The sooner we fix the excesses of Vatican I and II and throw this ultramontanist papolatry into the toilet, the better. You all know it. It is what has gotten us to where we are today. It's all good when the pope is the servant of the servants of God and a Catholic. It all falls apart when he is not.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Showing posts with label Papolatry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Papolatry. Show all posts
Saturday, 24 February 2024
Ultramontanism has led to this moment
Sunday, 23 July 2017
Moving beyond the term "papolatry" to the realisation of the subversive element
I've used the term "papolatry," as have others, to describe the almost idolatrous nature of the treatment of the current Bishop of Rome and his sycophants promotion of his every word and breath being from his "god of surprises." We see it in the case of priests on Twitter, the Vatican's own press (more on that tomorrow), and people such as Austin Ivereigh, parroting every word of Bergoglio's as if it was the new divine revelation and we are too stupid to get with the party.
The word, papolatry, is of Protestant origin and used as a smear on Catholicism. The point of using it, at least on my part, is to show how we have ascribe to the pope that which the Protestants have accused us of doing.
A reader, Mr. Benjamin Van Dyck, has written in the combox about the term, "papolatry" and more. It is a comment which I am going to publish because it is a salient and profound assessment of the current situation.
I thank Mr. Van Dyck for his wisdom.
The word, papolatry, is of Protestant origin and used as a smear on Catholicism. The point of using it, at least on my part, is to show how we have ascribe to the pope that which the Protestants have accused us of doing.
A reader, Mr. Benjamin Van Dyck, has written in the combox about the term, "papolatry" and more. It is a comment which I am going to publish because it is a salient and profound assessment of the current situation.
I thank Mr. Van Dyck for his wisdom.
I do not use the term "papolatry" because it was conceived in Protestantism. Besides, the sycophants of Pope Francis are not actually adoring him as a god, but irrationally extending pontifical infallibility beyond the criteria posed by His Divine Majesty. It has been the typical modus operandi of the subversive elements within the Church whenever they had the Pope under their sway. When the Pope contradicted their agenda, however, this 'extended papal infallibility' of theirs disappeared like snow before the sun. Very 'convenient' for them.
There is some kind of confusion of terminologies going on throughout the internet. I see words like "ultramontanism" and "clericalism" employed to describe the tyrannical behaviour of the present Pope of Rome and his yes-men, while these words were originally used as synonymous with Catholicism, and specifically the teachings of the First Vatican Council. People must stop doing this, because the enemy of "ultramontanism" and "clericalism" is sitting right there upon the august Apostolical See, abusing his authority to push forth his ecclesiastical hippie revolution.
I am convinced that God has permitted Pope Francis to be unleashed on the Church so that the Ratzingerian paradigm of equilibrium between so-called 'conservatives' and 'progressives would be shattered irrevocably. I remember well how stagnant this situation was in the days of Benedict XVI as Pope, and how the Ratzingerians insisted on the impossible pretense that the errors of Paul VI were not inherently erroneous, and that the texts could be reconciled with the Apostolic Tradition. They would even refuse the Roman Mass to those who were unwilling to burn this grain of incense to 'Mother Synthesis' on the altars of Hegel. Pope Francis, since his election, has been painfully embarrassing them to the point where those who continue to write seriously about the Ratzingerian "Hermeneutics of Continuity", read as if their articles are pieces of intended satire.
Let the Princes of the Church recognise the divine visitation, and attack the problems within the Church at their root; the invisible coup d'état wrought by Judeo-Masonry during the Second Vatican Council. Let them finally admit that "Dignitatis Humanae", "Nostra Aetate" and "Amoris Laetitia" must be condemned as objectively saturated with the depraved spirit of the maçonnerie, instead of continuing to insist that they be "read in the light of Tradition", which is impossible. When one shines the light of Tradition upon them, hideous devils are seen, not continuity. Francis is but the bitter fruit of a bitter tree.
Benjamin Van Dyck.
Saturday, 22 July 2017
The Papolatry given to this Francis of Rome has now even been articulated by Cardinal Müller
From the Eponymous Flower and Katholiches:
Now, can we get this Cardinal to speak up about a few more things of which he knows?
Muller's replacement, The new Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Luis Ladaria, has now said:
"Deep and spontaneous harmony"? What if the Pope is wrong? Truly, the job of the Prefect and the curia in general is to serve the pope, but they are to serve Christ first. The presumption is, of course, that the pope is serving Christ.
This writer has referred many times to "papolatry." It is a sin. It is a violation of the First Commandment of God. The Pope is a man. He is the servant of the servants of God. He is to be respected and obeyed in so far as he is carrying out the true faith and teaching true doctrine in line with his predecessors and the Magisterium.
