“On October 31, Jorge Mario Bergoglio will fly to Lund, Sweden, where he will be met by the local female bishop, to celebrate together with the Lutheran World Federation the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. And the closer that date gets, the more sympathy the pope manifests for the great heretic.” Sandro Magister

ROME, July 22, 2016 - In the alarmed letter that thirteen
cardinals from five continents were preparing to deliver to Pope Francis at the
beginning of the last synod, they were warning him against leading the Catholic
Church as well to “the collapse of liberal Protestant churches in the modern
era, accelerated by their abandonment of key elements of Christian belief and
practice in the name of pastoral adaptation:"
Then at the last moment the thirteen deleted these two lines
from the letter that was actually put into the hands of the pope. But today
they would put them back in word for word, seeing the ever more pronounced
idyll that is developing between Francis and the followers of Luther.
On October 31, Jorge Mario Bergoglio will fly to Lund,
Sweden, where he will be met by the local female bishop, to celebrate together
with the Lutheran World Federation the five hundredth anniversary of the
Protestant Reformation. And the closer that date gets, the more sympathy the
pope manifests for the great heretic.