A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Showing posts with label Persecution of Christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persecution of Christians. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Deus, Deus meus

Let us remember our Coptic brothers and sisters who today cried out the same as Our Blessed Lord and who shared in His Blood.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Iraqi Christians raise the Cross on Virgin Mary Church!

"Blessings and honour and glory and power be unto him. Amen."

Who sat by whilst these people lost their lands, those their homes, their churches, their children? 

Who did this to them? 

Who funded the monsters? 

Who delivered to them, their weaponry?

Who stood by and played golf whilst this happened?

Accursed be them.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Let us now turn to Iraq

The modern Iraqi nation was a creation of the British and French under Sykes-Picot. It was cobbling together of various ethnicities which failed to respect historical and tribal regions upon the collapse of the Ottoman Empire formalised in 1920 by the League of Nations. It was for European control over people and oil and an early example of the evil Globalism we are now experiencing, then advocated so much by the American President and "progressive," Woodrow Wilson.

Interspersed in this post are some pictures taken in the last few days to encourage you that, notwithstanding that, the evil that we have inflicted upon these people, they have not lost their faith and God has not abandoned them.

We, in the West (Europe, Canada and America) have long exploited these people. We have used them for our own gain and have disrespected their heritage and independence.

Saddam Hussein was a brutal man, a despot, to be sure. He kept a diverse nation-state united by his terror, not unlike Tito in the former Yugoslavia. To consider just the state of Christians in Iraq, they did not suffer, they were not persecuted. On the plains of Nineveh, they were the oldest indigenous Christians in the world, descendants of our father Abraham and taught the faith by St.Thomas the Apostle.

Saddam Hussein was never a threat to America. He was not behind 9-11. That was the Saudis. How did Americans fall for that lie by George W. Bush? Iraq should never have been invaded. George Bush will be held do account for what he unleashed and the blood pouring from his hands. Barrack Hussein Obama has even more blood on his hands for what he did - abandoning a broken state, a state broken by his predecessor which he, America, had the moral duty to defend and protect, having broken it in the first place. Do not underestimate the evil perpetuated in Iraq, and Syria, by Turkey and Erdogan who have lusted after a new Ottoman age.

As you read this, Iraq forces are beginning to take back control of towns and villages on the way to Mosul. Church bells are ringing in these villages and Christians are gathering in prayer in Baghdad.

How much blood. The West, lead by American, destroyed this land.

My next post will feature the murder of children by ISIS in dough mixtures and roasted alive in ovens. All done while that malefactor Barrack Hussein Obama sat by and watched it happen.

How is God going to deal with us, in the West, who have caused so much grief in the East? 

Can we really be so smug as to think that we are innocent in this? 

Turn now then to Max J. Joseph, an Assyrian writer and artist and consider this for the future of this long-suffering people.

What the minorities of Nineveh truly want is to be free from the shackles of being called “minorities”. They don’t want protection, they want empowerment. They don’t want rhetoric, they want demonstrable equality. Iraq must be given a new start after the false one in 2003. A country can usually be judged by how it treats its worse-off citizens, and so far, Iraq has done little to merit praise in this respect. To prevent the state sinking once more into a sectarian mess, Assyrians and other groups who have had so much taken from them should have their dignity restored by being allowed to live and prosper in their own lands free from destabilizing external influences.
Long term interests are aligned here, and these must not be sacrificed by the GoI under Abadi for short-term political gains. The NPU was not established as a temporary force, it is here to stay. Assyrians within it who have taken up arms, along with the thousands who wait patiently to be accepted into its ranks (ranks only limited by support and funding, not desire) are doing so because want they to establish themselves in a country that has forgotten its identity. It is now time to build faster than those preoccupied with destruction.
Read all of it at:


Friday, 20 November 2015

More killing in the name of the false god - whom do you believe?

Once again we awake to the news that more people are slaughtered in the name of the Islamic god and its false prophet, Mahomet. This time, the victims are in Mali. Reports indicate as in the mall Islamic hordes attack in Kenya, if one can recite a Koranic verse, one is set free.

Yet, we are told by Cardinal Parolin that the Year of Mercy is for Muslims too and from Tom Rosica that their vile chant that their god is greater is not a call to war. Whom do you believe; them, or Aquinas

How about a Catholic and Islamic Scholar Andrew Bieszad who reads and speaks Arabic; would his views make sense? Did you know that Mohammed admitted that Satan influenced him and his Satanic verses?

Is Aquinas too long ago? Then perhaps Parolin and Rosica might want to consult a contemporary and a Jesuit!

Although it can be persuasively argued that ISIS is an aberration of Islam and only followed by a minority, “it is Islamic,” said Jesuit Father Samir Khalil Samir, a scholar of Islam and pro-rector of the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome.  ISIS’ first aim, he stressed, is to re-create the caliphate of Baghdad — that is, make it into a single, theocratic, one-world government, as proposed by many devout Muslims.
“Muslims who say this has nothing to do with Islam are simply trying to liberate their consciences to say they disagree with them,” he told the Register. “That they disagree is fine, but to say ISIS are not representing Islam is wrong. They are not representing the whole Islam; no one represents the whole Islam. The same could be said for Christians. But what is for sure is that they do have a fundament in the Islamic tradition, sometimes clearly taking instructions from the Quran, such as when they kill a nonbeliever.”
What ISIS is doing can, therefore, be “found in the original Muslim tradition,” Father Samir added. Although elements of the Old Testament are “unacceptable” to Catholics today, if interpreted literally, for Muslims, “the Quran, or everything which Muhammad did, is divine.” And whereas Catholicism and other religions reinterpret texts for today and read them in context, that is not the case with Islam.