When he deviates from the truth, he is to be corrected. If he refuses to be corrected, then he is to be ignored and if necessary, publicly scolded for his apostasy and heresy. These are not personal sins, this is public scandal. However, his heresy and apostasy is magnified when his minions in clerics and the faithful people in their ignorance and blind obedience, give unto any pope, that which is reserved to God alone. Add to this, a character of infallibility that is just not what the Church teachers or has ever taught. Protestants, Neo-Caths and Sedevacantists carry this papal authority too far. The First Vatican Council in its declaration of infallibility did not give power to the pope, it defined it, and, it limited it.
Do not ascribe to the Bishop of Rome that which he does not have!
Why are Catholics doing what Protestants have accused Catholics of doing, worshiping the pope as if his passing of gas has the scent of frankincense? His is not the odour of sanctity, it is more like sulphur.
Stop this papolatry!
No pope, not John Paul II not Francis is to be given such treatment. It is all around Francis, people are blind, they are sycophantic, but they are waking up. Unfortunately, there are those around him who are lusting at the ability to exploit peoples good intentions and ignorance and this pope's megalomonia for their own evil purposes.
May God deliver us soon from this Peronist Pope and the Jesuit and sodomite regime that has seized control of the Church.
[Katholisches] "Every Catholic, especially every bishop and every cardinal, has a positive and constructive relationship with the Pope. But this is anything but courtly manners and the groveling of subordinates, against which Pope Francis always spoke."
"That means that not everything he does and says is, from the outset, already perfect and unquestionable."
"There should be no personal cult and a pope-touching tourism."
Cardinal Gerhard Muller, prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Congregation of the Doctrine and the Faith, no longer in office, on Pope Franziskus, report of the German Press Agency (DPA), quoted from Der Spiegel v. July 19, 2017.
Now, can we get this Cardinal to speak up about a few more things of which he knows?
Muller's replacement, The new Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Luis Ladaria, has now said:
‘I am in a
deep and spontaneous harmony with the Pope’.
This writer has referred many times to "papolatry." It is a sin. It is a violation of the First Commandment of God. The Pope is a man. He is the servant of the servants of God. He is to be respected and obeyed in so far as he is carrying out the true faith and teaching true doctrine in line with his predecessors and the Magisterium.
When he deviates from the truth, he is to be corrected. If he refuses to be corrected, then he is to be ignored and if necessary, publicly scolded for his apostasy and heresy. These are not personal sins, this is public scandal. However, his heresy and apostasy is magnified when his minions in clerics and the faithful people in their ignorance and blind obedience, give unto any pope, that which is reserved to God alone. Add to this, a character of infallibility that is just not what the Church teachers or has ever taught. Protestants, Neo-Caths and Sedevacantists carry this papal authority too far. The First Vatican Council in its declaration of infallibility did not give power to the pope, it defined it, and, it limited it.
Do not ascribe to the Bishop of Rome that which he does not have!
Why are Catholics doing what Protestants have accused Catholics of doing, worshiping the pope as if his passing of gas has the scent of frankincense? His is not the odour of sanctity, it is more like sulphur.
Stop this papolatry!
No pope, not John Paul II not Francis is to be given such treatment. It is all around Francis, people are blind, they are sycophantic, but they are waking up. Unfortunately, there are those around him who are lusting at the ability to exploit peoples good intentions and ignorance and this pope's megalomonia for their own evil purposes.
May God deliver us soon from this Peronist Pope and the Jesuit and sodomite regime that has seized control of the Church.
Cardinal Muller,
Francis of Rome,
Monday, 12 December 2016
Don't follow the Vatican's "madmen and sycophants" into papolatry!
The great fraud perpetuated on the Catholic faithful with regard to the Pope, any Pope, is the absurd belief that everything they say is from God and is infallible. The First Vatican Council was very specific, infallibility is when a Pope declares on faith and morals and defines it as such. This definition actually limits papal power.
Catholics, particularly since Vatican II and the papal "cults of personality," which we see currently, have adopted that which protestants have accused us of doing, elevating the Pope to godlike status resulting in papolatry.
Father Hunwicke has such a delightful manner of expression, particularly referring to the "madmen and sycophants" at the Vatican.
Catholics, particularly since Vatican II and the papal "cults of personality," which we see currently, have adopted that which protestants have accused us of doing, elevating the Pope to godlike status resulting in papolatry.
Father Hunwicke has such a delightful manner of expression, particularly referring to the "madmen and sycophants" at the Vatican.
