“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Friday, 15 July 2022
Friday, 6 May 2022
Abortion Insanity north of the U.S. Border and the silence of the Church
The disgraceful leak from the United States Supreme Court has caused quite the kerfluffle here in Canada. We are in a provincial election here in Ontario and even though the access to murder your child in the womb is not a provincial issue, nor is it an issue in the election campaign, all party leaders, including "Progressive" Conservative Doug Ford, bowed down to the cult of death to pledge their allegiance. The leadership debate for the federal Conservative Party also descended into the pit. Nowhere, however, were the histrionics greater than from Justin Trudeau.
The ignorance of the Canadian media and political class is astounding. They must know the truth, they can't be this stupid, that the leaked memorandum indicates that the matter will go back to the States and the people. This is not, sadly, an end to abortion. They do it to gin up the mob. They love the rage.
Canada has had many Catholic Prime Ministers since abortion became widely accessible to the point where there is zero restriction, it is a medical issue funded by all of us. Pierre Trudeau, Joseph Clark, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, John Turner, Paul Martin and Justin Trudeau. All Catholics. All aggressive abortion pushers.
Why? Well, the photo below shows you why.
It was the funeral of former Prime Minister John Turner. It took place in St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto. His coffin, which should have been covered with a white pall was emblazoned with the secularist national symbol. Justin Trudeau, the abortion-loving Prime Minister whose remarks are well-known mounts the steps to the Pulpit to deliver a eulogy. A place reserved for the proclamation of the Gospel and Homily usurped by this enemy of the faith. And there, hiding behind a pillar was Thomas Cardinal Collins.
Tuesday, 1 March 2022
Saturday, 26 February 2022
Six facts about Prime Miniscule Trudope!
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
"They broke my body a little bit, but not my spirit" Csaba Vizi is a Canadian hero!
Csaba Vizi, a Romanian immigrant was one in the trucker protest. Vizi is the man seen in a video taken from a hotel above where police are seen kneeing a man. In this interview with Tucker Carlson, you will see and hear Vizi state that he was surrendering. He emerged from his truck, knelt down and put his hands behind his head. For this, he was beaten.
Canada has fallen to a despot and a corrupt socialist opposition party, the once principled labour party known as the New Democrat Party under its leader, Jagmeet Singh, went along with it because the Prime Minister considered the passing of the implementation of the Emergencies Act as a confidence motion and the party has no money to afford an election.
Csaba Visi is on the right side of history. Jagmeet Singh is not.
Monday, 21 February 2022
Friday, 18 February 2022
Ottawa police trampled at least two people under horses. One woman, a Mohawk grandmother stating she was there for her children, grandchildren, love and peace was trampled under her walker. Police claim someone threw a bicycle to injure a horse. This has been a terrible day of stress, sadness and sorrow for my country and shock at the comments of my fellow Canadians that have sold out to the fascist state and the evil monster that heads its government.
Thursday, 17 February 2022
Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Justin Trudeau accuses Jewish Member of Parliament of
The hateful Justin Trudeau accuses a Member of Parliament who happens to be Jewish of standing with people who wave swastikas.
Typical of this arrogant fascist slug.
RELEASED | "Canadian" Truckers Exclusive Interview (New Video)
Tuesday, 15 February 2022
What the Truckers Do and Do Not Want
Canada is under Martial Law
Make no mistake, this is what Justin Trudeau has done by invoking the Emergencies Act. Implemented in 1985, it has never been used, not even after 9-11. It replaced the infamous War Measures Act used three times, both world wars and the Quebec FLQ terrorist actions which involved bombings, kidnappings and murder, invoked by his father, Pierre. Arguably justified given the circumstances at the time and the inability of the Quebec provincial government to act.
The declaration is a violation of the very law itself. It is for when all else fails when no law exists to deal with the crisis. Laws exist at the municipal and provincial levels to clear the protest in front of Parliament. I support it, but being objective, people have the right to protest, not trucks. Noise by-laws exist at the municipal level, regulations on outdoor fires, blocking roads. For various reasons, the City of Ottawa and its police chose not to enforce existing laws. Why? Why did they not block the trucks from neighbourhoods and parliament by redirecting them through road closures as happened in Toronto last weekend? Did they not know they were coming? Everyone else did. We stood on bridges, embankments and roadsides cheering them on. It was all over, everywhere, yet, Ottawa was caught off guard. The situation at the Ambassador Bridge was another matter, the bridge should never have bene blocked. That being said, it was cleared peacefully and with 46 arrests. The Court Order - Injunction, was sought by citizens of Windsor and the Auto Parts Manufacturers Association of Canada. It was clear, no blocking of roads and bridges, arrests would follow and the arrested would be released without charges if they pledged in writing to obey the Order, protest was reserved to public space not blocking the roads. The judge was reasonable in balancing the right to protest against the public good - free speech does not enable one to yell "fire," when there is not a fire, in a crowded theatre.
Justin Trudeau has not proven that this declaration is remotely necessary. He refused to even speak to those he declared as racists, misogynists and unacceptable.
He is a despot and will be judged harshly by history as all of them are.
Sunday, 6 February 2022
Ottawa Mayor and Chief of Police declare "unlawful" a peaceful assemby and declare a State of Emergency.
Tuesday, 4 January 2022
Justin Trudeau declares Canadians who have not received the jab as "misogynists and racists ... a sect who are taking up space."
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada declares the "unvaccinated" as public enemies. In a stunning interview from last September, Justin Trudeau is quoted:
"Extremists, who do not believe in science who are often misogynists and racists, too! A sect, a small group who are taking up space and here, we have to make a choice, as a leader, as a country. Do we tolerate these people? We want to get back to the things we like doing and these people are not going to stop us now.” Justin Trudeau
These people?
Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada:
I'm a racist, eh? Married to a woman who is from Capetown and "coloured" according to the Apartheid regime? What is she, then? This, from a putrid, little scumbag who wore Blackface?
Who's the racist?
Woman who accused Justin Trudeau of groping breaks silence | CNN
15 seconds
15 seconds
Saturday, 3 November 2018
This is an example of a person who legitimately needs asylum under treaty obligations of a real refugee.
I call on Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada to immediately grant her political asylum.
The world must condemn Pakistan and demand that she be allowed to leave.
Sunday, 4 February 2018
Justin Trudeau compares Canada's Italian and Greek immigrants to the heathen and barbaric ISIS terrorists!
Here we have Dear Leader congratulating the head of Planned Parenthood, who has blocked me on Twitter because she could not stand the truth of looking at the product of her work.
Our good Dear Leader has apostasised to Islam and the shahada.
Here is the apostate receiving the very Body of Christ from the Archbishop of Montreal. My sources tell me his advance staff were told ahead of time to tell him not to approach but he did anyway and the Archbishop did not want to "make a scene." Sorry, Your Grace, not good enough!

