“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Sunday, 29 September 2019
Saturday, 28 September 2019
Friday, 27 September 2019
Poop Francis the Great - Hypocrite!
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Rigid? Who, me? |
Well it seems that Jesuit intellectual bumpkin Antonio Spadaro, S.J. has published in La Civiltà Cattolica some comments by Bergoglio of Rome. If Bergoglio thinks Spadaro is his friend then he dumber than anyone thought. Spadaro is doing Poop Francis no favours, but unwittingly, he is doing it for us.
He slanderously (condemned in the same talk) labels American Catholics and Evangelicals as an "ecumenism of hate." While criticizing those who attach labels and adjectives he calls young faithful Catholic priests who dress like priests as suffering from "rigid clericalism" in an attempt to hide their "moral problems." This from the Pontificating Pervert Protector who covered up for McCarrick, and numerous others in Rome and Argentina.
"Have you never seen young priests all stiff in black cassocks and hats in the shape of the planet Saturn on their heads? Behind all the rigid clericalism there are serious problems.”
In his projection, he condemned those who are preoccupied on Catholic morality saying:
“Exclusive moral fixation on the sixth commandment” (God’s prohibition against adultery, fornication and other sexual sins) was another dimension of clericalism. We focus on sex and then we do not give weight to social injustice, slander, gossip and lies. The Church today needs a profound conversion in this area.”
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Rigid clericalist hiding his sexual perversions |
Francis of Rome
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Monday, 23 September 2019
Our Roxy: March 1, 2001 - September 23, 2018
All about Vox
Sunday, 22 September 2019
Vatican goes full Masonic
Human fraternity, or "brotherhood," who could argue with that, right?
When that "fraternity" debases the One, True, Faith given to mankind by Our Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, then there is much to argue with.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the pope that of the Alta Vendita, the pope that the Freemasons longed to see who would do their will.
Never forget this. - With Bergoglio, "Nothing will be the same again."
We cannot say that we were not warned.
From Vatican News:
The New York City Public Library was the site of A
Celebration of Human Fraternity on Friday. This is the first public event in
which the members of the Higher Committee formed to implement the Document on
Human Fraternity took part together. That historic document was signed in
February 2019 by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb,
during the Year of Tolerance.
When that "fraternity" debases the One, True, Faith given to mankind by Our Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, then there is much to argue with.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the pope that of the Alta Vendita, the pope that the Freemasons longed to see who would do their will.
Never forget this. - With Bergoglio, "Nothing will be the same again."
We cannot say that we were not warned.
From Vatican News:
A Celebration of Human Fraternity
The first public event hosted by the Higher Committee
implementing the Document on Human Fraternity took place at the New York City
Public Library on Friday, bringing together hundreds of people from different
religious and cultural backgrounds.
By Sr. Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp, New York
Hundreds of people gathered from a variety of faith
traditions. Many of them feel akin to the values proposed in the Document. The
Rev. Dr. T. Kenjitsu Nakagaki calls himself a Peace Ambassador. He is
interested in knowing why the term “human fraternity” is being used and wanted
to make sure that the Buddhist tradition was represented at the Celebration.
Deacon Mike and his wife Ruth explained that the company that Mike works for is
working on the design and strategy of the Abrahamic Family House to be unveiled
at the end of the event. Eban Heath is an artist and sculptor who has done work
in the Gulf. He feels attracted to the work the Committee is doing because his
own art, along with a passion for bringing words to life, represents culture
and shows what can happen when different cultures “begin to dance together”.
Time for positive proposals
Committee President, Cardinal-Elect Miguel Ayuso, expressed
that the Holy See has done so much to counteract evil. Now, he said, it is time
“to propose in a positive way that the human family can live fraternally
together”. Being on the Committee is a culmination of what has been his life
work: “creating dialogue in order to overcome fear in hearts and souls”, he
Healing a fractured world
Newly added to the Committee, Rabbi Bruce Lustig spoke about
the importance of the Document and the Committee who will be actualizing it. It
was incredible, he said, to see two world religious leaders sign a document
which is a watershed in bringing Jews, Christians and Muslims together. He
added that the members of the Committee are dedicated to bring healing to a
fractured world.
