A corporal work of mercy.

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Showing posts with label Vatican Circus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vatican Circus. Show all posts

Monday, 28 October 2024

Sin-odd leadership is laughing at you!

This shows how little they think of you and how much they despise your faith.

We don't need "mascots." Especially named Luce as in Lucifer and carrying a witch's stang and wearing a sodomite pride "rosary."

Hell's gates are opened wide and waiting for them.

Thursday, 29 February 2024


One may recall a letter under the pseudonym, Demos, about the state of the papacy. It was apparently written by a Cardinal whom it is thought was the late George Cardinal Pell. 

A Memorandum on the Next Conclave Is Circulating Among the Cardinals. Here It Is - Settimo Cielo - Blog - L’Espresso (archive.org)

A "Demos II" has issued another.

My post below questioned the wisdom and relevance of both Vatican I and Vatican II and that both need to be thrown into the dustbin of history. The whole concept of "infallibility" has been used as a cudgel against the faithful. Save your commentary and accusations on this point, I have no time, nor patience for your inanity. Both of those Councils gave us Francis. Some day, the Church will need to send Vatican II to the dustbin of history and the absurd parts of Vatican I that have allowed a Francis to take place and causes continuous estrangement with the Orthodox.

The Cardinal has remained anonymous. We know well what Bergoglio will do and that is to strip him of his red. This is why they remain silent. Bergoglio will not listen and they must be at the next conclave to ensure, we hope, that any Francis II is jettisoned. 

Here is the text:

A profile of the next Pope, writes Cardinal - Daily Compass (newdailycompass.com)

The Vatican Tomorrow 

In March 2022, an anonymous text appeared – signed “Demos” and titled “The Vatican Today” – that raised a number of serious questions and criticisms regarding the pontificate of Pope Francis. Conditions in the Church since that text appeared have not materially changed, much less improved. Thus, the thoughts offered here are intended to build on those original reflections in light of the needs of the Vatican tomorrow. 

The concluding years of a pontificate, any pontificate, are a time to assess the condition of the Church in the present, and the needs of the Church and her faithful going forward. It is clear that the strength of Pope Francis’ pontificate is the added emphasis he has given to compassion toward the weak, outreach to the poor and marginalized, concern for the dignity of creation and the environmental issues that flow from it, and efforts to accompany the suffering and alienated in their burdens. 

Its shortcomings are equally obvious: an autocratic, at times seemingly vindictive, style of governance; a carelessness in matters of law; an intolerance for even respectful disagreement; and – most seriously – a pattern of ambiguity in matters of faith and morals causing confusion among the faithful. Confusion breeds division and conflict. It undermines confidence in the Word of God. It weakens evangelical witness. And the result today is a Church more fractured than at any time in her recent history.

The task of the next pontificate must therefore be one of recovery and reestablishment of truths that have been slowly obscured or lost among many Christians. These include but are not limited to such basics as the following:  (a) no one is saved except through, and only through, Jesus Christ, as he himself made clear; (b) God is merciful but also just, and is intimately concerned with every human life, He forgives but He also holds us accountable, He is both Savior and Judge; (c) man is God’s creature, not a self-invention, a creature not merely of emotion and appetites but also of intellect, free will, and an eternal destiny; (d) unchanging objective truths about the world and human nature exist and are knowable through Divine Revelation and the exercise of reason; (e) God’s Word, recorded in Scripture, is reliable and has permanent force; (f) sin is real and its effects are lethal; and (g) his Church has both the authority and the duty to “make disciples of all nations.” The failure to joyfully embrace that work of missionary, salvific love has consequences. As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:16, “woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.”

Some practical observations flow from the task and list above. 

First: Real authority is damaged by authoritarian means in its exercise. The Pope is a Successor of Peter and the guarantor of Church unity. But he is not an autocrat. He cannot change Church doctrine, and he must not invent or alter the Church’s discipline arbitrarily. He governs the Church collegially with his brother bishops in local dioceses. And he does so always in faithful continuity with the Word of God and Church teaching. “New paradigms” and “unexplored new paths” that deviate from either are not of God. A new Pope must restore the hermeneutic of continuity in Catholic life and reassert Vatican II’s understanding of the papacy’s proper role.

