A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Showing posts with label Bishop Valery Vienneau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Valery Vienneau. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

In the Catholic Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Moncton, you can pray for two hours, otherwise pay up, it's a Museum!

A regular reader has provided two pictures of the beautiful sanctuary and in particular, the steps, of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. 

You can visit the Cathedral for Mass or prayer for only 2 hours per week. That's right. Two hours. After that, it will cost you $12 for a tour of the "museum," and that he couldn't pray. The person that took the picture asked, "Is Jesus in the Tabernacle," to which the person responded, "I'm sorry, what are you talking about." So, he paid his $12 and sure enough, saw the red candle burning, knelt down and prayed.

It reminds one of the old story about a Jesuit seminarian desiring to smoke and asking his Father General at retreat, "Father General, is it permitted to smoke whilst I pray." To which he responded, "Certainly not, my son, but it is permitted to pray whilst you smoke."

On the way out, my friend stopped to catechize the poor lost museum guide. 

The plight of this Cathedral was highlighted a decade ago in a CBC news story or two.

The current Archbishop of Moncton is Valery  Vienneau. Regular readers here will remember that Vienneau banned the unjabbed from the Mass and Sacraments only a few months ago.


Is this what the faithful of Moncton settle for? At what point do we actually stop blaming the besieged bishop and call out the faithful for their own failure?

Are there any left? 

Friday, 24 September 2021

Moncton Episcopal Hierling Valery Vienneau reverses course - Non-jabbed Catholics no longer barred from Mass or Sacraments, just weddings and funerals!

Moncton Bishop Valery Vienneau has reversed his earlier scandalous and demonic decision to bar the faithful from the Mass and sacraments. The ban still exists for weddings and funerals.

The Bishop of Saint John (New Brunswick) did not undertake the actions of this episcopal swine. It was his own decision. 

This is still not good enough. Public repentance is required Valery. Sackcloth and ashes for you! 

details (diomoncton.ca)

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Today, Valery Vienneau unleashes spiritual persecution on the Catholics of New Brunswick!


A tip to Barona for the photo of this hireling. 

TORONTO CATHOLIC WITNESS: Bishop of Moncton has BANNED Catholics from receiving the SACRAMENTS! Those who are unvaccinated or refuse to reveal their private medical history are now placed under an interdict

Originally published last Saturday, I am reposting this to the top on today's date as this is the day when Catholics in the Archdiocese of Moncton are:

Banned from Mass.

Banned from Holy Communion.

Banned from the Confession.

Banned from Baptism.

Banned from Matrimony

Probably banned from having a priest come and administer Exterme Unction.

Banned from the social life of the parish.

Valery Vienneau is a demon in the line of Jorge Bergoglio.

"May his days be shortened and another his bishopric take."

Bishop - prick. Rude maybe, but the truth about Valery.

The gates of Hell are open wide and waiting for Valery Vienneau, the Bishop of the Moncton in New Brunswick Canada who has bowed down to the diktat of a provincial health minster and banned the faithful from Mass, as bad as the faith is already in Moncton, if they have not had the jab.  

This pathetic excuse for an Apostle of Jesus Christ, this cretin, this monstrously evil blight and curse upon the long suffering Catholics of Moncton has the temerity to address the faithful as "Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus" and conclude with, "May the Lord bless us and continue to watch over us!"  Valery needs to repent for this sin, this crime against God and the faithful and the few that still bother to attend Mass in Moncton. The devastation of Canada's Maritime provinces continues - the area of Canada with the lowest amount of CCP Virus. 

He is no brother to any Catholic in Moncton or elsewhere and there will be no blessing from the LORD for him.

The un-jabbed Catholics of Moncton are the new lepers!

A complete and utter abandonment of the sheep. A violation of church teaching. Coercion. Totally demonic.

Read it for yourselves and try to keep from vomiting. If you do, put it in a bag and send it to this clericalist prig who will be judged for all to see on that dreaded day lest he repent. May the Lord show mercy to this episcopal swine, I surely would not.  


COVID-19: GREEN phase: September 17th 2021 Update

Published : 2021-09-17 a 19h00 | Category : Diocese

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus,

The provincial Minister of Health, Ms. Shephard, met with religious leaders in the province following the announcement of new measures regarding the pandemic. While explaining new guidelines, she indicated that they had only one goal: to increase the rate of people fully vaccinated in the province (two doses).

Vaccination remains the best way to counter the spread of the Delta virus and protect the population (especially the unvaccinated). The government is looking for a vaccination rate of around 90%. The minister made it clear to us that she does not require masks, sanitizing, or social distancing at our gatherings. These measures remain at the discretion of individuals.

