A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 27 September 2018

Archbishiop Viganò again accuses Bergoglio of a cover up - calls out Cardinal Marc Ouellet

Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio

Scio Cui credidi
(2 Tim 1:12)

Before starting my writing, I would first of all like to give thanks and glory to God the Father for every situation and trial that He has prepared and will prepare for me during my life. As a priest and bishop of the holy Church, spouse of Christ, I am called like every baptized person to bear witness to the truth. By the gift of the Spirit who sustains me with joy on the path that I am called to travel, I intend to do so until the end of my days. Our only Lord has addressed also to me the invitation, “Follow me!”, and I intend to follow him with the help of his grace until the end of my days.

“As long as I have life, I will sing to the Lord,
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
May my song be pleasing to him;
For I rejoice in the Lord.”
(Psalm 103:33-34)


It has been a month since I offered my testimony, solely for the good of the Church, regarding what occurred at the audience with Pope Francis on June 23, 2013 and regarding certain matters I was given to know in the assignments entrusted to me at the Secretariat of State and in Washington, in relation to those who bear responsibility for covering up the crimes committed by the former archbishop of that capital.

My decision to reveal those grave facts was for me the most painful and serious decision that I have ever made in my life. I made it after long reflection and prayer, during months of profound suffering and anguish, during a crescendo of continual news of terrible events, with thousands of innocent victims destroyed and the vocations and lives of young priests and religious disturbed. The silence of the pastors who could have provided a remedy and prevented new victims became increasingly indefensible, a devastating crime for the Church. Well aware of the enormous consequences that my testimony could have, because what I was about to reveal involved the successor of Peter himself, I nonetheless chose to speak in order to protect the Church, and I declare with a clear conscience before God that my testimony is true. Christ died for the Church, and Peter, Servus servorum Dei, is the first one called to serve the spouse of Christ.

Certainly, some of the facts that I was to reveal were covered by the pontifical secret that I had promised to observe and that I had faithfully observed from the beginning of my service to the Holy See. But the purpose of any secret, including the pontifical secret, is to protect the Church from her enemies, not to cover up and become complicit in crimes committed by some of her members. I was a witness, not by my choice, of shocking facts and, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church states (par. 2491), the seal of secrecy is not binding when very grave harm can be avoided only by divulging the truth. Only the seal of confession could have justified my silence.

Neither the pope, nor any of the cardinals in Rome have denied the facts I asserted in my testimony. “Qui tacet consentit” surely applies here, for if they deny my testimony, they have only to say so, and provide documentation to support that denial. How can one avoid concluding that the reason they do not provide the documentation is that they know it confirms my testimony?

The center of my testimony was that since at least June 23, 2013, the pope knew from me how perverse and evil McCarrick was in his intentions and actions, and instead of taking the measures that every good pastor would have taken, the pope made McCarrick one of his principal agents in governing the Church, in regard to the United States, the Curia, and even China, as we are seeing these days with great concern and anxiety for that martyr Church.

Now, the pope’s reply to my testimony was: “I will not say a word!” But then, contradicting himself, he has compared his silence to that of Jesus in Nazareth and before Pilate, and compared me to the great accuser, Satan, who sows scandal and division in the Church — though without ever uttering my name. If he had said: “Viganò lied,” he would have challenged my credibility while trying to affirm his own. In so doing he would have intensified the demand of the people of God and the world for the documentation needed to determine who has told the truth. Instead, he put in place a subtle slander against me — slander being an offense he has often compared to the gravity of murder. Indeed, he did it repeatedly, in the context of the celebration of the most Holy Sacrament, the Eucharist, where he runs no risk of being challenged by journalists. When he did speak to journalists, he asked them to exercise their professional maturity and draw their own conclusions. But how can journalists discover and know the truth if those directly involved with a matter refuse to answer any questions or to release any documents? The pope’s unwillingness to respond to my charges and his deafness to the appeals by the faithful for accountability are hardly consistent with his calls for transparency and bridge building.

Moreover, the pope’s cover-up of McCarrick was clearly not an isolated mistake. Many more instances have recently been documented in the press, showing that Pope Francis has defended homosexual clergy who committed serious sexual abuses against minors or adults. These include his role in the case of Fr. Julio Grassi in Buenos Aires, his reinstatement of Fr. Mauro Inzoli after Pope Benedict had removed him from ministry (until he went to prison, at which point Pope Francis laicized him), and his halting of the investigation of sex abuse allegations against Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor.