In the feverish Roman atmosphere of 1870, as the hypersuperueberpapalists at the Council ran around propagating extreme and barmy notions of the papal office, this little bit of nonsense did the rounds: "The three incarnations of the Son of God are: in the womb of our Lady; in the Eucharist; and in the Pope". We appear now in 2016 to have moved on from that, because instead we have Pintos and Farrells and other hypers telling us that whatever Bergoglio utters is the utterance of the Holy Spirit. What has stayed the same is that the hypers in each age appear to have the same disordered passion to see the Roman Pontiff as some sort of incarnation of one of the Persons of the Blessed and Undivided Trinity. Seems to me close to blasphemy and idolatry. Did I say 'close'?
Now, who might be amongst those "madmen and sycophants."
Father Hunwicke,
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Modernist heresiarch James Martin, S.J. already interpreting Synod Relatio where "conscience" not truth, is the guide
It has been said over and over again. Those of us who stand by the Church have today been called out by the Bishop of Rome himself because we are not the "true defenders of doctrine" because we uphold the "letter."
We are wrong because we do not uphold the "spirit."
No interest in "dialogue" from this Jesuit.
What follows is the first public scandal over the Synod document caused by a Catholic priest who has stated quite clearly for the world to see that through the "internal forum" the divorced and remarried can make the decision to receive the Holy Eucharist. This is the devolution of doctrine and it has been done by Francis the Bishop of Rome his gang of clericalist thugs, particularly the puffed up with pride and arrogant, Jesuits.
The apologists for Francis and those engaged in papolatry cannot deny it any longer.
The "spirit" of Francis's vision is already being implemented.
Welcome to Vatican III.
We are wrong because we do not uphold the "spirit."
No interest in "dialogue" from this Jesuit.
What follows is the first public scandal over the Synod document caused by a Catholic priest who has stated quite clearly for the world to see that through the "internal forum" the divorced and remarried can make the decision to receive the Holy Eucharist. This is the devolution of doctrine and it has been done by Francis the Bishop of Rome his gang of clericalist thugs, particularly the puffed up with pride and arrogant, Jesuits.
The apologists for Francis and those engaged in papolatry cannot deny it any longer.
The "spirit" of Francis's vision is already being implemented.
Welcome to Vatican III.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Coren's confusion over papal authority -
In a recent quote on Facebook referring to his most recent Sun Newspaper article, journalist and "Catholic" author Michael Coren wrote the following:
What I didn't say in my column today was that many right-wing Catholics are so angry with Pope Francis that they are - implicitly and often explicitly - questioning Papal authority; without that, of course, Roman Catholicism has no distinct meaning. Not that right-wing Catholics are alone in this; liberals exhibited the same attitude about John Paul and Benedict. All of which leads us to ask just how many Catholics actually believe that the Pope is the direct descendant of Peter and has exclusive authority. In a world of open debate, encouraged dissent and fierce social media this presents a profound problem for Roman Catholicism. It's going to be an interesting 2015.
Fellow journalist Deborah Guyapong left a comment challenging Coren's statement:
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote: “After the Second Vatican Council, the impression arose that the pope really could do anything … especially if he were acting on the mandate of an ecumenical council … In fact, the First Vatican Council had in no way defined the pope as an absolute monarch. On the contrary, it presented him as the guarantor of obedience to the revealed Word. The pope’s authority is bound to the Tradition of faith … The authority of the pope is not unlimited; it is at the service of Sacred Tradition.”
And this is what Vatican I had defined: “The Holy Spirit was not promised to Peter’s successors so that by its revelation they might disclose new doctrine, but, so that, by its assistance, they might devoutly guard and faithfully set forth the revelation handed down through the Apostles.
Deborah has done us a favour by citing the quote above and links the whole article to Father Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment which addresses a statement by Cardinal Marx of Germany.
What is a "right-wing Catholic" Michael? Is it someone that accepts what the Church has taught down the centuries? Is that a bad thing? I watched your recent interview with Alissa Golub where you showed disdain for the sacrifice Mary Wagner is making and I am saddened by it - though at least you featured it and for that at least, I applaud you. However, the fact remains; as Barona so rightly testifies, her imprisonment, whilst according to the law, is a mark of fascism which has slowly been creeping into our beloved Canada quoting Bishop Johannes Maria Gföllner; “The
nation is not the highest power, nor may the state be idolized; The highest
power for each nation is and remains religion.” False religion and error has no rights.
These neo-caths (he uses labels so let us use them too) such as Coren, Mark Shea and a host of others are displaying papolatry and that is not Catholic. They and many since the Second Vatican Council have betrayed Our Blessed Lord and His Social Kingship and are Judases, many of them, clerical Judases!
If Pope Francis stood up tomorrow and said "I solemnly proclaim that the moon is made of cream cheese and I bind the belief on all Catholics" would you rush to the store to buy bagels and smoked salmon to celebrate and hire Virgin Airlines to take you there to shovel it up?
