promised to fire 100,000 civil servants, the Liberals were re-elected under the Lesbian Premier, Kathleen Wynne. She promptly forced the radical sex education curriculum on the children and parents of Ontario. This curriculum was designed by a man named Benjamin Levin. a pervert who is now in prison for creating and distributing child pornography. Levin, pictured seated at the left above at Toronto's "PRIDE" parade attending with now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the lesbian Premier Wynne. He was the Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario and previously, Manitoba. He was highly regarded amongst the educrats throughout Canada and, even in the United States. Once Catholic Quebec, has begun something similar for five year olds.
The Holy Catholic Church has been infiltrated by perverts not dissimilar to Benjamin Levin. What else is one left to think about Vincenzo Paglia? He sounds like goodfella.
There is something inherently evil about men who force and, or advocate explicit sexual "education" upon children. These people are Marxists and Freemasons who determine that the "State" not the parent is the arbiter of what a child should know and when. They are also homosexuals. While one might expect this from the secular state, one cannot accept this from a Catholic prelate, even one who has been given the blessing to do it by a Pope. Some of them are incestous, as Levin was. Some of them entice mothers to have sexual relations with their children on camera, as Levin did. Some of them where fancy clerical costume. Some of them are sodomites.
Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons is a renowned psychiatrist and has appeared often on EWTN programming. In an essay published on LifeSiteNews, Dr. Fitzgibbons writes:
“In a culture in which youth are bombarded by pornography, I was particularly shocked by the images contained in this new sex education program, some of which are clearly pornographic,” Fitzgibbons wrote. “My immediate professional reaction was that this obscene or pornographic approach abuses youth psychologically and spiritually. … As a professional who has treated both priest perpetrators and the victims of the abuse crisis in the Church, what I found particularly troubling was that the pornographic images in this program are similar to those used by adult sexual predators of adolescents.”
In a parallel to Ontario's radical sex-education program, Fitzgibbon continues:
As a professional who has treated both priest perpetrators and the victims of the abuse crisis in the Church, what I found particularly troubling was that the pornographic images in this program are similar to those used by adult sexual predators of adolescents.
One must wonder about the kind of man this Paglia is.
One must wonder about the kind of man that would put him in the position of power.
Bergoglio is responsible for this.