In the meantime, a delegation of the USCCB, headed by its president Cardinal DiNardo, went to Rome asking for a Vatican investigation into McCarrick. Cardinal DiNardo and the other prelates should tell the Church in America and in the world: did the pope refuse to carry out a Vatican investigation into McCarrick’s crimes and of those responsible for covering them up? The faithful deserve to know.

I would like to make a special appeal to Cardinal Ouellet, because as nuncio I always worked in great harmony with him, and I have always had great esteem and affection towards him. He will remember when, at the end of my mission in Washington, he received me at his apartment in Rome in the evening for a long conversation. At the beginning of Pope Francis’ pontificate, he had maintained his dignity, as he had shown with courage when he was Archbishop of Québec. Later, however, when his work as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops was being undermined because recommendations for episcopal appointments were being passed directly to Pope Francis by two homosexual “friends” of his dicastery, bypassing the Cardinal, he gave up. His long article in L’Osservatore Romano, in which he came out in favor of the more controversial aspects of Amoris Laetitia, represents his surrender. Your Eminence, before I left for Washington, you were the one who told me of Pope Benedict’s sanctions on McCarrick. You have at your complete disposal key documents incriminating McCarrick and many in the curia for their cover-ups. Your Eminence, I urge you to bear witness to the truth.


Finally, I wish to encourage you, dear faithful, my brothers and sisters in Christ: never be despondent! Make your own the act of faith and complete confidence in Christ Jesus, our Savior, of Saint Paul in his second Letter to Timothy, Scio cui credidi, which I choose as my episcopal motto. This is a time of repentance, of conversion, of prayers, of grace, to prepare the Church, the bride of the Lamb, ready to fight and win with Mary the battle against the old dragon.

“Scio Cui credidi” (2 Tim 1:12)
In you, Jesus, my only Lord, I place all my trust.
“Diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum” (Rom 8:28).


To commemorate my episcopal ordination on April 26, 1992, conferred on me by St. John Paul II, I chose this image taken from a mosaic of the Basilica of St. Mark in Venice. It represents the miracle of the calming of the storm. I was struck by the fact that in the boat of Peter, tossed by the water, the figure of Jesus is portrayed twice. Jesus is sound asleep in the bow, while Peter tries to wake him up: “Master, do you not care that we are about to die?” Meanwhile, the apostles, terrified, look each in a different direction and do not realize that Jesus is standing behind them, blessing them and assuredly in command of the boat: “He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be still,’ … then he said to them, ‘Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?’” (Mk 4:38-40).

The scene is very timely in portraying the tremendous storm the Church is passing through in this moment, but with a substantial difference: the successor of Peter not only fails to see the Lord in full control of the boat, it seems he does not even intend to awaken Jesus asleep in the bow.

Has Christ perhaps become invisible to his vicar? Perhaps is he being tempted to try to act as a substitute of our only Master and Lord?

The Lord is in full control of the boat!

May Christ, the Truth, always be the light on our way!

+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio
September 29th, 2018
Feast of St. Michael, Archangel

Monday 24 September 2018

Bergoglio blocked investigation of abuse against a Cardinal who was his promoter!

Image result for cormac murphy o'connor

Mon Sep 24, 2018 - 3:30 pm EST

Source: Pope blocked investigation of abuse allegations against cardinal who helped elect him

September 24, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis told Cardinal Gerhard Müller in 2013 to stop investigating abuse allegations against British Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, according to a highly-placed Vatican source who spoke to Marco Tossati. Murphy-O'Connor, as a member of the “Sankt [St.] Gallen mafia,” played a pivotal role in getting Jorge Bergoglio elected Pope in 2013.
A source from England with inside knowledge of the case told LifeSiteNews that a woman alleges the cardinal had himself been involved in abusing her when she was 13 or 14 years old and that she was the reason for the investigation by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).
Tosatti and LifeSiteNews have worked together on this joint story for some weeks now. We have shared our findings with each other.
Tosatti had previously revealed what he learned in September 2013 from a high-ranking Vatican source – “an extremely good source, who was then in the government of the Curia,” and he adds that his source has “learned [it] from those directly concerned.” – that Cardinal Müller, then Prefect of the CDF, was interrupted by the Pope while saying Mass at the Church of Santa Monica (next to the CDF building) for a small group of German students. But now Tosatti reveals that the reason for the interruption was to demand that an investigation into Cardinal O’Connor be halted.
Read the rest at: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/source-pope-blocked-investigation-of-abuse-allegations-against-cardinal-whohttps://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/source-pope-blocked-investigation-of-abuse-allegations-against-cardinal-who

Sunday 23 September 2018

Come on now Blase, don't be a cupich

You know about this, right? 

