A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 31 May 2018

Arrogant, egotistical monster - Peronist Bergoglio has his Riefenstahl

By Maureen Mullarkey 

Jorge Bergoglio found his Leni Riefenstahl in Wim Wenders. I went to see Wenders’ “Pope Francis: A Man of His Word” expecting hagiography. What I watched came closer to pornography. It was the pornography of blatant propaganda, that notorious key to “the heart of the broad masses.” Lust for dominance is airbrushed into a semblance of piety; avarice for celebrity is lighted and staged to look like humility.

Contrary to the court press, Damon Linker recently ascribed “psychological acuity and Machiavellian cunning” to Pope Francis. And he is correct. But Linker’s interest lies in the Catholic Church’s eventual alignment with contemporary mores, especially legitimization of homosexuality. Yet there remains a larger, more compelling issue: the sacralization of politics via the person of the pope himself. Francis is not reforming the church but denaturing it, reducing it to a social tool.

Commissioned by the Vatican, the film ups the ante on papalolotry. Its deluge of glorifying images stimulates devotion to Bergoglio himself, papa to all the world. A quasi-erotic glow infuses the whole. It is the eros of surrender to a liberator, a defender against ideological bogeys: “the globalization of indifference”; “money drenched in blood”; “fear of foreigners.” The old creed proclaimed Christ risen. The new Bergoglian one, emblazoned on St. Peter’s dome during the 2016 light show repeated here, proclaims: “Planet Earth first.”

Read the rest here:

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Pope Francis is against the "interruption of pregnancy"

I'll just leave this here.


Dear brothers and sisters:

I am pleased to welcome you and greet you all, starting with the President, Dr. John Lee, whom I thank for his words.

Your qualification of "catholic doctors" commits you to a permanent spiritual, moral and bioethics formation in order to put into practice the evangelical principles in medical practice, from the doctor-patient relationship until reaching the missionary activity of improving the conditions of the health of populations in the peripheries of the world. Your work is a peculiar form of human solidarity and Christian witness; In fact, your work is enriched with the spirit of faith. And it is important that your associations commit themselves to raise awareness about these principles to medical students and young doctors by involving them in associative activities.
The Catholic identity does not compromise your collaboration with those who, from a different religious perspective or without a specific creed, recognize the dignity and excellence of the human person as the criterion of their activity. The Church is in favor of life, and her concern is that nothing is against life in the reality of a concrete existence, even if it is weak or defenseless, even if it is not developed or is not very advanced. To be Catholic doctors, therefore, is to feel health professionals who, from the faith and from communion with the Church, receive the impulse to make their Christian and professional formation more mature, their tireless dedication, and the inexhaustible necessity of penetrate and know the laws of nature to better serve life (see PAUL VI, Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae, 24 ).

The fidelity and coherence with which the associations of your Federation, in the course of the years, have given faith of their catholic appearance are known, putting into practice the teaching of the Church and the guidelines of its Magisterium in the medical field. moral. This criterion of recognition and action has favored your collaboration in the mission of the Church to promote and defend human life from its conception to its natural end, the quality of existence, respect for the weakest, the humanization of medicine and its full socialization.

This fidelity has entailed and entails hardships and difficulties that, in particular circumstances, can demand a lot of courage. Continue with serenity and determination along this path, accompanying the magisterial interventions in the fields of medicine with the corresponding awareness of their moral implications. Nor has the field of medicine and health been effectively spared the advancement of the technocratic paradigm, the adoration of unlimited human power, and a practical relativism where everything becomes irrelevant if it does not serve one's own interests (cf. Lit. in  Laudato si  ', 122).

Faced with this situation, you are called to affirm the centrality of the patient as a person and their dignity with their inalienable rights,  in pris The right to life. It is necessary to confront the tendency to debase the patient as if it were a machine to repair, without respecting moral principles, and to exploit the weakest by discarding what does not correspond to the ideology of efficiency and benefit. The defense of the patient's personal dimension is essential for the humanization of medicine, in the sense also of "human ecology". Worry about compromising in the respective countries and in the international arena, intervening in specialized environments, but also in debates related to legislation on sensitive ethical issues, such as the termination of pregnancy, the end of life and genetic medicine. Do not miss your request in defense of freedom of conscience, doctors and all health workers.

