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Showing posts with label Michael Voris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Voris. Show all posts

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Implosion of Church Militant

Two weeks after the departure of Michael Voris and a month after that of Christine Niles, Church Militant TV appears to be imploding. Five staff were fired yesterday and others walked out in protest. Some have threatened to go public and then did not and some revelations which have come out are all pretty disgusting.

As I've written before, Voris came to my aid once. I returned the favour and defended him when I thought him genuine. I don't regret what I did at the time. I regret it now, because soon after, I became aware of actions on his part that were destructive, poisonous and vicious. He lied and tried to destroy the life and vocation of a friend. Voris failed, my friend, with God, prevailed.

The rest is a sordid tale and I am sure that many are rejoicing in his demise and that of the organization. Others are saddened by it. It has been years since I had any link from this blog there. My regrets and apologies for any support I ever gave. I can only say that I eventually came to enough knowledge to shut down anything to do with him. Voris lied to all of us, even when we tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I apologise to my friend and to everyone for ever promoting anything from Voris or Church Militant. Anything promoting him has been removed from this blog.

Everything here is true. 

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Some thoughts on Michael Voris

As you probably know by now, Michael Voris has been ousted by St. Michael's Media/Church Militant for violating a "morality clause." Voris released a video which can be found on his X account as did Christine Niles who apparently left the company a few weeks ago. 

I first met Michael in 2012. I was the Cantor at a traditional Latin Mass community where he had heard about the pastor and had him visit Detroit and appear on a video for a chat about the traditional Mass. Michael would visit the parish and there were at least two fundraisers organized by people there for what was then Real Catholic TV, later renamed. I knew him from these visits and fundraisers as well as conferences in Toronto. During that time, I did not suspect anything untoward about him. 

For those newer readers, in February 2015, a papal spokesman, head of Salt + Light Television, and Basilian priest Thomas J. Rosica launched a lawsuit against me for alleged defamation.


The Priest vs. The Blogger: A Case in Canadian Conflict – Catholic World Report

Vatican Spokesman Threatens to Sue Catholic Blogger (breitbart.com)

Uneasy Truce: Vatican Spokesman Will Not Sue Canadian Blogger for Public Criticism| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)

That evening, after hearing it from a mutual friend, Michael Voris contacted me to help. Michael and I, my wife, and that loyal friend collaborated on a plan. He was instrumental in creating pushback from bloggers all around the world in multiple languages. The publicity generated and the legal strategy that followed forced Rosica into a humiliating public retreat. Funny enough, it still appears on his Wikipediathough not with the bold sub-heading, as previously.

A year later, I defended Voris against the advice of someone dear to me. He had made the decision to "out" himself before an expected public outing regarding his sodomitical past that was about to break. There was an effort then by some associated with St. Michael's Media to have him leave quietly and prevent the scandal. Voris refused. He was media savvy and understood how one had to get out in front of a story. He did and it worked. I owed the man my thanks and I stood by him. I remember the day specifically and the telephone call tipping me off to what was coming. I do not regret standing by him. I have a sense of loyalty. After all, while not suffering from the sins of his past, I have my own, we all do. 

But, it was not long after that I saw and became aware of certain other matters. Some were public, such as his irrational and almost pathological attack on the Society of St. Pius X, notwithstanding any failings by specific clerics. In addition to that, there was a falling out of any sense of cooperation and camaraderie with other Catholics in the new media. Nobody seemed good enough for Michael. The laudable goal by Michael Matt to "unite the clans" fell on deaf ears in Detroit. I stopped following Voris, removed links from here to there, and stopped any communication. Simon Rafe and others associated lacked any sense of loyalty to me in communications. It was time to permanently cut my ties. 

But there is more that cannot be discussed other than this.

I am keenly aware of something greater here and I see the hand of Almighty God in it. One of God's servants had been terribly persecuted and lied about and in this, Voris had a hand, a very big hand. I am angered by what he did. Niles and Rafe were his minions when I approached them about it and they were cultlike in their defense of him and attacked me for daring to question their motives.  There was an attempt to destroy a good man. I am still upset by it all. Yet, this man bore this persecution with faith, love, patience, humility, and personal suffering. throughout. His steadfastness has now been rewarded as he is restored in every way, no; in even better ways. God is good and has reached down and picked up his servant and washed him in the salve of love and mercy and set him on a new road to carry out His work. 

At the same time that this restoration was underway, another had begun - the humiliation of Michael Voris is a result of his own hubris, arrogance, ego, and narcissism. It is the same with the aforementioned Thomas Rosica who through his "plagiarism" (this writer was the first to expose it here), was brought down low. Both of these men despised each other as the record shows. Both of these men have had their public reputations degraded by their own actions. Both of them unjustly attacked innocent men. As God was not finished with that good man and restored him, and protected me and my family God is not finished with Thomas Rosica or Michael Voris. May their well-deserved humiliation and degradation work for their salvation.

Pray for all involved. 

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Voris and the SSPX

I have refrained from any comment because Michael Voris once came to my aid. It was when Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, attempted to sue me and my family into poverty. Voris gave advice, sound advice I should add, and a vehicle to create pressure against the derelict Rosica.

However, the continuous attacks on the Society of St. Pius X have come to the point of being pathological. Whatever issues of sexual perverts or incorrect procedures are not the issue. They had no more and very many fewer than other orders. One is too many. We know that. But the continuing attack at this time, in particular, is repugnant without merit and justice.

