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Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

Friday, 6 November 2020

Bergoglio: Not only a pervert protector but a malfeasant crook!

The most despicable man ever elected to the papacy has not only spent seven years upending Catholic doctrine, he has protected perverts, promoted deviants, surrounded himself with compromised men and backed a financial criminal exercise.

What a stinking monster. Vicar of Christ my foot.

Vicar of Satan is more like it.


Thursday, 1 October 2020

Where did Bergoglio get $20,000.000.00 to lose?


 30 September 2020 Posted by Marco Tosatti   

Marco Tosatti 

Dear Stilum curiali, 

Big Piece has found some good news. That is, he simply read it in La Repubblica; but with his usual acumen, he immediately pointed out its importance, in today's panorama of the Church in which the main topic now appears - in addition to migrants and ecology - money. I remember that John Paul II, when he died, left very little. some object. And if I remember correctly, he had never had a bank account in his life ... not even as a dad. Other times, other popes ... 


Bergoglio's "black" funds? 

This time the Pope's newspaper, the REPUBLIC, perhaps without realizing it, has made it big. 

In the eagerness to support and defend the poor pope, a meek, patient, merciful sparrow, innocent of everything, surrounded by vultures who deceive, betray, circumvent, exploit, etc. it damaged him not a little with an output worthy of the most sophisticated experts in religious hermeneutics. 

Headline on the front page in four columns: “HERE'S HOW THE POPE STOLEN MONEY”, subtitle: “They even withdrew £ 20 million from the Pontiff's confidential account”. 

Unbelievable! Does the Pope have a confidential account? 

An account of 20,000,000 pounds? (Twenty million pounds, about 45 billion old lire). 

But then the pauperist, egalitarian, migratory, ecological pope is very rich! 

And where did all these pounds come from? and what are they for? But why does a Pope have a "confidential" account? In pounds then. 

Damn, I said to myself, the Pope earns well, not like the president of INPS! 

But how come in pounds? Is her salary paid by Queen Elizabeth? How many suspects, mamma mia, thanks to these real estate transactions made in London ... 

When, it is said, John Paul II financially supported Solidarnosc, he did not do it with a confidential account ... 

But do you want to see that these are Bergoglio's "black funds" (deposited in a tax haven "alla carbonara e alla amatriciana"), in pounds because he doesn't trust the euro and the dollar? 

I would also like to point out that Repubblica's curious disturbing morbid attention to protecting Pope Bergoglio weakens the figure of the Pope of the holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.

But did they just fall for it by mistake or did they do it on purpose? Do you want to see that Repubblica simulates support for Bergoglio to destroy the pope and the papacy? Poor fellow, our Rafael Brotero will write, his friend Scalfari also cheated him ... 

Continually explaining that Bergoglio has been cheated and circumvented continuously and in every activity by a mass of criminals, for 7 years, Repubblica seems to be defending Bergoglio, but it makes the figure of a Pope lose credibility, who lets himself be fooled by everyone, including his friends , for seven years. And all this in a Church made up of scammers, criminals & co. Disturbing, isn't it? 

By saying that they stole 20 million pounds from him, Repubblica seems to say that there are thieves around him, but also that he had a treasure, in his reserved account, 20 million pounds ... 

While the "clericalissima" Repubblica headlines its exhilarating defense of Bergoglio on the front page in four columns, plus the first two entire subsequent pages ("The sack of the Vatican. The Pope's account also emptied"), the most secular (and disappointed by Bergoglio) Corriere, on the other hand, deals with the real issues of the country (“The industrialists press Conte”) relegating the financial stories of Bergoglio, Becciu & co to the inside pages of the news (page 24). 

Readers of the Corriere are more interested in poor Italy and poor Italians, rather than the rich Pope in a poor Church. Curiously, this seems to interest only the Republic. 


Friday, 25 September 2020

Did George Cardinal Pell force Bergoglio's hand on the removal of Becciu? Has Bergoglio indeed raged causing the closing of the Casa Marta?

Further to our post below and the removal of the corrupt Angelo Becciu, close confidant and friend of Bishop of Rome Jorge Bergoglio, our anonymous sources in Rome have indicated that George Cardinal Pell is behind these events.