Second: Just as the Church is not an autocracy, neither is she a democracy. The Church belongs to Jesus Christ. She is his Church. She is Christ’s Mystical Body, made up of many members. We have no authority to refashion her teachings to fit more comfortably with the world. Moreover, the Catholic sensus fidelium is not a matter of opinion surveys nor even the view of a baptized majority. It derives only from those who genuinely believe and actively practice, or at least sincerely seek to practice, the faith and teachings of the Church. 

Third: Ambiguity is neither evangelical nor welcoming. Rather, it breeds doubt and feeds schismatic impulses. The Church is a community not just of Word and sacrament, but also of creed. What we believe helps to define and sustain us. Thus, doctrinal issues are not burdens imposed by unfeeling “doctors of the law.” Nor are they cerebral sideshows to the Christian life. On the contrary, they’re vital to living a Christian life authentically, because they deal with applications of the truth, and the truth demands clarity, not ambivalent nuance. From the start, the current pontificate has resisted the evangelical force and intellectual clarity of its immediate predecessors. The dismantling and repurposing of Rome’s John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family and the marginalizing of texts like Veritatis Splendor suggest an elevation of “compassion” and emotion at the expense of reason, justice, and truth. For a creedal community, this is both unhealthy and profoundly dangerous. 

Fourth: The Catholic Church, in addition to Word, sacrament, and creed, is also a community of law. Canon law orders Church life, harmonizes its institutions and procedures, and guarantees the rights of believers. Among the marks of the current pontificate are its excessive reliance on the motu proprio as a tool for governance and a general carelessness and distaste for canonical detail. Again, as with ambiguity of doctrine, disregard for canon law and proper canonical procedure undermines confidence in the purity of the Church’s mission. 

Fifth: The Church, as John XXIII so beautifully described her, is mater et magistra, the “mother and teacher” of humanity, not its dutiful follower; the defender of man as the subject of history, not its object. She is the bride of Christ; her nature is personal, supernatural, and intimate, not merely institutional. She can never be reduced to a system of flexible ethics or sociological analysis and remodeling to fit the instincts and appetites (and sexual confusions) of an age. One of the key flaws in the current pontificate is its retreat from a convincing “theology of the body” and its lack of a compelling Christian anthropology . . . precisely at a time when attacks on human nature and identity, from transgenderism to transhumanism, are mounting. 

Sixth: Global travel served a pastor like Pope John Paul II so well because of his unique personal gifts and the nature of the times. But the times and circumstances have changed. The Church in Italy and throughout Europe – the historic home of the faith – is in crisis. The Vatican itself urgently needs a renewal of its morale, a cleansing of its institutions, procedures, and personnel, and a thorough reform of its finances to prepare for a more challenging future. These are not small things. They demand the presence, direct attention, and personal engagement of any new Pope. 

Seventh and finally: The College of Cardinals exists to provide senior counsel to the Pope and to elect his successor upon his death. That service requires men of clean character, strong theological formation, mature leadership experience, and personal holiness. It also requires a Pope willing to seek advice and then to listen. It’s unclear to what degree this applies in the Pope Francis pontificate. The current pontificate has placed an emphasis on diversifying the college, but it has failed to bring cardinals together in regular consistories designed to foster genuine collegiality and trust among brothers. As a result, many of the voting electors in the next conclave will not really know each other, and thus may be more vulnerable to manipulation. In the future, if the college is to serve its purposes, the cardinals who inhabit it need more than a red zucchetto and a ring. Today’s College of Cardinals should be proactive about getting to know each other to better understand their particular views regarding the Church, their local church situations, and their personalities – which impact their consideration of the next pope. 

Readers will quite reasonably ask why this text is anonymous. The answer should be evident from the tenor of today’s Roman environment: Candor is not welcome, and its consequences can be unpleasant. And yet these thoughts could continue for many more paragraphs, noting especially the current pontificate’s heavy dependence on the Society of Jesus, the recent problematic work by the DDF’s Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, and the emergence of a small oligarchy of confidants with excessive influence within the Vatican – all despite synodality’s decentralizing claims, among other things. 

Exactly because of these matters, the cautionary reflections noted here may be useful in the months ahead. It is hoped that this contribution will help guide much needed conversations about what the Vatican should look like in the next pontificate. 

Demos II

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Actually, your mouth is full of something else

“Our mouths are full of the 'people of God', of 'walking together', of the synod of synods. But we have never been with less people, walking alone and with a synod that does not even interest the synod members, even though they are well paid.” 

Source: Specola (InfoVaticana.com, June 27).