May he reflect well on The Last Judgement.

Sunday, 21 January 2018
Canadian Catholics and non-Catholic Christians have brought unto themselves persecution by the fascist regime of Justin Trudeau
In Canada, we have no law restricting or limiting abortion. Abortion can be performed up to the moment before birth for any reason. Justin's father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, brought in Canada's first abortion law. It was 1968 and up to that time, all abortions were a criminal offence. A woman was required to have approval from a tribunal of doctors in a hospital known as a "therapeutic abortion committee" and the abortion could be performed if the life or health of the mother was at risk. Clearly, large trucks were driven through that loophole. In spite of that, in 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the law declaring it "unconstitutional." Let us be clear, it was not the "abortion" that was suddenly considered a constitution right, it was not and it is not. What was declared unconstitutional was the unequal application of the law, the delay and the limited access to the law across the country. It was deemed to have deprived the woman of the right to "security of the person." Parliament was invited by the Supreme Court to write a law that would protect the "foetus" but to also respect the right of the woman - a limitation perhaps in the trimester, etc. The pro-life movement would not take half a loaf, the Catholic bishops were weak and ineffectual and no government since has ever had the courage to take any action, not even to stop sex-selected abortion - one that would no doubt murder more girls than boys.
Yet Justin Trudeau, an incompetent, unqualified, and intellectually deficient man continues to obfuscate and lie that abortion is a "right."

Canadians elected a Prime Minister who actually said the following treasonous statement:
“I always say that if ever I believed Canada was really Stephen Harper’s Canada — that we were heading against abortion, against gay marriage, that we were going backwards 10,000 different ways — maybe I would think about wanting to make Quebec a country.”