At your next congress, which will be held in Zagreb in a few days, you will reflect on the theme "The sanctity of life and the medical profession, from   Humanae vitae  to   Laudato si  '". This is also a concrete sign of your participation in the life and mission of the Church. This participation, as the Second Vatican Council emphasized, is so necessary that "without it the same apostolate of the pastors often can not fully achieve its effect" (Decr.  Apostolicam Actuositatem, 10). Be increasingly aware that today it is necessary and urgent that the action of the Catholic physician be presented with a character of unmistakable clarity in the field of both personal and associative witness.

In this sense, it is desirable that the activities of the Associations of Catholic doctors be interdisciplinary and also involve other ecclesial realities. In particular, know how to harmonize your efforts with those of priests, men and women religious and of all those who work in the pastoral care of health, being with them together with the people who suffer: they have great need of your contribution and yours. Be ministers, besides that of priests, of fraternal charity, transmitting to those who approach you with the contribution of your knowledge, wealth of humanity and evangelical compassion.

Dear brothers and sisters, many look at you, as well as at your work. Your words, your gestures, your advice, your choices have an echo that goes beyond the strictly professional field and become, if they are coherent, a testimony of lived faith. The profession rises to the dignity of a true apostolate. I encourage you to continue the associative path with joy and generosity, in collaboration with all the people and institutions that share the love of life and strive to serve it in their dignity and sacredness. May the Virgin Mary,  Salus infirmorum,  support your purposes, which I accompany with my Blessing! And please, pray for me too. Thank you.

Monday 28 May 2018

New FrancisCardinal alleged to have a concubine and children. Well, at least it's a woman!

The latest potential Bergoglian scandal is breaking. Adelante la Fe is reporting that one of the new Cardinal elects of Pope Francis, Bishop Toribio Ticona, Titular Bishop of Timici and Prelate Emeritus of Corocoro in Bolivia has a concubine and children.

On Twitter, Edward Pentin is reporting that he has requested comment and confirmation from the Vatican.

In response to reports () that Bolivian Cardinal-Designate Bishop Toribio Ticona, 81, has a "wife" and "children," I've asked to confirm whether story is true, and if so, whether the knew of it before he named him Cardinal. Will post updates


SCANDAL: Francisco appoints Cardenal to Bishop "married" and with children
05/28/18 9:45 am
by Adelante la Fe

Pope Francis announced on May 20, 2018, that in the consistory of June 29 of this year at the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, he will create a cardinal to Bishop Toribio Ticona, Titular of Timici, Prelate Emeritus of Corocoro in Bolivia The 81-year-old Bishop was born on April 25, 1937, was ordained a priest in 1967, and consecrated titular Bishop of Timici and Auxiliary of Potosí, Bolivia on May 31, 1986, in 1992 he was appointed Prelate of Corocoro retiring in 2012.

In his repeated visits to Oruro, at the beginning of his episcopate, being at that time Bishop of Oruro, the future Third World cardinal, Julio Terrazas Sandoval, CSsR, prided himself on visiting the Bishop of Oruro, calling him his "godfather", since he affirmed that he owed Terrazas his promotion to the episcopate, because he served several times as President of the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia, evidently being very influential among the other bishops and the Apostolic Nunciature.

Ticona attended two Ad Limina visits in 2008 and 2017. He served as "mayor" according to the uses and customs of a community of 12 people in Bolivia. During the decade of the Bishop-Prelate Ticona in the Prelature of Corocoro the Catholic congregation went from 94.6% to 87.6%, giving growth to the Protestant sects. It is public knowledge that while working in Corocoro, at the same time, in the Bishopric of Oruro he maintained a marital life with a woman, the wife and children are proud to call themselves the wife and children of the "Bishop of Patacamaya" as is also known Bishop Toribio Ticona.

The family of the "Bishop of Patacamaya" Monseñor Toribio Ticona inhabited three different homes in the city of Oruro.

