Bergoglio will do absolutely, nothing!
From OnePeterFive
"For, now a Catholic bishop himself – Auxiliary Bishop Ludger Schepers, of Essen – has proposed the unusual idea that “there exists more than man and woman.” He spoke these new “categorical” words at a 5-6 October conference on “gender issues” in Stuttgart, according to a 6 October 2016 report published by The Conference itself had an interrogative title: “Is Gender an Ideology?” Among the Conference speakers was an ardent defender of homosexual relationships, Dr. Stephan Goertz."
Is it any wonder that Germans are being overrun by Islamists and will lose their nation state.
What a bunch of German pansies.
Back to my question.
Pope Bergoglio, what are you going to do about this episcopal pansy?
He speaks of the danger of gender ideologues.
Do not consider what a man says, consider what he does!
Back to my question.
Pope Bergoglio, what are you going to do about this episcopal pansy?
He speaks of the danger of gender ideologues.
Do not consider what a man says, consider what he does!