Father Kalcik, You are a priest forever, after the Order of Melchizedek. ThisCupich won't last, he's a bully, an effeminate, a rageful homosexualist and an unmerciful, uncharitable fraud and a disgrace to the priesthood and on top of all that, a pretty stupid man.

Be brave Father, Christ has your back.

There are many faithful, no doubt, who will be there with you.


Image result for Fr. Kalchik

ImageCHICAGO (ChurchMilitant.com) - Church Militant confirmed Saturday that Fr. Paul Kalchik, pastor of Resurrection Parish in Chicago, has fled his parish and gone into hiding, one day after two chancery priests threatened him that if he did not get psychiatric treatment, Cdl. Blase Cupich would ensure he'd be taken away by police.
"The full frontal attack took place this evening, and the attack resulted in me not saying the evening Mass, nor leading the Rosary Benediction," Fr. Kalchik told Church Militant Friday night about the confrontation with Msgr. Dennis Lyle and Fr. Jeremy Thomas, both vicars for priests.

Displaying cupich letter.jpg_large

Saturday 22 September 2018

Pope Francis: "Ice cold, sly Machiavellian, and, what is worse – he lies’

It looks like George is going to have a rough weekend in the Baltics.

Featured Image

Cardinal: Pope is ‘ice cold, sly Machiavellian, and, what is worse – he lies’

September 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Today, the German magazine Der Spiegel, one of the most influential political magazines in Europe, published a report on the failures of the papacy of Francis. LifeSiteNews already summed up the parts of this report about the involvement of Pope Francis in a cover-up of abuse cases in Argentina. But the Spiegel authors also make a report from their conversations with unnamed prelates in the Vatican who spoke quite critically about Pope Francis.

According to the magazine, one cardinal not only called the Pope effectively a liar, but he also said: “From the beginning, I did not believe one word of his.” The Spiegel's own comments on this papacy, as we shall see, are no less strong.

Read the rest by Maike Hickson at LifeSiteNews.

National Shrine's Rossi - I'm so pretty, Oh so pretty, I'm so pretty and witty and wild

Image result for msgr rossi shrine

Rossi drives from the mansion to his cordoned off parking spot at the Basilica in a fancy Lexus. He is notorious for “ruling by fear,” as one archdiocesan source put it. “He is the meanest, most un-Christian person I have ever met in my life.” Where other bosses might commit random acts of kindness, Rossi is famous for his random acts of meanness, popping into offices to berate staffers for minor offenses. He is particularly exacting with respect to the Basilica’s floral arrangements. “He won’t let anyone touch his flowers,” says the archdiocesan source.
He is far less fastidious about his body. According to Catholic University alumni, Rossi would proposition them. “He insinuated that he would be up for a threesome,” recalled one CUA graduate, who had a gay roommate with whom Rossi was overly familiar. “It was gay sexual harassment.”

Bergoglio sells out the Chinese Catholics - Satan has taken control of the visible Church!

There is little which I can write about this latest horror from Bergoglio. The complete and utter sell-out of the faithful Church in China for a schismatic church with bishops appointed by the communist government. An affront to the faithful, a betrayal of the Martyrs.

There is this important historical summary.


The Catholics of China have been handed over to the communist dragon by the communist Pope.

Of Parolin, the Secretary of State who negotiated this sell-out, Cardinal Zen said:

“I don’t think he has faith. He is just a good diplomat in a very secular, mundane meaning, he should resign, it’s a complete surrender, I have no other words.”

Image result for catholics china

Image result for catholics china


Bono's good friend is not only Bergoglio but Uncle Teddy "Predator Pervert" McCarrick

It is said that a picture speaks a thousand words. A video, even more.

The same week that abortion advocate Bono, who has made hundreds of millions of pounds, dollars and shekels from capitalism, condemns capitalism along with the Peronist Pope Bergoglio, this little gem emerges.

"This goes out to my old friend, Cardinal McCarrick." (about 2:38)

Uncle Ted McCarrick was the founder of the Papal Foundation, The Papal Foundation became more well-known earlier this year when a scandal erputed as certain cardinals manipulated the Board to provide funds on behalf of Bergoglio for a dermatological hospital in Rome caught up in malfeasance. 

The abortion advocating Bono and his globalist-laden charity One, is now providing funds for Bergoglio. 