Becciu and Pell clashed often over Pell's desire to clean up the sewer of Vatican finances. It is reported that it was the malfeasant Becciu that arranged the false accusations of Cardinal Pell in Australia for which he has been fully exonerated. Sources indicate that funds were funneled by Becciu through the German arm of the Knights of Malta to Pell's accusers.

Cardinal Pell met with Bergoglio in Rome and laid out the complete facts of the Vatican financial scandals and made it clear to Bergoglio that if he did not act the information would be leaked. Bergoglio was also advised that Pell has a "dead-man switch" should anything untoward happen to him.

Bergoglio reportedly flew into a rage at the Casa Santa Marta causing its closure and that his close friend, Becciu, was fired not for financial malfeasance, but for failing to destroy Cardinal Pell. Becciu is locked away with guards and sources in Rome are warning of another Epstein situation.

Cardinal Pell has "thanked" Bergoglio for removing Becciu and intends to clean the stables in the Vatican and Victoria.

More details as they emerge.

More corruption and malfeasance in the Church of Bergoglio

Bergoglian saint-maker, Angelo Becciu, has been removed from his curial role and his has lost his rights as a Cardinal.

Bergoglio appointed this scumbag and it is inexcusable that he could not have known of his doings. 

From the combox at Father Z's blog.

It now becomes clear why the Pope moved tonight to remove Cardinal Becciu, ahead of L'Espresso publishing an expose of the how Becciu diverted Peter's Pence money to speculative funds managed by his brother, and to a company where another brother is a majority shareholder https://t.co/dvkhdgZ6VV— Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) September 24, 2020

 From a friend, who is a priest and shall remain nameless … ” This is huge. Cardinal Becciu was the man who rail-roaded Cardinal Pell’s financial reforms after Cdl Pell detected Becciu’s involvement in one of the biggest financial scandals ever to rock the Vatican. Seems no coincidence that Becciu has been so severely disciplined only months after Cardinal Pell was exonerated and freed. There were always concerns about possible Roman puppeteers inflaming Victoria Police’s persecution of Cdl Pell. Perhaps we have found one? The question is, who directed Becciu? They will be the puppet master.”

Don't worry. Bergoglio will replace him soon with more of his ilk.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Bergoglian corruption evdience mounts

The corruption of the Bergoglian regime continues. Edward Pentin, without a doubt the top Catholic journalist today, reports on a tangled web which diverted 50 million Euros from the Jesu Bambino Hospital to the same dermatological hospital involved in previous financial scandals.


Bergoglio is no pope. He is a thug. He has surrounded himself by evil men who are weak in morals and ethics and whom he can use for his own gain.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ protect His real Church and cleanse this filth and corruption from it with a vengeance not seen since Sodom and Gomorrah.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Bergoglio favours financial investment - turns out he's a capitalist!

Behind all this pain, death and destruction there is the stench of what Basil of Caesarea called ‘the dung of the devil’. An unfettered pursuit of money rules Quote
Pope Francis Money Quote

The web page for "Peter's Pence has this statement:
"The concrete participation, including economic, in the needs of the universal ecclesial community has taken different forms throughout history. These collections and donations by the individual faithful or entire local churches raise the awareness that all the baptized are called to materially sustain the work of evangelization and at the same time to help the poor in whatever way is possible."

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops states the following: 
“Today, the Peter's Pence Collection supports the Pope's philanthropy by giving the Holy Father the means to provide emergency assistance to those in need because of natural disaster, war, oppression, and disease.”
Francis Bergoglio was asked about the financial corruption of the pennies of faithful Catholics around the world. It is hard to know if he's more corrupt or stupid. 

Or thinks we are.

That scent you smell emanating from Francis is not frankincense.

Cristiana Caricato (TV2000, Italy): Holy Father, people read in the newspapers that the Holy See has acquired an apartment for hundreds of thousands of euros in the heart of London, and they become a bit disconcerted, because of this use of Vatican finances. Also, in particular, because it involves Peter’s Pence. Did you know of these financial things? And above all, in your opinion, is it correct to use  Peter’s Pence in that way? You have often said that money should not be made with money. You have often denounced the unscrupulous use of finances. However, we see that this operation involves the Holy See. This scandalizes in some way. How do you see this whole event?

