A corporal work of mercy.

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Showing posts with label Doug Ford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug Ford. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Morality of "vaccines" and ...

The most recent Letter to Friends of  Benefactors" of the Society of St. Pius X in Canada has a worthwhile section on a matter recently addressed on this blog. I urge you to visit the link and read it in its entirety. If only we heard such logic and clarity from our bishops.

I point to the matter of wearing a mask over one's nose or mouth in the church where, as in the case of the Province of Ontario, the government's medical authorities and Premier have commanded it and in our churches, our Catholic bishops have affirmed it and even police it. 

"If the unjust law goes against God's law, I may not obey it. But if it is not directly against God's law, I am not bound to obey it, but I must make a judgement. If submitting to the law would lead to a greater good, then I may submit to the unjust demand."

If one peruses my posts on this matter, this is the very logic that I used to describe the matter.

The mask is not against the Laws of God, it is not a matter of morality or conscience. While one can ignore the masking request in those things under their own control that is the person's right. In a church, public space and owned completely under corporation sole by the bishop, one may consider the matter unjust. Yet, submitting to the annoying and bothersome and perhaps, inane and insane request does fulfill a "greater good" to the "unjust demand." That is, the very survival of the parish no matter what form of the Mass is at stake.

The matter of the injection is something completely different. It can be good and charitable and necessary, notwithstanding the abortion question and the health effects we see. For example: in one case, a person takes the injection out of charity to one's elderly parents who have taken the injections and have a real fear of the disease. The charity is to take it so one can assist, visit or live with them and relieve them of the stress and concern. This is particularly charitable when the person would have not taken it if the circumstances were different. Another is a man that must provide for his family whose employer has used unjust threats and coercion. He must survive, he must support his family, he cannot allow them to suffer and cannot find a new appointment or receive government insurance due to the evil actions of his employer and the government. Both are cases known to me. Both are justified.

In my own case, I have not and will not take the injections. First, I believe I already had SARS-CoV-2 in that mysterious illness in December 2019 and, I have judged, based upon my research, that there is more risk from the injection rather than the virus, should I catch it or catch it again. The matter of abortion and the testing on fetal stem cells is a factor because so many of our medications have been done this way and we do not even know. For example, is my Wigwag prescription tested on some kind of fetal stem lines? It seems so. What is the difference? I need the Wigwag, it is not my fault how it was developed. I do not need any of these injections. This is how we must each interpret it for ourselves. Using Catholic teaching, our own well-formed conscience and logic.

We are in a time of tyrants. Where insanity, literally, has taken over the minds and spirits of our leaders. Where some, out of misplaced fear, have shut themselves up for 18 months in a prison of real or imaginary walls. 

We cannot change them. We must outlast them.

November 2021 - Letter to Friends and Benefactors: "Morality of vaccins" - District of Canada (sspx.ca)

What is the correct attitude towards abuse of power?

We should note first that the power of the state or of the Church is not the same as the power of that of parents. Parents have dominative power over their children. They can command their minor children to do anything except sin. The State and the Church authorities have legal power which is limited. Bob's dad can tell Bob at what time he has to go to bed, but the government can't tell Bob or Bob's dad at what time to go to bed. 

Saint Thomas Aquinas sums up the teaching of the Church on how we should treat an unjust law [1]. The laws of God can never be unjust (for He Himself is the rule) and so we are always bound to obey them. The laws of man however can be unjust either because (ed. they are) opposed to God’s Law or because (ed. they are) damaging to some human good. If an unjust law is opposed to God’s Law, it cannot be observed even if we had to pay with the price of our life. Saint Thomas More was ordered to recognise Henry VIII as head of the Church. This was a lie and therefore against God’s Law. He chose to be put to death rather than to lie. 

If however the law is not directly opposed to God’s Law, but simply very burdensome, or intended by the lawgiver for some ulterior motive, or quite simply, something that the lawgiver has no power to command, this law does not oblige in conscience. If the government required me to have my children take part in secularist propaganda classes and I refuse; although I am disobeying the law, it is not a sin. 

Note the difference: if the unjust law goes against God's law, I may not obey it. But if it is not directly against God's law, I am not bound to obey it, but I must make a judgement. If submitting to the law would lead to a greater good, then I may submit to the unjust demand. This is what our Blessed Lord meant when He said, “if a man were to take away thy coat, let go thy cloak also unto him.” (Mt. 5, 40) He gave us the example in this when he submitted to the unjust sentence of the high priests and of Pilate and gave Himself to die in order to save us from our sins.

Friday, 27 August 2021

Is Toronto's Cardinal, Thomas Collins and his Chancerycrats planning to mandate the jab?

Before reading this blog post, take a few moments to watch this video.

