That's rich coming from a newspaper that has been ordered by more than one Bishop to remove the word "Catholic" from it's title.
Phyllis Zagano recently lectured at St. Michael's College in Toronto; a lecture promoting the cause of so-called "women deacons." The attention given to her thesis also ended up in the Archdiocesan owned Catholic Register. The conference was also attended by the Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese of Toronto. Did he rebuke her? That College is a Baslian institution, the same Congregation to which Thomas J. Rosica belongs.
Who are the schismatics?
Yet, Phyllis Zagano has the uncharitable and unmitigated gall to label this blogger, a schismatic. She, who is travelling around to diocese after diocese as a dissenter promoting the idea that there were women deacons who had a liturgical purpose and should again. That, is not Catholic. That, is a schismatic attitude.
While she refers to bloggers in general, she highlights the vexatious and frivolous threat of a lawsuit by Thomas J. Rosica, CSB of the ever failing and irrelevant Salt + Light and sometimes Vatican "volunteer" spokesperson, which may change under the new lay director, Greg Burke. Yet, she states it in such a way that his idiotic and stupid action had any effect other than to raise the readers of this blog by 2,000,000! Pretty smart move, Tom.
You can read it below without clicking there.
I follow the faith of my mother and father. Do they?
I worship in the manner that my Lebanese grandparents did when they came to Canada. Do Phyllis or Tom worship in the manner of their Italian ancestors?

I believe everything that my parents were taught by the faith. That men marry women, that adultery is a grievous sin, that sodomy is one of the four sins crying out to heaven for justice and that there is no mercy without truth and justice. Do they?
I married my wife in the same ceremony that her parents were married in Capetown and mine in Toronto. Does that make me a schismatic?
I accept that Jorge Bergoglio is the Bishop of Rome because the priests of that Diocese accept him as such and as such, he is the Pope, for better or worse. Mostly worse and that does not make me a schismatic. Though I really think he should contact Gammarelli about his mitre.

I believe all that the historical magisterium of the Catholic Church teaches and She teaches what I believe. Do they?
Who then, are the schismatics?
Listen Phyllis, you've lost. This screed from you and Tom and many others proves it.
Your FrancisChurch is going to come crashing down.
Very soon.
Phyllis Zagano
July 13, 2016
From: Phyllis Zagano []
Sent: December 12, 2016 8:26 PM
Subject: invoice
Sent: December 12, 2016 8:26 PM
Subject: invoice
I note you have published one of my columns ( Please remit your payment of U.S. $50 immediately, to the below.
Phyllis Zagano, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate-in-Residence
Department of Religion-Heger 104B
115 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
516-463-5615 (office)
516-463-2201 (fax)
Senior Research Associate-in-Residence
Department of Religion-Heger 104B
115 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
516-463-5615 (office)
516-463-2201 (fax)