From the iron age of the pontificate in the ninth and tenth centuries there had been no certain and reliable news that a Concubine Bishop was "rewarded" with the Cardenalato. Being a Prince of the Church entails an important responsibility for those who are created as such, because their service is done directly to the Petrino Ministry, therefore, the promotion of a Concubine Cardinal carries two messages, one the desire of Pope Francis for the suppression of Celibacy Priestly, and the other the most serious, is to have a "scapegoat" with which I managed to break the hierarchy of the Bishops of Bolivia. This year will be renewed 2 archbishoprics and other 3 ecclesial circumscriptions of Bolivia, we do not doubt that the Barros case will be repeated in Bolivia, whereupon the Pope Francisco would have with the support of Evo Morales the control of the Bolivian Church that would be of leftist imprint.

Forward Faith

PS We use the term "married" because his wife speaks properly of her husband.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Ireland has fallen

There is not much that one can write about the results of the referendum to repeal the constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion in Ireland. On this Trinity Sunday, it's constitutional preamble is a mockery.

No one should be surprised about the outcome; sad, but not surprised. 

The blame for this lays squarely on a silent pope and a cabal of derelict bishops who did little to nothing to preach to the faithful the evil of abortion. The blame is also on those bishops who permitted sodomites into the priesthood who undermined the faith of the people.

The people of Ireland will live to regret what they have done. We in Canada and the United States had little "choice" in the matter. In both our countries, abortion was forced upon us by supreme court justices. We were not asked, we did not vote for it. 

You in Ireland voted for the devil.

You will pay dearly for your betrayal of Christ. You will celebrate now but later you will weep and gnash your teeth.

Not even Cromwell himself could have imagined this.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Something different from the Bergoglio imbroglio

On the brighter side, notwithstanding the stacking of the deck don't discount the fact that this man may be, please God, the next Pope.

TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2018

Cardinal Sarah’s Homily to the Chartres Pilrgims

With the kind permission of His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, we here publish an English translation of the homily which he delivered yesterday in the cathedral of Chartres to the pilgrims present for the annual Notre-Dame de Chrétienté pilgrimage. Our deepest thanks to His Eminence, and to the organizers of the pilgrimage for the pictures, from the Notre-Dame de Chrétienté website.


Monday 21 May 2018

Secular Media is now picking up the latest Bergoglian heresy

The secular media is now picking up the story one below here wherein Juan Carlos, the prominent victim of the sodomite priest, Karadima, has said that as a "gay" man, according to "Pope" Francis, God made him that way.

It is hard to find a reason why Mr. Carlos would lie about this. It is consistent with what Bergoglio has said before. 

Mr. Carlos believes that he is a homosexual. Bergoglio has said that God created him this way.

Pope Francis, you are a filthy liar!

And every act of sodomy that Mr. Carlos commits will be on your soul on the day of your particular judgement.

Saturday 19 May 2018

Blasphemous Bergoglio affirms the pervert Karadima's victim in his homosexuality

"They had said to him almost that I was a pervert. I explained there that I'm not the reincarnation of San Luis Gonzaga, but am not a bad person, try not to harm anyone. He told me to "Juan Carlos, who you're gay it doesn't matter. God made you so loves so and I don't care. The Pope loves you so, you have to be happy with who you are"

There are two stories here. The situation that Juan Carlos, the victim of the filthy sodomite who abused him, seduced him and introduced him into homosexuality and the Bishop of Rome, the alleged Vicar of Christ who affirms the poor man in sin and error.

The first is of a man raped and abused, sodomized and betrayed who no doubt because of that has suffered immeasurably. His youth was stolen, his faith betrayed. A man who suffers from that day to this day, thinking that his life of homosexuality is normal. Let us pray for him, that he will heal from the evil done to him by filthy, vile evil men who deserve Hell.

God will forgive Juan more quickly than the filthy, lewd, man who is Pope which brings the second part of this story into focus. A man who betrayed all these abused in Chile and now puts forward a good show. He leaves this poor man in his sin telling him that "God made you gay." He lies to Juan Carlos and he blasphemes God.

God made nobody "gay" any more than he made anyone a murderer or a thief. 

Bergoglio is a scandal. Every time he opens his mouth it is as if to spout more blasphemy, more lies. He is a vile and despicable Pope, a man who has disgraced his Office. A boil on the seat of Peter that needs to be lanced.

O LORD, how long until you will deliver us and send us a holy pope who will restore all things in You?



