Former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller has issued a column in The Catholic Thing regarding Bergoglio's attack on the Holy Roman Mass of the Church Fathers. As a column to be posted shortly on Quo Primum will note, Paul VI did not abrogate the Mass in its 1570 codified form, he did not disobey Quo Primum, as I have said in many discussions, he simply set it aside. Cardinal Mueller does not say this specifically but he clearly annunciates Bergoglio's intent. By choking off new locations, new priests and hoping enough bishops hostile to the Mass shut it down, he will "condemn the Extraordinary Form to extinction in the long run."

Cardinal Mueller also notes something patently obvious on the first reading of that cruel and vindictive work of Bergoglio. By "abrogating" the greatest work of our Pope, Benedict XVI, Bergoglio has set in motion its abrogation and not only it, but "all his works" as we state in the post 55 Holy
Saturday Easter Vigil. Mueller clearly states that "The provisions of
Traditionis Custodes are of a disciplinary, not dogmatic nature and can be
modified again by any future pope."
The frequent complaint by these who hate tradition and noted
in this wretched work of Bergoglio and his minions is that we who favour the
traditional Mass and choose not to attend the Ordinary Form of the Roman Right
reject it as invalid as do we the Second Vatican Council. At the Mass I
attended yesterday and lead the choir the priest is a decade, at least, younger
than I. He remembers not this liturgy as I do in my younger years. He was educated
in a modernist seminary, ordained according to the ritual books of Paul VI.
Yet, here I was, here we were, at a traditional Latin Mass where a post-Vatican
II priest offered the Holy Sacrifice and confected the Body and Blood of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. Good grief - it is elemental logic that it follows that I,
we, must implicitly accept Vatican II - even at the same time questioning
language and ambiguity, implementation and interpretation!
Mueller notes the vindictive attack by Bergoglio on the little people: "Without the slightest empathy, one ignores the religious
feelings of the (often young) participants in the Masses according to the
Missal John XXIII. (1962) Instead of appreciating the smell of the sheep, the
shepherd here hits them hard with his crook. It also seems simply unjust to
abolish celebrations of the “old” rite just because it attracts some problematic
people: abusus non tollit usum."
Bergoglio's work is taking a chilling effect in some places.
I note that in the Philippines, Masses were cancelled and not even able to be
held yesterday, the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost. This is criminal,
uncharitable, mean-spirited and demonic. Those bishops will pay the ultimate
price before the LORD.
In most places, certainly here in Toronto, it was normal.
There will be more said about this soon. We must pray for Our Lord and Blessed
Mother to pour out graces that bishops have hearts of charity and care for
those sheep on the "peripheries." Clearly, the chief bishops does not
and has by this act, displayed himself as the ultimate hypocrite.
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Cardinal Mueller on the New TLM Restrictions - The Catholic Thing