He needs to stop.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Perscuted Priests Speak Out.



Monday, 27 April 2020

SSPX: Allegations of cover-up or stonewalling of criminal investigation is "false!"

In my continuing effort to be fair and balanced in the matter of ChurchMilitant's reporting on allegations of sexual abuse and cover-up by some in the Society of St. Pius X, I present here, the latest response from officials in the Society and comment.


The scourge of perversion, predation and sexual abuse in the Church must be cut out. We know that it has reached the highest levels. Theodore McCarrick is not the first prelate to have been found out, only the most prominent and recent. The cover-up of McCarrick's actions even reached Francis Bergoglio himself. Why would we doubt that even in the Society, sodomites embedded themselves? Others, for whatever reason, whether in denial and acting in good faith to prevent scandal, did not make public reports. Did some act maliciously? Maybe. 

As we were told by St. Gregory the Great; "It is better to let scandal arise than truth to be suppressed." 

Just as this disease has infected our dioceses and religous orders and does not change the truth of the Faith, so it is that any malefactors in the Society of St. Pius X, whomever they may be, do not change the good work done by 99.9% of the priests, nuns and religous and the faithful Catholic communities. 

Sunday, 28 October 2018


The era of the homosexual pervert bishop, the coverup and the financial corruption is about to be exposed.

Donald Trump is being used by God to serve His Holy will.

May He be praised.

This will reach Bergoglio.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Come on now Blase, don't be a cupich

You know about this, right? 

Father Kalcik, You are a priest forever, after the Order of Melchizedek. ThisCupich won't last, he's a bully, an effeminate, a rageful homosexualist and an unmerciful, uncharitable fraud and a disgrace to the priesthood and on top of all that, a pretty stupid man.

Be brave Father, Christ has your back.

There are many faithful, no doubt, who will be there with you.


Image result for Fr. Kalchik

ImageCHICAGO (ChurchMilitant.com) - Church Militant confirmed Saturday that Fr. Paul Kalchik, pastor of Resurrection Parish in Chicago, has fled his parish and gone into hiding, one day after two chancery priests threatened him that if he did not get psychiatric treatment, Cdl. Blase Cupich would ensure he'd be taken away by police.
"The full frontal attack took place this evening, and the attack resulted in me not saying the evening Mass, nor leading the Rosary Benediction," Fr. Kalchik told Church Militant Friday night about the confrontation with Msgr. Dennis Lyle and Fr. Jeremy Thomas, both vicars for priests.

Displaying cupich letter.jpg_large

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

"You cannot trust what you are hearing from Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica." - and more about "irregular families"

The beginning of the second week came to a screeching halt in the press hall when Fr. Federico Lombardi and Fr. Thomas Rosica had to address the news of a letter that had been signed by a number of cardinals last week saying, 
In fact, whenever anything happens of controversy in the Synod Hall among the bishops, Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica say nothing, reveal nothing, talk about none of it. They are masters at their profession of manipulating and orchestrating the flow of information to the media.
Fr. Lombardi hadn't told them about it, Lombardi simply answered, "I don’t have to tell you anything I don't want to."
And the point here is this: You cannot trust what you are hearing from Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica.
Why all the secrecy, the deception, the stacking of the deck? These are legitimate questions, and the Vatican has a duty to deal in a straightforward fashion, not play duck and weave when it comes to information.
So far, the press has heard very little from Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica except those heterodox positions. ... Meanwhile, those cardinals who oppose this heterodoxy are not heard from, aren't brought to the press briefings, and their concerns and objections are not reported by Frs. Lombardi and Rosica. It's like dealing with the KGB information officer.
Every day, reporters gather into the press hall to essentially be presented propaganda from heterodox Churchmen, who use the Vatican's Press Office to muzzle orthodox dissent from within the Synod Hall. 
Is Father Rosica saying that we need to accept this as a "family?"
(Vox's artwork over their posteriors)
Fr. Rosica and his non-stop drum-banging to keep the issue of homosexuality alive in the press room. Not a day goes by that he doesn't introduce heterodox language about gay sex into the press hall discussion.
Most recently, attributing it to the discussions in the Hall, Fr. Rosica said we have to begin to accept the changing understanding of family. He spoke of single-parent families, and, of course, managed to slip in (like he always does) his daily dose of sodomite propaganda: "same-sex families." Rosica is constantly jamming — a term developed by militant homosexuals which means constantly injecting into the conversation incorrect vocabulary that blurs the lines. 

There is no such thing as a same-sex family. Families are modeled on the Holy Family, not the current societal trendy flavor of the month, especially one as twisted and perverse as children submitted to two men having sex.
But Michael, Father Rosica said that the Holy Family was "irregular"
Rosica has to go — and while they're at it, so does most of the staff at the press hall. Until they start being more open and transparent, as well as more orthodox, they aren't worth listening to.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

What say you Timothy Dolan, Bravo, Brava?

In one of the shorter Vortex's in memory, Michael nails it. The photo below is disgusting and it was taken on the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Two men "engaged" in perversion and sodomy and in our holy place right over the tomb of St. Peter!

Wretched filthy sodomites!

But then, who am I to judge, eh?

Timothy Dolan, what say you about this?

Perhaps it was a former bellhop who took the picture.