Pope Francis: Thank you. First of all, in good administration it is normal for a sum to come from the Peter’s Pence, and what do I do? Put in a drawer? No, this is bad administration. But I look to make an investment, and when there is the need, to give... when there is the necessity, in one year, you take it. Your capital you do not devalue, if it maintains or if it grows a little. This is good administration.

If [it is] an administration of the drawer, it is bad. But you should try to make a good administration, a good investment. Is that clear?

Also an investment, as we say, an investment by widows? What do widows do? [Ed.note: An Italian saying] Two or three here, five here, if one falls, one of the others so that they are not ruined is always on security, this is always moral.

If from Peter’s Pence you invest in a weapons factory, the pence is not a pence there, eh?

If you make an investment and for years, without touching it, the capital does not go, Peter’s Pence should be spent in one year, one year and a half, until the other collection arrives which is made world-wide. And this is good management.

On security, and also, yes, you can buy a property, rent it, and then sell it. But, on security, with all of the securities, for the good of the people of the Pence. This, one. Then, what passed passed: A scandal. They have done things that do not seem ‘clean.’

But, the report did not come from the outside. That reform of the economic methodology, that Benedict XVI had already started, is going forward. And it was the auditor of the internal accounts to say: ‘Here there is a bad thing. Here there is something that is not working.’ And he came to me. And I said, but are you sure? ‘Yes.’ And he let me see the numbers. ‘What should I do?’ [he asked]. [I said:] There is the Vatican justice. Go and give the report to the Promoter of Justice. And in this I remained content, because you see that the Vatican administration now has the resources to clarify the bad things which happen inside, like in this case, that -- if it is not the case of the apartment in London, because this is not yet clear -- but in that [other instance] there were cases of corruption.

And the Promoter of Justice studied the accusations, consulted, and saw an imbalance in the budget. And then, he asked me for permission to make the searches. I said: ‘Is it clear, your report?’ He told me, ‘yes, there is a presumption of corruption in these cases. I should carry out searches in this office, this office, and this office.’ And I signed the authorization.

The searches were done in five offices. And up to today, but we have the presumption of innocence, but there is capital that is not administered well, also with corruption.

I believe that in less than two months they will begin questioning the five people that are blocked [suspended from the Vatican], because there were indications of corruption. You will ask me: ‘And these five are corrupt?’ No, the presumption of innocence is a guarantee, a human right. But, there is corruption, and you will see. With the searches you will see if they are guilty or not.

It’s a bad thing, it’s not good what is happening in the Vatican. But it is clear that the internal mechanisms are beginning to work, those that Benedict XVI had already started to make. And I thank God. I do not thank God that there is corruption, but I thank God that the Vatican monitoring system is working well.

Bruni: The next question is from Phil Pullella of Reuters.

Pope Francis: [small talk]

Philip Pullella (Reuters): [small talk] If you permit me, I would like to follow a little on the question Cristiana asked, if you permit me, with a few more details.

There is a lot of worry in the last few weeks about what happened and about the finances of the Vatican. And according to some people, there is an internal war over who should control the money, according to some people. The major part of the members of the council of the administration of AIF are dismissed. The Egmont Group, a group of these financial authorities have suspended of the Vatican, the secure communication [...] The director of AIF is still suspended, as you said, and still there is no general revisore.  

What can you do or say to guarantee to the international financial community, and to the faithful in general, who are called to contribute to Peter’s Pence, that the Vatican will not return to be considered a pariah a thing [inaudible] that is, to have trust you will continue and not return to the habits of the past?

Pope Francis: Thank you for the question. The Vatican has made steps forward in its administration, for example, the IOR today has the acceptance of all the banks and can act like the Italian banks, normal. Something which was not there a year ago. There is progress.

Then, the Egmont Group, that is not an official international group, a group to which the AIF belongs. And the international control does not depend on the Egmont Group, a private group that has its weight. It is a private group. And MONEYVAL will carry out the inspection it has scheduled for the first months of the next year and it will do it, it will do it.

