point where it can only be concluded that James Martin of the Society of Jesus must be possessed by the Devil, Satan himself. No Catholic priest, servant of Our Lord Jesus Christ could every state that which this wretched man does without being possessed by the Evil One. 

Martin and his cronies who leave comments here will no doubt call me a "hater." 

The truth is this; the real "hater" is James Martin. Martin hates himself, he hates Christ and His Church and the truth. He hates the men trapped in a sorrowful and suffering life of homosexuality. These men deserve our love because they are children of the same God. They deserve the truth, that the God who loves them does not expect them to live as they do. They were not born this way. Those who believe, this, who promote this, are liars.

In the Fordham interview, with Patrick Hornbeck, the Chairman of the Department of Theology, Hornbeck makes it clear that he is "married" to his "husband." How has Timothy Dolan, Cardinal Archbishop of New York not removed this man from his position? Let him sue. Take the lawsuit, pay him if you have to, but get him out.

In the interview, Martin states:

“He (a former Religious and friend of Martin) came out and has been with his partner for 20 years. His partner has a fairly serious illness that is at times extremely serious and requires a lot of attention. Mark has cared for him for, I think, 15–20 years now. And one of the questions I would like the institutional Church to reflect on is: 'Is this not love?'
"I have a hard time imagining how even the most traditionalist, homophobic, closed-minded Catholic cannot look at my (active homosexual) friend and say, 'That is a loving act, and that is a form of love that I don't understand but I have to reverence."

Martin dares to use the word "reverence" which has as a synonym, "adoration," something due only to Almighty God and states that we need to use this proper reverence to the people who practice acts of depravity. 

Let us be clear, Martin has set up a "straw-man." He wants you to believe it is all about "love." Of course, one friend should care for another in his sickness, that is what we should all do. But notice how this deceitful priest blends that idea of fraternal love with sodomitical debauchery. What does he think these two men do? It is not about "love."

Where are his Superiors?
James Martin is on his way to Hell. He must repent publicly of his grievous error and do penance. He must live a life of quiet reparation for what he has done to so many souls. Objectively speaking, if James Martin dies tonight, he will end up in Hell. He will be greeted there by those whom he deceived and joined sooner or later by those who failed to correct him.
Martin may interpret this as hate. The truth is, it is out of love for him and his priesthood that this is written.

Monday, 26 June 2017

James Martin, S.J. "homosexual-sex obsessed" and the "ravings of a lunatic."

It's about time.

It's about time someone other than the poor suffering laity and Joseph Sciambra have called out James Martin, S.J., for his homosexual obsession.

Sometimes it takes hard, seemingly coarse language, such as the "ravings of a lunatic," to wake up the man at the core of the problem and his superiors.

James Martin is a priest in desperate need of correction. His Superiors have betrayed him just as he continues to betray Christ and His people, particularly those suffering from same-sex attraction.

James Martin, S.J., hates "gay" men. if he did not, he would not tweet his praise of "pride," as he did yesterday. James Martin is filled with rage, it is time for him to either get the deep spiritual and psychological help that is needed, preferable through a life of prayer and penance in a Cistercian traditionalist monastery far away from a computer or any other Jesuit!

James Martin hates himself. His actions, particularly of late, are the ravings of someone obsessed. Not with Jesus, not with truth, but with sex between men.

Enough of this rage James, enough!

Enough of your lies, your distortions, your embrace of homosexualism and the work of Satan, whom you have embraced as your god. 

Enough of your projection upon unsuspecting people who are lead astray by your distortions.


Homosexual sex obsessed Jesuit v. Bp. Paprocki of Springfield, IL – ACTION ITEM!