Soon, the Pope is expected to issue an Encyclical on the environment. Rumour has it that he will release it at the United Nations. This is appalling and has the credibility of the moon made of green cheese. What does the Pope know of the environment and so-called "global-warming?"
Good grief, climate changes why do you think that there are fossils of ferns and palms in Greenland!
I will reserve judgement until I see that encyclical but if it trumpets the usual left-wing, Al Gore poppycock of man being responsible for climate change, I will put it in the same category as the moon being made of cream cheese. Stewardship is one thing, a political agenda based on junk-science is something else entirely and not befitting the Vicar of Christ or the Holy Catholic Church.
Now, before one says that we "trads" and "right-wing Catholics" are creating confusion, read the two statements below by Pope Francis :
Now, before one says that we "trads" and "right-wing Catholics" are creating confusion, read the two statements below by Pope Francis :
“She, during her earthly life, knew no small difficulties, joined to the daily fatigue of existence,” he said. “But she never lost peace of heart, the fruit of trustful abandonment to the mercy of God. Let us ask Mary, our tender Mother, to show to the whole world the sure path of love and of peace.”
"The Gospel does not tell us anything: if she spoke a word or not… She was silent, but in her heart, how many things told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!’"
Seriously Michael, Mark and the rest of you, stop misinterpreting the First Vatican Council on the authority of the Pope ; you display ignorance that I find incredulous, particularly as Catholic writers.
Mary Wagner,
Pope Francis
Saturday, 18 October 2014
No stopping the Synod backlash - responsibility is with Pope Francis himself
Now that the Synod is wrapping up, we await the final report and whatever gift we are given tomorrow, Sunday.
Every Catholic must be indebted to Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Napier, Cardinal Pell to the Polish Bishops' Conference and to others whom we are not directly aware not within the English-speaking world. Make no mistake, the people behind the machinations and deception this week intended to change doctrine. It is a homosexual and modernist cabal deep inside the Church. They are masonic, they hate the Church, they hate Christ, they hate you and me. They are malefactors and they will be back again.
Two weeks ago, it was about the civilly divorced and remarried. The actions this week show the truth -- this Synod has been about:
The scandal, the utter tragedy in all of this is to see the Holy Father, Pope Francis approve of all of it by not only his silence but by his apparent participation in political games of note-passing and head-nodding in the Synod hall. This is action beneath the Vicar of Christ, the Pope. It is an insult to Our Blessed Lord and to the Body of Christ -- the Church and you and I as members of Her.
It is time to put away two things; the first is this, the Holy Spirit does not directly elect the Pope. Second; papolatry is a violation of the First Commandment, it is not Catholic and never was. We have to face this friends, Christ is the Head, the Pope is His servant. He can make mistakes in prudential judgement and action and in the case of the last 18 months, there have been many.
Never could I have imagined a most senior Cardinal (Burke) ever calling out a Pope and state that the Pope is actively and positively doing "harm" to the Church. We've seen him lectured to do his "job" in a brilliant and humble column by Father Longenecker and the process denounced by Father Vincent Twomey. There is more, to be sure, including this report from Rorate.
We are facing a crisis unknown for at least five-hundred years and the protestant revolution. In fact, it may become the greatest crisis in seventeen-hundred years and the time of Arius. Do not underestimate that which we are facing and it must be said that the person responsible for this is Pope Francis himself. He called this Synod and appointed the antagonists, gave approval and promotion to the public heretic, racist, lying, calumniator, Kasper and he has not taken one step which the Catholic people need to see to reign him in or denounce him. Cardinal Kasper attempted yesterday to destroy a person's career to hide his own mistakes and Pope Francis says nothing.
These men, these malefactors have done great harm; they have disturbed the hearts and souls of millions of Catholics and they are doing evil.
Yesterday, I spoke with a good friend who has been counselling a young man that is struggling with same-sex attraction and chastity. The young man announced to him yesterday that he has a new "boyfriend" and he referred to the change that the Church has taken to justify it. You and I know that there is no "change" but as Cardinal Napier indicated, the damage is done.
Learn from the Prophet Ezechiel; "If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand."
Saint Luke and Saint Matthew both tell us of Our Lord's words, "he that shall scandalise one of these little ones that believes in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." Jesus held nothing back. The people that have committed this scandal these last few weeks have done the work of Satan. The two paragraphs above apply. God will not be mocked and He is just. The young man referred to earlier has free choice, but those that confused him this week will be judged by God for what they did.