Instead, she wishes to have gatherings of fully vaccinated people to keep people safe and to act as an incentive for the unvaccinated.  That is why going back to past health measures (mask, sanitizing, and social distancing) as a way to include unvaccinated people at our gatherings is not the measure promoted by the government.

Therefore, beginning Wednesday Sep 22nd,  at any gathering inside our churches, rectories or community centres under our supervision, those present must be doubly vaccinated.

  1. By gatherings we mean: religious celebrations (Sunday and weekly masses, prayer meetings, baptisms, weddings and funerals, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, First Communion), parish and pastoral meetings, catechesis meetings, management meetings, conferences, workshops, fraternal and social meetings, bingos, card games, etc.
  1. By those present we mean: priests, lay ministers, members of choirs, volunteers, the faithful and other participants. This also applies to family members or close friends at baptisms, weddings, or funerals. Young people under the age of 12 are naturally exempted by this measure, as they cannot currently be vaccinated.

How can these measures be put in place?

1. At Masses next week, several volunteers are expected to be at the doors of each church to ask worshippers for full proof of vaccination and collect their names on a list of fully vaccinated people. This list will be used again on subsequent Sundays so our volunteers will avoid asking our parishioners for proof of vaccination each time. The request for proof of vaccination would then be required only for new people. This list may eventually be requested by the government.

2. Inform the funeral home staff that family members and loved ones who come to church are to be doubly vaccinated. For baptisms and weddings, this task will fall to the parish office staff or to the person meeting the family to prepare for the celebration.  As with other masses and celebrations, it will be necessary to keep a list of participants in funerals, weddings and baptisms after ensuring that they are doubly vaccinated.

3. For catechesis with children, we follow the rules in force in schools. For the safety of young people, catechists should be fully vaccinated. When parents (or another adult) attend the meetings, they will of course have to be doubly vaccinated. For a celebration in church, you will follow the rule in force now in our churches.

4.  As for parish employees, it is highly desirable that they be fully vaccinated. However, if this is not the case, they will have to wear a mask at all times and undergo a COVID test periodically according to government policy.

5.  We will accept anyone who comes to the parish offices for information or service. If this person is not vaccinated, they may be asked to wear a mask.

Questions:  Can we still accept a person who is not vaccinated or has a single dose inside our facilities for a celebration or a meeting?  Even with a mask and social distancing?
Answer:  The minister said "no" unless she had proof of exemption, which is rare.

We ask you to implement these new measures in each of your Christian communities not only to respect the government's request but above all to help stop the spread of the virus among our population. We would not want one of our places of worship to be the location of a COVID exposure due to our negligence. The Minister of Health is counting on our cooperation.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can help you implement these new measures. I thank you in advance for all the efforts it requires to put in place this new protocol.

May the Lord bless us and continue to watch over us.

Mgr Valery Vienneau

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Are there any Catholics left in New Brunswick?

Are there any Catholics left in Moncton or anywhere else in New Brunswick? 

How about Moncton specifically? 

Are you going to take this?

What do you have on Valery? 

Any priests in New Brunswick wish to disclose? 


Saturday, 18 September 2021


The gates of Hell are open wide and waiting for Valery Vienneau, the Bishop of the Moncton in New Brunswick Canada who has bowed down to the diktat of a provincial health minster and banned the faithful from Mass, as bad as the faith is already in Moncton, if they have not had the jab.  

This pathetic excuse for an Apostle of Jesus Christ, this cretin, this monstrously evil blight and curse upon the long suffering Catholics of Moncton has the temerity to address the faithful as "Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus" and conclude with, "May the Lord bless us and continue to watch over us!"  Valery needs to repent for this sin, this crime against God and the faithful and the few that still bother to attend Mass in Moncton. The devastation of Canada's Maritime provinces continues - the area of Canada with the lowest amount of CCP Virus. 

He is no brother to any Catholic in Moncton or elsewhere and there will be no blessing from the LORD for him.

The un-jabbed Catholics of Moncton are the new lepers!

A complete and utter abandonment of the sheep. A violation of church teaching. Coercion. Totally demonic.

Read it for yourselves and try to keep from vomiting. If you do, put it in a bag and send it to this clericalist prig who will be judged for all to see on that dreaded day lest he repent. May the Lord show mercy to this episcopal swine, I surely would not.  


