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Showing posts with label Cardinal Lacroix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinal Lacroix. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Quebec's hair-dyed Cardinal and Primate of Canada cancels all Christmas Masses!

For the first time since 1608, there will be no Holy Mass on Christmas in the Diocese of Quebec.

If this doesn't send this pompous, corpulent, episcopal hireling to a hellish judgement then perhaps it would be for a man, born in 1957, colouring his hair. 

Primate of Canada, he is.

What a stinking disgrace.

List of SSPX in Quebec is here:

List of SSPX Chapels - District of Canada

Archdiocese of Quebec City cancels all Christmas Masses in order to 'fight against' COVID-19 - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix asks "who are we to judge?" You're an Apostle of Jesus Christ, that's "who!"

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix, the Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada is a man deluded by political correctness and a mind of modernist confusion; a man that another generation of Quebec Churchmen would have sent off to a monastery for serious rehabilitation and a life of prayer and work. 

In an interview on the matter of a person asking for medically assisted murder/suicide, he said, "who are we to judge?" on the matter of them having a Catholic funeral


Suicide, is a mortal sin. There are mitigating factors, however, to the culpability of the individual. Given our understanding of mental illness and depression, some of those who took their lives are tortured souls, irrational, suffering from psychosis, great stress or other serious mental illness. They may feel trapped, may be goaded into committing such an act, bullied, threatened, insane. There are multiple reasons that would cause a person to commit such an irrational act. For these poor souls, there can, on our part, only be compassion and sorrow and a trust in the mercy of God.

Someone who asks to be murdered under my pathetic nation's new euthanasia law is totally different. That person, knowingly, intentionally and willfully takes their own life. They are of sound mind; in fact, the so-called "law' requires it! They not only have the mortal sin of their own suicide but they are culpable for asking someone to murder them. They are obstinate in sin, they have committed the ultimate sin, the rejection of the Holy Spirit and objectively speaking, every single one is in Hell.

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix is a coward, a pathetic man who in another era of great Quebecois churchmen would have been slapped by men such as St. Francoise Laval and I dare say, St. Andre of Montreal. A man who has long forgotten the admonishment by the Prophet Ezeckiel, 3:18:

"If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand."

Will Gérald Lacroix spend an eternity in the lowest pits of Hell with those whom he did not "judge," screaming back at him in anger for not preaching against what they did to themselves? The Prophet Ezeckiel says it without any hesitation.

Gérald Lacroix, a pathetic churchman with incredibly black hair for someone of his age.

Does he, or doesn't he?

Image result for cardinal lacroix

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Canada's Primate named Cardinal

At today's Angelus in Rome, Pope Francis announced the new cardinals to be installed at the next consistory and included is the Primate of Canada, the 24th successor of François de Laval, Canada's first resident prelate, Archbishop Gérald Cyprien Lacroix . Cardinal Lacroix

Pictured upon his installation as Archbishop with Marc Cardinal Ouellet, he met Pope Francis in July and when finding out he was Archbishop of Quebec, the Pope said, He said when he introduced himself as the archbishop of Quebec, "the Pope replied, 'Ah, Quebec! Land of missions, a land that has known many great missionaries!'"

Archbishop Lacroix said he indicated to the Pope that Quebec wants to continue in the footsteps of the great missionaries, and the Pope responded, "Quebec must rise again."

"He would like us Quebecers to find again our faith that gave us life and that built our country," Archbishop Lacroix said. "We have to find again our roots of faith, rise again as Christians and find once again the Gospel in our lives."

The 56 year old prelate was named Archbishop nearly three years ago and was an Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec only two years before that. Canada has  been blest twice this week, with the appointment of the new Auxiliary Bishop of Ottawa and now our new Cardinal. Both these men are solidly faithful and are at the forefront to lead the new evangelisation in Quebec and all of Canada.

God bless Cardinal Lacroix.

God bless Canada.

St. Joseph, St. Andre, St. Margurite, Blessed Francois Laval, pray for Canada.