Francis’ Tragic-Comical Synod Verbiage – gloria.tv

Actually, given his past use of words such as "fomenters of coprophagia," a word which I had to look up, methinks his mouth is full of something else!

What is wrong with this man?

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Bergoglio answers phone at general audience - get's played!

Good satire. It had me fooled!

t's not the first time that Pope Francis took a phone call during a general audience in a
display of rudeness, narcissism, and personalism. I mean, what could be so important? Well, James Martin, of course. Must have been more plotting on the sodomic church of Bergoglio Well, if the man has any self-awareness, let this be a lesson for him not to be so rude to his guests. But I doubt it.

Read on and enjoy the schadenfreude:

Put an End to the Madness! - Crisis Magazine

"Unlike everyone else who witnessed the Holy Father taking a phone call in the middle of a General Audience in St. Peter’s Square the other day, I was not the least bit surprised. And why should I be, since I was the one who made the call?

No sooner had I dialed the number than I was put immediately through to the pope, who seemed quite delighted to hear from me. For about five seconds, that is, no doubt thinking I was the Reverend James Martin, whom I had instructed the switchboard operator at the Vatican to inform the pope was on the other line. 

And until things fell apart, which happened fairly quickly, I was hoping for a productive exchange. Once he realized he’d been snookered, however, he abruptly hung up, leaving me to imagine the number of heads likely to roll on the floor of the Vatican switchboard."

I wonder what happened to the switchboard operator?

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Holding my tongue for the sake of the 204%

There is a lot going on. I should have something to say. I do and I don't. I am, in prudence, restraining. It is not easy but I need to keep my own peace at this time. You know that to which I refer. 

Father Zuhlsdorf has something good to say today for all of us, particularly about you seminarians out there. I know you read this blog so urge you to read his comments and take them seriously. 

To the others who read this blog in the Chancery, and I know you do, will you allow the little flock, even if some of them be nasty, crabby to be put out of the house? Do these smelly sheep not deserve your attention?

To you over in Rome,  yes, you read this blog too, you who blame bloggers for all the ills and profess that we know nothing about liturgy do you really think you are going to win this? You have the power, but you won't have it forever. Maybe not even for one more year. Your end is coming, it won't be pretty. Your eternity will be severe. You will have deserved it all. 

Some people think that the problem is this blog and other blogs and Taylor Marshall. No, the problem is that people came awake and sensed something was wrong. They began to look and if this blog was part of that awakening, then I am humbled. It is not about lace and incense, it is about doctrine and devotion and truth and stopping what is coming, but they can't and they know it. In fact, their attack will only cause the "disease" to grow. They can't have that and they are too ideological to accept it.

Here is the reality. The community where I chant the Mass and conduct the choir has grown by 204% since June 2020 when the China Virus lockdowns ended for the first time. Yes, you read that correctly:


Do you think these people are going back to what they left and just forgetting what they found?

To the Pastors that read this blog. How has your parish fared since June 2020? 

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Posthumous book by Pope Benedict XVI - How explosive is it?

A book by Pope Benedict XVI has been published posthumously, in Italian. A few translations have emerged. What is surprising is not so much some of the statements, we all suspected much of it, but that a Pope has written them. 

"There were individual bishops -- and not only in the United States - who rejected the Catholic tradition as a whole aiming in their dioceses to develop a kind of new, modern "catholicism."

"A bishop, who had previously been rector, had allowed them to show the seminarians pornographic films, presumably with the intention of making them able to resist against anti-faith conduct."

"The visit that followed (U.S. bishops to discuss the sexual crimes - Vox) did not bring new information, because evidently several had joined forces in order to hide the real situation."


These are just some of the quotes, more will no doubt follow. The book is only in Italian and can be downloaded with the right Italian account credentials. 

One can only wish that he had acted on all of this whilst an active Pope. 

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Clericalist and demonic. Reportedly, the Apostolic Nuncio to Costa Rica forces woman off her knees and to take Communion in the hand!

Where is the smell of the sheep?

Where is accompaniment?

This has just been made public following up on the action of a priest at the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI. 

This is spiritual abuse. 


Sunday, 18 December 2022



Father Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life and a warrior in the fight against the murder of babies in the womb has been "laicized" by the Vatican where they actually refer to him as "Mr." The details can be read here: BREAKING: Vatican Dismisses Father Frank Pavone From Priesthood| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com) The dicastery decision, no doubt approved by Bergoglio, even goes so far as stating that there can be no appeals. Make no mistake, this repugnant and diabolical action would not have happened without the full knowledge and approval of Jorge Bergoglio.