Greatest declaration signed in recent history
His Excellency Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak is also a member
of the Committee, represented the United Arab Emirates. He commented on the
fact that in a world where so much divides, the UAE is committed to uniting. As
a beacon of light, the UAE wants to shed light in a dark world and has taken a
stand through bringing the Document on Human Fraternity to the light. That
declaration, he said, “is the greatest signed in recent days”.
Three churches, one foundation
Sir David Adjaye Obe presented the architectural plans for
the Abrahamic Family House. This will be the first concrete implementation of
the Document on Human Fraternity. Plans to build a church, a mosque and a
synagogue in Abu Dhabi are already under way, he said. Three different houses
of worship will be united with a single foundation around a garden—an image
that has important significance in each of the world’s three major religions.
These three places of worship will be contemporary in their design while
remaining faithful to the narrative of each religion, Sr David explained.
Project unveiled
As promised, the evening ended with the unveiling of a model
of the Abrahamic Family House. The spirit of human fraternity that it is meant
to inspire, however, is already at work among the guests who left the event
enriched by the contact they made with other people from different cultural and
religious backgrounds.
Francis of Rome,
Vatican Circus
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Rosica at Splashdown
An "inveterate alpha hotel" I've been called by a brave anonymous commentator for allegedly kicking this man whilst he is down. On the contrary, as written below, I hope he finds his priesthood and spends his life as a monk or hermit to save his soul. That is not a kick, it is a good hope.
Today, is not that day.
Thomas J. Rosica is at Southdown. I've known this for two weeks. I did not publicly report on it as I did not feel it my place and to respect my sources.
However, someone has revealed it to Michael Voris, as reported here.
It is this writer who doggedly pursued this arrogant clericalist and it was this writer who was the first to out him for his plagiarsim. The price was a slap-suit that elevated this blog from 600,000 page views after a decade to what you see at the left today, all since March of 2015.
The price Rosica paid was great.
Suing this writer was the beginning of the end for this errant cleric. It focused others from Bloggers to LifeSiteNews to Breitbart, Catholic World Report, Renew America and the National Catholic Register on this nasty and despicable actions. It caused everyone to take a closer look.
He is a broken man. He was on the rise, no doubt lusting an episcopal appointment from Bergoglio. He is Bergoglio's type, to be sure.
It's over for him, brought down from heights by his own blind pride and arrogance. He is a sycophant and a sociopath, just like his Bergoglio.
Whatever has sent him to Southdown may it be a start of his healing. May he find his priesthood again, but may he live as a hermit and may no Catholic ever been on the receiving end again of this man's actions, nor ministry.
He is a bad man and a bad priest and as he wrote me many times, "a sad, sad man."
Where is the apology from this Rosica for more than a dozen harassing emails?
Where is the apology from this Rosica for a slap-suit that took money out of my home to defend against?
Where is the apology from this Rosica for the gossip he undertook with certain other clerics to limit and undermine my work as a Cantor?
Where is the apology from Rosica for the malignant gossip to people at my employer?
Where is the apology from Rosica for the no less than two attempts to have me fired by using direct and indirect pressure on my employer. Confirmed by the way, by senior officers that he was trying to undermine my employment and thus, my security and pension?
Not from him.
But from the Rosica Family.
No, not the former cop gone bad who cyberstalked and murdered.
But from the other brother who apologised without reservation on "behalf of the Rosica family" and said, "you must do everything you can to keep my brother from ever becoming a bishop."
Turns out, Tom did himself in on that one.
Some day, I may forgive Tom, I hope to.
Today, is not that day.
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The party's over, Tom |
However, someone has revealed it to Michael Voris, as reported here.
It is this writer who doggedly pursued this arrogant clericalist and it was this writer who was the first to out him for his plagiarsim. The price was a slap-suit that elevated this blog from 600,000 page views after a decade to what you see at the left today, all since March of 2015.
The price Rosica paid was great.
Suing this writer was the beginning of the end for this errant cleric. It focused others from Bloggers to LifeSiteNews to Breitbart, Catholic World Report, Renew America and the National Catholic Register on this nasty and despicable actions. It caused everyone to take a closer look.
