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Showing posts with label CCCB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCCB. Show all posts

Friday, 2 August 2024

Dear Canadian Bishops,

Have any of you made any public comments about the blasphemy at the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics?

I'd be happy to post them. 


Vox Cantoris

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Why are Cardinal Collins and the Canadian bishops trying to guilt Canadian Catholics over residential schools?

For the second week, the Archdiocese of Toronto Facebook page has featured reflections on the Advent Readings by Regina Bishop Donald Bolen linking all of them with the residential school system that was developed in Canada between 1880 and the 1960s. 

Residential schools for native Canadians was an official Government of Canada policy. It was designed to "educate" the children by removing them from their families, often nomadic depending on where in Canada and which tribe. The education involved the repudiation of their native languages and cultures. Economic development demanded that the provinces and federal government control the land to be sold off to immigrant farmers and developed for resources. Our native Canadians were in the way. It was a different time. The matter of the involvement of the Catholic Church and mainline Protestant ones was dealt with more than a decade ago. It came to the fore recently due to unmarked and abandoned graves being discovered provoking outrage. It is a complex issue. However, the Catholic Church had no business taking children from their families to re-educate them in anything. The bishops and religious orders of the day did the government's bidding for money, just as they have over the last nearly two years with the closure of churches. In fact, in many dioceses, including Toronto, people still cannot receive Holy Communion on the tongue causing many to continue an abhorrent eucharistic fast.

Now, Collins and his ilk are trying to blame the laity and tell us what we must do. 

No, you deal with it. I had nothing to do with this nor did my family which began in Canada in 1886. My grandfather, a merchant in Fredericton, fed many of the Micmac. In Toronto, my paternal one gave food away during the Great Depression. 

The laity did not do this. The laity must without any money that these deceitful bishops try to coerce in an effort to assuage the political focus of the day. 

Not one penny!

Monday, 27 September 2021

Canadian bishops have not raped enough, now they want $30 million!

The Canadian bishops have announced a $30,000,000.00 fundraising drive for "healing and reconciliation services" with our native peoples. They took government largesse to enrich their orders with these school and did the government's bidding. Sound familiar?

The same people who raped and sodomised altar boys, violently abused others (this writer), squandered funds on race horses and took children from their homes and families and put them in residential schools now want the faithful in the pew to pony up more money.

Not one penny. They did this, I did not. Do not bail them out.

Due to all the restrictions and attempts to ban the faithful, the bishops have a disease and should be sure to stay away from the faithful and be sure to far cough so we don't get the Satanic virus they seem to be full of.

Canadian Bishops Announce $30M National Financial Pledge to Support Healing and Reconciliation Initiatives - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca)

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Canadian Catholics and non-Catholic Christians have brought unto themselves persecution by the fascist regime of Justin Trudeau

Canadian Catholics were warned. It was obvious in the lead-up to the last federal election that Justin Trudeau was not our friend. A Catholic himself who during the visit of Pope John Paul II received a rosary from him as a child decreed that no Liberal candidate could be pro-life. Every sitting Liberal Member of Parliament who happened to be against a women's "right" to kill her child in the womb, must forever cease to hold that position publicly. The "Dear Leader" would prohibit any action to limit in any way a woman's right to murder her baby.

In Canada, we have no law restricting or limiting abortion. Abortion can be performed up to the moment before birth for any reason. Justin's father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, brought in Canada's first abortion law. It was 1968 and up to that time, all abortions were a criminal offence. A woman was required to have approval from a tribunal of doctors in a hospital known as a "therapeutic abortion committee" and the abortion could be performed if the life or health of the mother was at risk. Clearly, large trucks were driven through that loophole. In spite of that, in 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the law declaring it "unconstitutional." Let us be clear, it was not the "abortion" that was suddenly considered a constitution right, it was not and it is not. What was declared unconstitutional was the unequal application of the law, the delay and the limited access to the law across the country. It was deemed to have deprived the woman of the right to "security of the person." Parliament was invited by the Supreme Court to write a law that would protect the "foetus" but to also respect the right of the woman - a limitation perhaps in the trimester, etc. The pro-life movement would not take half a loaf, the Catholic bishops were weak and ineffectual and no government since has ever had the courage to take any action, not even to stop sex-selected abortion - one that would no doubt murder more girls than boys.

