A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 15 November 2009

Msgr. T. Barrett Armstrong, Requiescat in pace

Monsignor T. Barrett Armstrong
Requiescat in pace

I have just received news that Msgr T. Barrett Armstrong passed away yesterday, Saturday, November 14, 2009. Any Catholic in Toronto and anyone in the broader community should be mourning the passing of this holy priest. Msgr. Armstrong was Director of Music at St. Michael's Choir School and Cathedral for many years. He attended the world-famous school as a child founded by Msgr. John Edward Ronan.
He was a talented musician and a good and holy priest with an inbiding love for the beauty of Gregorian chant and sacred choral music for the Glory of God and the edification of His people. The Church in Canada owes a debt of gratitude to Monsignor. He kept alive in the cathedral when it was not popular Gregorian chant and Palestrina and the works of Msgr. Ronan. I can remember my return to the Church and Msgr. Armstrong standing at the Ambo teaching the congregation the Missa de Angelis Gloria and Credo III.
I pray he knows now what he did to inspire this writer to undertake his current work.
May he rest in peace.

Friday 13 November 2009

The Pope of Christian Unity

After it was announced a few weeks ago that the Holy Father would shortly issue an apostolic constitution for Anglicans wishing to return to the See of Peter, Father Z began to refer to Pope Benedict XVI as the Pope of Christian Unity. After the pastoral care shown by his issuance of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum followed by his paternal hand extended to the Society of St. Pius X and with the now issued Apostolic Constitution, Anglicanorum Coetibus and continuous overtures to the Orthodox, there can be no doubt that Pope Benedict XVI is the Pope of Christian Unity.

This unity is angering the liberal and modernist establishment to apoplexy. They know that with the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass and the hoped for integration of the SSPX combined with Anglicans who accept the truths of the Church on all issues of faith, but in particular ordination and marriage, combined with the liturgical excellence of the three, their future is weakened. This can be seen continually in the continued rant by the Bishop of Erie against words such as ineffable coming soon to an English Mass near you.

A challenge was put out by Father Z today, to search the term "Pope of Christian Unity" to see the results.

In this short time, there are over 270,000 entries from blogs and articles using this expression.

Count this as 270,001.

All praises be to the Holy Trinity for Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope of Christian Unity!

Monday 9 November 2009

Anglicanorum Coetibus

Vox Cantoris was born and canoically remains Maronite, practicing Latin, but secretly longs to be an Anglican!

God bless Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope of Christian Unity

Anglican Use Liturgy, Our Lady of the Atonement, San Antonio Texas @ Yahoo! Video

Friday 6 November 2009

Two new Auxilliary Bishops for Toronto

As indicated here yesterday, this just in from the Vatican:


The Holy Father has appointed auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Toronto (Canada):

- The Reverend Vincent Nguyen, a priest of the archdiocese itself, and Judicial Vicar and Vice Chancellor has been named titular bishop of Ammaedara;

- The Rev Terrence William McGrattan, of the diocese of London, and Rector of the Major Seminary "Saint Peter" in London, assigning him as titular of Fornos Minor.

The Rev Vincent Nguyen was born in Vietnam on May 8, 1966. His great-grandfather is one of the Vietnamese Martyrs. In 1981, at age 15, left Vietnam and arrived in Canada in 1984 through Japan.

After secondary school studies, he obtained a Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering (Applied Science in Electrical Engineering) University of Toronto. Joined in 1993 as "St. Augustine's Seminary in Toronto, and received a Master of Divinity.

He was ordained a priest May 9, 1998 for the Archdiocese of Toronto.

In 2008 he obtained a licentiate in canon law from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome as a student of the Pontifical Canadian College (2005-2008).

After ordination, he held the following positions: assistant priest of the parish "St. Patrick's" in Mississauga (1998-2001), Administrator of the parish "St. Monica's" in Toronto (2001-2003), and pastor of the parish "St. . Cecilia's "and Mission" Vietnamese Martyrs "in Toronto (2003-2005).

From 2008 to today was Vice Chancellor and Judicial Vicar.

The Reverend Terrence William McGrattan was born in London, Ontario, September 19, 1956. Before entering the seminary, he received his degree in Industrial Engineering at the "University of Western Ontario," and practiced for a few years as an engineer.

He then completed his ecclesiastical studies in St. Peter's Seminary in London, obtaining a Master of Divinity.

He was ordained a priest May 2, 1987 for the Diocese of London.

In 1992 he obtained a licentiate in theology in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University.

After ordination, he held the following positions: assistant priest of the parish "St. Michael's" in Leamington (1987), assistant priest of the parish "St. Joseph's" of Chatham (1987-1990), Director of the Office for Vocations (1994-1995).

Since 1992 he taught theology in St. Peter's Seminary in London and since 1997 has been rector of the same seminary.

He is a member of the Council of Priests and the College of Consultants. It is part of various national and diocesan committees, including the Canadian Bioethics Society.

Monday 2 November 2009

All Souls

Out of the depths I have cried to you, O Lord;
Lord hear my voice.
Let you ears be attentive to the voice,
of my supplication.
If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities;
Lord, who shall stand it.
For with thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of the law, I have waited for thee, O Lord.
My soul hath relied on his word:
my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night,
let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy:
and with him plentiful redemption.
And he shall redeem Israel,
from all his iniquities.
+ + +

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Have mercy, Lord,
on me in my remorse!

Lord, have mercy if my prayer rises to you;
do not chastise me in your severity,
always mercifully, look down on me.

Never let me be condemned to hell
in the eternal fire by your severity.

Almighty God, never let me be condemned to hell
in the eternal fire by your severity.

Have mercy, Lord,
Lord, have mercy on me in my remorse,
if my prayer rises to you.

Less harshly,
always mercifully, look down,
ah! look down on me, Lord.

Have mercy, Lord on me in my remorse.