He is a broken man. He was on the rise, no doubt lusting an episcopal appointment from Bergoglio. He is Bergoglio's type, to be sure.
It's over for him, brought down from heights by his own blind pride and arrogance. He is a sycophant and a sociopath, just like his Bergoglio.
Whatever has sent him to Southdown may it be a start of his healing. May he find his priesthood again, but may he live as a hermit and may no Catholic ever been on the receiving end again of this man's actions, nor ministry.
He is a bad man and a bad priest and as he wrote me many times, "a sad, sad man."
The Rosica Letters
Sunday, 15 September 2019
The Pontificating Peronist Pervert Protecting Christ-hating, Catholic-hating, communist thug, known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio says I should obey the United Nations.
To which I have three words for this malefactor
Francis of Rome
Saturday, 14 September 2019
Seeking one globalist system of Marxist education - Bergoglio declares war on Catholic families!
Using an obscured "African proverb" popularised by Hillary Clinton, Bergoglio, the Pontificating Peronist Pervert Protector who seized the Chair of Peter has called on the Marxist educrats of the world to join him in a Global Compact on Education.
Stating that, "“A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism," in one sentence, Bergoglio destroys the rights of Catholic parents and the principles of subsidiarity. He continued that this conference, "will result in men and women who are open, responsible, prepared to listen, dialogue and reflect with others, and capable of weaving relationships with families, between generations, and with civil society, and thus to create a new humanism.”
After praising his
own words of apostasy in Abu Dhabi, Bergoglio continued that “In this kind of
village it is easier to find global agreement about an education that
integrates and respects all aspects of the person, uniting studies and everyday
life, teachers, students and their families, and civil society in its
intellectual, scientific, artistic, athletic, political, business and
charitable dimensions. An alliance, in other words, between the earth’s
inhabitants and our “common home”, which we are bound to care for and respect.
An alliance that generates peace, justice and hospitality among all peoples of
the human family, as well as dialogue between religions.”
In a word search of the article there is no mention of "salvation." He refers to "Jesus" in the context of washing the feet of the Apostles, not as the instrument of our salvation. As to "God" it is in the last paragraph wherein he writes that we seek to
nurture, “the dream of a humanism rooted in solidarity and responsive both to
humanity’s aspirations and to God’s plan." He never states that God's aspiration for humanity is that we are "to know
Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him in the next." This cannot happen without real "education" real "teaching" as the Apostle Paul tells us - that real "Faith then cometh by hearing; and hearing by the word of
How much more proof do Catholics need that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not a "Holy Father" but an abusive father? Not a prophet of God but a false prophet? Not a servant of Christ, but an antichrist? Not a lover of God, but a lover of power?
This man is a communist. A globalist. A power-hungry scoundrel who has, through evil men, seized control of the Chair of Peter.
Every faithful Catholic must resist this malefactor. Every faithful Catholic must call out this globalist monster for what he is.
A man who hates Our Lord Jesus Christ and you and our Holy Catholic Faith. A man who kneels to man but not to God.
Francis of Rome,
More Bergoglian heresy
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Bergoglio willing to dialogue the dubia - Not!
On the flight back to Rome by the Peronist Pontificator for the Protection of Perverts, the Bergomeister referred to schism saying that he is "not afraid of it," and that "loyal criticism" can be constructive but those offering the critique must be willing to "dialogue."
I assume then that he will soon be meeting with the two remaining "Dubia Cowarinals" in order to answer their doubts?
Lying hypocrite!
More Bergoglian heresy
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
In the Amazon Married Deacons Are Already Saying Mass. And the Pope Knows It - Sandro Magister
"The synod of bishops for the Amazon is taking place. We found out that in the Amazon one evening, from an isolated mission parish in the Amazon they made a phone call, it was an old deacon, in his sixties, married, who said to his bishop: “I have to tell you that tomorrow there won’t be any Mass, because there is no priest.” And the bishop told him: “You go there and say Mass.” A married deacon, children already raised, the “elders” are called, and the bishops there have given him authorization to preside over the liturgy. They told the pope about this and the pope said: “For now we cannot write anything, you go ahead!” I wondered, when I found out that he was convening the worldwide meeting of bishops for the Amazon, who knows if perhaps he can or wants to say something. But the Church, in its concrete juridical structure, as it exists now, is at an end." http://magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2019/09/10/in-the-amazon-married-deacons-are-already-saying-mass-and-the-pope-knows-it/

If this is true, Bergoglio is nothing more than a devil. It is not a "Mass." It is a prayers service. What we don't know is if the alleged deacon tried to confect the Holy Eucharist. If he was offering a prayers service with the Blessed Sacrament already consecrated, then so be it. If he mocked the Mass, that is a sacrilege for him, the bishop and Bergoglio.