Yet Justin Trudeau, an incompetent, unqualified, and intellectually deficient man continues to obfuscate and lie that abortion is a "right."

When Donald John Trump the President of the United States reinstated the Mexico City Policy that no American taxpayer dollars could be used to fund abortion overseas, Justin Trudeau reversed Canadian foreign aid policy under the Harper Government and funded abortion to the tune of $650,000,000.00 and his Minister responsible, another Quebecois Catholic declared that, "Advocacy is included in our initiative, so yes, we will support local groups and international groups who advocate for women's rights, including abortion." 

Canadians elected a Prime Minister who actually said the following treasonous statement:
“I always say that if ever I believed Canada was really Stephen Harper’s Canada — that we were heading against abortion, against gay marriage, that we were going backwards 10,000 different ways — maybe I would think about wanting to make Quebec a country.”

He has ushered in euthanasia without a fight, has legalised the recreational use of narcotics, specifically marijuana. He has not acted to confront the Supreme Court's insane decision on beastiality. The man's mind is darkened. he can only be possessed by evil.

Nothing, not even his apparent apostasy to Islam, would stop the Archbishop of Montreal from giving Mr. Trudeau, Holy Communion.

Image result for trudeau communion montreal

Recently, the fascist regime of Justin Trudeau decreed that any organisation that applies for summer job grants must tick a box on the application that they support Charter (constitutional) Rights including the right to murder a baby in the mother's womb, a "right" not in fact, in the Charter!

Even the secular media is outraged at this barbaric attack on Canadian's individual rights and the Constitution. Unbelievably, even the CBC and Macleans have seen this as a detestable overreach. Just a little pinch of incense, according to Justin. Just offer a little pinch and you can live. In Justin Trudeau's world, Christians need not apply.  

Canadian Catholics were warned. They were warned by his past actions. They were warned on this blog. In spite of all the knowledge of his past, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued glowing congratulations in Trudeau's election victory, something they have never done before within memory and never for Stephen Harper. They issued a guide during the last election that was clearly directing Canadians to vote either Liberal or Socialist, anything but to maintain the policies of the soft Conservative, Harper Government. They specifically referred to a "Just Society," a not so subtle message to those who remember his father's famous slogan and the subliminal play on Justin's own name. Together with Development and Peace, Canadian Catholics were fed subliminal advertising even using the political colours of the Liberals and socialist NDP, but never the blue of the Conservative Party.

Catholics in Canada elected Justin Trudeau, we are enough of the population to cause that to happen, now, we are told to offer just a pinch of incense to the gods and we can have our summer jobs money.

Now, a Vatican adviser Tweets that we should “Pray for the conversion of mind and heart of this PM. His youthfulness and hope that he brings to Canada is overshadowed by the darkness of his words.” The same Vatican adviser who was proud to show pictures of Justin Trudeau allegedly "praying" in the Sistine Chapel before The Last Judgement

Justin Trudeau is a wicked man. No man could take the positions he has taken without having a darkened mind and an uninformed conscience. That Last Judgement will come for Justin Trudeau as it will come for all of us. It will be severe for him but it will be even more severe for the bishops and priests who have by design or dereliction failed to teach the faith to him and to the Catholics of Canada and you, my fellow Catholics, who voted for this man and this government and continue to support it will also be held accountable.

The Prophet Ezechiel wrote.

“If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand.” Ezekiel 3:18
How severe it will be for those who failed to speak.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Does the CCCB liturgy head, Father Terry Fournier, believe in Transubstantiation?

Nota Bene: I have most certainly written to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops regarding this. They have not responded. They never do. They have had plenty of time to respond to my letter and to this article. They have not. 

Do not sit out there and accuse this writer of "grave sin" because I reported what the priest interviewed should have corrected right after it appeared in the press. Did he not read it? Did he not see what the reporter wrote? Should he not have contracted the reporter to retract or clarify? Should he not have written here or responded to the email stating that he asked The Star for a correction or clarification?

How dare you sit in judgement of this writer.

Go ask the priest!

There has been apoplectic hysteria in the secular media about the circular letter from the Church on the proper matter for the bread to become consecrated as the Body of Our Lord at the Holy Mass. The issue has been quite misconstrued and distorted by an ignorant press. The fact is, the Church has always held this position, since the matter of "gluten-free" anything became an issue. 

