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Showing posts with label Cardinal Coccopalmero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Coccopalmero. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Francesco, "CocoPuff" Coccopalmerio was present and a participant in drug-fueled homosexual orgy - and Bergoglio knows - Report!

John-Henry Westen and Maike Hickson are reporting on LifeSiteNews that Cardinal Coccopalmerio was at that cocaine-laden, homosexual orgy where numerous persons were arrested, including Monsignor Luigi "Cocaine" Capozzi. We have written on both of these perverts at the following links:



The report indicates that Bergoglio knows of Coco's presence.

As hard is it is to bear this, this is really great news. All this writer would add is that those who report this who fear being found out must find the courage to come into the light and make their names public to lend credibility to the reports. The time to remain fearful has long since past.

Let these filthy, Christ-hating perverts be exposed.

All of them.

Source: Vatican cardinal was at drug-fueled homosexual party, and Pope knows it 

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ROME, October 10, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, a close collaborator of Pope Francis, was present at the homosexual drug-fuelled party raided by the Vatican police in the summer of 2017 at which his secretary, Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, was arrested.

A highly-placed Vatican source with direct knowledge, who must remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, tells LifeSite that the Pope himself knows of Coccopalmerio’s presence at the party. The party took place in an apartment in the building of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).

Coccopalmerio was head of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts until his retirement in April.

The same Vatican source spoke in more depth in a private meeting this summer with a group of priests, three of whom spoke to LifeSite about it.

One of these priests told LifeSite that according to the Vatican source, Cardinal Coccopalmerio, 80, was not only an attendee. The source said “in fact, that he ‘was presiding’ over it when the Vatican Gendarmes broke in, and that they instructed him to absent himself before they started making arrests,” according to the priest.

Another priest who was at the private meeting said the Vatican source “stated clearly to me and a number of others that, when the police raided the apartment and arrested Capozzi, Cardinal Coccopalmerio was actually present at the orgy.” He was then told by the police to leave “immediately.” This priest added that the source “gave us to understand that Coccopalmerio is a practicing homosexual.”

Read the rest at:

Monday, 10 September 2018

Cocaine Capozzi - back in the apartment, back in the game.

From Elizabeth Yore at The Remnant:

Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (charged with the interpretation of Canon Law) and his Secretary, Msgr. Luigi Capozzi

coccopalmerio and capozzi“Oh I make no excuses. All my life it's been my ambition to surround myself with rare and beautiful things. Suddenly faced with this golden opportunity...”  ~The Lavender Hill Mob

How stupid does the Vatican think we are? The contempt for which they hold the laity knows no bounds. The people of God are treated like ignorant sheep who are on a need to know basis and they need to know nothing.

Silence the sheep.

Spare us the lame and convenient Bergoglian Who Am I to judge narrative. Lest we forget that our weekly parish collection basket helps to pay their rent, their meals, their scarlet birettas, their croziers, their episcopal rings, their cars, their luxury apartments and their parties.

Speaking of parties and luxury apartments, despite the Vatican’s best efforts to muzzle the Vatican Gendarmerie, Italian media and the Curia, the infamous Msgr. Luigi “Cocaine” Capozzi, Secretary to the powerful Cardinal Francesco “Positive Realities of Homosexuals”

Msgr. Luigi Capozzi was arrested for hosting a raucous drug fueled homosexual orgy.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Pope Francis' cover up of sexual perversion and sodomitical rape in Argentina.

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This image of Bergoglio has made the rounds, often showing up in feeds or memes. It is as if he is saying, "no, not me." Now, we know from where it comes, a confrontation in St. Peter's Square with German filmmakers asking his covering up for abuse in Argentina in one specific case. The excerpt is below, the whole film, in German, can be viewed through the link at LifeSiteNews.

Thank you Dear Reader: You can generate English subtitles. Open the settings (gear) icon which is right next to "YouTube" on the bottom right just below screen. Go to Subtitles/CC. Choose German (auto generated). German is checked but right below you can now select auto-translate which will give you a long list of languages, including of course, English.

The full film needs to be subtitled and widely distributed. 

Here are the decisive 12 minutes about Bergoglio and Argentina.