God save us from these wretched and evil men.
Sunday, 8 September 2019
Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller raise spectre of open heresy and apostasy at Amazon Synod
Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller have written to their fellow Cardinals warning about the upcoming synod in Amazonia. That's great, now what else will they do?
It's long past time, but with Bergoglio having stacked the College of Cardinals action is now virtually impossible.
Cardinal Burke and other Cardinals who know the facts about the period leading up to the conclave that elected this Peronist thug and the goings on inside, if they have evidence that Bergoglio is an antipope, then these men must say, "excommunication be damned, I must tell the truth." Any excommunication would be rendered moot because Bergoglio would have no power to do it.
What will it be - loyalty to Christ and His Church or loyalty to a man written Canon and a man who is not a Shepherd. but a wolf!
Vatican City, Sep 4, 2019 CNA.- Two cardinals have sent
letters to fellow members of the College of Cardinals, raising concerns about
the working document for an upcoming synod of bishops on the pan-Amazonian
“Some points of the synod’s Instrumentum laboris seem not
only in dissonance with respect to the authentic teaching of the Church, but
even contrary to it,” Cardinal Walter Brandmüller wrote to fellow cardinals in
an Aug. 28 letter obtained by CNA.
“The nebulous formulations of the Instrumentum, as well as
the proposed creation of new ecclesial ministries for women and, especially,
the proposed priestly ordination of the so-called viri probati arouse strong
suspicion that even priestly celibacy will be called into question,” the
cardinal wrote.
Brandmüllersaid that the leaders of the pan-Amazonian synod
have given him concern about its proceedings.
“The sole fact that Cardinal (Claudio) Hummes is the
president of the synod and thus will exercise a grave influence in a negative
sense, suffices to have a well founded and realistic concern, as much as in the
case of bishops (Erwin) Kräutler, (Franz-Josef) Overbeck, etc."
Hummes, a native of Brazil, was prefect of the Congregation
for Clergy from 2006-2010. Bishop Krautel, 80, is the emeritus bishop of the
Brazilian Prelature of Xingu in the Amazon, and has been a long time proponent
of married priests. Bishop Overbeck, 55, is the Bishop of Essen. Overbeck is
known in Germany as an advocate for a re-examination of the Church’s teaching
on ordination and sexual morality.
Brandmüller, 90, was for three decades a professor of Church
history, and was president of the International Commission for Contemporary
Church History from 1998 until 2006. He was made a cardinal in 2010, but, at
age 81, he had passed the age limit for participation in the election of a
“We must face serious challenges to the integrity of the
Deposit of the Faith, the sacramental and hierarchical structure of the Church
and its Apostolic Tradition. With all this has been created a situation never
before seen in the Church’s history, not even during the Arian crisis of the
fourth and fifth century,”Brandmüller added.
Brandmüller said that all cardinals must consider how they
will react to “any heretical statements or decisions of the synod.”
“I would hope, therefore, that Your Eminence, for your part,
will seize this opportunity to correct, according to the teachings of the
Church, certain positions expressed in the Instrumentum laboris of the
pan-Amazonian synod,” the cardinal concluded.
Also on Aug. 28, Cardinal Raymond Burke wrote to fellow
cardinals, telling them that he “shares completely the deep concerns of
Cardinal Brandmüller on the upcoming Synod on the Amazon, based upon its
Instrumentum laboris.
Noting that the synod’s Instrumentum laboris “is a long
document marked by language which is not clear in its meaning, especially in
what concerns the Depositum fidei,” Burke added that it “contradicts the
constant teaching of the Church on the relationship between the created world
and God, the uncreated Creator, and man, created in the image and likeness of
God to cooperate with him as guardian of the created world.”