COVID-19: GREEN phase: September 17th 2021 Update

Published : 2021-09-17 a 19h00 | Category : Diocese

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus,

The provincial Minister of Health, Ms. Shephard, met with religious leaders in the province following the announcement of new measures regarding the pandemic. While explaining new guidelines, she indicated that they had only one goal: to increase the rate of people fully vaccinated in the province (two doses).

Vaccination remains the best way to counter the spread of the Delta virus and protect the population (especially the unvaccinated). The government is looking for a vaccination rate of around 90%. The minister made it clear to us that she does not require masks, sanitizing, or social distancing at our gatherings. These measures remain at the discretion of individuals.

Instead, she wishes to have gatherings of fully vaccinated people to keep people safe and to act as an incentive for the unvaccinated.  That is why going back to past health measures (mask, sanitizing, and social distancing) as a way to include unvaccinated people at our gatherings is not the measure promoted by the government.

Therefore, beginning Wednesday Sep 22nd,  at any gathering inside our churches, rectories or community centres under our supervision, those present must be doubly vaccinated.

  1. By gatherings we mean: religious celebrations (Sunday and weekly masses, prayer meetings, baptisms, weddings and funerals, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, First Communion), parish and pastoral meetings, catechesis meetings, management meetings, conferences, workshops, fraternal and social meetings, bingos, card games, etc.
  1. By those present we mean: priests, lay ministers, members of choirs, volunteers, the faithful and other participants. This also applies to family members or close friends at baptisms, weddings, or funerals. Young people under the age of 12 are naturally exempted by this measure, as they cannot currently be vaccinated.

How can these measures be put in place?

1. At Masses next week, several volunteers are expected to be at the doors of each church to ask worshippers for full proof of vaccination and collect their names on a list of fully vaccinated people. This list will be used again on subsequent Sundays so our volunteers will avoid asking our parishioners for proof of vaccination each time. The request for proof of vaccination would then be required only for new people. This list may eventually be requested by the government.

2. Inform the funeral home staff that family members and loved ones who come to church are to be doubly vaccinated. For baptisms and weddings, this task will fall to the parish office staff or to the person meeting the family to prepare for the celebration.  As with other masses and celebrations, it will be necessary to keep a list of participants in funerals, weddings and baptisms after ensuring that they are doubly vaccinated.

3. For catechesis with children, we follow the rules in force in schools. For the safety of young people, catechists should be fully vaccinated. When parents (or another adult) attend the meetings, they will of course have to be doubly vaccinated. For a celebration in church, you will follow the rule in force now in our churches.

4.  As for parish employees, it is highly desirable that they be fully vaccinated. However, if this is not the case, they will have to wear a mask at all times and undergo a COVID test periodically according to government policy.

5.  We will accept anyone who comes to the parish offices for information or service. If this person is not vaccinated, they may be asked to wear a mask.

Questions:  Can we still accept a person who is not vaccinated or has a single dose inside our facilities for a celebration or a meeting?  Even with a mask and social distancing?
Answer:  The minister said "no" unless she had proof of exemption, which is rare.

We ask you to implement these new measures in each of your Christian communities not only to respect the government's request but above all to help stop the spread of the virus among our population. We would not want one of our places of worship to be the location of a COVID exposure due to our negligence. The Minister of Health is counting on our cooperation.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can help you implement these new measures. I thank you in advance for all the efforts it requires to put in place this new protocol.

May the Lord bless us and continue to watch over us.

Mgr Valery Vienneau

Cardinal Thomas Collins - Distance yourself from the Satanic action of Valery Vienneau, Bishop of Moncton!

From: Vox Cantoris [mailto:voxcantoris@rogers.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2021 8:11 AM
To: 'Office of the Cardinal'; and others...
Cc: 'nuntiatura@nuntiatura.ca'
Subject: Where is mercy for the smelly sheep on the peripheries? 

Your Eminence, 

I urge you to watch this and hear the truth from this professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology. I know how much you respect academics as opposed to those of us in the great unwashed. Those of us simple people, who know what we do not know and do not trust our politicians, our medical tyrants or our episcopal hirelings. This letter will be made public this morning on Vox. 


I also urge you to think very clearly about what you are doing and not follow the lead of the demonic Bishop of Moncton, because if you think No Mass for You was a pain in the past, you have no idea what will come from this blog if you shut the faithful out of the church and the sacraments! 

Enjoy your Sunday. 

Vox Cantoris

(see one post below or link for the whole post on Moncton)

Saturday, 18 September 2021


Saturday, 18 September 2021


The gates of Hell are open wide and waiting for Valery Vienneau, the Bishop of the Moncton in New Brunswick Canada who has bowed down to the diktat of a provincial health minster and banned the faithful from Mass, as bad as the faith is already in Moncton, if they have not had the jab.  