What is the connection between the globalist funding network, the homosexual pervert and predator McCarrick, the coverup by Bergoglio, the deflective visit and financial collusion with Bergoglio and the world of child sex trafficking, abuse, blackmail and pornography, the Podesta Group and the WikiLeaks of the need for a "Catholic Spring" and the revelations by Dr. Henry Sire in The Dictator Pope of funding from Peter's Pence for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the reported rage that Bergoglio flew into upon the election of Donald J. Trump?

Image result for bono pope francis

Nothing to see here.

Marc Ouellet proves himself a coward and an episcopal fraud

He cares nothing about the truth.

French Canadian coward.

Cardinal Marc Armand Ouellet – b. 1944, created Cardinal by St. John Paul II (2003), formerly Primate of Canada, Prefect for the Congregation of Bishops since 2010; Viganò says he must have known about sanctions on McCarrick. LifeSiteNews

The Synod is no longer a Synod, but a Politburo - It is not Catholic, it is not of the Holy Spirit

Thursday 20 September 2018

Was Father Joseph Moreno of Buffalo murdered?

Image result for father joe moreno buffalo

Was this priest of Buffalo, Father Joseph Moreno, whose death was framed as a suicide actually murdered? 

Was Father Moreno silenced due to his knowledge of a network of homosexual pervert priests?

Bergoglio meets and smiles with hair-dying, communist, abortion advocate Bono

It was only a few months ago, that the ageing, hair-dying rocker of U2 known as Bono was in Ireland advocating for the killing of babies. Yesterday, he was in the Vatican to meet with the Bishop of Rome.

It is two years since the Dubia was issued and two of the Cardinals are dead, Bergoglio has still not responded or met with those two remaining regarding the matter. 

Bergoglio likes to meet with celebrities such as Bono and Leonardo DiCaprio and abortionists such as Emma Bonino, he does not like to meet with Catholics. Bono says that they spoke about the "wild beast of capitalism" and that Bergoglio is "aghast" over the sexual abuse crisis, saying, "You can see the pain in his face, and I felt it was sincere," and that they spoke about Bergoglio's "feelings" over the crisis. 


Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an evil man. He hates you, he hates me, he hates Our Lord  Jesus Christ. If he did not hate us and Christ, he would not do that which he does. By meeting with Bono, he has caused scandal amongst the faithful and those Catholics, particularly in Ireland now, who have so long worked to prevent or end the scourge of abortion. 

The man is evil.

May God in his great mercy rid us of this filthy man soon and send us the pope we need, not the one we deserve.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Bergoglio: Known by the friends he keeps

Well, what do we have here?

Clutching hands with Bergoglio is Michael Bransfield, ex-bishop of Wheeling, WV accused of "inappropriate conduct with adults"—media-speak for gay sex, along with Donna Wuerl looking downright thrilled, and Uncle Teddy McCarrick lurking in the background.

H.T to @Patrick_Coffin

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Francis' little holy card - a hypocrite? who me?

“The sign that we are far from the Lord is hypocrisy. The hypocrite does not need the Lord, he is saved by himself – so he thinks – and he disguises himself as a saint.”

“What makes people hypocrites?” he asked, observing that “they disguise themselves, they disguise themselves as good people: they make themselves up like little holy cards, looking up at heaven as they pray, making sure they are seen – they believe they are more righteous than others,” but really “they despise others.”

If this pervert protecting pontiff had any humility he would have thanked Babailov for his work and then promptly ordered it removed and burnt.

Source for the origin.


Source for quotes:


Saturday 15 September 2018

Bergoglio again refuses a blessing!

A few days after being elected, Bergoglio spoke before the assembled media in the Paul VI Audience Hall. I recall that he refused to bless them because they were not all Catholics and he said that he would not provide a blessing because he respected their consciences. I have no time to look up a transcript or video of the event, if someone can, please leave it in the comment section.

Today in Sicily, he did it again. He refused a pontifical blessing so as not to offend the "many non-Catholic Christians, those of other religions, and the agnostics."

Yet, he himself has no problem being "blest" by a layman.

Image result for pope francis welby

The man is truly evil. 

He denied Catholics the right to the pontifical blessing and denied those non-Catholic Christians, agnostics and others the opportunity for grace to be poured out that might lead to their conversion.

Did I say the man is truly evil?

Don't pull a cupich

If there is a more dumbass clericalist in the Church today than Blase Cupich, it would be a surprise.

Here he is pictured with his Uncle, Teddy McCarrick having just given him an award.