I cannot even imagine where Father Pavone goes from here. I won't sink so low as to refer to him as, "Mister." However, I imagine he knows much on which he has kept silent. What does he know about bishops and cardinals and others who have milked the Church for their own gain and have worked against the Gospel of Life? As Musk now knows, Father Pavone knows where many bodies are buried, and I'm not speaking of those aborted.

The dichotomy between the two priests and their actions in the above cannot be more apparent. On the left is a priest accused of "blasphemy" by uttering a curse using the name of God (from which he repented) and on the right, a priest who blasphemes the truth of Catholic teaching on the sin of sodomy of which he has never repented and is left to continue. On the left, is a priest that has been accused of disobeying his bishop and being too aggressive on the matter of abortion, and on the right is a priest whose error is ignored consistently by the Superiors of his Society and the Archbishop of New York where he ministers. On the left, a priest upholds Catholic sexual morality, and on the right, one embraces and promotes the opposite. 

Just over a year ago, Phil Lawler wrote of the "coming showdown" Father Pavone's last stand | Catholic Culture. Father Pavone is a zealot for the unborn. Perhaps, in his zealousness, he has made some errors. Again, I refer back to the comparison above. The disobedience to the bishop is a serious one. Even St. Pio obeyed and went silent when it was ordered. But St. Pio was not dealing with mass murder. One wonders if this were the case, would he have retreated for the years that he did?

Look, this is not about uttering "g--- damn" or displaying fetal remains on a table sometimes used for Mass (not that it should ever have been, we are not in the catacombs, yet). This is about shutting him up and getting rid of him because of his zealous fight against the murder of the unborn.

This is the Vatican and Papacy that gives office space to Jeffery Sachs.

This is the Vatican and Papacy that has signed on and promoted the United Nations' anti-life sustainability goals.

This is the Vatican and Papacy that has utterly destroyed the Pontifical Academy for Life and is turning Catholic moral teaching on its head. 

This is from the Pope that praised Italy's Emma Bonino, a notorious abortionist. A post on this blog about his praise of her remains the most widely read in the history of this blog. Vox Cantoris: Pope Bergoglio! Shall we look at what she did?

I could go on.

No, this is not about an argument with a bishop, profanity, or bad judgment in presenting a visual argument. This is about those Vatican rats shutting up a man who is an attack on their own consciences and the Democrat Party politburo who has had enough of these uppity Catholics.

A stinking disgrace.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Damian Thompson's brilliant summary on the "falling apart" of the Church!

Damian Thompson speaks for all of us.

Every Cardinal that voted for Bergoglio is responsible. 

These wicked men and their corrupt and false structure dwelling within the Body of Christ, the True Church will soon be held to account.

Jesus Christ, now and forever.

Bergoglio declares his Synod of Synod Intention!

Nothing I can write will outdo the evidence itself. 

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

The gathering of the Cardinals

Bergoglio has installed new cardinals, his appointments hold the power at the next conclave. They met behind closed doors and as with Nero, fiddled while Rome - the world burns. A more useless group one would have trouble imagining. 

Robert Royal has an excellent summation and raises questions about the suffering Church in Nicaragua, Nigeria and China. Not a word from Bergoglio or these Clowns in Scarlett.

Shedding their blood for Christ? 

They are, with few exceptions, pathetic jokes.

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Delirious Dichotomy - the profound liturgical wisdom of Francis

 An Apostolic Letter was issued in Rome today by Pope Francis. A Jesuit has commented formally on the liturgy. The last time I was at Mass celebrated by a Jesuit, everything had changed but the bread and wine. In Toronto, we are blest to have a Jesuit pastored parish, Our Lady of Lourdes.

The document urges proper liturgical formation. I can agree with that.


Let's see. Pope Francis would like proper liturgical formation.

Can we begin with Sacrosanctam Concilium?

Chirograph on Sacred Music?

Redemptionis Sacramentum?

How about the General Instruction on the Roman Missal?

Please, spare me, Jorge.

As for this, your "intention" will mean nothing. Nor, will you live long enough. Your attempt to tear the Church apart over this will fail. You will not stop It. Who thought at Easter or a year ago or a decade ago that we would see Roe vs. Wade collapse so quickly? The same will happen to the false church dwelling within the Bride of Christ. 

