Catholics fed up with the disaster of the Novus Ordo and not ready to take the leap in to the traditional Mass can find a home in the Ordinariate.
Writing from a Canadian perspective, in reality, the Apostolic Constitution and the Missal were twenty to thirty years too late for any great impact. Those Anglicans distressed about what was happening then already converted to the Catholic faith and did so mostly through RCIA and have been absorbed in to the Novus Ordo or attend the traditional Latin Mass where it is available. The Ordinariate, whilst a blessing, is small in Canada.
Yesterday, the Bishop of Rome visited an Anglican Church in Rome. This false oecumenism is an insult to those Catholics who came into the Church through the Ordinariate. He plays with these people, leaving them in their delusions, particularly the Arch-layman of Canterbury. At least the Lutherites don't profess to have apostolic succession.
I can tell you from personal experience, those in Canada coming in to he Ordinariate were made to grovel at the feet of Roman arrogance. They were humiliated and insulted in the process. They accepted everything in the Catechism in a manner that cradle Catholics do not even accept. They were challenged in a manner that badly catechised pewsitters are not, and yet, they are typically more faithful.
They did it because they followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and came home to the one true Church. Now, they sit and watch the Bishop of Rome do to the true Church, what they witnessed and suffered in the Anglican dis-communion over the last thirty years.
Yes, go to the peripheries, find the lost sheep, But this is not what Bergoglio does. He does not say to these Anglicans of Rome, "Come home, I will give you a church building and you have Anglicanorum Coetibus." No, instead he leaves them in schism and heresy and apostasy from the Truth.
He prefers to wallow in the mire rather than bring the lost out of it; and while he reaches out to the peripheries, he abandons the sheep already in the fold.
We know what that is.