From LifeSiteNews:
Strickland recalled a conversion with the Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S., Cardinal (then Archbishop) Christophe Pierre, that happened two years ago. The conversation, as Strickland recalls it, shows that his removal may have been in the making for years.
“I can’t quote directly that he [Cardinal Pierre] said [the deposit of faith] doesn’t exist, but it definitely wasn’t an emphasis, and that’s what they were telling me two years ago: ‘Quit emphasizing this so much and get with the program.’ It’s what I heard. I mean, he didn’t use those words, but that’s what I heard,” the former bishop of Tyler said.
“And with this, what happened a week ago, His Eminence basically said, it was sort of: ‘You didn’t get the warning two years ago; Pope Francis has made his decision: You need to be relieved of your work as Bishop of Tyler.’”
“I said I can’t resign. I said I respect that, yes, the Holy Father, as Supreme Pontiff, has the authority, if he chooses to, to remove me from that office, and he did choose to do so.”
Arroyo asked Strickland if Cardinal Pierre offered any reason for the Pope’s request for him to resign.
“Yes. He read several pages of issues of concern,” Strickland replied.
“He was just sort of giving me information about what the decision was based on,” he continued.
He emphasized that Pierre “didn’t mention a single administrative concern” regarding his diocese. “He did mention a lack of ‘fraternity’ with my brother bishops, which I think basically comes down to […]: ‘I’m speaking up and they’re not.’”
“The fact that I didn’t implement Traditionis custodes” was another reason cited by Pierre, Strickland recalled.
“We have a few Latin Masses, and as I said, I felt like I couldn’t deprive that portion of the flock of the nourishment they were receiving,” he explained, adding that the Latin Mass parishes are “packed to the gills” with “great young families.” He also mentioned that there is one Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) parish in his diocese.
“So that’s accurate,” Strickland said. “I didn’t implement that. I think other bishops have not responded to that, as maybe the Vatican wishes.”
Another issue that Strickland mentioned was his lack of support for the heterodox Synod on Synodality.
“That’s one of the things that was listed: I wasn’t supportive of the synod,” he stated. “And, you know, I stand by that. As I said in one of the tweets, I said, ‘Why are we discussing things that shouldn’t be up for discussion?’ It’s settled truth that God is revealed to us, as far as everything I know.”
He mentioned that Pierre also cited Strickland’s “social media presence” as a reason for his dismissal.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Saturday, 18 November 2023
Sunday, 26 February 2023
"Basic violation of church order," Fr. Gerald K.Murray - - "Not the style of God," Bishop Thomas Tobin
Friday, 7 October 2022
Friday, 10 September 2021
Friday, 13 November 2020
Raymond Arroyo interviews Carlo Maria Viganò
Raymond Arroyo: Here to respond to the report, we’re pleased to be joined by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who joins us via phone. Your Excellency, thank you for being here. The report claims you did not come forward. That’s the quote to present evidence for this Vatican inquiry. Were you asked to provide information for this McCarrick report? Did anyone reach out to you?
Archbishop Viganò: I am surprised to discover that a report in which I am mentioned 306 times accuses me of not having presented myself to testify in this Vatican inquiry of Theodore McCarrick. But according to the norm of the canon law, the calling of witnesses is the responsibility of the one who is in charge of the process.
Raymond Arroyo: So, Archbishop, they never reached out to you then to ask you to contribute to the report, to interview you?
Archbishop Viganò: Yes, it is completely incomprehensible and anomalous that it was not considered opportune to call upon me to testify, but even more disturbing that this deliberate omission was then used against me. Let it not be said to me that I have made myself untouchable, because the secretary of state has my personal email address, which is still alive and never has been changed.
Furthermore, it is also significant to me that James Grein — the only victim of McCarrick’s sexual molestation who had the courage to denounce him publicly — does not appear in the report and that there is no trace of his testimony, in which he would also have reported the trip he made with McCarrick to St. Gallen at the end of the 1950s.
Raymond Arroyo: Hmm, interesting.
Archbishop Viganò: From public statements of James Grein, it is clear that the beginning of McCarrick’s climb — he was then a young, newly ordained priest — coincided with that visit to Switzerland, to a monastery that was later the site of the meeting of the conspirator of the so-called “Saint Gallen Mafia.” And according to the declaration deceased Cardinal Godfried Danneels, that group of prelates decided to support the election of Bergoglio, both after the death of John Paul II as well as during the conclave that followed the controversial resignation of Benedict XVI.