We have Monsignors using money from who knows where to buy cocaine for a sodomite orgy in the Vatican - a situation totally ignored by the secular press, but this is what they have spent a week reporting to discredit the Church for the few Celiac sufferers who cannot consume Blessed Sacrament under one species, even though the other is available.

Anyone who cannot receive Body of the Lord under the form of bread, can receive the Blood of Christ under what was wine, even a child and even at the traditional Latin Mass.

Look, if there is no gluten, then it is not wheat flour, it does not make bread and there is no confection of the Blessed Sacrament, no transubstantiation, period!

This is not a new instruction by the Church, it is simply a restatement of the facts for the reason that the abuse is occurring by errant priests and bishops and the result is that the Sacrament simply isn't!

Invalid matter does not make for a Sacrament!

The Toronto Star is a notorious and near-bankrupt rag of anti-Catholic bigotry and leftism and it has joined the parade. What the Star writes on the matter is not the point, it is who is interviewed and what is said that must be exposed to the Catholic faithful.

Andrea Adam, a rather poorly catechized Catholic mother has a child suffering from Celiac's disease. Mrs. Adam would not accept her parish priest's decision that gluten-free hosts would not be provided. The Toronto Star reporter states that "in the end, Adam took her daughter to Ottawa, where she was able to receive Holy Communion with a gluten-free host."

I've got news for Andrea Adam.

Your daughter was not, "able to receive Holy Communion."  S
he received a substance made from non-wheat flour that was nothing more than that.

Did know priest ever tell the poor woman this? 

Note that this was Ottawa, under the nose of Archbishop Terence Prendergast, S.J.!

Now, for more.

Terry Fournier is a priest of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and is National Director of Office of Liturgy (English Sector) for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Fournier is quoted in the Toronto Star article as follows:

Did you catch that?

"Symbolizes the blood of Christ."

The reporter does not place the phrase, which symbolizes the blood of Christ, in quotation marks. 

Why is this? Did Father say, "don't quote me," with a wink, wink and a nudge, nudge? Is there a reason why the writer quotes him, but does not, at the same time?

I think Father Terry Fournier and Bishop Crosby, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, should confirm whether the Grand Pub-ha of the liturgical mess of the 
mass that occurs in Canada actually believes in Transubstantiation and the Real Presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic species under the appearance of bread and wine.

Yes, or no, Father Fournier, which is it?

Oh, and, Your Grace, what of that parish in Ottawa with the invalid matter?

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Canada to fund African genocide

Justin Trudeau, an apostate Catholic and Prime Minister of Canada has announced $650 million in funding for something called "women's reproductive health," in other countries. We know what this means, the death of millions of babies in their mother's wombs.

It is racist and imperialist of Canada.The bulk of these funds are intended for Africa where children are highly valued.

I am no leftist but can we not see that this is nothing more than the continual plundering of that continent for our own ends? This time it is to reduce the population so we can continue to prop up dictatorial regimes and steal the African wealth. 

God will not be mocked.

Justin will find that out one day.

The Canadian Bishops have acted swiftly and with incredible clarity.

So has Cardinal Collins.

Bishop Crosby Plénière 2015

Prime Minister,

On 8 March 2017 the Government of Canada announced $650 million over three years for "sexual and reproductive health and rights". According to a backgrounder provided to the media, a major part of the funding will be toward removing "judicial and legal barriers to the fulfillment of sexual and reproductive health and rights". As cited by the Globe and Mail on 9 March 2017, a federal official has confirmed "these barriers include the anti-abortion laws in many countries."

Such a policy is a reprehensible example of Western cultural imperialism and an attempt to impose misplaced but so-called Canadian "values" on other nations and people. It exploits women when they are most in need of care and support, and tragically subverts true prenatal health care. It negates our country's laudable efforts to welcome refugees and offer protection to the world's homeless, when the youngest of human lives will instead be exterminated and the most vulnerable of human beings discarded as unwanted human tissue.

Your policy and vision, contrary to the fundamental ethic of protecting the most vulnerable and assisting the weakest, are in conflict with the principles instinctively shared by the majority of the world's population and consistently upheld by the Catholic Church: to defend and protect human life from conception to natural death.