For more information, Father Zuhlsdorf has explored the shallow depths of the mind of Francis and his ghostwriters.


Friday, 3 June 2022

Sodano a Sodomite?

Angelo Sodano, the man who yielded enormous Vatican power behind John Paul II and hid from him the perverted crimes of Marcel Maciel is dead and judged. Frederic Martel, author of In the Closet of the Vatican has come out and declared that Sodano was himself, a pervert. The practices and preferences of La Montgolfiera won't be discussed here. If you've read the book, you know them.

Monday, 16 May 2022

Bishop Anthony Daniels and his invitation to Synod 2021-2023 - Diocese of Grand Falls

Anthony Daniels, the Catholic Bishop of the suffering Diocese of Grand Falls has issued a video on the "Synod on Synodality." Little Bishy Tony had it shown instead of the homily at all Masses. It's had 58 views. We can up it to show what a putrid, sissy, incompetent idiot this clown really is.

Tony, you want to listen? You're a stinking liar. You will only listen to those pre-selected. You won't listen to the likes of me.

In the Diocese of St. Johns in Newfoundland, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is up for sale, so is every church. These pathetic devils think the people of Newfoundland should pay to buy the churches they already paid for so that the victims of the sodomite priests that they covered up can be compensated for a life of hell.

Speaking of hell, enjoy your stay.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Why did Bergoglio meet with the head of Pfizer - twice?

Edward Pentin reports that Bergoglio of Rome met on two separate occasions with Albert Bourla, Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer Corporation. Unless he was discussing the faith with Bourla and seeking his conversion what business to the Vicar of Christ on Earth, (not that he really is, by his own declaration) why was he meeting with him? What did Bourla seek from Bergoglio? It is quite obvious by the public declarations in favour of the so-called, "vaccines" and the treatment of Vatican City staff by Bergoglio, Parolin and the rest of these vile clericalists.

The good news? There are white hats in the Vatican and Pentin knows them.

Pfizer and the Vatican| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)

Wednesday, 29 September 2021


In a stunning announcement by Bergoglio's apparatchik Pietro "Cardinal" Parolin, just one more thug has today announced that any Vatican employee without a Green Pass indicating fully jabbed with the experimental genetic life-threatening therapeutic tested or derived from stem cells of an aborted child will be laid off without pay.

Bergoglio and his whole corrupt and rotten cabal is abhorrent. God will not be mocked. They will pay for this. It won't be nice.

Translation by Bree A. Dail.

Vatican Clarifies COVID-19 Vaccine-Pass Rules for Employees| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Bergoglio: Vaccination an "act of love" but no mention of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The first thing you will notice about this video of Bergoglio is how small is neck is in the dog collar and how much weight he has lost. In my view, the speed of this weight loss confirms my sources. Listening to this video and its translations reveals much about these evil men who have seized control of the Church. None of it, it is in English, in fact, it is all in Spanish. They are targetting the Hispanic populations of the Americas. 

Bergoglio refers to "God's grace" that "we now have vaccines to protect us from COVID-19." Seriously, George? "God's grace" for injections tested on or containing foetal stem cells obtained through an abortion? God is not evil and would never grant His grace for such a thing. 

He speaks of protection from the virus. Yet, my own medical doctor, who, when I said I would not be taking the shot responded saying, "That's okay it really doesn't work. It won't prevent you from getting COVID and more importantly, won't prevent you from passing it on."My doctor knew this three months ago, around the same time as the CDC admitted it. On March 30th, 2021, Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, “Our data from the CDC today suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus,” and on August 5th: “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tells @wolfblitzer. “They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death – they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."  In an interview with Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room on August 5, she said; "Fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus.” She continued that "Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission." Notwithstanding these facts, this writer will soon face demands at work to show them my passport or give them my arm. It's not my arm they will get but a finger!

"As we prepare for a better future, as a global interconnected community," says Cardinal Retes of Mexico he speaks not one word of the only way to a better future. Jesus Christ. 

The corrupt Honduran, Cardinal Maradiaga, says the vaccines are "effective" and the "key to a path of personal and universal healing." Not Jesus Christ.

Hummes of Brazil states that it is an "act of love" to take the jab.

Not once! Not once does Bergoglio mention Our Lord Jesus Christ or conversion.