Image result for blase cupich

Oh, by the way, Bergoglio just appointed him to the shameful Synod of Bishops on Youth, this coming October.

When will the non-gay Catholic priests and seminarians of Chicago rise up and depose this filthy malefactor?

Bergoglian Cardinal Farrell implicated in scandal

Il fatto quotidiano

The list with the names of the gay lobby: The Vatican trembles

Il Fatto Quotidiano

5 Sep 2018


Behind the tenacious silence of the highest levels of the Vatican regarding the accusations made in the now-famous document of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò may be the fear of being smeared by new facts and developments which may come to light in the explosion of the “nuclear war” which is said to be occurring – for several days now – within the Holy See.

Yesterday we told you about the “Farrell case” which alleged that a dossier had been given to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which oversees the handling of cases of sexual and other moral crimes, concerning Kevin Joseph Farrell, one-time auxiliary bishop of Washington, which if proven true would fall like a boulder on top of the Pope. Farrell, directly nominated by Bergoglio as head of the Dicastery for the Family, lived together with Theodore McCarrick, former cardinal and archbishop of Washington, who was involved in numerous cases of sexual abuse against seminarians.

Upon contacting the Congregation for a comment, or perhaps a denial, the response was: “There will be no comment.” The Vatican thus is not denying the report of Il Fatto Quotidiano, but like McCarrick chooses the strategy of silence. Also because the concerns of the Holy See do not end here.

The new clouds on the horizon are the concrete possibility that there will be a leak of the documents pertaining to the investigation of cardinals Julián Herranz, Jozef Tomko e Salvatore De Giorgi, which they gave to Pope Benedict XVI prior to his resignation. The report contains a detailed and disturbing account of the moral and financial corruption of Vatican clergy, with specific names and circumstances. We have succeeded in seeing a copy of the document with the papal seal on the heading, and from which we will publish excerpts here: a list of both prelates and lay people who belong to the so-called gay lobby, who by means of blackmail and secrets are able to influence, or have influenced, the positions and careers of both themselves and others.

We will not reveal the specific names given in the list, but we are able to confirm that among the names there are persons removed by the Pope, others who had their offices changed, others who still hold important strategic positions in the internal workings of the Vatican, such as in the Propaganda Fide and the Secretariate of State.

The investigation of the three cardinals Herranz- Tomko- De Giorgi has as yet remained “top secret.” However, a small and yet not-so-small circle of persons had the opportunity to read it, and this before the Conclave of 2013, in order to give a hand to the Holy Spirit who would carry Bergoglio across the threshold of the papacy. In order to make the report, dozens of priests and high prelates were interrogated, and all sorts of documents were gathered together. If the public became aware of the content of the report, it would be a disaster for the image of the Church, already devastated throughout the world by sexual scandals. But that is exactly what could happen in this phase of the battle, since the squawking of “crows” is a secular practice which takes place in the Vatican every time there is an escalation in which the civil war gets fiercer.

And this time the war is against the Pope himself. This time Bergoglio can no longer count on the protection of the Curia, given that he has such a complicated relationship with it both personally and doctrinally (one need only think of the questions of the dubia raised by the four cardinals to the Pope concerning the encyclical Amoris Laetitia, in which Bergoglio opened up communion to the divorced and remarried).

Nor can Francis count on some of his powerful friends and allies, overwhelmed as they are by their own sex scandals or by having covered up for others: McCarrick and Farrell, Cardinals Roger Mahony and Godfried Danneels, on the Chilean bishops, on the very powerful number 3 in the Vatican Cardinal George Pell, currently on trial in Australia for multiple sex crimes. Pell wanted to resign as the Vatican Minister of Finance, but the Pope preferred a simple leave of absence. Moreover, when he was named as Number 3 at the Vatican Bergoglio himself could not possibly not have known about Pell’s abuses.

We ask by means of our newspaper to Pope Bergoglio and to Secretary of State Parolin: bring clarity to matters of McCarrick, Farrell and the commission of the three cardinals, to the moral questions which cannot be hidden away under a veil of silence. The reform of the church will take place by means of the truth.

Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino

Friday 14 September 2018

Podesta's "Catholic Spring" participant Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga - Did he order Pizza?

