I think we need to look at Holy Gamaliel, who, though a Pharisee, is considered a Saint and is in the Roman Martyrology.
"And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." —Acts 5:38–39
Updated thoughts and repost ...
- The Society of St. Pius X is Catholic, it always has been. The canonical recognition through a Personal Prelature is the correction of an injustice; -- the unjust excommunication of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the eventually remitted of the four bishops.
- It is the correction of the unjust suspension of all the newly ordained priests.
- It is the correction of the deep injustice of the suspension of Archbishop Lefebvre in the early 1970's for not agreeing to celebrate the Novus Ordo.
- It is the correction of the injustice of the attempt by Rome to suppress a canonically founded and correctly Catholic seminary.
- The sole purpose of the Society's existence is the formation and education of priests for the salvation of souls.
- The Society is in a stronger and even more credible position now than when first suspended over four decades ago.
- A regularisation would essentially return them to where they were prior to that initial suspension, except that they are in that stronger, more credible, more public reality than back then.
- As long as they have protected their assets and their charism then they have a duty to accept the reasonable offer.
- Failing to do so would leave them open to criticism and persecution by bishops throughout the world and the declaration of formal schism.
- The Church and a future Pontiff have a greater chance of renouncing the errors of modernism and Vatican II with the Society of St. Pius X on the "inside" formally, than being an outside observer, at best.
Last September, 2016, I wrote about the SSPX and the ongoing and progressing talks with the Vatican on full reconciliation and that they had nothing to fear from Francis, provided they controlled their assets and structure. It was titled, "Show me the money."
We've heard in the last day, that there is a real estate purchase about to take place in Rome for their headquarters.
I will repeat my opinion now as I did then. The Society has nothing to fear as long as it gives up nothing. No control over its assets, no interference in its charism.
Remember friends, Bishop Bernard Fellay is no fool.
Many questions why? Why is Francis doing this?
The fact is, it does not matter. What matters is, he is doing it and it is the work of the Holy Spirit, not his, "god of surprises." It is the work of the Holy Spirit because only good will come of it. Francis is, the Pope, and he is being dragged kicking and screaming to this reconciliation even if he does not recognize if for what it is.
Only good will come of this.