Friday 18 May 2018

Francis Bergoglio should lead the pack

Image result for francis chile bishops

The Bishops of Chile have finished their meetings with the Bishop of Rome to discuss the crisis inflicted on children, mostly boys, in that country; a crisis caused by homosexuals -- sodomites, in the priesthood.

All of the bishops have resigned, whether the Bishop of Rome will accept all of these is not yet known.

Why should all resign; did not one have clean hands?

Why did Bergoglio wait so long to act, he was warned of the problem over two years ago that Juan Barros witnessed a notorious filthy pervert rape and sodomize a group of boys, repeatedly.

On a recent trip to Chile, Bergoglio slandered and rashly judged the victims for their cries to him for action. On the aeroplane home, he slandered them again making up lame excuses for his earlier gaff.

This is the same Bishop of Rome that invited Godfried Danneels to participate in a Synod on the Family, the same notorious protector of pervert priests and in particular, a pervert bishop who sodomites his own nephew.

The same Bishop of Rome who has propped up a certain Monsignor Ricca who was found in a Costa Rica elevator in a flagrant act of sexual perversion with a young Swiss Guard.

This arrogant boil on the seat of Peter, Jorge Bergoglio, should be the first one out the door.

Sunday 13 May 2018

Bergoglio the Heretic, Bergoglio the Schismatic

My regrets to disgrace the Lord's Day with such a headline, but how can we be silent in the face of such evil emanating from Rome? How can we sit by whilst the man charged by Our Lord Jesus Christ as the centre of unity, the one is to confirm his brethren in the faith is instead a divider, an egotistical monster, a diabolical narcissistic.

I hope those in the Vatican who read this blog print this out and say, "Look what these nasty bloggers are saying...we should try to sue this one again.!"

His handlers spin this man as some great friend of the faithful. No film can redeem this pathetic cretin, this malefactor!

Image result for angry pope francis

We have just in the last few weeks the perversion visits to the Vatican of celebrities and globalists who by their actions hate Christ and His Church but are welcomed in its halls.

We have seen the scandalous use of sacred vestments by pagans and perverts aided and abetted by the likes of Timothy Dolan.

More filthy insults by the Bergoglian boil on the seat of Peter (think of another name for a donkey)

And the vilest man who once told a woman who follows Martin Luther to "go forward" to receive Holy Communion, to expand it to all of Germany and eventually the world. Just as with Amoris Laetitia, this is the ultimate attack on Jesus Christ and His Holy Sacrament, His body, blood, soul and divinity.

Bergoglio is an evil man, there can now be no doubt, more and more daily come to see him for what he is.

The Cardinals and Bishops who are waiting for him to drop dead and start again are wrong. They are cowards and they must cease to be so. They must stand up and call out this heretical, malefactor for what he is. They cannot remove him, but they can denounce him.

So it is written, so let it be done!

Friday 11 May 2018

Bergoglio insults faithful Catholic youths - calls them rigid and hyopcrites

Here we have more insults from the Bishop of Rome; these directed to rigid youths. It is quite the lead up to the Synod. 

Indeed, let us insult those young men and women who try their best with the grace of God to overcome the culture of death, pornography, sexuality and perversion to lead a good, clean and holy life. 

Never in history has there been a Bishop of Rome who has been so insulting to so many for so long.

The most ignorant, boorish, pathetic man to ever occupy the Chair of Peter.

The man is a sociopath, an abusive father - never has a man unfit for the office for which he holds.

No mercy for these smelly sheep.

Image result for young catholics

Wednesday 9 May 2018

The New York Times, a.k.a. "Hell's Bible" reveals to us the betrayal by Gänswein, Marini

If it were already not enough of a scandal that Timothy Dolan participated in the abomination, sacrilege and blasphemy which took place in New York City now the New York Times reveals the backstory.

Gänswein (who has previously welcomed "gay" couples to the Vatican and ushered them in to see the Bishop of Rome) and Marini, Papa Ratzinger's Secretary and Master of Ceremonies were both involved and responsible.

They are traitors, puffed up in finery. They are filthy frauds.

This is how bad it is friends; that even those whom we thought were the good guys turn out to be just as rotten and filthy effing scum as the rest.