On behalf of all the bishops of Canada I thank you for your consideration and I remain,

(Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI

Bishop of Hamilton
President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
10 March 2017

Friday, 22 April 2016



Mouvement Tradition Quebec has uncovered that the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has funded the Protestant heretical sect, the United Church of Canada with over $115,000 yearly. 

The CCCB's revenue comes from their profit on publications, annual collections and levies on dioceses across Canada generated from the collection plate in each parish. 

The United Church of Canada was formed as an amalgamation of Congregationalists, Methodists and some Presbyterian congregations. It has, historically, been the most liberal of the mainline protestant sects in Canada and in a recent statement before a Parliamentary Committee studying Euthanasia in Canada (legislation now introduced) on assisted suicide and murder; the ecclesial community stated:
Legislation for physician-assisted dying might, however, provide for careful assessment of such situations and allow, at a time of choosing of the individual, for the insertion of an intravenous drip and the provision of a mechanical aid that could begin the insertion of lethal medication into the drip on the action of the individual (perhaps controlled by a breath tube).
In August 2000, the 37th General Council affirmed that:
“human sexual orientations, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are a gift from God and part of the marvellous diversity of creation." 
Three years later, on February 1, 2003, the next General council decided "to call upon the Government of Canada to recognise same-sex marriages in marriage legislation. The “Reverend” Dr. Jim Sinclair, General Secretary of the General Council, said: 
"Marriage will be enhanced, not diminished, religious freedom will be protected, not threatened, and Canadian society will be strengthened, not weakened, as a result of this legislation." 
Jackie Harper, as Church's program staff for Family Ministries, said: 
"A significant, unique contribution that the United Church brings to this debate is the denomination's own experience of making same-sex marriage ceremonies available to its members and, at the same time, respecting the right of those within the denomination who are opposed to such services ... Religious marriage is not, and cannot be, affected by the proposed legislation. All faith communities in Canada, whatever their views on same-sex marriage, have the absolute right to determine for themselves who will be eligible for religious marriage within their communities. This includes the right to determine whether the community will offer religious marriages to interfaith couples, to divorced couples, or to couples who are not members of the community." 
Now, we find out that this evil agenda of a radical remaking of the tradition and social construct of Canada in both terms of so-called "marriage" between member of the same-sex and euthanasia has been funded in part, by Catholics in the pew as a result of malefactors at the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops!

Accountability for actions cannot only be left up to God, but know that He surely will hold these evildoers responsible.

Accountability must be demanded now from the Catholic laity in Canada for this gross injustice and evil act and abuse of the funds of Catholics to support a protestant heretical sect that puts forth values that are not Catholic, not Christian and is responsible for the continuing undermining and rendering of the garment of of Christ, universal and the Church.

Not one penny in one collection plate. Not one dollar to one pastoral plan.

Stop now. 

Cut them off!

Mouvement Tradition Québec



Canadian Bishops: 115,000 dollars to the United Church each year

Bishop Lépine reminded us in an interview he gave on Friday at the Journal de Montreal (26/03/2016)

"We do not have a huge investment fund whose interests allow us to live, no matter what incoming.We rely on the generosity of our faithful and that's it, our fragility. These people give less to the quest one year and there is a problem. "

What he fails to mention is that the dioceses of Quebec and the other provinces fund with this money every year, community organizations that are far from Catholics.

Not surprising if one knows that the most serious example is given by the Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) , the governing body of all Canadian bishops (which also serve Lépine and Bishop Mgr Lacroix).

According to the latest report (2014) of the CCCB  made ​​to the Canada Revenue Agency, the $ 782,640given to 19 organizations  :

Dioceses Northern (James Bay, White Horse, Hudson Bay ...) each receive $ 55,000 from the "treasure" Catholic.

The Archdiocese of St. John receives $ 48,000

The Archdiocese of Quebec receives $ 10,000.

While the majority of donations to organizations vary between $ 965 and $ 80,000, some suspicious items appear repeatedly:

The United Church of Canada , Liberal Protestant persuasion known for its many heresies (promoting abortion and contraception, Ministry of Women and sodomites), annually receives its stamp of $ 115,000. In 2014, this was 14% donated by the CCCB.

From 2010 to 2014, in all annual statements provided to the Canada Revenue Agency appears   - from donations to dioceses in difficulty and various organizations - the famous amount of $ 115,000 to the United Church.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has never hidden its new post-conciliar orientation ecumenist, but since when this ecumenism helps finance the Protestant sects with money from Catholics?


