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Showing posts with label St. Gallen Mafia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Gallen Mafia. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Eight years ago today

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It was eight years ago this very morning. I, like most of you in the eastern time zone, was getting dressed for work, it was the 6AM news. Pope Benedict XVI had renounced the papacy and called for a Conclave to elect a new pope. I was dumbfounded and left in near shock. The next few weeks were filled with uncertainty and fear, but hopeful that with a College that elected him and added to by him, we would emerge with the right man. Could it be Schola? Perhaps even Burke? Naive was I and anesthetized by the illusion and the hopes so falsely raised during that Pontificate. Yet, one thing will stand out and for that, we must be truly thankful, - Summorum Pontificum. This is the one act that has given us the weapon to battle. Bergoglio will not take it, he would not dare.  

A few weeks later, a man walked out on the loggia. I knew something was wrong. It was my view that the Conclave was too fast, it gave me the feeling that it was not sincere, that somehow, they did not listen to the Holy Spirit. As he came out and I watched him, with that cold stare, the silence, the "good evening," I felt the urge to vomit; it lasted for hours. My wife felt the same and I have come to know of hundreds of others with similar reactions. Jorge Mario Bergoglio? Who was he? I did not know who he was, but I knew, it was not good.

What I do know is that Joseph Ratzinger abandoned his children to the wolves. Perhaps we did not pray enough that he would not "flee" for fear of them, but our father abandoned his children and left us to a cruel and vindictive step-father. I loved Joseph Ratzinger, I miss him terribly. Today, I can only look at him with sadness and pity. 

There are too many unanswered questions about Ratzinger's renouncement and Bergoglio's election. Numerous times I have posted the comments by the Freemasons in Italy and Argentina praising his election. Numerous times I have posted the address by Cardinal "Uncle Teddy" McCarrick about his own conspiracy to elect Bergoglio and how he was lobbied by a powerful and influential Roman.

18:20 Just before we went into the general conversations when everybody can talk, a very interesting and influential Italian gentleman came to ask if he could come and see me, so I said “sure.”
He came to see me at the Seminary, at the American College where I was staying; and we sat down. He is a very brilliant man, a very influential man in Rome and we talked about a number of things. He had a favour to ask me when I get back to the United States, but then he asked,
What about Bergoglio?”
I was surprised at the question, I said, “what about him.”
He said, “Does he have a chance?”
I said, “I don’t think so, because no one has mentioned his name, he hasn’t been in anybody’s mind, I don’t think it’s on anybody’s mind to vote for him.”
He said, “He could do it you know.”
I said, “What could he do?”
He said, “He could reform the Church, if we gave him five years, he could put us back on target. “
“Well, he’s 76.”
“Yeah, in five years, if he had five years. The Lord working through Bergoglio in five years could make the Church over again.”
I said, “That’s an interesting thing.”
“I know you’re his friend.”
“Well, I hope I’m his friend.”
He said, Talk him up.
That was the first that I heard from people that Bergoglio would be a possibility in this election.
I hope that the new, that the one who is elected Pope, will be someone who, if he is not himself a Latin American, would at least have a very strong interest in Latin America”. “Was that part of it? Who knows?  What is it my friend said? “Push Bergoglio”?  Did he say it to a lot of people? I don’t know.”

Consider this then.

Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy

"With the election of Pope Francis nothing will ever be the same again. With Pope Francis, nothing will be more as it was before. It is a clear choice of fraternity for a Church of dialogue, which is not contaminated by the logic and temptations of temporal power"
“A man of the poor far away from the Curia. Fraternity and the desire to dialogue were his first concrete words. Perhaps nothing in the Church will be as it was before. Our hope is that the pontificate of Francis, the Pope who 'comes from the end of the world' can mark the return to the Church-Word instead of the Church-Institution, promoting an open dialogue with the contemporary world, with believers and non-believers, following the springtime of Vatican II." 
"The Jesuit who is close to the least ones of history," Raffi continues, "has the great opportunity to show the world the face of a Church that must recover the announcement of a new humanity, not the weight of an institution that closes itself off in defense of its own privileges. Bergoglio knows real life and will remember the lesson of one of his favorite theologians, Romano Guardini, for whom the truth of love cannot be stopped. 
"The simple cross he wore on his white cassock," concludes the Grand Master of Palazzo Giustiniani, "lets us hope that a Church of the people will re-discover its capacity to dialogue with all men of good will and with Freemasonry, which, as the experience of Latin America teaches us, works for the good and progress of humanity, as shown by Bolivar, Allende and José Martí, to name only a few. This is the 'white smoke' that we expect from the Church of our times."  

Someone knows something. Somewhere, there is a key to this mystery and it will not be hidden forever.

* * *


Dear President Trump:

The campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” resonated with millions of common Americans and your tenacity in pushing back against many of the most harmful recent trends has been most inspiring. We all look forward to seeing a continued reversal of the collectivist trends of recent decades.

Reversing recent collectivist trends will, by necessity, require a reversal of many of the actions taken by the previous administration.  Among those actions, we believe that there is one that remains cloaked in secrecy.  Specifically, we have reason to believe that a Vatican “regime change” was engineered by the Obama administration.

We were alarmed to discover that, during the third year of the first term of the Obama administration your previous opponent, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other government officials with whom she associated proposed a Catholic “revolution” in which the final demise of what was left of the Catholic Church in America would be realized.[1]  Approximately a year after this e-mail discussion, which was never intended to be made public, we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left. [2] The Pontificate of Pope Francis has subsequently called into question its own legitimacy on a multitude of occasions. [3]

During the 2016 presidential campaign, we were astonished to witness Pope Francis actively campaigning against your proposed policies concerning the securing of our borders, and even going so far as to suggest that you are not a Christian [4].  We appreciated your prompt and pointed response to this disgraceful accusation [5].

We remain puzzled by the behaviour of this ideologically charged Pope, whose mission seems to be one of advancing secular agendas of the left rather than guiding the Catholic Church in Her sacred mission.  It is simply not the proper role of a Pope to be involved in politics to the point that he is considered to be the leader of the international left.

While we share your stated goal for America, we believe that the path to “greatness” is for America to be “good” again, to paraphrase de Tocqueville.  We understand that good character cannot be forced on people, but the opportunity to live our lives as good Catholics has been made increasingly difficult by what appears to be a collision between a hostile United States government and a pope who seems to hold as much ill will towards followers of perennial Catholic teachings as he seems to hold toward yourself.

With all of this in mind, and wishing the best for our country as well as for Catholics worldwide, we believe it to be the responsibility of loyal and informed United States Catholics to petition you to authorize an investigation into the following questions:

- To what end was the National Security Agency monitoring the conclave that elected Pope Francis? [6]

-  What other covert operations were carried out by US government operatives concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict or the conclave that elected Pope Francis?

-  Did US government operatives have contact with the “Cardinal Danneels Mafia”?  [7]

-  International monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended during the last few days prior to the resignation of Pope Benedict.  Were any U.S. Government agencies involved in this? [8]

-  Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict XVI announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence? [9]

-  What actions, if any, were actually taken by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and others tied to the Obama administration who were involved in the discussion proposing the fomenting of a “Catholic Spring”?

- What was the purpose and nature of the secret meeting between Vice President Joseph Biden and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on or about June 3, 2011?

-   What roles were played by George Soros and other international financiers who may be currently residing in United States territory? [10]

We believe that the very existence of these unanswered questions provides sufficient evidence to warrant this request for an investigation.

Should such an investigation reveal that the U.S. government interfered inappropriately into the affairs of the Catholic Church, we further request the release of the results so that Catholics may request appropriate action from those elements of our hierarchy who remain loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Please understand that we are not requesting an investigation into the Catholic Church; we are simply asking for an investigation into recent activities of the U.S. Government, of which you are now the chief executive.

