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Showing posts with label Bishop Daniel Bohan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Daniel Bohan. Show all posts

Friday, 15 January 2016

Bishop Bohan of Regina

The Archdiocese of Regina has announced had announced that Bishop Bohan is "facing the end of his earthly life" and is in palliative care at Regina's Pasqua Hospital.

I was just informed that he has passed on.

May he find peace with Our Lord and may the Lord be merciful to him. 

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. 

Monday, 4 January 2016

Archbishop Daniel Bohan of Regina: Just what kind of a Polka Mess of the Mass are you up to out there?

Bishop Bohan (right) praying with schismatic and heretic
A reader in Saskatchewan commented on a post asking that those of us where things are better in the Church, liturgically speaking at least, to keep the poor suffering Catholics of Saskatchewan and in particular, those of the Archdiocese of Regina headed by Daniel Bohan, in prayer. We've reported previously on Bish Bo as did LifeSiteNews. It seems he hosted some homosexualist activists at the Cathedral to help set a "student transgendered policy." So-called "transgenderism" has no basis in biology or science. It is a mental illness and deviant behaviour. To confirm people in this is a disgrace and crime against these persons. To do so as a Catholic prelate, is to commit a grave evil. Bishop Bo is also a great ecumenist signing covenants with Anglicans and other schismatics and heretics. It makes one wonder how the Catholic faith is growing through the "New Evangelisation" and if there are any Traditional Latin Masses in Regina and throughout Saskatchewan.

Fortunately, Toronto was able to ditch this liturgical heresiarch a few years ago as an Auxiliary. Sorry, Regina, if it were up to me, I would sent him to a monastery but you can go on blaming Toronto for this too. We deserve it, we truly do! The good news for the people of Regina is that this hireling will be 75 in November 2016. A priest of poor Moncton, he is. The other part of Canada suffering from these types. Let us hope that Cardinal Ouellet, can sneak a good one in under the nose of you know who.

It seems they suffer from Polka Masses. Yes, authorised and Archdiocesan website promoted, Polka Masses. It was last summer, but it is never too late to spread the news of the Polka Mess in Regina, courtesy of the Archbishop.

Tell me Bish Bo, if you were at Calvary at our Blessed Lord's crucifixion, would you be singing "He's too fat for me?

Bish Bo, where exactly in the GIRM of the Roman Missal or Sacrasanctam Concilium, the Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, can I find the rubrics for a Polka Mass?

Anyone from Saskatchewan wishing to provide photos, recordings or comments about the mess there under Bishop Bo, please feel free to make use of the combox or send an email to voxcantoris@rogers.com.

Oh, Bish Bo - you've been voxed again; we wouldn't want the new year to start off to peaceful for ya. Oh, and how ya doin' with that "Holy Yoga," eh?

Monday, 11 May 2015

Archbishop Daniel Bohan - what are you thinking?

Bishop Bohan signing a "covenant" with Anglican laypeople
There are times that it is nearly impossible to believe the absolute evil and distortion of the Truth promulgated by some Shepherds. Now, it is Bishop Daniel Bohan, the Archbishop of Regina. This in-depth article by Pete Baklinski at LifeSiteNews must be read and shared.

Aside from the obvious about the event allowed by this bishop to take place was his absolute refusal to answer the legitimate questions on the matter by LifeSiteNews stating "journalistic incompetence and inability to accurately report events."

You can read the facts as reported at LifeSiteNews.

What a pathetic scandal; yet, they will call us "extremists" and "right-wing Catholics" and "Taliban Catholics" while they continue to distort the faith and scandalize the faithful. Yet, they

Coincidentally, Voris' video today speaks to the broader issue of the homosexualist mafia and the coming persecution. It is posted at the bottom of the article.

Catholic archbishop hosts gay activists at cathedral to help set transgender student policy

REGINA, Saskatchewan, May 7, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Catholic archbishop of Regina, Saskatchewan, Daniel Bohan, welcomed gay activists to his Cathedral hall in March to guide about 75 Catholic teachers in creating a policy on care for “transgender” students.
The event, which the archbishop attended and said he was “pleased” about after the fact, was keynoted by a Catholic priest who tells LifeSiteNews that he disagrees with Church teaching that humans are created male and female.
Panelists at the March 20 event on the “pastoral care for transgendered students” included LGBTQ activists and a trans couple consisting of a biological man and woman who now both look like and claim to be women. The keynote speaker at the event taking place in Holy Rosary Cathedral Hall was Redemptorist Catholic ethicist Fr. Mark Miller.

The archbishop replied through spokesperson Yanko: “Two years ago Life Site News [sic] was refused a second permission to attend the CCCB Plenary Meeting as an journalist observer. This was because of its lack of journalistic competence and inability to accurately report events. It is therefore not my desire to give an interview to them.”