The Cardinal's Human Resource Director, Stephanie Nargoz has issued a Memorandum to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese of Toronto. While much of the memo deals with practical matters of returning to work one item is particularly concerning. Nargoz indicates that they will be closely observing workplace polices as they develop in Ontario and will communicate more on this in the coming weeks.

Before going further, it is often necessary to sound a warning before the worst happens. I am more than happy to be proved wrong about what I believe Collins is planning. Better that than the alternative. Surely, we did not believe he would close our churches or prohibit the public Mass or still, deny people Holy Communion on the tongue whose conscience will not allow them to receive in the hand. Yet he has done all of this. Priests of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Find your brothers of like mind and heart, band together. Do not take this, do not violate your conscience. We, the smelly sheep on the peripheries know what it is to be abandoned by our shepherds. You are now facing the same. We are on the right side of this. You know that or you would not be reading this.

While Ontario Premier Doug Ford has said that there would be no "vaccine passport" as he does not want a "split" society and reminded everyone of our Constitution, he has pulled a slight of hand and has quietly ensured that a passport is indeed in the offing - offloaded to others to do. Read the link below and then come back to this post.


What Ford has done is to bypass the legislature by issuing an Order in Council through a regulatory change (my American readers will understand the reference here of a Presidential Executive Order) and offloaded the decision making to the various regional Medical Officers of Health and ordered business to comply. He had turned doctors into unelected political dictators, while this unchurched and uncouthed ignoramus can say, "it wasn't me!"

The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Archdiocese of Toronto as a "Corporation Sole" vested in Thomas Collins has done the bidding of government for 18 months. It has closed churches to prayers, limited sacraments and banned the public offering of Holy Mass other than on a digital screen. The Cardinal and his ilk have done this for government money which is about to dry up. They live in fear, they have no faith. They will not defy the diktats now. They are afraid because Karen calls them and tells them she will not come to Mass if Father hasn't had the jab. They want Karen's money. 

Our sources indicate that no priest can even be near the Cardinal in his residence at the cathedral or be near him in any liturgies unless they have had the jab. Sources indicate he is about to follow the plans given by Blaise Cupich in Chicago mandating all priests to receive the jab with no possible religious exemption which in the mind of Cupich, "cannot be supported by Catholic teaching." How can Collins go against his previous statements that the jab is "common sense?" Vox Cantoris: Cardinal Collins: You say it is "common sense" and an "act of charity" to submit to experimental gene therapies but what does the Winnipeg Statement say about "conscience?"

Cupich and no doubt Collins and his minion Nargoz seem to forget this quote from the document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which I quoted one bloc post below referring to the whole of paragraph number 5:

5. At the same time, practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary. In any case, from the ethical point of view, the morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one's own health but also on the duty to pursue the common good. In the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic, the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed. Those who, however, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behaviour, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent. In particular, they must avoid any risk to the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons, and who are the most vulnerable.

"It must be voluntary!"

Of course, they will say "It is, but you won't be priest here or a single mother parish secretary trying to feed your children!"

Bergoglio and Collins can speak all they want about love and the common good and that this injection manifests these. This is their opinion. That is all. As an "employer" the expectation is that a diocese leads by example and does not follow the machinations and permeations of the ill winds that blow.

The picture below is from the front page of The Toronto Star, a declining newspaper of little further relevance. It shows the division in society and the scapegoating that Ford and Collins and their little minions such as Nargoz are about to unleash on those who believe through conscientious objection for whatever reason that this chemical is not being injected into their bodies. Here we see the real potential of the Catholic Church in Toronto destroying the vocations of its priests and livelihoods of its employees as it bows to the altar of globalism, big pharma, authoritarianism and fear. The Church in Toronto is no better than the Toronto Star and its readers who will break are windows, haul us off to concentration camps and lynch us from a tree.

Do you think I exaggerate? How do you think it all began?

Monday, 14 June 2021

Sunday Mass returns to St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto

This is the 15% combined with "social distancing." Why not every second instead of every third pew? If everyone is wearing a mask, how can the CCP virus get out of one's mouth and nose? Don't they work? Are there entry ports to lungs on the back of one's head?

Your Eminence, please explain how this is "common sense?" 

The fact is, this is the future of the Church in Toronto thanks to the Ford/Collins tag-team.

Sunday, 13 June 2021

It's Sunday once again and the most church attendance will not be at the Cathedral of St. Michael but somewhere else because for most non-essential Catholics

There is, in fact, 

Ontario Premier Ford has declared that attending church is as essential as buying pool noodles - non-essential retail. The blame for this lay at the door of the man pictured above. Ford reduced church attendance to ten persons; Collins cancelled the public Mass and would let nobody attend other than at a contrived Communion service. He had his Mass you did not. What clericalism! Collins thinks this is a victory and thanked the Premier for his munificence.

As churches "fill" to the maximum of 15% per Mass I thought it might be fun to show you where the largest attendance will be today and what form of the Holy Mass it will be and offered by which group of priests.