Thank you again, and be assured of our most sincere prayers.


David L. Sonnier, LTC US ARMY (Retired)
Michael J. Matt, Editor of The Remnant
Christopher A. Ferrara (President of The American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc.)
Chris Jackson, Catholics4Trump.com
Elizabeth Yore, Esq., Founder of Yore Children

Sunday, 13 October 2019

The imprisonment of Pope Benedict XVI and the current state of affairs

There is an issue raised in this article by Laramie Hirsch at the Forge and Anvil and I have followed similar thinking.

Laramie discusses the "Bishop in white" statement in the Third Secret of Fatima by Sister Lucy. I have long had issues with the Vatican's 2000 interpretation that this referred to the a pope. How do people miss this. The statement is "we saw a bishop dressed in white, we had the impression that it was the Holy Father." If she was so certain that it was the "Holy Father," why did she not say, "we saw the Pope?" Because, she was confused, it was not the Pope! It was an impostor. Bergoglio even claimed for himself that title, "a bishop dressed in white."

On the night that Bergoglio emerged, I sat and watched and knowing nothing of the man, having never heard the name before, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, I had a feeling of foreboding fall around me and I wanted to vomit. It was a warning to me no doubt fro my Guardian Angel at what had just happened. I have believed from that day that Joseph Ratzinger was a prisoner.

This is why the discussion on the validity of the resignation, the conclave and the election of Bergoglio is not going away. Too many people are now aware that something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong.   

From Rome has done exemplary work on the resignation of Benedict XVI and the canonical issues associated with it. In July, the published a chronology on "The Imprisonment of Pope Benedict XVI." The only point of disagreement I have is that they threatened to murder him. Perhaps Joseph Ratzinger was a coward but it seems hard to believe that. Would he not have embraced a personal martyrdom for the Church? No, it was not this. Oh, they threatened him all right, but it was not that they would kill him, or at least not only him. It was something bigger, much bigger. But what?4

This is an important read to see clearly, the timeline.


Know this though. Since that time, two of the perpetrators of this are dead. Carlo Martini and Godfried Danneels. Both are dead and their foul corpses are rotting in the grave. They have been judged by God and their eternity is only known to Him. Thomas J. Rosica, a malefactor if ever one existed, lionised Martini as he wrote here in the Tablet. Well, we think he wrote it but we can't be sure. Where is Rosica? Gone, his fame, his influence, all gone to a psychiatric couch north of Toronto. Who else? McCarrick, a filthy sodomite who bragged about his influence and willingness to be lobbied in the election of Bergoglio which I revealed here back in 2016 and the revelation of his time in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

We are in some of the darkest days of the Church. In the past, persecution of the Church and faithful Catholics came from outside, this persecution is from infiltration within. 

Keep the faith, God has already won this.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Was Mr. Theodore McCarrick one of Bella Dodd's plants into the Catholic Church?

No surprise to me. I've been saying it for years.
Beyond his horrendous evil of homosexual predation for decades, Church Militant has learned exclusively that McCarrick may also have been clandestinely trained by Soviet Communists here in Europe during his younger years, making him effectively a Communist plant in the heart of the Church. 
Through a back channel, Church Militant has obtained information from former Communist personnel who were instrumental in setting up a secret network of indoctrination and training centers throughout Europe in the aftermath of World War II, and their information directly implicates the involvement of Theodore McCarrick.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

