William R. Lugger, the parish priest of St. Casimir's in the Diocese of Lansing, in Michigan, is at it again. The so-called, priest, who mistook a pussy hat for a biretta during Mass, has now praised on his Facebook, Margaret Sanger, the racist, eugenicist, murderous founder of Planned Parenthood, the world's largest provider of abortion.
In addition to Sanger, one finds a prominent pro-abortion American Senator and radical abortion and anti-Catholic Supreme Court Judge.
Mahound's Paradise has the story.
A quick peruse around this pathetic man's Facebook page reveals that he spends too much time in silly games and posts and not enough praying his Office, hearing Confessions or feeding the poor.
William R. Lugger should never been ordained. He is a diabolical narcissist and a man in the service of Satan, not Jesus Christ.
Enough of these effeminate, filthy priests.