They betrayed Papa Ratzinger and they betrayed us.

I find it impossible to pray for their conversion. I leave their judgement to God.

By Jason Horowitz

May 3, 2018
VATICAN CITY — Archbishop Georg Gänswein said yes to the dress.

The dashing former right-hand man to Benedict XVI, the fashion-plate pope, he is now prefect of the papal household under the more austere Pope Francis. In May 2017, Archbishop Gänswein sat in his stately Apostolic Palace office as Andrew Bolton, curator in charge of the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, showed him a look book of couture masterpieces that Mr. Bolton felt matched with certain Vatican treasures.

Archbishop Gänswein, in a soutane with purple sash, indifferently flipped pages of designer frocks until he lingered on a luxurious Madame Grès dress inspired by a Franciscan habit.  

“They all love that,” Mr. Bolton said of the dress.

The archbishop gradually became enthusiastic as he and Mr. Bolton discussed the role of beauty in the church and Mr. Bolton explained his vision for the project that would explore the way the Catholic church had served as an inspiration to designers through the centuries. Then things really started rolling.

Mr. Bolton received authorization from senior Vatican officials to borrow the vestments. He was also granted full access to the Sistine Chapel Sacristy and became so close with its custodian priests in his 10 trips to Rome that they entrusted him with the hidden chamber’s keys and opened secret doors, behind which elderly nuns ironed the pope’s white vestments. 

Gänswein, Papa Ratzinger's Prison Warden
The show that would ultimately become “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” the biggest exhibit the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum has ever held, opening May 10, was on the verge of becoming a reality.

It was the culmination of years of negotiations, two stalled visits to Rome, and walking the tightrope between Anna Wintour, the powerful editor of Vogue and a Met trustee, and the many powers in the Vatican.

While the Vatican may be enthusiastic about “Heavenly Bodies” now, it took years for it to warm to an exhibit that Mr. Bolton first envisioned as including many religious traditions. Dealing with one church proved to be enough.

In June 2016, a colleague of Mr. Bolton’s in the Met’s European paintings department put him in touch with Arnold Nesselrath, a Vatican museum curator. Mr. Nesselrath arranged for Mr. Bolton to visit the Sistine Chapel Sacristy, a chamber of rooms within rooms containing a hive of numbered wooden doors and drawers bearing embossed strips and containing shawls and stoles, papal tiaras, papal rings and pectoral crosses. 

Mr. Bolton tried to explain the concept of the exhibition to the keeper of the sacristy, a quiet Slovakian priest named Pavel Benedik.

“He wasn’t quite sure what the request was,” Mr. Bolton said of Father Benedik. “He was confused.”

Monsignor Marini the Fraud, with Bergoglio 
To expedite the process, Mr. Nesselrath suggested that on his next visit, Mr. Bolton meet with Barbara Jatta, now the director of the Vatican museum. For that trip, Mr. Bolton brought along Ms. Wintour. Ms. Jatta arranged several tours for them, including another trip to the Sacristy, where this time Father Benedik’s assistant, Antonio, showed them around.

Ms. Jatta asked how many items the Met intended to borrow, and Mr. Bolton responded: about eight. Ms. Wintour said he needed to ask for at least twice that, prompting a skeptical laugh from Ms. Jatta. (The Met eventually got more than 40.) Ms. Jatta then informed the curator that the lending of the pieces was, anyway, out of her hands.

“These vestments don’t belong to the Vatican Museum,” she said, according to Mr. Bolton. “They belong to the Sistine Chapel Sacristy.”

Ms. Wintour was less than pleased. 

“She turned around to me and said, ‘This isn’t your finest moment, Andrew,’” Mr. Bolton recalled.

So he came back. Again and again. 

“He was quite the dandy,” Mr. Bolton said.

And Father Benedik warmed to him. Nevertheless, the priest lacked the power to authorize a loan and suggested that Mr. Bolton talk to Archbishop Gänswein.

“He’s like a movie star, it’s like meeting George Clooney,” Mr. Bolton said of the archbishop, often called “Gorgeous George.” Archbishop Gänswein, apparently on board, told Mr. Bolton to send an official request to Msgr. Guido Marini, the papal master of liturgical celebrations and the keeper of the sacristy.