Image result for cardinal maradiaga

To: mfisher@hillaryclinton.com
Date: 2015-10-27 20:11
Subject: Fwd: Details for Nov. 2nd Discussion with Cardinal Rodriguez

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Carr <John.Carr@georgetown.edu>
Date: Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 5:44 PM
Subject: Details for Nov. 2nd Discussion with Cardinal Rodriguez
Cc: Caitlin Devine <cmd65@georgetown.edu>, Angela Miller McGraw <

Dear John,

I wish to thank you for your participation in the discussion with Cardinal
Rodríguez on Monday, November 2 at Georgetown Law Center Hart Auditorium. We
are delighted and honored that you will be a part of this timely and
important discussion. I am following up on your communication with Peter
Byrne. This email includes information on the program, logistics and
related matter. Here is how we have been describing the discussion:

Pope Francis' Environmental Encyclical: Protecting the Planet and the Poor

A Conversation with Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez

Monday, November 2, 4:00 to 5:30 pm

Hart Auditorium

Georgetown Law Center

*Purpose and Focus:*

Pope Francis' environmental encyclical *Laudato Si* makes a powerful moral
case for the dual obligation to care for creation and care for the poor.
Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez is a key advisor to Pope Francis, chair of his
Council of Cardinals. As the first cardinal from Honduras, he knows
firsthand the damaging human impact from environmental degradation and
leads the church’s efforts to defend the life and dignity of the poor.

Following the conversation with Cardinal Rodríguez, which will be moderated
by John Carr, director of Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public
Life, members of Georgetown Law Center will respond.

- Edith Brown Weiss, Francis Cabell Brown Professor of International
Law, member of United Nations Environment Programme's International
Advisory Council on Environmental Justice.

- John Podesta, Distinguished Visitor from Practice, former Counselor to
President Barack Obama on climate change and energy policy.

*Background Information*:

Cardinal Rodríguez will not be giving a formal presentation, but will be
responding to series of questions from me as moderator. I will send you
some preliminary questions I plan to raise with him on the topic. I
included a link to a video that was shot at Georgetown University featuring
Cardinal Rodríguez discussing Pope Francis' views on climate change and
environmental issues. This indicates some of the tone and content of his
likely responses and may be useful for you as you prepare your remarks.

Since it may be difficult to anticipate how best to respond to Cardinal
Rodríguez, I suggest you might focus your 10-12 minute reflection on your
response to the Encyclical
What are its most important messages? Given your experience, what are its
potential impacts?

I will be introducing you and Edith Weiss. Please send me information on
what you'd like to be emphasized in a brief, relatively informal
introduction. What parts of your work, affiliations, education, family do
you wish me to lift up as I introduce you?

Here is an outline of the session:

3:45 pm – Arrive at green room adjacent to stage of Hart Auditorium to get
mic'd and go over last minute details

4:00 pm – Discussion begins in Hart Auditorium

4:05 pm – Peter Byrne, Faculty Director, Georgetown Environmental Law and
Policy Institute calls the session to order, welcomes people and
introduces topic and John Carr

4:10 pm – John Carr introduces Cardinal Rodríguez and begins a structured
conversation, asking a series of questions

4:40 pm – John Carr invites Edith Brown Weiss and John Podesta to join
Cardinal Rodríguez and him on the stage and introduces them

4:45 pm – Edith Brown Weiss gives remarks

4:57 pm – John Podesta gives remarks

5:10 pm – Questions from the audience

5:30 pm – Closing

5:35 - 6:30 – A reception begins immediately in the Hart Auditorium lobby

We encourage you to invite family, friends, colleagues, and others who
would be interested to the reception and discussion. They may RSVP here

I have attached a speaker release form for photographic purposes. Please
sign and return to caitlin.devine@georgetown.edu.

Thank you for your leadership and for your participation in this important
discussion. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me by
email or on my cell 240-988-6276 or Caitlin Devine, copied here, or on her
cell 610-202-4501.

We look forward to a great discussion.


*John Carr*
*Director, Initiative on *
*Catholic Social Thought and Public Life*
*Georgetown University*
*202-687-1599 <202-687-1599>*


Thursday 13 September 2018

Programs here, programs, can't tell the perverts without a program!

Good grief. 

It is becoming hard to keep up with the bloodletting of the sodomite perverts and their protectors.

What do we find?

An alleged priest, Manual LaRosa-Lopez, was arrested in Conroe, Texas on four counts of "indecency with a child." It turns out that Cardinal DiNardo who has been urging Pope Francis to act regarding episcopal pervert cover-uppers has been accused of being a cover-upper himself.


On top of that, we have the report from Germany of the leaked report of abuse of nearly 4,000 people by priests and bishops and the repetitive relocation and cover-up. The number cannot be accurate, this report was not independent.