Then Cardinal McCarrick admitted to having supported the election of Cardinal Bergoglio at the beginning of the general congregations prior to the conclave that had been held a few months earlier.
I wonder what sort of reliability a judicial body can have that had such an obvious conflict of interest due to its past relationship with the accused.
How can [Pope] Bergoglio, and the Secretariat of State that
depends on him, pretend to appear impartial when McCarrick went to the Vatican
with an abnormal frequency? When, in June 2013, he was tasked with making that
diplomatic trip to China? And how can one not think that their repeated
attempts to cover up and denial of their responsibility, are the cause of the
systematic effort to discredit me as a witness in order not to bring to light
their complicity in circumstances that exist between them and the guys
Raymond Arroyo: Your Excellency, the Pope, according to the report, maintains that you did not inform him of McCarrick's activities or restrictions on McCarrick in June of 2013. The Pope was certain that you as nuncio “never told him that McCarrick had committed crimes against any person, whether adult or minor, or described McCarrick as a serial predator.” Your response?
Archbishop Viganò: This statement is absolutely false. First of all, it was Bergoglio himself, on June 23, 2013, who explicitly asked me my opinion of McCarrick. As I testify in my 2018 memoir, I answer him with complete frankness: “Holy Father, I don't know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops, there is a dossier this thick about him. The corrupt generation of seminarians and priest and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.”
The Pope did not make the slightest comment about those very grave words of mine and did not show any expression of surprise on his face, as if he had already known the matter for some time and he immediately change the subject. But then, what was the purpose in asking me that question: “What is Cardinal McCarrick like?” He clearly wanted to find out if I was an ally of McCarrick or not, of course. It should be noted that I had learned from McCarrick himself that Bergoglio had received him four days before my audience on the 23rd of June and that Bergoglio had authorized him to go to China.
What was then the point of asking me for an opinion when Bergoglio already had McCarrick in the highest esteem? And in May 2014, I learned from The Washington Times of a tweet made by McCarrick to the Central African Republic on behalf of the Department of State.
Beginning in 2008, Benedict XVI had ordered the American
cardinal to retire to a private life, not to celebrate or attend public events.
For this reason, I asked, I wrote to Cardinal Parolin, if the sanction against
McCarrick was still to be considered valid? That I had received no response
Raymond Arroyo: And Your Excellency, you saw the report says there’s no documentation of this. They don’t have documentation, so therefore they dispute it. You would say what to that?
Archbishop Viganò: Yes, I didn’t… I was not able to go all along the 400 pages in all the documents, but, you know, it’s interesting that they didn’t produce, in order to cover up also Cardinal Parolin, who didn’t answer to me. And from the report, I learned that McCarrick’s continued assignment and travels abroad were considered — this is stated in the report — they were considered by Archbishop Wuerl (Cardinal Wuerl) and even by Nuncio Sambi “as a sufficient form of removal” between quotation. That amazes me.
So the report continues, and I quote: “the indications were not ‘sanctions;’ they were not imposed by Pope Benedict XVI; McCarrick was never forbidden to celebrate Mass in public; McCarrick was not prohibited from giving lectures; Cardinal Re did not impose on McCarrick ‘the obligation’ of dedicating himself to a life of prayer and penance; and McCarrick remained free to conduct activities, including travel, with the permission of the Holy See, including the Nuncio,” as they stated. So, it means that despite the cardinal’s reprehensible conduct the Holy See did not consider it appropriate to take disciplinary measure against McCarrick, which confirms my demonstration of the corruption of the Curia.
Raymond Arroyo: Your Excellency, the report goes to great pains to paint you as somehow lax in investigating the claims of Priest 3 in 2012. Now the Vatican says you brought the concerns of this priest, who claimed he was abused by McCarrick, you brought those concerns to the Holy See, to Cardinal Ouellette, who instructed you to investigate them, but then he claims he never heard back from you. Did you avoid placing yourself, as the report says, “in a position to ascertain the credibility of Priest 3?” They said you never contacted the priest, the vicar general of Metuchen or the bishop as instructed. Your reaction?