On Aldgate Avenue in Toronto's south Etobicoke community, there is a former Baptist church long ago purchased and owned by the Society of St. Pius X known as the Church of the Transfiguration. The priests serve the faithful in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury and St. Catharines from St. Michael's Priory and a few years ago, began a school in New Hamburg, west of Kitchener where there is also now a church in town sold to them by the Lutherans. During the varied CCP Virus fascist lockdowns, it is important to note that these priests did everything imaginable working within the draconian orders to provide the faithful with the Mass, in person and the sacraments. Unlike the man pictured above they did not close their church. They did not refuse Holy Communion and they did not refuse Baptisms as some Ontario bishops went so far as to do. These priests did not abandon the faithful. There is a fundraiser for a new church in Toronto worthy of support at this link.

Northwest of Toronto, in Markham, is a massive church and privately-owned. It is on the old farm of Canadian mining magnate, Stephen Roman. Roman had a vision - to build a cathedral for his Slovak-Byzantine Rite Catholic community surrounded by houses and shops recalling his village in Slovenia. In 1984, Pope John Paul II, whilst on a trip to Canada, blessed the bells and cornerstone of the already constructed walls and roof but yet, unfinished cathedral. Once able to be occupied the church was consecrated by the Slovak bishop. For complex reasons, the bishop later left in a dispute with Roman's heirs. Fast forward to 2021. Helen Roman-Barber heads the foundation which owns the church and has made it available to other Catholics. Jesus the King Melkite Church is there due to a fire at its home a number of years ago.

The Church of the Transfiguration on Aldgate normally has three Masses on Sunday, the third being at 5:00 P.M. It seats about 120 under normal circumstances with overflow in the hall. Due to demand and attendance restrictions, that Mass at 5:00 has been replaced now by two, one at 4:00 P.M. and one at 6.00 P.M. -- but not at the Church of the Transfiguration on Aldgate but at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham. Occupancy is at least, if not more than St. Michael's Cathedral, normally around 1,000.

How fitting, after months of denial of the Mass and Sacraments to the faithful that more people will be able to attend the Mass today offered by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X than that of Cardinal Collins in his own Cathedral.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Now that the Church has once again done the government's bidding, how many will come back, Cardinal Collins?

This Friday, June 11, churches may open to 15% capacity and if certain data points are met, 21 days later at 25%. Mass is on the same level as the purchase of pool noodles but something less than buying dope. Cardinal Collins is "thankful" to Doug Ford for this.

In some smaller churches with narrower aisles, there is not much difference between the percentage maximums as "social distancing" of six feet must still be maintained. In one I know, the centre aisle is less than five feet and the side less than three. When you social distance the actual occupancy at the most is about 24%. 

Yesterday in Ontario, the number of new infections of SARS-CoV-2 which causes the Chinese Communist Party Virus was the lowest since October 2020. Have we lost our minds, of course, it is, it's June! As we progress through this reversal, assuming it remains, the question remains as to the later stage. When do churches return to a higher number or to no limit at all?

The post-COVID church in Toronto and a lot of other places is going to look a lot different. Some, many, will not return. Some will have found something better to do on a Sunday morning. Some will have bolted to the others such as the Society of St. Pius X (overflowing now in Toronto to a second church, the privately owned, Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham on Sundays at 5:00 P.M.). Some will have fallen out of the habit and others will live in perpetual fear of being around others. Many will be angry over being abandoned by their bishops and priests and will just not ever return, many will lose faith. The result will be mass church closings and a loss of faith.

This is the legacy of the Church in Canada getting in bed with its masonic governments to do their bidding.

It happened before. 

Two words, first word? Name it.

Second word? Name it, too. 

Monday, 7 June 2021

There's a Mass For You On June 11 but if you're not part of the 15%, there is still, No Mass For You!

As reported on this blog last Wednesday, June 2, that the "conservative" Ontario government of Premier Doug Ford would open churches as of June 14 at 15% of capacity, that announcement has now been with the opening bumped up three days to June 11. Sunday Mass will again be available, indoors, next Sunday, June 13, unless the bishops find a way of preventing it.

Reopening Ontario | Ontario.ca

Once the numbers of those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 drop sufficiently more and the take up of the rate of experimental genetic injections is met, the next level will be 25% no sooner than 21 days later.

Cardinal Collins had a meeting last Thursday with Ford, but no announcement was made. Given the extent of the relaxation of fascist restrictions by Ford, that meeting had nothing to do with it, other than maybe fixing religious services at the same rate as non-essential retail.

Isn't it great to know that attending Mass is as important as buying a pool noodle but less important than buying dope? Good job, Eminence!

As of this writing, the Archdiocese of Toronto has not issued any information.

We have.