McCarrick's Victim Speaks Out on McCarrick and St Gallen Mafia

"What is the connection between the St Gallen Mafia meeting in Switzerland and the early studies of ex Cardinal Theodore McCarrick in Sankt Gallen Switzerland? Informed Catholics know that the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of Pope Francis were tied to the Saint Gallen Mafia, but McCarrick's victim James Grein breaks open the story. Dr. Taylor Marshall interviews "James" Grein from the New York Times story, and reveals how the young Theodore McCarrick made connections with his family in Sankt Gallen Switzerland and how this event shaped McCarrick's ecclesiastical career and the movement against Pope Benedict XVI with his eventual resignation. Archbishop Vigano's testimony and the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI make sense now in light of this discovery of McCarrick's historic connection with the city of Sankt Gallen Switzerland. James Grein also explains the importance of McCarrick as a fundraiser and the importance of the Vatican Bank in the pontificate of John Paul II. If you are interested in the resignation of Pope Benedict and the unusual election of Pope Francis, you must see this video to connect the dots." ... Dr. Taylor Marshall

Monday, 4 September 2017

Cormac Murphy-O'Connor lobbied to elect Bergoglio

The former Archbishop of Westminster, Cormac Murphy-O'Connor has died. It has long been known that he was part of the St. Gallin Mafia with the pervert protecting Daneels from Belgium, a mafia that worked to elect Bergoglio in 2005 and then succeeded upon his cowardly renouncement of the papacy. Now, a new book reveals that Murphy-O'Connor lobbied Cardinals of the Commonwealth to elect his friend from Buenos Aires - except for two, Canada's Marc Ouellet and George Pell from Australia.

As it is unseemly to speak ill of the dead, I shall leave it at this. Murphy-O'Connor has now met our Lord Jesus Christ. We should hope that the Lord was merciful to him as we hope he shall be to all of us.

Image result for murphy o'connor bergoglio


Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter
3 SEPTEMBER 2017 • 9:30PM

It is a tale every bit as intriguing as the plot of Conclave, Robert Harris’s best-selling thriller set during a fictitious papal election.

For it has emerged that Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, the former Catholic archbishop of Westminster who died last week, intervened in the last Conclave to ensure his friend was elected Pope Francis.

In the days before the 2013 vote, Murphy-O’Connor co-hosted a reception at the British embassy in Rome to lobby support for Cardinal Bergoglio, the then progressive archbishop of Buenos Aires.

According to a new book, Murphy-O’Connor invited cardinals from the Commonwealth but deliberately left off the invitation list two powerful but conservative clerics - Cardinal Ouellet from Canada, who had been a frontrunner, and Cardinal Pell from Australia.

The plan, which succeeded, was to persuade the cardinals of the need for a liberal pope without interference from the senior conservatives.

The book by Catherine Pepinster, the former editor of The Tablet, details how embassy officials left the room to allow Murphy-O’Connor time to persuade the cardinals of the importance of voting for Bergoglio.
Murphy-O’Connor had been dismayed when Pope Benedict XVI was elected at the previous conclave and was determined to avoid another conservative Pope.

Ms Pepinster, whose book The Keys and The Kingdom: Britain and the Papacy from John Paul II to Francis is published next month, said: “Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor was a popular, genial man but beneath his jovial exterior was someone of great canniness who knew exactly how the Vatican worked.

“And that canniness meant he ensured his friend was elected Pope Francis - a pope who has made a huge impact on the Catholic Church and the world. There have been kingmakers in history; Cormac Murphy-O’Connor turned out to be a popemaker.”

Pope Francis was elected on March 13 2013, the second day of the conclave, on the fifth ballot. He need two-thirds of the 115 votes to win. It is thought the votes delivered by Murphy-O’Connor were instrumental. The two men became close friends after meeting for the first time when they were made cardinals on the same day by Pope John Paul II.

In 2013, Murphy-O’Connor was too old to vote under Vatican rules, but he travelled to Rome, like many other elderly non-voting cardinals, to participate in talks, called congregations, before the conclave.

Shortly after his elevation, Pope Francis was overheard telling Murphy-O’Connor: “Tuo e colpevole”, translated as “you’re to blame”.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Have the perverts of the St. Gallen Mafia turned on their own man, Bergoglio?