The profile of the organization of the Canadian bishops, Concacan INC.

Last declaration INC Concacan the Canada Revenue Agency

The United Church and its moral questionable reproductive - paper erased found in "cache"

A good example of LGBT activity overseen by the United Church 

List of Canadian bishops who lead the CCCB http://donate2charities.ca/en/CONCACAN.INC.._.0_118871698RR0001

The interview Friday Monsignor Lepine, tolerance of Islam, state of finances diocèses… http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2016/03/25/leglise-de-montreal-a-la-defense-des-musulmans

Sunday, 3 April 2016


Some truth!

Some reconciliation!

Vile, despicable demonic bishops!

Have a go at Canada's Bishops in the combox!

Totem Cross Web

The "artist" below; attempts to make a justification of this blasphemy by mentioning the "holy Pelican" of St. Thomas Aquinas. This refers to the words, "Pie Pelicane, Jesu Domine" from his Eucharistic hymn, Adore te Devote. There was an ancient medieval myth that the mother pelican would strike its breast to release its blood to feed its babies. Because of the analogous sacrifice, this became a medieval symbol of Christ, sacrificing himself for us. The pelican was not Christ. The pelican was a pelican and it became a symbol for Christ in the sense of the sacrifice. The pelican was not hung on a cross and crucified! It remained a pelican!

This kind of irreligious imagery is what we have come to expect from the CCCB and the Vatican II heretics in general.


The contact page for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops can be found here:


Christian tradition is rich in imagery. The New Testament speaks of the Holy Spirit as appearing in the form of a dove and in parted tongues of fire. Catacomb and church art of the early Christian centuries depicted the victory of the cross with diverse symbols. Indeed, Thomas Aquinas' eucharistic poetry acclaims Jesus as "holy pelican", a bird said to tear open its breast to feed its starving young. To most of the Indian peoples of North America, the Thunderbird is a powerfully awesome messenger of the great God. Here, Thunderbird is the sacred sign of God's force-filled entry into the world.
God's eyes watch from the four directions, from above and below, from both wings, saying that God is all around us at all times. All races, black and yellow, red and white, are represented in the four colors taken from nature and found in the earth-circle and all over Thunderbird. Christ-as-Thunderbird, indying for us, restores happiness and understanding; he fills us with new dignity and great richness.
The chip marks all over remind us of the old days when axes were not known and ivory and stone were used instead. The black color comes from the charcoal of campfires; the white from volcanic ash; and the red from the clay of the riverbank.
WhitehorseYukon TerritoryAthapaskan of Tlingit origin

Monday, 30 November 2015

Perverted Montreal Deacon and CCCB spokesman quietly sentenced - Bishop Crosby, why do you allow his name to still appear as Director of Communications?

Previously, we reported on pervert Deacon William Kokesch of Montreal. Kokesch was arrested in 2012 on child pornography charges and convicted in March of 2015 to serve "two years less a day" meaning in a provincial, not federal, institution. Though posting on it back when he was charged, I had neglected following up on it. Sylvia's Site contains all the documentation of this violator of children and disgracer of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Canada. Whilst doing some research this morning on an unrelated matter, I found that Kokesch's name still appears on old press releases and web pages at the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

It took significant lobbying by Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness to then President and Edmonton Archbishop Smith to get the name of child pornograhic pervert and former Bishop of Antigonish Raymond Lahey's name off the site. 

Why does Bishop Crosby of Hamilton, now CCCB President permit Kokesch's name to still remains there? 

Has this Deacon been laicised? 

What is it about the Church in Canada and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops that manages to hide and protect such perverts such as Lahey, Kokesch and other bishops and monsignors who have suddenly disappeared from their dioceses under confusing and ill-defined circumstances?
St. Peter Damian

Three more come to mind, former Auxiliary Bishop John Knight of Toronto and former Rector of Toronto's St. Augustine Seminary and Bishop of St. Catharines, James Wingle. Then of course, there is Gordon Davies a former Dean of Studies at St. Augustine's Seminary in Toronto, famous there for his body-building equipment in his room at the Seminary. 