The Met’s head of exhibitions, Quincy Houghton, did just that, and Monsignor Marini’s office asked for approval — a “nihil obstat” in Vatican parlance — from the first section of the Secretariat of State, which is responsible for general church affairs. 

“This is not a procedure where the pope gets involved, or has to give his O.K.,” said the Vatican spokesman Greg Burke.

When permission was granted, Mr. Bolton returned for many more trips and, with Father Benedik, refined the list of objects to borrow, including a papal tiara with 19,000 precious stones, including 18,000 diamonds. (It will fly to New York with its own bodyguard.) During one 10-day stretch of 12-hour days inside the Sacristy with Katarina Jebb, who scanned the objects for the catalog, the custodians entrusted Mr. Bolton with the keys to the Sacristy.  

With the loans secured, Mr. Bolton asked David Tracy, a highly regarded Catholic writer — Mr. Bolton called him “the J.D. Salinger of the theological world” — to contribute an essay to the catalog to lend it intellectual heft.

It took a year before he agreed. Then Mr. Bolton tackled the New York side of the equation, trying to ensure he wasn’t accidentally touching any third rails.

He asked Emily Rafferty, a former president of the Met with connections to New York’s Catholic community, for a hand. She suggested Mr. Bolton work with James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large for America Magazine, who was appointed last year by Pope Francis as a consultor to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications.

Father Martin said that one day, after embarrassingly spilling hummus on his pants earlier, he went to a Met conference room to review the storyboards the curators had pinned to the walls with thumbtacks. He was impressed by what he described as the “real attention to Catholic sensibilities” behind the pairings.

Asked by Mr. Bolton and colleagues if he thought the presentation would prompt any blowback, Father Martin said there may be some complaints about “celebrity culture being grafted onto the church,” but that he thought it would be minor. “They will see something beautiful, and that’s part of the Catholic imagination,” he said.

It was also Father Martin who, reviewing the gift catalog, noticed that one necklace was described as adorned with a “winged man,” and told the Met: “It’s O.K. to say ‘angel.’”

He also suggested asking Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the de facto minister of culture for the Vatican and an erudite former prefect of the Biblioteca-Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan, to contribute to the exhibit catalog. Cardinal Ravasi had gotten to know many of the great designers during his time in the fashion capital, including Miuccia Prada, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, and Giorgio Armani.

In February, the Met delegation, including Mr. Bolton and Ms. Wintour, traveled to Rome to officially announce the exhibit alongside Cardinal Ravasi, who not only participated in the news conference, but also rubbed shoulders with Donatella Versace. She told him she thought his crimson vestments were beautiful.

He said he replied: “The purple is even better.”

Still, in a church where Pope Francis’s dressing down has made dressing up out of style,  questions remain about how a lush exhibit and its related gala, organized by Ms. Wintour, squares with the pope’s desire for a less ostentatious, poorer church.

“Francis with his simple clothes expresses another concept. It’s not combative with the others,” said Cardinal Ravasi, who said he considered fashion a critical cultural language and the lent vestments expressions of the church’s power, beauty and splendor through the centuries.

The cardinal said fashion had biblical origins (“It was God who dressed us. God was the tailor in Genesis”) and that he saw a common thread between the dress code for a gala and the otherworldliness of ecclesiastical vestments. Both of them signified, he said, a distinction from the mundane and quotidian.

As for those who consider the accessorizing of papal vestments with modern fashion a blasphemous exploitation, Cardinal Ravasi said it at least shows those Christian symbols still touch a nerve.

“They aren’t using the symbols of the Roman Empire,” he said with a chuckle.

Monday 7 May 2018

Bergoglian confidant Jozef De Kesel a heretic, a malefactor, and no doubt, a sodomite himself

How can one not seethe with anger to the point of cursing this Cardinal as a son of a whore? The Italians say it well, "Figlio di puttana!"

O LORD in heaven, send forth Thy anger and rage and destroy these evil men who have betrayed your Church and your people.

Convert them, or damn them to Hell!