Oh, they did it. Archdiocese of Toronto - Archdiocese of Toronto Returns to In-person Masses This Weekend (archtoronto.org)

Sunday, 6 June 2021

There is much on which to reflect this Solemnity of Corpus Christi - No Holy Mass, no Procession, no Holy Sacrament. Who did this to us?

It is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi in the modern rite today and the traditional if transferred. In the great and glorious Archdiocese of Toronto, there is, however, as usual, there is

On this day, some in Toronto will attend their parish to receive Holy Communion under a contrived service. One would think if you could have ten persons (under Ford's edict) you could have Mass for ten with the priest and then another ten and so on. Taxing on the priest? Yes, but many do three Masses on Sunday now, at least do that. Or, no Holy Communion at Mass, the Cardinal has already acknowledged that it can be separated from the liturgy. Holy Communion by appointment, individual or family on the tongue, if desired, in private, no China Virus risk. But no, that would anger those whom Collins referred to as "virtuous public health officials."

Tomorrow, Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce changes to the current fascist restrictions in Ontario. As reported here on this blog through our own confidential sources a day before the Cardinal's meeting with Ford on Thursday past, Mass will be restored to 15% on June 14 and 30% on July 5. Never forget that as bad as this has been on the part of Ford, Cardinal Collins has made it worse, he has abandoned the faithful and sold out the Church to the government. The same governments that the Church sold out to more than a century ago on the matter of Residential Schools. Hypocrites and vipers, all of them.

On this day it is important to remember that Thomas Cardinal Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have forbidden Holy Communion on the tongue. Many Catholics have not had Holy Communion for over a year because they will not violate their conscience. 

It is important to remember this. In a webinar not too many months ago, this is what Cardinal Collins said he would do to any parish where Holy Communion on the tongue was being distributed:

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Ford to announce Church re-opening - 15% on June 14 and 30% on July 5

BREAKING - Confidential sources indicate that at tomorrow's meeting with Thomas Cardinal Collins, Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce that churches will be "allowed" to reopen for services on June 14 at 15% capacity and on July 5 at 30% capacity up from the current ten persons. Earlier today, Ford announced that schools will not reopen until September. 

Cardinal Collins announced that he and other faith leaders would be meeting on Thursday, June 3 with Ford.

While we must always resist the draconian and unconstitutional actions of the Ontario and other provincial governments in Canada, and indeed in other places, we must always bemoan that the greatest enemy was our own weak and cowardly episcopal leaders who chose not to fight but to acquiesce for millions in public money.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Cardinal Collins to meet with Premier Ford

Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of  Toronto has announced at 4:19 today that on Thursday afternoon, he, along with other faith leaders. will be meeting with Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Health Minister Christine Elliot and Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams. The topic is to discuss concerns relating to places of worship.

Cardinal Collins, here is the message for Doug Ford.

While the restrictions of the government are draconian and unacceptable, the treatment can be no different than retail as a bare minimum. 

If he refuses, throw down the gauntlet that we will be opening our churches.

So very little leadership, so very late.

Monday, 31 May 2021

Cardinal Collins - the weekend has come and gone and Ford has done nothing. What will you do?

Well, Your Eminence, it is Monday morning. You wrote last week that you would take action if Doug Ford did nothing by the end of the weekend.

It's in your court.

Premier Doug Ford to make an announcement shortly - will he heed the call of Cardinal Collins?

Update: No indication from the presser that Ontario will open phase 1, even though over 63% of Ontarians have received at least one does of the experimental genetic manipulation. #FordLied

Well, Your Eminence? What will you now do?

Ontario Premier Douglas Ford is to make a public statement beginnings at 10:30. 

We will see if the interventions of Cardinal Collins will have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, if His Eminence finally takes up the fight, this blog will be with him. 

How sad that we have had to wait for so long.

On May 26, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, issued a letter to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese wherein he discussed the latest diktat from Ontario Premier Doug Ford's so-called, "Roadmap to Reopen." Ontario is and has been for months, under the most severe restrictions to our freedoms and economy in all of North America. Ford, an alleged Conservative, has shown himself to be an autocratic dictator with no respect for individual or religious rights.

Currently, the restrictions on indoor religious services remain at ten persons. Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have seen fit to reduce that to zero and some have gone so far to even ban baptisms! The current restrictions in Ontario will move to a different phase twenty-one days after specific levels of experimental viral spike protein injections are completed. What was the first three-week to flatten the curve and reduce the strain on our hospitals in April 2020 has become fourteen months of draconian actions by Ford, tolerated by our religious leaders. As I wrote previously,  a worst-case scenario is Sunday Mass on August 1 due to the still draconian action to prevent indoor worship until the second phase of the Ford plan. Ford insists on opening retail to 15% but not a church, this is a clear case of a violation of constitutional law and must be challenged in the public square and the courts.