He has ushered in euthanasia without a fight, has legalised the recreational use of narcotics, specifically marijuana. He has not acted to confront the Supreme Court's insane decision on beastiality. The man's mind is darkened. he can only be possessed by evil.
Nothing, not even his apparent apostasy to Islam, would stop the Archbishop of Montreal from giving Mr. Trudeau, Holy Communion.
Recently, the fascist regime of Justin Trudeau decreed that any organisation that applies for summer job grants must tick a box on the application that they support Charter (constitutional) Rights including the right to murder a baby in the mother's womb, a "right" not in fact, in the Charter!
Even the secular media is outraged at this barbaric attack on Canadian's individual rights and the Constitution. Unbelievably, even the CBC and Macleans have seen this as a detestable overreach. Just a little pinch of incense, according to Justin. Just offer a little pinch and you can live. In Justin Trudeau's world, Christians need not apply.
Canadian Catholics were warned. They were warned by his past actions. They were warned on this blog. In spite of all the knowledge of his past, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued glowing congratulations in Trudeau's election victory, something they have never done before within memory and never for Stephen Harper. They issued a guide during the last election that was clearly directing Canadians to vote either Liberal or Socialist, anything but to maintain the policies of the soft Conservative, Harper Government. They specifically referred to a "Just Society," a not so subtle message to those who remember his father's famous slogan and the subliminal play on Justin's own name. Together with Development and Peace, Canadian Catholics were fed subliminal advertising even using the political colours of the Liberals and socialist NDP, but never the blue of the Conservative Party.
Catholics in Canada elected Justin Trudeau, we are enough of the population to cause that to happen, now, we are told to offer just a pinch of incense to the gods and we can have our summer jobs money.
Now, a Vatican adviser Tweets that we should “Pray for the conversion of mind and heart of this PM. His youthfulness and hope that he brings to Canada is overshadowed by the darkness of his words.” The same Vatican adviser who was proud to show pictures of Justin Trudeau allegedly "praying" in the Sistine Chapel before The Last Judgement.
Justin Trudeau is a wicked man. No man could take the positions he has taken without having a darkened mind and an uninformed conscience. That Last Judgement will come for Justin Trudeau as it will come for all of us. It will be severe for him but it will be even more severe for the bishops and priests who have by design or dereliction failed to teach the faith to him and to the Catholics of Canada and you, my fellow Catholics, who voted for this man and this government and continue to support it will also be held accountable.
The Prophet Ezechiel wrote.
“If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand.” Ezekiel 3:18
Thursday, 4 January 2018
An interview every Canadian must hear - the evidence against Justin Trudeau and the Joshua Boyle arrest for multiple counts of assault, sexual assault and forcible confinement
Boyle was actually married to the sister of Omar Khadr, a Canadian who was a captured in Afghanistan after murdering an American soldier, held in Guantanamo and later released, imprisoned in Canada and then released and paid $10,000,000, by the Canadian government on the orders of Justin Trudeau, a man who pandered after the Muslim vote which helped him win the last election. Boyle his "trending" on Twitter #joshuaboyle.

That same Trudeau who believes that returning Canadian ISIS butchers have something to teach us invited this disgusting man to the Prime Minister's office just before Christmas. Boyle, on his Twitter page @BoylesVsWorld features the pictures.
Other than Mark Bonokowski at the Toronto Sun and Alex Pierson of Global News (embedded interview below) Canadian media have betrayed this nation out of deference to their allegiance to the corrupt Prime Minister and political correctness.
Now, Trudeau, and his media lapdogs are disgraced.

How did this visit happen? Did the RCMP drop the ball given the date of the charges? Did they know and set up this Prime Minister for a well-deserved boot kicking?
This who matter stunk from the beginning. Who goes on a trip like that with a pregnant wife? Why didn't he get on an American plane out of Pakistan?
What did America know about this Boyle that caused them not to disclose the rescue to the Candian government until two hours into it?
How deceitful, corrupt and treasonous is Justin Trudeau?
This interview is a blockbuster and must be heard by every Canadian.
Justin Trudeau for many reasons is an evil and disgraceful Canadian. He is corrupt, he is a liar and he is treasonous.
Justin Trudeau, the Jorge Bergoglio of Canada.