Cardinal Jozef De Kesel backs prayer ceremony for gay couples
Belgian Archbishop of Malines-Brussels says he is open to reflecting on a 'prayer ceremony' to seal such relationships
Claire Lesegretain
May 7, 2018
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Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, archbishop of Malines-Brussels and primate of the Catholic Church in Belgium, is open to reflecting on a 'pray celebration' for gay couples. (M.Migliorato/CPP/CIRIC/Catholic Press Photo)
Cardinal Jozef De Kesel of Malines-Brussels last week met with a small delegation from a local gay working group which had requested an audience.
Following the meeting, Cardinal De Kesel “expressed his concern for their well-being and conveyed his respect to them,” Geert De Kerpel, the Dutch-speaking spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Malines-Brussels said on May 5.
In his effort to answer questions from the working group, “the cardinal also spoke of their relationships as couples, distinguishing these from Christian marriage between a man and a woman,” De Kerpel said.
“However, it does involve a personal encounter,” he said.
Cardinal De Kesel expressed his desire to answer the requests of believing gay couples who are involved in a stable and lasting relationship and who wish to benefit from a symbolic recognition by the church.
However, this could not be a “religious marriage” nor an “ecclesiastical blessing that too closely resembles the blessing of a marriage,” De Kerpel said.
“If gay people still desire a Christian symbol of their proximity, the cardinal is thinking more of a celebration of thanksgiving or prayer.
“However, this would certainly not involve an exchange of consent sealed by an exchange of rings,” De Kerpel said.
“To the extent that the church has maintained a certain reserve on the issue, it is to preserve the great value of marriage and the family to the greatest extent possible,” he said.
On May 5, Belgian media broadcast the statement widely, emphasizing that Cardinal De Kesel was adopting a “revolutionary position.”
But in reality he had simply confirmed the position the Belgian Church had already taken on the issue.
Cardinal De Kesel, 71, has been Archbishop of Malines-Brussels since 2015 and is well known for his open-mindedness on various issues.
In his first homily as archbishop he announced that he would work for a church that was “more open and more attentive to the poor, to the most vulnerable.”

Saturday 5 May 2018

The time for politeness and deference to Bergoglio is long over

The Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, has sent the word back to the German bishops to go back to Germany and find a unanimous resolution to the problem they created wherein most desire to give Holy Communion to Protestants and the few remaining Catholic bishops, do not.

The Pope is to be the foundation of unity. Instead, Jorge Bergoglio is a foundation of chaos and disunity. What we are seeing being played out is his heretical, satanic "synodal church." A church which is not Catholic. 

We have seen this all before. It is a model we have seen with the Anglican "church." It is an echo of heresiarch Kasper's statement during the Synod on the Family of the African bishops adherence to tradition and that they should not tell the enlightened Germans "too much what to do," a racist statement if ever there were one. Adolf Hitler's racial supremacy lives on in Walter Kasper.

This is one more attack on the Holy and Blessed Sacrament from the same man who refuses to kneel to Him at the altar.

This action on the part of the Germans is schismatic. The action of the Bishop of Rome, in this case, is not Catholic, it is heretical and it is in itself, promoting schism.

We sit by whilst our bishops and cardinals do nothing. Faithful Catholics are horrified more each day with the goings on in Rome. 

Everyone is too polite.

It is time to call out Jorge Bergoglio, the man who is legally Pope as a heretic, an enemy of the Faith, an enemy of the Catholic people and an enemy of Christ.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

New hell coming from Germany once again

More hell coming from Germany. 

Something evil is embedded deeply in that nation. It began with the evil heretic Martin Luther. It continued on through the state and culture with the founders of Illuminism, Communism and National Socialism. It manifested in the Catholic Church through nihilistic and modernist philosophies and the infiltration by heretical ideas, including those of Joseph Ratzinger, at the Second Vatican Council. The evil within the German mind and soul has now manifested fully within the heretical German episcopal hierarchy, rich with money and filled with error. From Heresiarch Kasper to Heresiarch Marx, few episcopal leaders have a Catholic heart.

In our Pope Bergoglio, these wretched German prelates have found a voice who wreaks with heresy and Lutheranism from Evangelii Gaudium to Amoris Laetitia and the most recent. 

Remember who it was that told that woman in a Lutheran church in Rome to "go forward."

Bergoglio and his German master must be exposed and rebuked.

Please read this at Sandro Magister's blog.