The case concerns one Judas Priest pervert, Julio César Grassi, but there are more as the witnesses testify and as they confirm that Bergoglio ignored their please and their letters. This follows on the reports by Marco Tosatti, since removed but captured elsewhere, of a clear case of cover-up and accusations by the victim's mother.

The time for action is long since passed. The fetid swamp of homosexual infiltration in the Holy Catholic Church must be exposed. 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a malefactor, a wretched man who from the very beginning to aid form perverts (McCarrick) and their protectors (Danneels) and surrounded himself with them, (Ricca) and that was the first two days! 

From the insults emanating from his mouth to blasphemies to heresies such as Amoris Laetitia and to the cover-up of this filth of homosexuality and abuse, Bergoglio has proven that he is not on the side of Christ or you and me but on that of his "god of surprises."

Now, we see have his minions such as Coccopalmerio, a man whose secretary is an active homosexual and was caught in a cocaine-fueled orgy in a Vatican apartment, musing about a suspension for Carlo Maria Viganò.

These men are evil. The pressure must be maintained, they must get the message that we are in this fight, we are not abandoning our Lord and His Church, our Mother to them, and that we will expose them and out them without ceasing.



Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Pope Francis gave Vatican apartment to gay priest later caught in cocaine-fuelled orgy

The gay Monsignor, Cocaine Capozzi was given his apartment by Bergoglio. My Roman sources tell me that the cocaine-fueled sodomite orgy actually took place in Holy Week.

My sources further advise that Capozzi is back in his abode.

Will the "highly placed Vatican source" please come out of the shadows and go on the record?
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ROME, Italy, August 29, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis gave a Vatican apartment to a priest who was later caught hosting a drug-fueled homosexual orgy in that same apartment despite being warned about the priest’s grave problems, a highly placed Vatican source told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview. 
It was Francis himself, the source said, who made sure that a homosexual secretary of his friend Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio would obtain a privileged apartment in the Vatican. 

Friday, 30 June 2017

Cardinal Gerhard Mueller removed from curia! Oh, and that drunken, drug-laden sodomite cleric?

Just stopped at home for a quick lunch break and what do we find?

From Rorate

Methinks he was a bit too honest to Raymond Arroyo.

And Hilary.

No, not that Hillary.

Keep it comin' George.


Saturday, 13 May 2017

Coo-coo for Coccopalmerio

Cardinal Coccopalmerio is in the news again; dismissing Pope Leo's apparently problematic Magisterial document and giving his opinion on the "validity" of Anglican Orders.

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Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio after being named a Cardinal

“When someone is ordained in the Anglican Church and becomes a parish priest in a community, we cannot say that nothing has happened, that everything is ‘invalid.” Coco

Whom do you believe?

36. Wherefore, strictly adhering, in this matter, to the decrees of the Pontiffs, Our Predecessors, and confirming them most fully, and, as it were, renewing them by Our authority, of Our own initiative and certain knowledge, We pronounce and declare that ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been, and are, absolutely null and utterly void. Leo XIII, Papal Bull Apostolicae Curae, 1896

Saturday, 18 March 2017

"False and Dangerous"

Father Gerald E. Murray, J.C.D. is a Canon Lawyer and priest of the Archdiocese of New York and Pastor there, of Holy Family parish. He is often seen with Raymond Arroyo and Dr. Robert Royal on The World Over on EWTN. He writes:
Fr. Gerald E. Murray
"Ready for some casuistry? Should the Catholic Church allow a man and a woman to receive the sacraments in the following case? A woman living with a married but divorced man tells him that she no longer wants to live in sin; the man threatens to kill himself, and she, following her confessor’s advice, stays with him?"

Visit his article at The Catholic Thing for the rest of this important article and understanding of what is God's law and what is "false and dangerous" theology. 

We are in a critical time in Church and world history. It has not always been like this in the Church because never before has technology existed as today where actions and words are instantly known. Even 100 years ago, no Catholic would have been aware of the daily occurrences as today.