Cardinal Burke also claims that the Instrumentum laboris
“characterize the teaching regarding the unicity and universality of the
salvation brought by Christ alive in the Church as relative to a particular
culture and emblematic of what they call 'petrified doctrine' (n. 38).”
In the synod’s working document, Burke added, “the truth
that God has revealed Himself fully and perfectly through the mystery of the
Incarnation of the Redeemer, the Son of God, is obscured, if not denied.”
“Cardinal Brandmüller indicated in his letter the serious
difficulties regarding the ordained ministry and perfect continence of the
clergy. These proposals, as the cardinal indicates, attack the
‘hierarchical-sacramental structure’ and ‘the Apostolic Tradition of the
The “disturbing propositions of the Instrumentum laboris”
Burke said, “portend an apostasy from the Catholic faith.”
The synod is scheduled to take place in Rome, Oct. 6-27.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Cardinal Muller is "Like a Child" - well, better than an abusive step-father!

Saint Matthew, in the 18th chapter and 3rd verse quotes Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ saying:
"Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter the into the kingdom of heaven."
May our sweet Jesus, always keep Cardinal Muller, "like a child."
Cardinal Muller,
Francis of Rome,
Vatican Circus
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
It's an honour to call Jorge Bergoglio a heretical pervert protecting malefactor!
Pope Francis Says It’s an ‘Honor’ to be Criticized by Americans
His throwaway remark, made in connection with a new book that claims influential American Catholics want him to step down, generated surprise aboard the papal flight today to Mozambique.
ON THE PAPAL PLANE — A quip by Pope Francis aboard the papal plane this morning raised a few eyebrows of those traveling with him — and sent his press handlers scrambling.
After takeoff on his way to the Mozambique capital of Maputo, the Pope customarily greeted journalists on the papal plane. Among those he met was Nicolas Seneze, Rome correspondent for the French Catholic daily newspaper La Croix, which just published Seneze’s book, How America Wants to Change the Pope.
The book threads together different aspects of this pontificate — in particular the McCarrick abuse scandal and the Archbishop Carlo Viganò testimony — to conclude that influential figures in the U.S. Church are out to, if not replace Pope Francis, then to actively challenge him.
The book quotes professor Massimo Faggioli of Villanova as saying wealthy conservative Catholics have stepped into the vacuum of authority left by the sex abuse scandal to become the de facto leaders of the Catholic Church in the U.S.
On the plane, Seneze presented his book to the Pope, who recognized the cover, as he had read a review of it.
The Italian daily newspaper Il Messaggero on Aug. 20 published a story headlined, “A plot from the USA to make the Pope resign.” A cover of Seneze’s book accompanied the article.
“He reads Il Messaggero every day so when he saw the cover of the copy I was holding, he instantly recognized it,” Seneze told the Register aboard the papal plane today, adding that the book was published in French today.
“When I explained the picture to the Pope, he said: ‘Per me è un onore che mi attaccano gli americani (For me it’s an honor that Americans attack me).’”
Seneze and his Vatican press colleagues were taken aback by the in-flight remark, and reporters immediately sought verification.
Vatican press spokesman Matteo Bruni later confirmed the remark but was quick to offer an explanation: “In an informal context, the Pope wanted to say that he always considers criticisms an honor, particularly when they come from authoritative thinkers and, in this case, an important nation.”
Seneze told the Register afterward that the Il Messaggero article was a little exaggerated. He said he doesn’t believe there is a plot as such being hatched in the U.S. to unseat the Pope.
Rather, he believes there’s a sense among some wealthy Americans, including some who are connected to the EWTN Global Catholic Network and other media organizations, that Francis is not acting as Pope and so should stand down, like a CEO who is underperforming.
Seneze said, “I believe these people see themselves as invested in the Church and they feel they are not getting a return on their investment.”
After takeoff on his way to the Mozambique capital of Maputo, the Pope customarily greeted journalists on the papal plane. Among those he met was Nicolas Seneze, Rome correspondent for the French Catholic daily newspaper La Croix, which just published Seneze’s book, How America Wants to Change the Pope.
