A most salient and relevant recollection by Barona of the Prophet Daniel.
TORONTO CATHOLIC WITNESS: Catholics under persecution: Will we restore in Christ or reset in Satan?
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
A most salient and relevant recollection by Barona of the Prophet Daniel.
TORONTO CATHOLIC WITNESS: Catholics under persecution: Will we restore in Christ or reset in Satan?
Barona and Iraneus at Toronto Catholic Witness issue an Open Letter to Cardinal Collins.
A tip of the hat to Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness for this and a slap to CityNews. Where have you been for all these years when we bloggers have been reporting this?
While this is news, it is not new news. At one time or another, this blog and Barona have reported on many of these perverts in the filthy Congregation of St. Basil.
Fourteen is only the tip of the perverted Basilian iceberg.
You only deal with sex perverts. How about violent, assaulting bruts? How about lying, suing, swindler priests?
St. Michael's College is and was a hell-hole and it blossomed as such under Pervert Campbell.
As for the Archdiocese of Toronto and its series of Archbishops and Cardinals that covered it up (don't tell me they didn't know) and have not removed this filthy order from the Archdiocese, why don't you demand to know what they knew and when?
Filthy, rotten Basilians. Not one of you is worth anything but a your feet dangling in Hell on the last rung of the purgatory ladder. If you can make it that far up.