Arm yourself for spiritual warfare. Discern carefully from those who speak the truth and those who do not.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Coccopalmerio convicts himself of heresy - implicates Pope Francis

Image result for coccopalmerioWhere does one even begin to deal with the heresy and apostasy of this Francesco Cardinal Coccopalmerio of the Holy Catholic Church? In former days, the Pope would have called him in to the Papal Apartment, made him kneel before him and strip him of his red hat and send him off to a monastery. Today, we have neither a Pope that respects his Office and Apartment, nor the Truth of the Faith in order to defend it from a heresiarch such as this.

Not only has this man now attempted to defend the heresy of his "book" on Holy Communion for those in adultery, but he implicates Pope Bergoglio by association and doubles-down with an attack on the very nature of the priesthood itself.

Can there be any doubt now, dear Catholics, how bad the situation really is? Even Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture has now written calling this, The Disastrous Papacy

Edward Pentin, arguably the most credible and well-informed and widely-read Catholic journalist today has conducted an interview with Coccopalmerio. Mr. Pentin asks the very questions you and I would ask including about St. Thomas More to which the Cardinal clearly becomes uncomfortable.

It is must reading on your list today.


Coccopalmerio is a heretic. He is an enemy of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is a Judas, an agent of Satan, He is your enemy and he is mine.

May he be converted by the Holy Ghost, lest he deceive more or may the Lord send his angels to confound him and to smite him and carry out divine justice.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Pure Cacca from Cocco - The heretical barking dog of Team Bergoglio is anathematised already!

Cardinal Coccopalmerio is a filthy heretic.

It is time for every Catholic to call this man out as the disgusting heretic which he is.

He is stinking episcopal swine.

He oozes a stench of evil. 

He is a corrupt and arrogant ignoramus.

Cursed by the teats that gave nourishment to this boil on the Body of Christ.

He looks quite pleased with himself, eh?

Father Gerald E. Murray, writing at First Things, gives a true Catholic perspective on this cretin.

Il cardinale Francesco Coccopalmerio

More here at OnePeterFive

“CANON XI.- If any one saith, that faith alone is a sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist; let him be anathema. And for fear lest so great a sacrament may be received unworthily, and so unto death and condemnation, this holy Synod ordains and declares, that sacramental confession, when a confessor may be had, is of necessity to be made beforehand, by those whose conscience is burthened with mortal sin, how contrite even soever they may think themselves. But if any one shall presume to teach, preach, or obstinately to assert, or even in public disputation to defend the contrary, he shall be thereupon excommunicated.” Council of Trent

From Vulgar Latin *cacca, from Ancient Greek κάκκη ‎(kákkē, “dung”).

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Bergoglio's puppy Cocco, can't even show up at his own heretical book launch presser? DUBIA MUST BE ANSWERED BY BERGOGLIO!

Using an excuse about a "diary clash," Berogoglio lapdog Coccopalmerio, an alleged Cardinal and Prince of the Holy Roman Church, has skipped out on his presser to reveal his book.

The book, allegedly the answer to the Dubia of Father Bergoglio from the four Cardinals, and I dare say, millions of faithful, is not an acceptable answer from the Bishop of Rome. 

Excerpts from the book clearly reveal that the provision of Holy Communion and Penance for unrepentant adulterers is to be the norm. 
“The divorced and remarried, de facto couples, those cohabitating, are certainly not models of unions in sync with Catholic Doctrine, but the Church cannot look the other way. Therefore, the sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion should be given even to those so-called wounded families and to however many who, despite living in situations not in line with traditional matrimonial canons, express the sincere desire to approach the sacraments after an appropriate period of discernment.”
Nothing is said about sodomites, child rapists, pornography aficionados are priests who bugger little boys, but if it's okay to receive Holy Communion after you've fornicated with whores against your wife, or rakes against your husband, why not those priests who use their power to bugger, fellate, felch and gerbil little boys?

How about to murderers or embezzlers? Maybe extortionists and slave traders? You see, where does it end? Either it is mortal sin or it isn't?

Oh, I just couldn't help myself!

Coccopalmerio is a filthy heretic. A heresiarch that should be pummeled with the Catechism and sent off to a monastery and he can take along the Bishop of Rome with him.

Sorry for the bluntness but the reality is sometimes necessary.

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How proud is this peacock, eh?

Thanks Papa Ratzinger. Another sound decision on your part.

Coccopalmerio is a flaming heretic.

So is his Bergoglio.

More to come ...