The director of the AIF is in suspension because there were suspicions of bad administration. The president of AIF was strong with the Egmont Group to take back the documentation. And this the justice cannot do.

In front of this, I consulted with an Italian judge of a high level. 'What should I do?' Justice in front of an accusation of corruption is sovereign in a country. It's sovereign. And no one can involve themselves there inside. No one can say to the Egmont Group, “your papers are here.” No, the papers should be studied, that they add up (FARE) to what seems a bad administration, in the sense of a bad control.
It was AIF that did not control, it seems, the crimes of others. And therefore [it failed] in its duty of controls. I hope that they prove it is not so. Because there is, still, the presumption of innocence.

And for the moment, the magistrates, the magistrate is sovereign. He should study how it went. Because on the contrary,, a country should have a superior administration that would harm the sovereignty of the country.

And the [term of the] president of AIF was expiring [November] 19th. I would call him a few days before and he was not in agreement that I was re-calling him [as president of AIF] and announced that the 19th he was leaving. I found a successor, a judge of the highest juridical and economic level, national and international, and at my return, he takes charge of AIF and things will continue like so.

It would have been a contradiction that the monitoring authority to be sovereign over the state. It is something which is not easy to understand, but what is a little disturbed is the Egmont Group, which is a private group. It helps a lot, but it is not the monitoring authority of MONEYVAL. MONEYVAL will study the numbers. It will study the procedures. It will study how [...] the Promoter of Justice. And how the judges have determined the things.

I know that in these days the interrogation of the five who were suspended will begin or has already begun. It is not easy, but we should not be naive. We should not be slaves.

Someone told me -- but I do not believe it -- but they said, 'yes, with this, we have touched the Egmont Group. You scare the people . We are creating a little terrorism…’ Let’s leave that aside. We go forward with the law, with MONEYVAL, with the new president of AIF, and the director was suspended but maybe he is innocent. I would like that, because it is a beautiful thing [if] one is innocent and not guilty. I felt a little bit of noise with this group that was not wanting that the papers be touched that belong to the group.

Pullella: And a guarantee for the faithful that…?

Pope Francis: To guarantee this? Look, it’s the first time that in the Vatican the pot is discovered from the inside, not from the outside, From the outside many times. And they said look there and we had so much embarrassment... But in this Pope Benedict was wise. And he began a process that matured and now the institutions that the auditor had the courage to make a written report against five people… The auditor is working. Really, I do not want to offend the Egmont Group, because they did so much good, help, but in this case the state has sovereignty. And even justice is more sovereign then the executive power, more sovereign. It is not easy to understand but I ask you all to understand this difficulty.

Saturday, 22 June 2019


You will be hounded for contributions to Peter's Pence. Do not give this malefactor or his minions one penny. 

The Vatican is corrupt. It is filled with sodomites and perverts. The financial corruption has not been cleaned up. Meanwhile, this nasty, pompous Jesuit has been a wrecking ball since his election with now, the Amazon Synod to be the icing on the cake

No, not one penny. 

Give your money instead to direct aid for the poor or for your Church's building needs where these rotten filthy frauds cannot get it.

Not one penny.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Bergoglio caught in the middle of a financial scandal!



Betrayers of Jesus Christ.

The fish rots from the head first.


Leaked docs raise question of Pope’s personal role in new Vatican financial scandal

ROME, February 20, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Leaked documents obtained by LifeSiteNews connect the Pope himself to a new Vatican financial scandal and raise serious questions about his global reputation as the “pope for the poor.”
LifeSiteNews has obtained internal documents of the U.S.-based Papal Foundation, a charity with a stellar history of assisting the world’s poor, showing that last summer the Pope personally requested, and obtained in part, a $25 million grant to a corruption-plagued, Church-owned dermatological hospital in Rome accused of money laundering. Records from the financial police indicate the hospital has liabilities over one billion USD – an amount larger than the national debt of some 20 nations.
The grant has lay members of the Papal Foundation up in arms, and some tendering resignations. Responding to questions from LifeSiteNews, Papal Foundation staff sent a statement saying that it is not their practice to comment on individual requests.