This pathetic excuse for an Apostle of Jesus Christ, this cretin, this monstrously evil blight and curse upon the long suffering Catholics of Moncton has the temerity to address the faithful as "Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus" and conclude with, "May the Lord bless us and continue to watch over us!"  Valery needs to repent for this sin, this crime against God and the faithful and the few that still bother to attend Mass in Moncton. The devastation of Canada's Maritime provinces continues - the area of Canada with the lowest amount of CCP Virus. 

He is no brother to any Catholic in Moncton or elsewhere and there will be no blessing from the LORD for him.

The un-jabbed Catholics of Moncton are the new lepers!

A complete and utter abandonment of the sheep. A violation of church teaching. Coercion. Totally demonic.

Read it for yourselves and try to keep from vomiting. If you do, put it in a bag and send it to this clericalist prig who will be judged for all to see on that dreaded day lest he repent. May the Lord show mercy to this episcopal swine, I surely would not.  


COVID-19: GREEN phase: September 17th 2021 Update

Published : 2021-09-17 a 19h00 | Category : Diocese

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus,

The provincial Minister of Health, Ms. Shephard, met with religious leaders in the province following the announcement of new measures regarding the pandemic. While explaining new guidelines, she indicated that they had only one goal: to increase the rate of people fully vaccinated in the province (two doses).

Vaccination remains the best way to counter the spread of the Delta virus and protect the population (especially the unvaccinated). The government is looking for a vaccination rate of around 90%. The minister made it clear to us that she does not require masks, sanitizing, or social distancing at our gatherings. These measures remain at the discretion of individuals.

Instead, she wishes to have gatherings of fully vaccinated people to keep people safe and to act as an incentive for the unvaccinated.  That is why going back to past health measures (mask, sanitizing, and social distancing) as a way to include unvaccinated people at our gatherings is not the measure promoted by the government.

Therefore, beginning Wednesday Sep 22nd,  at any gathering inside our churches, rectories or community centres under our supervision, those present must be doubly vaccinated.

  1. By gatherings we mean: religious celebrations (Sunday and weekly masses, prayer meetings, baptisms, weddings and funerals, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, First Communion), parish and pastoral meetings, catechesis meetings, management meetings, conferences, workshops, fraternal and social meetings, bingos, card games, etc.
  1. By those present we mean: priests, lay ministers, members of choirs, volunteers, the faithful and other participants. This also applies to family members or close friends at baptisms, weddings, or funerals. Young people under the age of 12 are naturally exempted by this measure, as they cannot currently be vaccinated.

How can these measures be put in place?

1. At Masses next week, several volunteers are expected to be at the doors of each church to ask worshippers for full proof of vaccination and collect their names on a list of fully vaccinated people. This list will be used again on subsequent Sundays so our volunteers will avoid asking our parishioners for proof of vaccination each time. The request for proof of vaccination would then be required only for new people. This list may eventually be requested by the government.

2. Inform the funeral home staff that family members and loved ones who come to church are to be doubly vaccinated. For baptisms and weddings, this task will fall to the parish office staff or to the person meeting the family to prepare for the celebration.  As with other masses and celebrations, it will be necessary to keep a list of participants in funerals, weddings and baptisms after ensuring that they are doubly vaccinated.

3. For catechesis with children, we follow the rules in force in schools. For the safety of young people, catechists should be fully vaccinated. When parents (or another adult) attend the meetings, they will of course have to be doubly vaccinated. For a celebration in church, you will follow the rule in force now in our churches.

4.  As for parish employees, it is highly desirable that they be fully vaccinated. However, if this is not the case, they will have to wear a mask at all times and undergo a COVID test periodically according to government policy.

5.  We will accept anyone who comes to the parish offices for information or service. If this person is not vaccinated, they may be asked to wear a mask.

Questions:  Can we still accept a person who is not vaccinated or has a single dose inside our facilities for a celebration or a meeting?  Even with a mask and social distancing?
Answer:  The minister said "no" unless she had proof of exemption, which is rare.

We ask you to implement these new measures in each of your Christian communities not only to respect the government's request but above all to help stop the spread of the virus among our population. We would not want one of our places of worship to be the location of a COVID exposure due to our negligence. The Minister of Health is counting on our cooperation.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can help you implement these new measures. I thank you in advance for all the efforts it requires to put in place this new protocol.

May the Lord bless us and continue to watch over us.

Mgr Valery Vienneau