We now have Bergoglio calling a Synod in 2019 on the matter of protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse.

Unless the Synod provides full disclosure on the worldwide cover-up of what is no doubt a global network of sodomite perverts and an assurance that homosexuals will be removed from ministry no matter the colour of their cassocks, the Synod will be a sham.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

And Francis promoted them

From @RadicalCath at Twitter. 

Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, a Danneels protege who once placed a priest credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor in charge of a parish, also promotes female ordination, 'voluntary' priestly celibacy, and wants the Church to bless homosexual unions.

Pope Francis promoted him.

Cardinal Anders Arborelius, who knew about a predatory priest for 7 years, but did nothing other than offer the victim counselling until the case went public, also proposes the creation of an advisory body of women similar to the College of Cardinals.

Pope Francis promoted him.

Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix was accused of ignoring a decades-long case of child sex abuse perpetrated by a member of his own Pius X Secular Institute (no affiliation to the SSPX) for years. He defended Amoris Laetitia as a "beautiful" document.

Pope Francis promoted him.

Cardinal Luis Ferrer, currently head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, was recently summoned to appear in criminal court in France for allegedly being informed of a priest's confirmed past abuses and not reporting them to authorities.

Pope Francis promoted him.

Cardinal Giovanni Becciu, Deputy Emeritus of the Secretariat of State, suspended an external audit of the Vatican's finances upon learning that the auditor-general, Libero Milone, had begun to uncover potentially incriminating fiscal irregularities.

Pope Francis promoted him.

Cardinal Jean Zerbo, along with two other bishops from Mali, hid a total of $13.5 million dollars in undisclosed Swiss bank accounts, which then mysteriously "evaporated". The purpose of the accounts and the fate of the money remains unclear.

Pope Francis promoted him.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

More sociopathic abuse from the mouth of Bergoglio - attack those who expose the perpetrators as if they are the Devil

In his homily at the morning Mass today in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta, luxury abode of Bergoglio, he said:

“In these times, it seems like the 'Great Accuser' has been unchained and is attacking bishops. True, we are all sinners, we bishops. He tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people."

It was St. Gregory the Great who said;

"It is better for scandal to arise than the truth to be suppressed."

It should not be too hard to decide who is correct and who is a liar a deceiver and a fraud.

Does this malefactor masquerading as the Vicar of Christ on Earth have any feelings for the victims or the sufferings of faithful Catholics now? With this kind of attitude, can Bergoglio not be an abuser himself? Does he really expect us to believe anything he might say to defend against the Viganò Testimony? He only confirms more and more on a daily basis how right Viganò was and how corrupt the rest really are.

What more does this puss filled boil on the seat of Peter have to do to convince all that he is a sociopath in his treatment of the poor faithful, and as far as Carlo Maria Viganò, goes, an actual psychopath.

This malefactor, this pompous arrogant monster Bergoglio would rather keep secret the corruption and filth of the bishops. These are not private sins, these are public sins. This is not a case where of a few men with same-sex attraction fell, these are actions which are demonic, satanic, we are in Black Mass territory. 

Bishops, Cardinals, you faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, how long will you silent whilst this filthy arrogant man continues to scandalise and insult the faithful. You sit there in fear of this man, yet; you have no love for the sheep and no fear of God.

You will be damned to Hell with Bergoglio.

You will deserve it for abandoning us.

The deaf and mute became the prey of perverts in Italy and Argentina. What did Bergoglio know and when did he know it?

If you think you can watch this video, pray the St. Michael Prayer first. 

In 2009, 67 victims of perverts came forward with accusations of abuse by priests at the Provolo Institute in Verona, Italy. Various articles and history can be found at this link. The perversion extended to their branch school in Argentina.

On Sunday, the hypocritical pustulant boil on the seat of Peter urged us to "not be deaf or silent in the face of suffering."

The deaf can now speak, they are no longer silent.

But that filthy hypocrite Bergoglio who would mock these victims and state such a thing whilst he himself remains silent is nothing more than a minion of Satan. He is barely better than the priest in this video.

A friend of mine, an abuse victim himself, went yesterday to do a Holy Hour for the priest in the video because that priest is unrepentant and will go to Hell.

I told my friend that he is a better man than me.

But it was all just a joke, right? 

Monday 10 September 2018

Roman Catholic Faithful is back!

Stephen Brady, the founder of RCF which took down a number of pervert clerics in Illinois and discovered the satanic "St. Sebastian's Angels" is back!