There is no blaming the media this week. The Church has a self-inflicted wound. Pray for Pope Francis that he upholds the faith and guards the Church from heresy. The wolves that drove out our Benedict are still there, and with Pope Francis, they seem to have be emboldened. We love Pope Francis, we must pray for him and convict ourselves for not doing so; but we cannot accept heresy; we cannot accept a change in doctrine through stealth or in any other way.
Gird your loins and put on the helmet of salvation. Go to confession, go to Mass. Seek out proper liturgy. Pray the Mass and receive Holy Communion devoutly. Be vigilant. Do not break faith with the Truth. The Truth is found in Tradition. When in doubt you follow what we have always followed. Truth is in Tradition, doctrine does not change. Revelation is not new, there are no "surprises."
We are in a battle friends. Our Mother is besieged and violated. It is up to you and me to fight for Her. This is the glorious duty that we have that is not to be diminished. This is our time. This is our Crusade. This is our great blessing.
Ave Maria!
Viva Cristo Rey!
Every Catholic must be indebted to Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Napier, Cardinal Pell to the Polish Bishops' Conference and to others whom we are not directly aware not within the English-speaking world. Make no mistake, the people behind the machinations and deception this week intended to change doctrine. It is a homosexual and modernist cabal deep inside the Church. They are masonic, they hate the Church, they hate Christ, they hate you and me. They are malefactors and they will be back again.
Two weeks ago, it was about the civilly divorced and remarried. The actions this week show the truth -- this Synod has been about:
- The approval of sodomy and alternative family arrangements.
- A dismissive attitude towards mortal sin.
- A profanation of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
- And as Cardinal Kasper revealed in his racist rant about Africa, a confederation of national churches under a first among equals.
The scandal, the utter tragedy in all of this is to see the Holy Father, Pope Francis approve of all of it by not only his silence but by his apparent participation in political games of note-passing and head-nodding in the Synod hall. This is action beneath the Vicar of Christ, the Pope. It is an insult to Our Blessed Lord and to the Body of Christ -- the Church and you and I as members of Her.
It is time to put away two things; the first is this, the Holy Spirit does not directly elect the Pope. Second; papolatry is a violation of the First Commandment, it is not Catholic and never was. We have to face this friends, Christ is the Head, the Pope is His servant. He can make mistakes in prudential judgement and action and in the case of the last 18 months, there have been many.
Never could I have imagined a most senior Cardinal (Burke) ever calling out a Pope and state that the Pope is actively and positively doing "harm" to the Church. We've seen him lectured to do his "job" in a brilliant and humble column by Father Longenecker and the process denounced by Father Vincent Twomey. There is more, to be sure, including this report from Rorate.
We are facing a crisis unknown for at least five-hundred years and the protestant revolution. In fact, it may become the greatest crisis in seventeen-hundred years and the time of Arius. Do not underestimate that which we are facing and it must be said that the person responsible for this is Pope Francis himself. He called this Synod and appointed the antagonists, gave approval and promotion to the public heretic, racist, lying, calumniator, Kasper and he has not taken one step which the Catholic people need to see to reign him in or denounce him. Cardinal Kasper attempted yesterday to destroy a person's career to hide his own mistakes and Pope Francis says nothing.
These men, these malefactors have done great harm; they have disturbed the hearts and souls of millions of Catholics and they are doing evil.
Yesterday, I spoke with a good friend who has been counselling a young man that is struggling with same-sex attraction and chastity. The young man announced to him yesterday that he has a new "boyfriend" and he referred to the change that the Church has taken to justify it. You and I know that there is no "change" but as Cardinal Napier indicated, the damage is done.
Learn from the Prophet Ezechiel; "If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand."

There is no blaming the media this week. The Church has a self-inflicted wound. Pray for Pope Francis that he upholds the faith and guards the Church from heresy. The wolves that drove out our Benedict are still there, and with Pope Francis, they seem to have be emboldened. We love Pope Francis, we must pray for him and convict ourselves for not doing so; but we cannot accept heresy; we cannot accept a change in doctrine through stealth or in any other way.
Gird your loins and put on the helmet of salvation. Go to confession, go to Mass. Seek out proper liturgy. Pray the Mass and receive Holy Communion devoutly. Be vigilant. Do not break faith with the Truth. The Truth is found in Tradition. When in doubt you follow what we have always followed. Truth is in Tradition, doctrine does not change. Revelation is not new, there are no "surprises."
We are in a battle friends. Our Mother is besieged and violated. It is up to you and me to fight for Her. This is the glorious duty that we have that is not to be diminished. This is our time. This is our Crusade. This is our great blessing.
Ave Maria!
Viva Cristo Rey!
Pope Francis,
Synod on the Family
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
The Synod was a Set-up!
Are persons suffering with same-sex attraction to be hated? Of course not; but we can hate the political and social movement of homosexualism that has taken control of our culture and clearly, our Church!