How wonderful that every occurrence in life and in the Church is explained somewhere in Holy Writ by the Prophets. Holy Isaiah in the forty-ninth chapter of his Book at the twenty-sixth verse tell us that the Lord said to him: 

And I will feed thy enemies with their own flesh: and they shall be made drunk with their own blood, as with new wine: and all flesh shall know, that I am the Lord that save thee, and thy Redeemer the Mighty One of Jacob.

Yes, the devil eats his own.

A report is making the news today apparently based upon a post by Antonio Socci referring to some thinking that those who put Bergoglio into the papal seat are now fearful that he is leading the Church into schism.

From his insults to the faithful to the heresy in Amoris Laetitia to the rumours of a blasphemous ecumenical "mass" and women deacons, Berogolio who mused, that he could "split the Church," is falling under enormous pressure. 

Featured ImageNow, even the man who was to clean-up the Church's perverts, when it was really Pope Benedict XVI, has now been shown to be nothing but a fraud with the reinstatement of sodomites and the resignations of laity from his Commissions of investigation.

Even LifeSiteNews has now reported that the mafia gave Bergoglio "four years" to makeover the Church, something reported repeatedly on this blog. It is good to see others waking up to what this writer has been saying since last year.


Do not trust the men that now want Pope Francis to be removed. They were evil enough to put him in there in the first place. They are sly foxes and devils, after all, they put him there in the first place.

Friends, we are on the verge of schism. A schism that may, in fact, by our liberation!

Deus vult!

The London Times reports:


A group of cardinals who supported the election of Pope Francis are worried that his controversial reforms are leading the Catholic church towards a schism and are planning to appeal to him to step down, a leading Vatican watcher has claimed.
“A large part of the cardinals who voted for him is very worried and the curia . . . that organised his election and has accompanied him thus far, without ever disassociating itself from him, is cultivating the idea of a moral suasion to convince him to retire,” Antonio Socci wrote in the Italian newspaper Libero.
The conservative Catholic author and journalist said that the election four years ago of Jorge Mario Bergoglio had been backed by progressive German cardinals and a curia faction impatient with the rule of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.
It was the latter faction who now believed that the Pope should resign and who would like to replace him with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican secretary of state, Mr Socci said. He believed that the group numbered around a dozen, “but the importance of the members counts more than their number”.
“Four years after Benedict XVI’s renunciation and Bergoglio’s arrival on the scene, the situation of the Catholic church has become explosive, perhaps really on the edge of a schism, which could be even more disastrous than Luther’s [who is today being rehabilitated by the Bergoglio church],” Mr Socci wrote.
What was significant, he said, was that the doubters were not the conservative cardinals who had been in open opposition to the Pope since early in his reign.
Putting pressure on a pope to resign is a crime punishable under canon law, Mr Socci added, so it was unclear how the moral suasion might be exercised. “The cardinals are worried that the church could be shattered as an institution. There are many indirect ways in which the pressure might be exerted.”
The Pope’s openings to modernity on sexual morality, communion for remarried Catholics and friendly relations with other religions have opened a gulf between progressives and traditionalists.
“A good number of the majority that voted for Bergoglio in 2013 have come to regret their decision,” one expert on the Vatican said, “but I don’t think it’s plausible that members of the hierarchy will pressure the Pope to resign. Those who know him know it would be useless. [He] has a very authoritarian streak. He won’t resign until he has completed his revolutionary reforms, which are causing enormous harm.”
Antonio Pelayo, a Catholic priest who covers the Vatican for Spanish television, said that there were between ten and twenty conservative cardinals openly opposed to the Pope’s reforms, but only two or three who had voted for him and who now regretted it.
• Marie Collins, an Irish abuse victim, resigned from the Pope’s commission for child protection yesterday, citing institutional resistance to reform from within the Vatican curia. She said there were “fine words in public and contrary actions behind closed doors” and appeared to criticise the Pope for a decision to reduce sanctions against a perpetrator.