action-item-buttonACTION ITEM at the end!
A little while ago, His Excellency Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki, Bishop of Springfield in Illinois, issued a Decree “Regarding Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ and Related Pastoral Issues.”
This Decree reaffirmed Catholic teaching that a marriage is only possible “between one man and one woman.”
You saw how Ed Peters handled one critic HERE.
Immediately, homosexual sex obsessed Jesuit James Martin blasted Bp. Paprocki HERE:
If bishops ban members of same-sex marriages from receiving a Catholic funeral, they also have to be consistent. They must also ban divorced and remarried Catholics who have not received annulments, women who has or man who fathers a child out of wedlock, members of straight couples who are living together before marriage, and anyone using birth control. For those are all against church teaching as well. Moreover, they must ban anyone who does not care for the poor, or care for the environment, and anyone who supports torture, for those are church teachings too. More basically, they must ban people who are not loving, not forgiving and not merciful, for these represent the teachings of Jesus, the most fundamental of all church teachings. To focus only on LGBT people, without a similar focus on the moral and sexual behavior of straight people is, in the words of the Catechism, a “sign of unjust discrimination” (2358).
This, friends, is the raving of a lunatic.
For a complete review of homosexual sex obsessed Jesuit James Martin v. Bp. Paprocki, try HERE, a blog by a Catholic man who suffered with same-sex affliction and is now striving to live a holy life.
URGENT: In his post he makes a great suggestion: drop Bp. Paprocki a supportive note! The diocese’s contact form and addresses:

Saturday, 17 June 2017

James Martin, S.J. a man desperately in need of God, a priest adrift from the reality of Christ

Can there be any doubt that the mind of James Martin, a Jesuit priest is distorted beyond any semblance of reason in matter of the faith?

In an interview with the New York Times, Martin stated, “Pretty much everyone’s lifestyle is sinful,”

Image result for james martin s.j.Martin recently stated that the catechism needs to be changed. Homosexual orientation is "objectively disordered," and the acts are "intrinsically disordered." Martin, and other to be sure, (we know who you even though we won't name you) wishes it to be "differently ordered."

This is a blasphemy; for it accuses God of creating a man or woman who will, beyond their control, live a lifestyle based upon repugnant sin that would destine them to a life of suffering and an eternity cut off from God. What kind of god would do this? Certainly not Christian God, the Catholic God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

It would be a god who would be evil, a god who would not deserve worship or adoration. A false god, a liar from the beginning.

There was a time when a priest's superiors would discipline this kind of priest. The fact that they do not proves that they not only agree with him, but that they are filled with hate. If they truly loved him, as a priest, a spiritual son, they would remove him from public ministry and get him the deep spiritual help he so desperately needs.

James Martin, S.J. is unfit to be in the public square commenting on the Catholic faith. A man unfit for priesthood. A man with a distorted mind crying out to the world for help and not having enough sense where to go to find it.

God help him.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Modern day Jesuits call St. Jude the Apostle a liar!

The first three readings from Matins today for the Vigil of Pentecost are taken from the Epistle of St Jude.

Is St. Jude just a panacea for Catholics with hopeless causes? Is he just a pious little devotion? St. Jude, also known as Thaddeus and a cousin of the LORD had a lot to say. Shall we read it?

Lesson from the letter of St. Jude the Apostle
Jude 1:1-4
1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James: to them that are beloved in God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called.
2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and charity be fulfilled.
3 Dearly beloved, taking all care to write unto you concerning your common salvation, I was under a necessity to write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.
4 For certain men are secretly entered in, (who were written of long ago unto this judgment,) ungodly men, turning the grace of our Lord God into riotousness, and denying the only sovereign Ruler, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 I will therefore admonish you, though ye once knew all things, that Jesus, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, did afterwards destroy them that believed not:
6 And the angels who kept not their principality, but forsook their own habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains, unto the judgment of the great day.
7 As Sodom and Gomorrha, and the neighbouring cities, in like manner, having given themselves to fornication, and going after other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.
8 In like manner these men also defile the flesh, and despise dominion, and blaspheme majesty.

9 When Michael the archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses, he durst not bring against him the judgment of railing speech, but said: The Lord command thee.
10 But these men blaspheme whatever things they know not: and what things soever they naturally know, like dumb beasts, in these they are corrupted.
11 Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain: and after the error of Balaam they have for reward poured out themselves, and have perished in the contradiction of Core.
12 These are spots in their banquets, feasting together without fear, feeding themselves, clouds without water, which are carried about by winds, trees of the autumn, unfruitful, twice dead, plucked up by the roots,

13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own confusion; wandering stars, to whom the storm of darkness is reserved for ever.

The Apostle Jude has a lot to say to the Jesuits of today, particularly to Arturo Sosa and James Martin who have lost the faith, if they ever really had it, and teach lies and distortions on the Devil who is called Satan and on his most favourite vice, sodomy, to which James Martin is obsessed with.

When will the good Jesuits out there, and I know they are there as some actually read this blog, when will they call out their derelict brothers?