Are people with same-sex attraction to be welcomed in the Church -- in our parishes and loved and respected? Absolutely; and I know many and one is now married to a woman and I had the pleasure to be a Lector at their wedding.
For the last thirty years of my life, the Churches which I've attended have either offered the Mass in the traditional rite or the new rite with solid liturgy and orthodox preaching. At these churches there have been people who identified as "gay" people divorced (myself at one time) and a myriad of suffering humanity. Were they/I all accepted as brothers and sisters?
So, what on earth is this synod all about?
The idiocy and evil by those at the Synod and I use those words in their full meaning, is profound. They wish to leave people suffering from same-sex behaviour in their sin. There is no call for repentance!
Look, people with SSA (same sex attraction) are not beating down the doors to get into Church. They can come just like anyone else if they choose to do so. If they repent and amend their lives they can come to Holy Communion. If they do not, they cannot. Neither can I if I live a life of adultery or fornication or drunkenness or deny just wages. Are we to reach out to them? Absolutely, with the truth!
It is a false mercy to think otherwise.
The relator at the Synod blames an Archbishop who inserted three paragraphs without anyone knowledge. Really Eminence; we are to believe this?
The Bishop of Rome's morning homily from the morning of the release of this document was all about the law and the "god of surprises" (the lack of a capital is intentional).
What does that tell you?
The Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, must not only have known of these three paragraphs, he must have agreed with them!
Our good friends at Rorate are reporting today on Sandro Magister:
"The coincidence must be fortuitous, but on Monday, October 13, precisely on the very same day on which in the Italian political arena both the party of [Socialist prime-minister] Matteo Renzi as that of Silvio Berlusconi [the main "conservative" party] announced their will to legitimize homosexual unions, on the other bank of the Tiber the special secretary of the Synod on the Family, archbishop Bruno Forte, said that he also hoped for the same thing, because "it is an issue of civilization."
Has Rome, have these bishops and cardinals, has the Pope himself lost his mind?
This is a disgrace! It is a crime against the Church. It is a betrayal of our faith and of the truth. Can it be a set-up from the very beginning and from the highest office? The damage has been done, the global media will report that the Church has changed and our argument is now lost and if we stand for the truth, we will be mocked, we will now be the problem.
It is Peronism at its finest, eh? Even Saul Alinsky could not have imagined that this would actually happen and make no mistake, they are using all of his rules (for radicals). That homomafia is alive and well and still very active in Vatican City.
The Vatican is clearly backtracking today that "a value has been attributed to a document which does not correspond to its nature. As Mundabor writes, "this is not even a fig-leaf. This is like staying naked in front of the journalists and making a declaration that one is clothed." He rightly questions which is more "stupid" the Relatio or this declaration but he when he writes, "probably the text is more blasphemous and heretical, but this declaration is every bit as offensive."
A breaking report from England quotes Archbishop Nichols that the document was "composed under pressure." If this revelation is true, and there is no reason to doubt the Archbishop, then the document is illegal and the whole legitimacy of the Synod is in doubt.
Matt C. Abbott today at Renew America quotes Cardinal Napier, "We're now working from a position that's virtually irredeemable,' said South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, referring to the media coverage. 'The message has gone out that this is what synod is saying, that this is what the Catholic Church is saying,' he said. 'Whatever we say hereafter will seem like we're doing damage control." Through his own network, Matt has asked for comments and Father James Fargalia writes, "Pope Francis has correctly criticized the plague of clericalism within the Catholic Church, but Monday's document is the most disgusting example of clericalism that I have ever seen in my almost twenty-seven years as a faithful and hardworking Catholic priest. In fact, the entire synod is an example of clericalism in its most horrendous form. How many of the participants in the synod have ever served in a parish?" He continues, "I used to dismiss the conspiracy theories regarding Pope Benedict XVI's resignation. In light of Monday's horrendous Vatican document, I entertain those theories as a plausible possibility." Father Richard Perozich says that "A pastoral practice that allows sin to be mixed with grace is neither pastoral, nor compassionate, nor merciful. Any such accommodation would teach others to abandon biblical guidance, to follow human desire, and to separate themselves from God."
Now we see the agenda, eh?
This was all about Kasper and his Holy Communion for the divorce and remarried without a decree of nullity, Now, it is revealed that it is really about a blanket acceptance of sodomy, a watering down of marriage, Holy Communion for everyone, a false mercy.
If they truly believed that Our Lord Jesus Christ was present body, blood, soul and divinity in the Blessed Sacrament would they permit this? They would admonish the sinner and they would prevent him or her from eating "unto their own condemnation." This is mercy and they can only have lost the faith.
