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Showing posts with label Christoper A. Ferrara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christoper A. Ferrara. Show all posts

Friday, 25 January 2019

Anatomy of a Bergoglian Cover-up

ANATOMY OF A COVERUP: Francis, Vatican Exposed

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mccarrick in romeThen-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, key spokesman for bishops at the summit meeting with JPII on the sex abuse crisis unfolding in the U.S., faces the press at the Vatican on April 24, 2002. The Remnant's Chirstopher Ferrara was there to ask McCarrick the $64,000 question. (Reuters photo)
 Introduction: the “Abuse of Minors” Ruse
The homosexual priest and bishop scandal has erupted anew, just as I predicted in an article for this journal seventeen years ago, concerning the useless “pedophile summit” in Rome, presided over by none other than ex-Cardinal McCarrick, the serial sexual abuser of seminarians and altar boys Pope Bergoglio was finally forced to discipline after having rehabilitated him in full knowledge of his past. The 2002 Roman junket for well-fed prelates was cunningly designed to avoid the issue of homosexual activity among the clergy and their “consenting adult” partners in sodomy.
With vipers like McCarrick running the show, the participants would never get anywhere near the third rail of rampant homosexuality in the post-Vatican II priesthood. The problem, we were told, was “abuse of minors” by pedophiles—an outright lie designed to conceal the widespread homosexual corruption of Catholic clergy. I attended the event as a reporter for The Remnant, confronting McCarrick personally at a press conference during its worthless proceedings. Herewith my question and McCarrick’s supremely deceptive and hypocritical answer, a carefully worded nod to the continuing ordination of homosexuals so long as they profess not to have been “active”:

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Bishops, Cardinals - the faithful laity demand you call out the deception and subversion of the Faith by Francis!

If you have not yet read Christopher Ferrara's Anatomy of a Pontifical Debacle, take the time to read it, slowly, then read it again, then share it.

Jorge Bergoglio has subverted Catholic doctrine, even the neo-Cath media have to admit it - Holy Communion for adulterers can be given. Whether priests have done this illicitly and sinfully is not the issue, they will be held accountable for the sacrilege and leaving people in their sins, never in history as a Bishop of Rome authorised this. 

The Amoris Latrine is not magisterial as Cardinal Burke has stated. It is not magisterial because it breaks with the past. 

You, as a Catholic, have no choice but to resist and condemn this action on the part of the Bishop or Rome. It is not his Church, it is Christ's Church. Jorge Bergoglio is not Christ, it is not his Church and you and I as Catholics have a commission and a responsibility to resist him, the malefactors around him and to denounce his evil actions as outlined in the love latrine.

Where in the name of all that is Holy are our bishops and cardinals to stand up and denounce this pope and his actions?

Is it always up to us?



Situation Ethics Enshrined - Q & A on Francis' Amoris Laetitia


Situation Ethics Enshrined
Amoris Laetitia
A simple Q & A on Certain Aspects of the Post-Synodal Exhortation
 By John Vennari

What is Amoris Laetitia?
Amoris Laetitia (the “Joy of Love”) is the much anticipated post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis on marriage and the family. Released on April 6, it runs 260 pages, approximately 59,000 words. Father George Rutler, wryly commenting on the exorbitant length of modern Vatican documents, notes that Francis’ text “is nearly two-thirds the length of all the Vatican II promulgations.”
What are we to think of Amoris Laetitia?

             Respected Italian journalist Antonio Socci wrote: “The Apostolic Exhortation is an open act challenging two thousand years of Catholic teaching. And in Catholic circles people are shocked and struck dumb in bewilderment.” Raymond Cardinal Burke, in a somewhat subdued response, called the document a “personal reflection of the Pope” that is “not [to be] confused with the binding faith owed to the exercise of the magisterium.” The eminent Professor Roberto De Mattei said, “If the text is catastrophic, even more catastrophic is the fact that it was signed by the Vicar of Christ.” These assessments are accurate.
Should we be surprised?

            Anyone who followed the tumultuous 2014 and 2015 Synods will not be surprised at the Exhortation. The Synods, the synod press conferences, the synodal texts and the newly-released Exhortation represent one steady stream of modernist revolution.
What is a key problem with the document?