The book threads together different aspects of this pontificate — in particular the McCarrick abuse scandal and the Archbishop Carlo Viganò testimony — to conclude that influential figures in the U.S. Church are out to, if not replace Pope Francis, then to actively challenge him.
The book quotes professor Massimo Faggioli of Villanova as saying wealthy conservative Catholics have stepped into the vacuum of authority left by the sex abuse scandal to become the de facto leaders of the Catholic Church in the U.S.
On the plane, Seneze presented his book to the Pope, who recognized the cover, as he had read a review of it.
The Italian daily newspaper Il Messaggero on Aug. 20 published a story headlined, “A plot from the USA to make the Pope resign.” A cover of Seneze’s book accompanied the article.
“He reads Il Messaggero every day so when he saw the cover of the copy I was holding, he instantly recognized it,” Seneze told the Register aboard the papal plane today, adding that the book was published in French today.
“When I explained the picture to the Pope, he said: ‘Per me è un onore che mi attaccano gli americani (For me it’s an honor that Americans attack me).’”
Seneze and his Vatican press colleagues were taken aback by the in-flight remark, and reporters immediately sought verification.
Vatican press spokesman Matteo Bruni later confirmed the remark but was quick to offer an explanation: “In an informal context, the Pope wanted to say that he always considers criticisms an honor, particularly when they come from authoritative thinkers and, in this case, an important nation.”
Seneze told the Register afterward that the Il Messaggero article was a little exaggerated. He said he doesn’t believe there is a plot as such being hatched in the U.S. to unseat the Pope.
Rather, he believes there’s a sense among some wealthy Americans, including some who are connected to the EWTN Global Catholic Network and other media organizations, that Francis is not acting as Pope and so should stand down, like a CEO who is underperforming.
Seneze said, “I believe these people see themselves as invested in the Church and they feel they are not getting a return on their investment.”
Francis of Rome
Pervert Predator McCarrick denies any responsibility - "I don't believe I did these things!"
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Pervert McCarrick with his first victim, James Grein |
He also refers to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who confirmed that the the pervert protecting Peronist Pope Bergoglio knew the facts about McCarrick as being of the "far right."
Not only is this man a filthy sodomite and pervert, this comment along with his work with the communists in China display that the man is also a communist.
Monday, 2 September 2019
Bergoglio has stacked the College of Cardinals with those men just like him

I write presumably because in this time when many now despair, we must remember history, and recent history at that.
In 2005, Bergoglio reportedly finished second to Pope Benedict XVI in the conclave following the death of John Paul II. That College was added to by Benedict XVI. One question I have often asked myself is "How did a College that elected Joseph Ratzinger and added to by him, give us Jorge Bergoglio?" Are we to conclude that Joseph Ratzinger is of the same ilk as Bergoglio, but a more kindler gentler version? What it really shows us is that we really can't predict what is really in men's hearts and minds. While it is unlikely, it is possible that this current College loaded with "Third World" Cardinals, may have a surprise in store, just as Ratzinger's College did.
Now that I've given you my hopeful, optimistic thought, let me give you my real view.
This is an unmitigated disaster for the Church, for Catholics around the world. It is a further betrayal of the Church`s mission, the salvation of souls. It is a takeover by sodomites, effeminates, corrupt malfeasants and their bidders.
God will not be mocked and short of His divine intervention, we are not going to see the way out of this. The real Church of Christ, Catholic, has been taken over by evil man and they have supplanted a false church, dedicated to Satan, within Her.
When the Fatima children reported on the their vision of the "Third Secret," they spoke of the "Bishop in white, we presumed it was the pope." Why? Why did they refer to him that way and why did they only "presume" it was the pope? Because, they could not recognise him, because, he was not the pope, he only wore white, as if he were the pope. But in their innocence, they could not see that he was a malefactor.
How will we ever see a truly holy pope again who will "restore all things in Christ?"
Will it be the Fatima prophecy? Will it be a terrorist attack on St. Peter's Basilica, killing dozens of Cardinals, the ones appointed by Bergoglio, while he then crawls over them until he is gunned down after which the few remaining faithful Cardinals, most not there, see the prophecy fulfilled, meet in conclave at Fatima undertake reparation and elect from amongst themselves, a Catholic pope?
May God's will be done!
Francis of Rome
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