Father D. Vincent Twomey, S.V.D., writes today in Catholic World Report, that "It is gravely irresponsible on the part of the Synod to cause further confusion in a pastoral situation that, in the absence of little authentic instruction on the part of the bishops and priests over the past forty years, is causing havoc in people's lives."
I think the most salient quote today is this one from Father Hunwicke; "When you have a problem with some word or action, you lean over backwards to see it in the best possible light. But your duties of faithfulness to Christ do not mean that you have to be pathologically sycophantic towards whoever happens to be the current bishop of Rome." I've said it before papolatry (papal-idolatry) is not Catholic; no matter how many nice pictures and how humble the Vatican spin doctors dress this up. So, let us get over this idea that the "wonderfullest pope evah" can do no wrong. He can and he has.
The Synod is a disgrace, it is bordering on illegitimacy and is enveloped in a level of unprecedented secrecy and manipulation. This is not the working of the Holy Spirit, of that we can be certain. In Poland it is being called a "hermeneutic of treachery!"
I've read in a few places of people despairing and some say that they will leave the Church. I am not despairing but I am bloody angry.
Look, you cannot leave the Bride of Christ over this. Where else are we to go? The Orthodox who remain schismatic? The SSPX without Faculties?
We stay right where we are. We do not have to obey on matters that dissent against the Magisterium. If these Romans do this, they call St. John Paul II a liar. If they do this, they call the man they are about to beatify, Bl. Paul VI a liar. They call St. Paul a liar. Now, I would not put it past any of these, and I mean any, to try but know what this is:
This is the devil. He has seized these men by their necks and by their hearts. They are old men, withered and bitter. They have lost the faith, they are out of touch. They are modernists, some are heretics and 100 years ago they would have already been tried for their lies, their heresy, their sodomy and malfeasance. They are sterile and they have no progeny. They represent a dead church and a dead theology.
As our beloved Benedict said, "the Church of the future will be smaller." The people behind this poisonous synod, this betrayal of the law, this new crucifixion are a declining number and they know it. They know too, as does their father of lies, that their time is short.
The next pope is there in Rome. He is witnessing this horror, and he is being called to truly rebuild and re-evangelise the Church. He will uphold the faith and he will restore all things.
The next year is going to be a trial. Then, some time in 2016; Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome will issue his Apostolic Exhortation.
A lot can happen between now and then.
Pope Francis,
Synod on the Family
Monday, 13 October 2014
Synodal secrecy and spin and sodomite-mafia takeover
If you've not already read or heard, the Synod Fathers elected by secret ballot their representatives to write the report known as the relatio. Cardinal Raymond Burke and Cardinal Bagnasco amongst others were elected, again I repeat, by secret ballot! Most of the group was decidedly orthodox to Catholic doctrine.
What has been the response by the Bishop of Rome?
Pope Francis appointed six others including Cardinal Wuerl of Washington -- six who seemingly take opposing views to the first group and are in line with the thinking of the Bishop or Rome.
Let me be clear.
The Bishop of Rome has no right or authority by God to change doctrine, so get off your papolatrous high-horse now. The Pope, this Pope, is obligated ,as are all, to receive and pass on, he is a servant of the servants of God, he is not a master.
This cabal lead by Cardinal Kasper aided by Donald Wuerl are trying to remake Catholic doctrine by stealth, make no mistake about that.
Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried without a decree of nullity is their goal, they are literally "hell-bent" on doing it no matter what.
The Pope should not allow Cardinals such as Kasper to openly create confusion and rancour. It is astounding.
The fact that we cannot here what our bishops say and that it is filtered by the likes of Lombardi and Thomas Rosica, CSB is a detestable. We all know about how these men communicate, eh? We have a right, as Cardinal Muller stated, to know what our bishops say!
In the recent past, many Catholics opposed St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI for their teaching. They dissented. They were wrong as they were dissenting from the magisterial teaching of the Church be it on women's ordination, liturgical abuses, divorce and remarriage civilly with no decree of nullity, acknowledgement of same-sex relationships, contraception -- the list goes on. These people were wrong, they were not practising Catholics. They were trying to undermine the faith.
Catholics now who have not changed their beliefs are now the dissenters -- how can this be?
If you think that those other points are not going to fall like dominoes if these scandalisers in Rome succeed in changing doctrine by stealth (the wedge is Holy Communion) then you are a bigger fool than them. Read what the German bishops write and say, and the Bishop of Antwerp (an appropriate name) and you tell me where these modernists wish to take the Church.
This is happening as the world is burning. Christians beheaded and persecuted. People crucified in 2014!!! Homes destroyed, cultural genocide, economic disruption and these men talk of no Holy Communion for some who persist in mortal sin and refuse to live the life that God has deigned and the Church has taught for two millenia.
