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Showing posts with label Cocaine Capozzi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cocaine Capozzi. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Francesco, "CocoPuff" Coccopalmerio was present and a participant in drug-fueled homosexual orgy - and Bergoglio knows - Report!

John-Henry Westen and Maike Hickson are reporting on LifeSiteNews that Cardinal Coccopalmerio was at that cocaine-laden, homosexual orgy where numerous persons were arrested, including Monsignor Luigi "Cocaine" Capozzi. We have written on both of these perverts at the following links:



The report indicates that Bergoglio knows of Coco's presence.

As hard is it is to bear this, this is really great news. All this writer would add is that those who report this who fear being found out must find the courage to come into the light and make their names public to lend credibility to the reports. The time to remain fearful has long since past.

Let these filthy, Christ-hating perverts be exposed.

All of them.

Source: Vatican cardinal was at drug-fueled homosexual party, and Pope knows it 

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ROME, October 10, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, a close collaborator of Pope Francis, was present at the homosexual drug-fuelled party raided by the Vatican police in the summer of 2017 at which his secretary, Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, was arrested.

A highly-placed Vatican source with direct knowledge, who must remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, tells LifeSite that the Pope himself knows of Coccopalmerio’s presence at the party. The party took place in an apartment in the building of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).

Coccopalmerio was head of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts until his retirement in April.

The same Vatican source spoke in more depth in a private meeting this summer with a group of priests, three of whom spoke to LifeSite about it.

One of these priests told LifeSite that according to the Vatican source, Cardinal Coccopalmerio, 80, was not only an attendee. The source said “in fact, that he ‘was presiding’ over it when the Vatican Gendarmes broke in, and that they instructed him to absent himself before they started making arrests,” according to the priest.

Another priest who was at the private meeting said the Vatican source “stated clearly to me and a number of others that, when the police raided the apartment and arrested Capozzi, Cardinal Coccopalmerio was actually present at the orgy.” He was then told by the police to leave “immediately.” This priest added that the source “gave us to understand that Coccopalmerio is a practicing homosexual.”

Read the rest at:

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Pope Francis gave Vatican apartment to gay priest later caught in cocaine-fuelled orgy

The gay Monsignor, Cocaine Capozzi was given his apartment by Bergoglio. My Roman sources tell me that the cocaine-fueled sodomite orgy actually took place in Holy Week.

My sources further advise that Capozzi is back in his abode.

Will the "highly placed Vatican source" please come out of the shadows and go on the record?
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ROME, Italy, August 29, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis gave a Vatican apartment to a priest who was later caught hosting a drug-fueled homosexual orgy in that same apartment despite being warned about the priest’s grave problems, a highly placed Vatican source told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview. 
It was Francis himself, the source said, who made sure that a homosexual secretary of his friend Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio would obtain a privileged apartment in the Vatican. 

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Say hello to Boy-Toy Capozzi

Well, well, well.

Happy Sunday boys and girls.

And what do we have here?

If it isn't Msgr. Luigi Felching Capozzi, drunken, drugged up sodomite disturbing the otherwise serene and quiet Vatican owned apartment and former headquarters of the CDF.



This cockroach, Capozzi, infiltrated the holy priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and should never have been ordained.  


Who was his superior? Whom was he secretary to?

Why only the effervescent Cardinal Coco-Puffs - Coccopalmerio.



Oh, he was putting forward the Felching Priest as bishop material. (look up that word at your own risk, you have been warned)

Image result for cardinal palmerio

Inquiring minds want to know.

Was Mons. Battista Mario Salvatore, Not to be Judged Ricca, caught with his own boy-toy in Uruguay and now head of the so-called Pope's No-Tell, Hoe-Tell and the Vatican Bank, there for the big party?

Take your pick:


So where is the Bergomeister in all of this?

Image result for bergoglio

Who are you to judge?

The "Sweet Christ on Earth," according to St. Catherine of Sienna.

That's who!