Archbishop Viganò: It is obvious what my role was in bringing McCarrick’s scandal to light. And that I have always taken steps to report any information that came into my possession to the Holy See. I recall that we are talking about 2012, when I had just been appointed nuncio to the United States.
In the report I am accused, as you’ve said, of not having followed up on the request for information regarding the accusation made by Priest 3 — do not mention his name. This is absolutely false. It is the writers of the report themselves who provide the evidence of the deception they had concocted in order to strike and discredit me. In fact, in another place of the same report, it says that on June 13, 2013, I wrote to Cardinal Ouellette, sending him both the letter that Bishop Bootkoski had written to me as well as the letters he sent to Priest 3. I informed him that the civil case of Priest 3 had been dismissed without the possibility of appeal. And Bishop Bootkoski, of Metuchen, characterized the accusations of Priest 3 as false and slanderous.
I would like to emphasize one aspect in particular: Those who accuse me of not having sent a written communication to Bishop Bootkoski, the ordinary of the Priest 3 and bishop of Metuchen, know very well that this depends on the precise direction of the Secretariat of State.
They know equally well, as the report confirms, that there was a telephone communication between Bishop Bootkoski and me, about which I in turn informed Cardinal Wuerl.
It should not be forgotten that in those years there were lawyers who were not content to bring dioceses to judgment for crimes committed by priests, but who wanted to demonstrate that the Holy See itself — like the headquarters of a multinational company — held the ultimate responsibility for giving compensation to victims of molestation. The lawyer, Jeffrey Lena, who probably has worked very hard for this report.
Raymond Arroyo: This is fascinating and we’ll have to… I wish we had more time to explore this, but I do recall reading that reference that you make to the communication with Cardinal Wuerl, but I didn’t connect the two, and I imagine most people reading the report wouldn’t either. But that makes sense. There is a footnote, Your Excellency, that repeats your testimony, where you maintain in 2006 and 2008 you asked your superiors “to intervene as soon as possible by removing the cardinal's hat and reducing McCarrick to the lay state” in the full memorandum that they published. They claim you added, “if the allegations are true and proven.” Now, the report attempts to use this to undermine your testimony as some are maintaining. Your response to that? Does this in any way undermine your testimony that you qualified the penalty by saying, “if the accusations are proven true?”
Archbishop Viganò: Well, the accusation that were brought to
my attention, and previously to my predecessors, they proved that there was a
number of seminarians that were well known that had denounced the abuses of
Cardinal McCarrick. So for that, when I wrote in my report for 2006 and 2008 to
my superior, the secretary of state, I have no doubt, no doubt that there was
the case to proceed immediately after, of course, a due procedure, that was a
corresponding to the authority of the Pope himself to take very strong,
exemplary measures against Cardinal McCarrick. In fact, what I suggested in
2006 and 2008 has been accomplished. Ten years later, or more, 11 years later.
So that was proof that my judgment was absolutely correct on the situation.
Raymond Arroyo: Your Excellency, before I let you go, I’d like your reflections on the report placing the lion’s share of the blame for McCarrick’s rise in the Church at the feet of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. And when you read the report, as I did, it’s clear that there was a network of bishops here that remain unnamed who protected McCarrick, either through patronage or personal contacts — or perhaps they were fellow travelers, but this network seems to be firmly in place.
Archbishop Viganò: Yes, I mean, the intentions of the ones who drafted the report are clear: to pass off responsibility for the promotion of McCarrick to his predecessors. One of whom is deceased and canonized (John Paul II) and the other is so old and weak (Benedict XVI). The former cannot defend himself from the grave.
The disturbing thing is that, within the report itself, obviously put together by many hands, there are numerous contradictions. Enough to make the argument the report has little credibility. I wonder then who convinced John Paul II and then Benedict XVI not to take into account the serious accusations against McCarrick? Who had an interest in getting McCarrick promoted so that they could gain an advantage in terms of power and money? Someone probably made John Paul II believe that the accusations against McCarrick were fabricated following the model of the skeleton operation that communist Poland had already carried out against good bishops and priests who oppose the regime.