Bishops in Africa are notably absent from the commission appointed by the Pope. The issues of this Synod are white, rich European and English world issues. The main focus has been and continues to be divorce and Holy Communion.
The Church and this Synod is out of touch with the reality of the world.
This Synod on the Family is a false construct and a Trojan horse.
This post started to be written with the latest article by Sandra Magister, "The Real Dilemma: Indissolubility or Divorce" as the main focus until the latest from Rome came to my attention. They are though, intricately connected and Magister gives you the inner workings in his usually well-informed manner.
Below is a link and quote from this morning at the Vatican. This is a result of the what has been unleashed at this Synod. Can we be lead to any other conclusion that the dossier handed to our beloved Benedict XVI in fact contained a plethora of information on the power and infiltration of effeminates and sodomites in the highest realms of the Church?
Do not be fooled. The cover-up of pederast priests was done by bishops who sympathised or were of the same ilk as them. They are now at the height of their power or else this would not be happening.
What has been the response by the Bishop of Rome?
Pope Francis appointed six others including Cardinal Wuerl of Washington -- six who seemingly take opposing views to the first group and are in line with the thinking of the Bishop or Rome.
Let me be clear.
The Bishop of Rome has no right or authority by God to change doctrine, so get off your papolatrous high-horse now. The Pope, this Pope, is obligated ,as are all, to receive and pass on, he is a servant of the servants of God, he is not a master.
This cabal lead by Cardinal Kasper aided by Donald Wuerl are trying to remake Catholic doctrine by stealth, make no mistake about that.
Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried without a decree of nullity is their goal, they are literally "hell-bent" on doing it no matter what.
The Pope should not allow Cardinals such as Kasper to openly create confusion and rancour. It is astounding.
The fact that we cannot here what our bishops say and that it is filtered by the likes of Lombardi and Thomas Rosica, CSB is a detestable. We all know about how these men communicate, eh? We have a right, as Cardinal Muller stated, to know what our bishops say!
In the recent past, many Catholics opposed St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI for their teaching. They dissented. They were wrong as they were dissenting from the magisterial teaching of the Church be it on women's ordination, liturgical abuses, divorce and remarriage civilly with no decree of nullity, acknowledgement of same-sex relationships, contraception -- the list goes on. These people were wrong, they were not practising Catholics. They were trying to undermine the faith.
Catholics now who have not changed their beliefs are now the dissenters -- how can this be?
If you think that those other points are not going to fall like dominoes if these scandalisers in Rome succeed in changing doctrine by stealth (the wedge is Holy Communion) then you are a bigger fool than them. Read what the German bishops write and say, and the Bishop of Antwerp (an appropriate name) and you tell me where these modernists wish to take the Church.
This is happening as the world is burning. Christians beheaded and persecuted. People crucified in 2014!!! Homes destroyed, cultural genocide, economic disruption and these men talk of no Holy Communion for some who persist in mortal sin and refuse to live the life that God has deigned and the Church has taught for two millenia.
Bishops in Africa are notably absent from the commission appointed by the Pope. The issues of this Synod are white, rich European and English world issues. The main focus has been and continues to be divorce and Holy Communion.
The Church and this Synod is out of touch with the reality of the world.
This Synod on the Family is a false construct and a Trojan horse.
This post started to be written with the latest article by Sandra Magister, "The Real Dilemma: Indissolubility or Divorce" as the main focus until the latest from Rome came to my attention. They are though, intricately connected and Magister gives you the inner workings in his usually well-informed manner.
Below is a link and quote from this morning at the Vatican. This is a result of the what has been unleashed at this Synod. Can we be lead to any other conclusion that the dossier handed to our beloved Benedict XVI in fact contained a plethora of information on the power and infiltration of effeminates and sodomites in the highest realms of the Church?
50. Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities? Often they wish to encounter a Church that offers them a welcoming home. Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?
51. The question of homosexuality leads to a serious reflection on how to elaborate realistic paths of affective growth and human and evangelical maturity integrating the sexual dimension: it appears therefore as an important educative challenge. The Church furthermore affirms that unions between people of the same sex cannot be considered on the same footing as matrimony between man and woman. Nor is it acceptable that pressure be brought to bear on pastors or that international bodies make financial aid dependent on the introduction of regulations inspired by gender ideology.
52. Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners. Furthermore, the Church pays special attention to the children who live with couples of the same sex, emphasizing that the needs and rights of the little ones must always be given priority.
Do not be fooled. The cover-up of pederast priests was done by bishops who sympathised or were of the same ilk as them. They are now at the height of their power or else this would not be happening.
Synod on the Family
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