Collins reports that he has had a meeting with the "Premier's office." As someone who was a Special Assistant in the former actual Conservative government of Premier Mike Harris, this means he met with the likes of this writer, back then, not the Premier himself. How tragic that the Premier of Ontario does not hold this Prince of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in enough respect to sit down with him directly. His Eminence reports that he made clear his "dissatisfaction" regarding the limit of ten persons. No doubt, if the Premier's minions were reasonably well-read, they would have immediately responded, the Eminence, "doth protest too much, methinks."  

It appears that the Cardinal threatened the Premier with a similar online letter-writing campaign as was done in March official in the chancery office. That action resulted in over 15,000 emails to Members of Provincial Parliament and copies to the Premier no doubt resulting in an easing from ten persons to fifteen percent. We congratulated the Cardinal for this initiative while at the same time bemoaning that it took him so long.

Collins indicates that if no action on the part of Ford is announced by the end of this week, the previous campaign will be renewed with the assistance, according to the Cardinal, of other faith communities throughout Ontario.

While the emergency orders have permitted outdoor worship and we can see how one parish in St. Catharines has successfully implemented this, Collins has, thus far, forbidden it. The Cardinal has indicated that if there is no action by the Premier by June 1, he will issue guidance and recommendation on outdoor liturgies.

Cardinal Collins deserves rebuke and criticism for his cowardice and lack of action of this and other failures over the last year. For a moment, let us set this aside.

You, dear reader, must write to the Cardinal and the Premier demanding that our churches immediately reopen. 

This writer will do everything possible on this blog and social media to promote Cardinal's initiative to take on Ford on this issue and urge an immediate court challenge, a year later, to be sure.

I only regret that it has been so little on the part of our spineless episcopal leaders and so late.

Official Archbishop email

Actual email to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Bishop Ivan Camilleri

Bishop John Boissonneau

Bishop Vincent Nguyen 

Bishop Kasun

Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications

Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford

Sunday, 30 May 2021

For the second Trinity Sunday in a row, thanks to Thomas Collins, there is


For well over a year now, our liturgical cycle of true worship to God has been turned on its head. The cowardice of our episcopal shepherds is without compare except in Tudor England but they had one who stood up to the corrupt and evil king. This man opines frequently on the likes of St. John Fisher but follows him not.

Doug Ford has lied to us. He said that if there were 60% of Ontarians who had at least one dose of the experimental genetic manipulation injection, we would enter Phase 1. Collins has said that he has met with Ford's minions and if there was no announcement by now on the opening of churches he would order a campaign of protest by the faithful.

Well, where is it, Your Eminence? Tomorrow then?


Friday, 28 May 2021

Premier Doug Ford to make an announcement shortly - will he heed the call of Cardinal Collins?

Update: No indication from the presser that Ontario will open phase 1, even though over 63% of Ontarians have received at least one does of the experimental genetic manipulation. #FordLied

Well, Your Eminence? What will you now do?

Ontario Premier Douglas Ford is to make a public statement beginnings at 10:30. 

We will see if the interventions of Cardinal Collins will have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, if His Eminence finally takes up the fight, this blog will be with him. 

How sad that we have had to wait for so long.

On May 26, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, issued a letter to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese wherein he discussed the latest diktat from Ontario Premier Doug Ford's so-called, "Roadmap to Reopen." Ontario is and has been for months, under the most severe restrictions to our freedoms and economy in all of North America. Ford, an alleged Conservative, has shown himself to be an autocratic dictator with no respect for individual or religious rights.

Currently, the restrictions on indoor religious services remain at ten persons. Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have seen fit to reduce that to zero and some have gone so far to even ban baptisms! The current restrictions in Ontario will move to a different phase twenty-one days after specific levels of experimental viral spike protein injections are completed. What was the first three-week to flatten the curve and reduce the strain on our hospitals in April 2020 has become fourteen months of draconian actions by Ford, tolerated by our religious leaders. As I wrote previously,  a worst-case scenario is Sunday Mass on August 1 due to the still draconian action to prevent indoor worship until the second phase of the Ford plan. Ford insists on opening retail to 15% but not a church, this is a clear case of a violation of constitutional law and must be challenged in the public square and the courts.

Collins reports that he has had a meeting with the "Premier's office." As someone who was a Special Assistant in the former actual Conservative government of Premier Mike Harris, this means he met with the likes of this writer, back then, not the Premier himself. How tragic that the Premier of Ontario does not hold this Prince of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in enough respect to sit down with him directly. His Eminence reports that he made clear his "dissatisfaction" regarding the limit of ten persons. No doubt, if the Premier's minions were reasonably well-read, they would have immediately responded, the Eminence, "doth protest too much, methinks."  

It appears that the Cardinal threatened the Premier with a similar online letter-writing campaign as was done in March official in the chancery office. That action resulted in over 15,000 emails to Members of Provincial Parliament and copies to the Premier no doubt resulting in an easing from ten persons to fifteen percent. We congratulated the Cardinal for this initiative while at the same time bemoaning that it took him so long.