In the case of John Paul II, the main party interested in the promotion of McCarrick was definitely Cardinal Sodano. He was secretary of state until September 2006. All information came to him. In November 2000, he already had received information from Nuncio Montalvo for this report of the accusation of grave abuse committed by McCarrick. Let us not forget that in this period, the scandal of Father Maciel broke out, which Sodano sought to cover up by falsifying a statement of Benedict XVI.
I was present to that in which it was said that the pope considered the case closed. Benedict XVI called a plenary session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Cardinal Arinze, who was a member of that congregation at that time, succeeded in having Maciel condemned despite the opposition of the secretary of state. And after that, the name of Cardinal Sodano also appears in connection to a scandalous real estate speculation in the United States.
With regard to Benedict XVI, they want to have very direct access to the Pope where the secretary of state, Bertone, and the substitute Sandri were able to control and filter information about McCarrick and exert pressure on the Holy Father.
Regarding the situation of Pope Benedict, the report speaks for itself. The one — and it is stated in the report — the one who presented the question directly, of McCarrick, directly to Pope Benedict XVI, was Cardinal Bertone. Who, contrary to what I have repeatedly proposed — namely, that the very grave and detailed accusations against McCarrick required an exemplary canonical process leading to his removal from the cardinal college and his reduction to the lay state — led Pope Benedict to decide that no canonical process should be undertaken, nor should any canonical sanctions be proscribed, but that instead, and I quote, “a simple appeal to McCarrick’s conscience and ecclesial spirit” would be made.
And here yet another flagrant contradiction appears evident. How is it possible to reconcile a simple appeal to conscience with a form of instruction that was given both to the Nuncio Sambi and to me, according to which McCarrick could not reside in the seminary where he was living, could not participate in public activities, could not travel and had to lead a retired life of prayer and penance?
Raymond Arroyo: Mm-hmm.
Archbishop Viganò: The corruption at the highest level of the Vatican is so evident that it may want to consider the report as an unworthy attempt to make Bergoglio appear absolutely alien to the manipulation of the Curia — indeed, as a sort of implacable persecutor of the corrupt, while the evidence of the facts demonstrated the opposite.
Yes, I would like to also to note that the fact of blaming John Paul II for the appointment of McCarrick, despite the negative opinion of the Congregation for Bishops and its Prefect Cardinal Re, could be applied also to Jorge Bergoglio himself. About whom the Superior General of the Jesuits expressed strong reservatiosn. If Wojtyla made a mistake with McCarrick, and for this reason is considered implicitly responsible for the scandals that occurred, what happened? What prevented this judgment from also being extended to the promotion of Bergoglio as Bishop of Buenos Aires and then as a cardinal?
Let us remember that in the consistory of 2001 — and this is something really very suspicious — in addition to McCarrick and Bergoglio, other leading members of the Saint Gallen Mafia received the red hat.
Raymond Arroyo: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, we thank you for being here tonight and for your insights into this report, which are quite unique, and you had a front row seat to so much of what we’re seeing unfold. I thank you for being here. I hope you’ll come back again.
Archbishop Viganò: Thank you very much, Raymond. I’m very
pleased to be part of your program. Thank you.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Cardinal Napier, Rick Stika, poor excuses for Catholic bishops
During the first Synod on the Family, Cardinal Napier came to the attention of many for his defence of the family and European, particularly German, arrogance towards Africa.
Since then, Napier has been a disappointment, or perhaps we simply knew little about this man and he was, all along, just a bucket carrier for the Bergoglian mafia.
In a recent interview, Napier said that Raymond Arroyo's and The World Over is like a “throwback to the 1960s & 70’s” when radical Protestants “fulminated against [the] Catholic Faith in general, & [the] Pope in particular!”

Last week, Rick Stika called it "fake news. Rick Stika blocked @VoxCantoris on Twitter. I am back on Twitter under a different handle, he has blocked me again. Napier long ago blocked Vox on Twitter.
Silly little effeminate cowards.
A disgrace to the Church.
How dare they slander laymen who stand up for the Faith.
What enemies of Christ these men are.
Saturday, 3 November 2018
EWTN removes The World Over video of interview with Bishop Martin Holley - Did Wuerl who allegedly made "racist statements" put pressure on Bergoglio to remove him?
I tweeted this post to Raymond Arroyo and had a response that it could be seen at:
Father Z reports it back on in pieces.
If you don't like what I report, go away.