RCF was able to break into a sodomite priest chat group called "St. Sebastian's Angels" and discovered a cesspool of perversion and sacrilege. Bishops were taken out including one in South Africa who wanted to do a few things to "Ratz." - then Pope Benedict XVI.

You can view the capture web page at this link, but be forewarned. there are explicit pictures of priests who uploaded the photos themselves, so forewarned, is forearmed. 



Media Contact: media@rcf.org

(PETERSBURG, IL. September 8, 2018) — In July of 2009, the Board Members of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. elected to suspend operations after twelve years of fighting corruption in the Catholic Church. Said Stephen Brady, founder and president of RCF, "Our organization began after we learned that the bishop of Springfield, Illinois, the late Daniel Ryan, was paying young male prostitutes for sex. Soon calls for our assistance came from around the U.S. We sponsored a number of symposia in cities across the country, and we picketed the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on at least two occasions.

"We were privileged to receive the sage advice of holy priests such as Fr. John Hardon, Fr. Charles Fiore, Fr. Peter Mascari, and the legendary Fr. Malachi Martin," Mr. Brady explained. "Yet, we closed our doors after we became convinced that clerical corruption could not be fought simply on a piecemeal basis on a local level; rather, it became clear that the greater part of the post-conciliar Church had lost the Faith. We urged our supporters to attend the Traditional Mass whenever possible, to recite the daily Rosary, to live the life of grace and to pray very hard for the reform of the Church." (RCF's “goodbye letter” can be found at http://rcf.org/RCFgoodbye.pdf)

However, Mr. Brady continued, "The events that have unfolded during the last several months, most particularly the report of the grand jury that investigated the sexual molestation of children in Pennsylvania, have led us to believe that we must once more jump into the fray. It has become impossible for us to stand idle after reading the grand jury report (available at http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/local/report-on-pennsylvania-church-sex-abuse/2319/). The various committees and commissions proposed by several bishops can be counted on to be a complete waste of time and money. This amounts to the wolves investigating the wolves."

In the past, RCF not only addressed immorality among the clergy but also fought diocesan heterodox teaching and liturgical abuses. These things, although important to its members, will no longer be included in RCF's active mission. Said Mr. Brady, "We have one mission now – to expose the network of sexual immorality among the Catholic clergy in the United States, and most importantly to expose the bishops and cardinals who have enabled their crimes. If we work on this project for ten years, and spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars, and save only one child from being molested, we will have considered our work a success. Frankly, though, we anticipate doing much better."

In closing, Mr. Brady stated, "And now a word to the bishops and cardinals in the United States:

"We are going to put the dioceses and episcopal sees of each of you under a microscope. We are willing to crawl into the darkest dens of depravity where children are molested and expose this entire network and enterprise to the public. To those of you bishops and cardinals willing to assist us and cooperate, we thank you in advance. For those of you who will oppose our crusade, let me make this clear – we are going to name names and take whatever remedial action we find necessary, including picketing, urging boycotts of financial contributions by parishioners and....well, let’s just say we have a few other ideas as well."
Mr. Brady concluded, "For assistance in this fight the Roman Catholic Faithful ask for the help of Almighty God and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Viva Cristo Rey! Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!"

To schedule an Interview or to speak with Stephen Brady, please contact media@rcf.org.

Cocaine Capozzi - back in the apartment, back in the game.

From Elizabeth Yore at The Remnant:

Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (charged with the interpretation of Canon Law) and his Secretary, Msgr. Luigi Capozzi

coccopalmerio and capozzi“Oh I make no excuses. All my life it's been my ambition to surround myself with rare and beautiful things. Suddenly faced with this golden opportunity...”  ~The Lavender Hill Mob

How stupid does the Vatican think we are? The contempt for which they hold the laity knows no bounds. The people of God are treated like ignorant sheep who are on a need to know basis and they need to know nothing.

Silence the sheep.

Spare us the lame and convenient Bergoglian Who Am I to judge narrative. Lest we forget that our weekly parish collection basket helps to pay their rent, their meals, their scarlet birettas, their croziers, their episcopal rings, their cars, their luxury apartments and their parties.

Speaking of parties and luxury apartments, despite the Vatican’s best efforts to muzzle the Vatican Gendarmerie, Italian media and the Curia, the infamous Msgr. Luigi “Cocaine” Capozzi, Secretary to the powerful Cardinal Francesco “Positive Realities of Homosexuals”

Msgr. Luigi Capozzi was arrested for hosting a raucous drug fueled homosexual orgy.