Collins indicates that if no action on the part of Ford is announced by the end of this week, the previous campaign will be renewed with the assistance, according to the Cardinal, of other faith communities throughout Ontario.

While the emergency orders have permitted outdoor worship and we can see how one parish in St. Catharines has successfully implemented this, Collins has, thus far, forbidden it. The Cardinal has indicated that if there is no action by the Premier by June 1, he will issue guidance and recommendation on outdoor liturgies.

Cardinal Collins deserves rebuke and criticism for his cowardice and lack of action of this and other failures over the last year. For a moment, let us set this aside.

You, dear reader, must write to the Cardinal and the Premier demanding that our churches immediately reopen. 

This writer will do everything possible on this blog and social media to promote Cardinal's initiative to take on Ford on this issue and urge an immediate court challenge, a year later, to be sure.

I only regret that it has been so little on the part of our spineless episcopal leaders and so late.

Official Archbishop email

Actual email to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Bishop Ivan Camilleri

Bishop John Boissonneau

Bishop Vincent Nguyen 

Bishop Kasun

Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications

Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford

Sunday, 23 May 2021

For the Second Pentecost Sunday in row, Cardinal Thomas Collins has decreed that there will be


How does it feel to know that you have missed Lent, Eastertide, Ascension and Pentecost in 2020 and here we are in 2021 and you missed all of that again and all the green Sundays, except for a paltry few weeks if you could get a ticket at 15% plus. You missed Advent, Christmas and Epiphanytide and Lent before that. What a fool, what a coward. what a government toady is Thomas Collins. He has submitted the Holy Catholic Church of Christ to the State and there will be no extracting from this precedent unless he acts and acts now.

Collins must immediately defy Ford and announce that Church is essential and that retail stores cannot open at a greater level than Churches. Aside from that, remember that Ford has capped attendance at 10 persons, Collins has shut down the Mass to the faithful. This Bishop who once said, "I am the Pope in Toronto" has shut down the public worship of God which is our need and His due!

Barona, our friend and colleague at Toronto Catholic Witness frankly states utter betrayal and the delivery of the Church into the hands of the State. I urge you to watch the forty-second video snippet.

neilm@archtoronto.org (The liaison and the one "handling it" snidely know by priests as Excellency Neil, the commissar who runs the show)

archbishop@archtoronto.org - the chanerycrat email that never gets read or automatically gets deleted. Collins doesn't read this which is why you don't get an asnwer.

icamilleri@archtoronto.org    - the new kid on the block

office@bishopboissonneau.com - always a bridesmaid, never a bride 

northern.region@archtoronto.org - the Brideshead revisted

eastern.region@archtoronto.org - smoking is bad for your health, Bishop, and the person in the confessional.

central.region@archtoronto.org - "do you like my new hat?"

tcpc@archtoronto.org - The real email address directly to Collins should you wish to wish him a Blessed Pentecost because remind him that he has a Mass but there is No Mass for You! Share it widely. Use it. He will see this email as opposed to the one ignored by the chancerycrats.
They have stolen from you and me, from your family and mine. These men are cowards who have sold out to the State for their thirty pieces of silver. Tens of millions of dollars in relief funds from the government. The good news? It will dry up and so will have the collection plate. So many Catholics have found something "better" to do on a Sunday, will think that post-scamdemic, they can watch Mass on TV or their computer screen moving forward, or have been so fed up just not come back. 

The balance sheet is bleeding redder than Collins robes. 

Sunday, 2 May 2021

It's the Fourth Sunday After Easter and the Feast of St. Athanasius and in Cardinal Collins' Archdiocese of Toronto, there is


A blessed Eastertide to the abandoned flock of Our Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in the Archdiocese of Toronto and much of the Province of Ontario without Holy Mass under the fascist diktats of Premier Doug Ford of the Ontario Politburo - a bigger ignoramus is unknown to this writer. Yet, this is not the case in all of Ontario. No. not all. You see the god of covid is smart, very smart and has not discovered the Diocese of St. Catharines where Holy Mass continues under the provincial order or in parking lots by creative, faithful and courageous priests. Not here though. Not here in the Archdiocese of Toronto where rather than offer you Holy Mass you get Knights of Columbus and York Regional Police preventing you from gathering to pray the rosary. Ford may have reduced it to ten people, Collins reduced it to zero.

Have you got it yet? You and I have been abandoned by this man pictured above and his ilk. False shepherds! Hirelings! Useful idiots!