Lest you be too worried about St. Augustine's Seminary, that was a long time ago, the 70's and 80's are long gone. There were many Toronto priests ordained during that period who survived from those perilous days and are solid in their Catholicity, morality, liturgy and preaching, in spite of the days of the "Butterflies and Machos." The current crop of Seminarians are a bunch of rosary praying, scapular wearing, men on fire for Our Lord Jesus Christ. The previous Rector and Deans of Studies (two of whom I know) and the current Rector and Faculty are solidly Catholic and well formed. We have much to be thankful for under Thomas Cardinal Collins. 

Some people believe that talking about these things creates scandal. In fact, it is not talking about them and covering them up that is the real scandal. That era in Toronto under Pocock, Carter in particular were dark days before the Internet and before the awakening of Catholics to the scandal around them.

Fox and I have begun reading St. Peter Damian's classic work, The Book of Gomorrah. We've been struck by how little has really changed after a thousand years. What is also revealing was his clarity and aggressiveness in calling out the corrupt popes and clerics to their faces. Given what we've seen coming out Rome for the last while, I think he would have done the same.

If St. Peter Damian were alive today, he would have a blog.

Msgr. Alan McCormack Named New Judicial Vicar of the Canadian Appeal Tribunal

smaller text tool iconmedium text tool iconlarger text tool icon
Msgr. Alan McCormack(CCCB-Ottawa) Msgr. Alan McCormack, P.H., of Toronto has been appointed Judicial Vicar of the Canadian Appeal Tribunal (CCCB). He succeeds Rev. Pierre Allard, S.M., who retired last October, and Interim Judicial Vicar Rev. Thomas Cassidy, O.M.I., who will continue in his function as Associate Judicial Vicar. The Tribunal is the judicial arm of the Canadian episcopacy dealing exclusively with marriage cases forwarded by “first instance” or diocesan tribunals.
Born in Toronto in 1946, he was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Toronto in 1978 and named chaplain to His Holiness in 1984 and then a Prelate of Honour in 2002. He has served in many capacities in the Archdiocese from 1975 to 1993, including judge of the Metropolitan Tribunal, episcopal vicar for canonical affairs and Vice-Chancellor.
He also served at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in Rome from 1997 to 2003 and continues as a member of the CDF’s Matrimonial Commission.
Msgr. McCormack holds a doctorate in canon law from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and has studied at the Catholic University of America, Saint Paul University in Ottawa and the University of Toronto.
The Canadian Appeal Tribunal was established by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1984, with the approval of the Apostolic See. It is a national tribunal – the only “second instance” tribunal in Canada. After thorough study and, if necessary, additional evidence, the Appeal Tribunal confirms or reverses the “first instance” decision. The work of the Tribunal is both judicial and pastoral.

For More information Contact: Deacon William Kokesch
Director, Communications Service

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Hamilton, Ontario Bishop and President of CCCB Crosby owes an explanation to Catholics about the anti-Catholic activity of his employee

Douglas Crosby, Bishop of Hamilton, President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and former Pastor at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Ottawa, a parish that continuously dissents on Catholic teaching has on staff a rather interesting employee.

KW Tradtional Catholic writes:

Did you know the Diocese of Hamilton has an Office of Justice and Peace? We even have a coordinator for it. I don't know if it's a full time position, part time, or volunteer, but I assume full time. What's the compensation package for a chancery office coordinator? I'd guess somewhere between $40K-$50K salary plus benefits, vacation, travel expenses (to attend social justice conferences, trips to the Vatican, etc) office expenses, etc. So the collection baskets in the diocese fork out around $60,000/yr for this role. Does anyone know what a justice and peace diocesan coordinator does all day?

Sarah Guinta is our Justice and Peace Coordinator. She graduated from the University of Guelph three years ago with a degree in Political Economy and Administrative Change. Previous work experience at Me To We and AIESEC Canada. I'd guess her age in the mid-twenties. I have no idea what the skill set or experience level for a diocesan justice and peace coordinator are but let's assume Sarah's qualified for this position, whatever it's suppose to do for us. 

After some googling and browsing on employment websites, I could not find any advertisements for this position. Were there other candidates? This is all I could find, the announcement of her hiring in September 2015. I'm not sure who does the hiring at the Diocese of Hamilton Chancery Office, but do they check potential new employee's social media accounts?

For the rest visit:


But put your coffee down, lest you ruin your keyboard.



