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Showing posts with label Linda Gibbons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linda Gibbons. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Linda Gibbons has been arrested!

At 11:34 this morning on the public sidewalk outside of the Morgenthaler abortuary, Linda Gibbons, a heroine in the defense of the unborn in Canada was arrested for violating the decades old "temporary injunction" barring protests, even silent ones, outside abortion mills.

Linda was carrying her usual sign "Why Mom, when I have so much love to give." She had been there since 9:00AM and was later visited by Sheriffs before the Toronto Police Force was sent to arrest her. 

At this point, I refer you to Toronto Catholic Witness blog who last night posted an interview with Linda. Barona was there to witness her silent protest and arrest and has the full story including photographs.

Linda will now join Mary Wagner in prison.

We await the outpouring anger at this injustice and that of abortion in the main-stream and Catholic media

Linda Gibbons and Mary Wagner: Two Victim Souls for the Unborn

Canada's two warriors for the life of the unborn have a story to tell. A story about the crime of murder and dismemberment of the millions of unborn babies in Canada and the indifference of Canadians to the holocaust taking place in our land. It is also a story of unjust persecution under archaic injunctions that trample upon the rights of Canadians to express themselves in opposition to the horror of abortion.

Mary Wagner is in a jail cell in Milton, Ontario. She is there and has followed the example of Linda Gibbons.

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has an exclusive interview with the woman he calls the "Archangel for Life."

Let us pray for these two witnesses for life and for Christ.

Monday, March 23, 2015

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Linda Gibbons speaks with Toronto Catholic Witness
Linda Gibbons, with dear friends
"I lift up my eyes, to you who sit enthroned in heaven..."
Psalm 123 "A Song of Ascent"

This interview with Canada's "Archangel for Life", Linda Gibbons, took place the week of March 16th. I thank Linda deeply for her graciousness in taking the time to answer these questions, which, I hope, will lead readers into a deeper appreciation of Linda's Christian witness for those who have no voice, no face: the forgotten unborn, the babies. 

This week, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of St. Pope John Paul II's great encyclical, Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), a prophetic work, even more relevant today when we are are surrounded by an ever expanding "culture" that promotes and glorifies death. Please pray for Linda Gibbons.