St. Athanasius lived at the time of the Arian heresy. Today, we live in a time of the Modernist heresy, the Bergoglian heresies and the god of covid heresy. How different is our time from the Saint's? Hear his words today:

“May God console you! ...What saddens you ...is the fact that others have occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the outside. It is a fact that they have the premises─but you have the Apostolic Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith. You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you. Let us consider: what is more important, the place or the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in this struggle-the one who keeps the premises or the one who keeps the Faith? Thus, the more violently they try to occupy the places of worship, the more they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the Church; but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from it and going astray. Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.”

In the traditional Missal, the Offertory today is Jubilate Deo. If the Ordinary Form used the Proper of the Mass and the Gregorian chants, the Antiphon would also appear, though not quite in the same order. It comes along twice in the year, on the Third Sunday After Epiphany and this day. I will miss singing it today, in church, at least. At least in the mind of this Cantor, there is no more joyous chant to sing. The text itself is quite short, only two sentences. The melismas of this composition are outstanding, glorious and building to a crescendo that is almost an ecstasy. Incredibly, it becomes quiet, almost mystical when the Psalmist writes to "come and hear." 

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing a psalm to the glory of His name. Come and hear, all you who fear God, the great things the Lord has done for me, alleluia!

My friends. For those of you who can go to Mass today, pray for all of us who have been locked out of our churches. Not by the State, for in Ontario, Premier Doug Ford has limited occupancy to ten persons, but by our cardinals and bishops who have determined that there will be no Mass for you because it is "just not worth it" for ten. It's just not worth saving anyone from RMS Titanic because there were not enough lifeboats for all. That is how the twisted mind of Collins and his ilk think, it's just not worth it, it's just not fair. For those who cannot, watching the Mass on television or your computer screen may be a devotion but it is not Mass. It would be better to do this:

1.    Pray Matins and Lauds this morning from here according to Divino Affaltu Divinum Officium Matutinum

2.    Pray the text of the Mass complied daily by this good Deacon. TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS PROPERS IN ENGLISH: FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER; SAINT ATHANASIUS (373 A.D.) Bishop and Doctor of the Church (tridentine-mass.blogspot.com)

These are both, work. Watching on your screen is not. Put in the work. Defy these monsters who have shut you out of the church, who send effete Knights of Columbus to stop you from praying the rosary and have the State jackboots there to arrest you as did "Msgr." Gregory Ace and Neil MacCarthy doing the bidding of Collins

A shameful legacy of a tyrant to his priests, a bully to his sheep and in truth, a coward.

Saturday, 24 April 2021

No Lifeboat For You. It wouldn't be fair.

The Province of Ontario is in a near-complete shutdown of life, not quite what it was a year ago, but not far off. In the now-abandoned system of regional colours for control areas due to SARS-CoV-2, the grey area, which was most of the Archdiocese of Toronto, there was limited to ten persons at religious services. This was the case from late November when the limit was thirty percent. Toronto's Cardinal Thomas Collins determined that Mass for ten persons was "just not worth it." Not a quote from His Eminence but from those around him. This blog made available, after it was provided by the source who uploaded it, a video of a webinar where Collins threatened any priest that he would "shut you down," for non-compliance. The link follows.

Archdiocese of Toronto Webinar - Friday November 13, 2020 (rumble.com)

In the middle of Lent, Collins finally found enough gumption to have his Most Excellent Liason and Communications Minion, the Excellent Mister Neil "I'm handling it, I'm the liaison" MacCarthy organize a letter-writing campaign to the Ontario Government of Doug Ford and all Members of the Provincial Parliament. My sources indicate over 14,000 letters were received and Ford increased attendance from ten persons to fifteen percent which was returned to ten persons again, as of last week. One would think that maybe the team of Collins and MacCarthy should have done this five months sooner. However, once again Collins has doubled down and cancelled Holy Mass completely, requesting, not ordering, pastors to open churches for private prayer and offering up instead a drive-by, in and out service of Holy Communion on Sundays. To organize Mass for the priest and nine others is, well, you know, "just not worth it."

The logic of this is inane. In fact, I am incorrect, there is simply no logic, it is the opposite and completely, illogical. 

Let us look at this one example. A priest could open the church for nine parishioners. He could offer, with them, a rosary for reparation and calling down the Blessed Mother to smite these hirelings with a motherly slap who have cancelled the Mass, but he could not then offer Holy Mass with these same people present. He could have a Holy Hour but could not end it with Holy Mass. Have you ever heard anything so illogical? So utterly stupid? 

Not everyone can have Holy Mass so nobody can. That's the view of Tom Collins.

This is akin to saying that we should have let everyone die on RMS Titanic because there were not enough lifeboats for all of them. It's just not fair that 706 of the 2,203 passengers and crew survived. No, that was not fair, we should have let them all die because there were not enough lifeboats. 

Yet, Thomas Collins believes we have a lifeboat, but it's not the Holy Mass.