            Amidst great drifts of verbiage – some not bad, some remarkably tedious – Francis effectively canonizes situation ethics. He furtively opens the door for Communion to the divorced and remarried on a ‘case-by-case’ basis, which destroys key elements of Catholic Moral Theology. In particular, his approach undermines recognition of intrinsically disordered acts, and once this is undermined in one area, it is undermined in all areas. Progressivists immediately celebrated 
Amoris Laetitia as a “radical shift.”

Friday, 26 July 2013

What's the answer, Catholic Answers?

In follow-up to my various comments about those ill-advised Catholics well-known and not so well-known on radio, print media and blogs who have been using slurs against Catholics of a more traditional inclination, I am glad to see this from Christopher A. Ferrara of The Remnant.  I will say it again, those who are using the slur "rad-trad" or "mad-trad" or other such epithets are not doing the work of Christ and the Church but of those who are opposed. As long as they keep beating that snare drum of hate and mockery, it will be met here and challenged. Stop doing it, whether your Coffin or Shea or Staples or the self-published expert who will not be named, lest I give him any hits; you're all barking up the wrong tree. Preach the truth and fight the cause of the Church and stop this uncharitable, spiteful and hateful commentary against your fellow Catholics, particularly those who choose to worship within the Society of St. Pius X; as well of course of us who desire the restoration "of all things in Christ." The fact is that Staples is wrong, liturgy matters, the Reform of the Reform matters, the Traditional Latin Mass matters; Why? Because it is from this that it all flows. We must worship God in truth and beauty and reverence and dignity. It's as if you've allowed yourself to become some of Lenin's "useful idiots" and you are doing the Devil's work without even realising it. Yes, Freemasons in the Church Patrick, are an issue. Read your papal history. Modernism and Neo-Catholics are the same. This is not name-calling but very real words to describe the situation that prevails today. 

"In the midst of the post-conciliar neo-Modernist invasion of the Church, why did an organization that calls itself Catholic Answers devote two hours of expensive radio time on May 31 to a live talk show attacking, not Modernism, but “radical traditionalists”?  Why did the hosts of this show, Tim Staples and Patrick Coffin, dwell on a few Catholic adherents of the Society of Saint Pius X who (allegedly) lost their faith, while ignoring the “silent apostasy” that plagues the entire Western world—and this a half-century after the Council that was supposed to have made the faith more accessible to the masses? Why have Staples and Coffin planned another two hours of traditionalist bashing on August 12?  And why has Catholic Answers devoted not one minute of its live radio show to the grave threat a resurgent Modernism poses to the souls of Catholics, who continue to apostatize by the millions under its influence? The answer to these questions, in a word, is this: neo-Catholicism, a kind of well-mannered second cousin to Modernism. Inveterate Remnant readers will know what I mean by the term, but for newcomers to this controversy a bit of background is in order."


"Let us strain charity to the limit and allow that Coffin and Staples may have good intentions. Objectively speaking, however they ought to be ashamed of their demagogic grandstanding at the expense of fellow Catholics. Catholic Answers ought to terminate their campaign of calumniating “radical traditionalists” and “Mad-Trads,” who are merely victims of the ecclesial crisis, and direct its attention to the mass apostasy that afflicts the Church today, for which traditionalists bear no responsibility. Catholic Answers should begin that task of reparation with the two-hour show Coffin and Staples plan for August 12."


Finally, I know that there are people at Catholic Answers who find the antics of Coffin and Staples appalling and dearly wish that apostolate would embrace the cause of Tradition instead of what Michael Matt has called “cool Catholicism.” Our Nicodemus friends at Catholic Answers know that it is only the timeless Faith, and the ancient liturgy of apostolic origin that instantiates it, which can lead souls aright with absolute surety, not the time-bound novelties of the post-conciliar epoch, which were passé from the moment they first appeared. When the neo-Catholic establishment abandons its defense of novelty and joins traditionalists in seeking to recover what has been lost in the reigning diabolical confusion, the day of the Church’s emergence from the post-conciliar crisis will be near at hand. Until then, as Coffin and Staples have demonstrated, neo-Catholicism will remain a major impediment—perhaps the major impediment—to the immense task of restoring our devastated vineyard."

Read the whole essay here.