This past week's The World Over with Raymond Arroyo has been removed from YouTube by EWTN. The interview includes the "Papal Posse" of Arroyo, Father Gerald K. Murray and Robert Royal. I have not viewed the whole episode but fortunately, it resides on my PVR.
The other good news is that the portion which includes the interview with Bishop Martin Holley has been copied and is on Gloria TV which will not bullied.
Bishop Holley has still had no explanation for his removal but hints that racism is part of it.
There is much more to this story. Bishop Holley states that he believes that "it could be an act of revenge."
In 2012, Bishop Holley as Auxiliary of Washington was asked by Pope Benedict XVI to give his opinion on Donald Wuerl's suitability as Vatican Secretary of State. Holley states, "we have had our moments" about Donald Wuerl and referred to certain "racist statements" by Wuerl.
This is more coverup by Wuerl and Bergoglio.
If anyone has the whole program, please write me and post it.
Saturday, 18 August 2018
The problem IS Homosexuality
"It seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root." Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Raymond Arroyo and his Posse -- is a Vatican Commission coming?
Friday, 18 November 2016
Pope reported to be "boiling with rage" over the letter of the Four Cardinals and the public outing!
In an interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN's The World Over, Edward Pentin stated that his sources have confirmed with him that "Pope Francis not happy at all," with the letter of the four Cardinals on the matter of heretical clauses and sacrilegious actions in Amoris Laetitia. Pentin continued that he, the Pope, is "boiling with rage." He had been "given two months," to respond to the four, and has refused.
"Boiling with rage."
How very sad.
To you priests and bishops in Rome who are faithful to the Church and know first hand what is happening there, whom do you really serve by your silence?
Do you serve Christ and through Him, His flock for their salvation?
What are you afraid of?
Your priesthood is worth nothing if you allow this to continue.
You are sworn to obedience, but obedience to what? To this? To heresy? To error? To scandal? To sacrilege? These things you cannot obey even if the Pope of Rome demands it. Your allegiance is to Jesus Christ Our Lord and His Vicar insofar as His Vicar is in allegiance with Him.
We bloggers have been warning for over two years now on these matters. Only now, have we finally been joined and edified by Cardinals who have seen that after the situation in Buenos Aires and the Diocese of Rome, they can no longer sit by in silence.
Nor can you.
The Pope must be warned that, not only will history judge him in the most harshest of terms, but so will God.
You have a duty. If you cannot encourage this Pope to listen then you must do what the Cardinals have done. Follow Scripture and "take it to the Church," and that means publicly and not "anonymously." You must put your name on your charges and not hide in the shadows.
Your souls also depend on it.
"Boiling with rage."
Think on that.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Pope's comments on marriage are "reckless ... troubling" and an "unacceptable opinion"
Conservative NovusOrdoIsm is waking up to our reality!
Monday, 18 April 2016
Murray, Royal and Arroyo - telling it as it is!
Raymond Arroyo: What do you expect the reaction to be among canonists, among bishops and how do they register the critiques that I'm hearing and the concerns to the pope in a way that could reach him and possibly reshape or read just this document.
Fr. Gerald Murray: This is the effort I think all of us who are concerned want to see happen, which is to tell the pope that flattery would mean we keep our mouths closed and say nothing, but gospel frankness, remember that word he used in the Synod, “parrhesia," the gospel frankness calls upon us to say, “Holy Father either you been poorly advised or you have an incomplete conception of this issue. We know that we can share some information with you.” But the thirteen or so Cardinals (including Father Murray's Dolan and Toronto's Cardinal Collins - Vox) who wrote to the Pope at the beginning of the last Synod, I mean that’s the perfect kind of example I think is going to happen. Also you know canon 220 - all the faithful have the right to express their opinions about matters in Church life. This is good that this be debated and brought forward in the press. …St. Thomas is used in Chapter eight to justify this new approach (in the Exhortation). I can't believe that a good group of Thomists won’t be having a response to that I don't want to criticize the pope. I think the pope is a wonderful man. I think he's a holy man in so many ways. I hope to be a good man and holy myself. I don't judge, but what I will say is when you do something in public that contradicts what your predecessor did, there has to be an accounting for it and a responsibility to upholding the gospel and I think that's what many bishops, Cardinals and priests will call for.