On more than one occasion, dressed in episcopal and liturgical finery from the Ambo or Cathedra at St. Michael's Cathedral, Thomas Collins has bullied Catholics to bow down and take a jab of an experimental genetic injection that is not a protein vaccine, but a genetic therapy tested or containing the stem cells of an aborted baby. Yeah, I know, "remove cooperation with evil." Blah, blah, blah. It is an injection that he says is an "act of charity" and "common sense" and for the "common good" yet is only for personal gain because it does not stop the spread. Priests have been moved up on the priority list and many are bragging that they have had the jab. Collins, MacCarthy and the boys have received tens of millions of taxpayer dollars since the start of this pandemic to bail them out as long as they toe the line. Shouldn't the priest be sacrificing himself to be behind his people, not running to get out in front for the "cure?" Isn't the shepherd to protect the flock? Last Sunday's (EF lectionary) Gospel of the Good Shepherd and the hirelings rings clear again.

Filthy Lucre, indeed.


St. Damian Molaki would think much differently than our Cardinal named after a popular gin cocktail as would St. Maximillian Kolbe and our own, Bishop Michael Power. So did Father Thomas Rousell Davids Byles of Leeds, Yorkshire. He was an English priest on his way to New York City to preside over the marriage of his brother. Father Byles is no doubt a Saint in Heaven today. He stayed at his post on RMS Titanic, twice refusing the vaccine, I mean, the lifeboat. Rather, Father Byles went down with the ship and spent his last hours and minutes in this world preparing those he ministered to for the next. 

Father Byles is a hero and a sadly, non-declared, Saint of God and a true Shepherd. The same cannot be said of our Cardinal and those who would shut down the Holy Mass and sacraments rather than make it work within the draconian controls and take up the fight in court or directly through public protest. A true Shepherd would have defied Doug Ford last Friday and said, "No, just as the people will not accept arbitrary police powers, we will not accept the arbitrary non-percentage limit on our religious rites!"

That is what a true Shepherd would have done, not a hireling taking Caesar's coins. 

Sunday, 18 April 2021

It is Good Shepherd Sunday, or next week in the Ordinary form and you'll miss it because if you are in the Archdiocese of Toronto and much of Ontario, tomorrow, there will be

Because after midnight tonight, there will be a mass invasion of SARS-CoV-2 descending on every church because just like magic it knows to stay away today.

I don't know who is a bigger idiot, Doug Ford or Thomas Collins. Methinks it's Collins because he, at least, has an education.

Friday, 16 April 2021


Ontario Premier Douglas Ford is about to shut Ontario down again to the point of granting extraordinary powers to police to harass and question people outside their home.

In addition to the restrictions on retail, travel and more noted below, he is re-imposed the restriction on attendance at religious services from 15% to 10 persons.

No doubt with the memorandum already dutifully drafted by Neil MacCarthy, Director of Commuications, Thomas Cardinal Collins has again declare that as of Monday, April 19, 2021, there will be

If it is so bad, why not shut down Mass this Sunday, rather than give us two more days to spread the virus?

According to Premier Doug Ford, "we are on our heels" but we need to "dig them in." 

"We've implemented the strictest measures in all of North America."

Yes, you did and it has not worked.



Stay at home order for six weeks.

Outdoor gatherings only to households. 

Closing all non-essential construction.

No playgrounds, golf, and so on.

Monday, no place of worship more than ten persons.

Checkpoints at all inter-provincial borders and limited access.

Calls on the federal government to stop international flights - A  YEAR LATE!



April 16, 2021 - Press Release:
Canadian Constitution Foundation condemns new Ontario police powers as “police state”
TORONTO: The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is today condemning the new powers that have been granted to Ontario police to enforce the province-wide stay at home order.

The new enforcement powers include giving the police the power to stop individuals and vehicles to ask for their name, address, and their purpose for being away from their residence. The powers comes into effect as of midnight on April 17, 2021.

“Ontarians are essentially living under a 24 hour curfew and police will now be able to randomly stop people and vehicles and demand an explanation of why people are out living their lives,” said CCF Executive Director, Joanna Baron. “With these new police powers, Ontario is one step closer to becoming a police state,” continued Baron.

During the last stay at home order, the Solicitor General had directed police not to stop people or vehicles for the sole purpose of demanding why individuals are outside their homes. This new regulation reverses that previous instruction.

“There are 14.5 million people in this province, how exactly are the police going to stop and demand information from anyone they see outside? There are huge practical challenges to this police power to enforce the stay home order, and we are very concerned that it is already over-policed communities who will bear the brunt of this new police power,” continued Baron. “Low income and minority communities have borne the brunt of this pandemic in terms of cases and mortality, and they are now more likely to bear the brunt of police enforcement.”
The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is a registered charity, independent and non-partisan. We defend the constitutional rights and freedoms of Canadians in the courts of law and public opinion.
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For further information, contact:

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Executive Director
Canadian Constitution Foundation
1-888-695-9105 x. 101

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1-888-695-9105 x. 103

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