Ah, dhimmitude. Ignoring reports that the Muslim monsters in Paris disemboweled people whilst still alive at the theatre but you are told that chanting that their "god is greater" before they disembowel doesn't mean what it means.


Look, there are only two choices. You must either be Christian and specifically Catholic or you must become Muslim. Secularism cannot win this fight. It will eventually succumb because the Muslim will is greater. Only robust and evangelical Catholicism can repel this existential threat. 

Not every Muslim is a murdering terrorist; but nearly every murdering terrorist is a Muslim.

There are good Muslims, but it is not because of their false religion and its false prophet, it is in spite of them both.

The Pope is wrong. Parolin is wrong. Tom Rosica is wrong. They are not even reading the Documents of the Second Vatican Council when it comes to salvation. They prefer instead the finely nuanced language that Muslims believe in "one" god and that they "profess" it to be the God of Abraham. If it is the One True God of Abraham as best, it is a severely distorted view and at worst is is the devil himself.

Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door. -Ad  Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.

Basing itself upon Sacred Scripture and Tradition, it teaches that the Church, now sojourning on earth as an exile, is necessary for salvation. Christ, present to us in His Body, which is the Church, is the one Mediator and the unique way of salvation. In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism (124) and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church.- Lumen Gentium 14, Vatican Council II

Imagine that. They can't even follow the Council that they have set up as their god. Why do they not do what the Second Vatican Council taught?

We are reaping this whirlwind because the Church has not followed the Fatima message. Rome will be attacked. St. Peter's will be sacked. The Pope will walk over dead bodies and will be killed. This Pope? We cannot be sure. This, the Church has already acknowledged in the parts released. What has not been released? Is it who the perpetrators actually are due to their ecumaniacal, religious indifferent and inter-faith heresy of Freemasonry?

What else can it be when we look back on the last 60 plus years?

Russia has a great role to play in all of this. The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary must be done. It will be done, but it will be late. 

Russia is the only nation that has the potential because of its culture, strength, knowledge of history and reviving Christian faith to lead. The Consecration of Russia will "convert" Holy Mother Russia back to Catholic unity. Then grace will flow and it will be Russia that will then cleanse Europe and the West and beat back these Islamist hordes one final time. It is absurd to think of Russia as our, the West's enemy. We have a common faith, a common history, a common culture and a common enemy. Nobody wants to see war with Islamists, but we cannot sit by any longer and become victims of this existential threat.

May we live to see the dawning of the thousand years and the era of peace under the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Ya Yassou'a

This is a still from the video put out by the Islamic butchers who did this in the name of the false prophet and antichrist Mahomet. Note the translation: "The people of the cross, the followers of the hostile Egyptian Church." That's rich. The Coptic Church was founded by St. Mark the Evangelist. Egypt was Christian before Rome!

A contact in Syria watched the whole video.

It will comfort you to know that as they were being slaughered they could be heard praying the Lords Prayer and shouting out "Ya  Yassou'a" -- Oh Jesus!

Pope Francis has issued a statement:

Speaking in Spanish to an ecumenical delegation from the Church of Scotland, the Holy Father noted those killed only said “Jesus help me.”
“They were murdered just for the fact they were Christians,” Pope Francis said.
“The blood of our Christian brothers is a witness that cries out,” said the Pope.  “If they are Catholic, Orthodox, Copts, Lutherans, it is not important: They are Christians. The blood is the same: It is the blood which confesses Christ.''
Pope Francis said that in remembering “these brothers who have been killed simply for confessing Christ,” Christians should encourage one another in the ecumenical goal, noting the “ecumenism of blood.”

“The martyrs are from all the Christians,” he said.

There names are now written in the Book.

They are:

1- Samuel Ilham Wilson
2- Izzat Boshry Nassif
3- Luqa Nagati
4- Issam Badar Samir
5- Malak Farag Ibrahim
6- Sameh Salah Farouq Manqrowis
7- Gaber Munir Adli
8- Maged Slaiman Shihata
9- Abanub Ayad Attiya
10- Youssef Shokry Younan
11- Hany Abdel Massih Salib
12- Kerollos Boshry Fawzy
13- Milad Makin Zaki
14- Makram Youssef Tawadros
15- Samuel Estefanos Kamel
16- Bishoy Estefanos Kamel
17- Mina Fayez Aziz
18- Malak Ibrahim Tanyut
19- Guirguis Milad Tanyut
20- Bishoy Adel
21- An African Christian brother

Source: Maspero Youth Union

Friday, 30 January 2015

Where is the outrage?

Photo 1: A Filipina scalded with boiling water by her Saudi ARAB Islamist employer for being late with his coffee.

maid abused with boiling water

Photo 2: Asia Bibi continues to await her execution in Pakistan for alleged "blashphemy" against someone impossible to blaspheme.

Photo 3: Mary Wagner who pricks the conscience of the state by reminding one and all that babies are being murdered under the law this very minute as you read this.

Picture 4: The Vicar of Christ and Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio on Wednesday at the Vatican being entertained by a circus troupe.

Picture 5:

Monday, 19 January 2015

Why Does No-one Remember the Assyrian Victims of Ottoman Turkey's Christian Holocaust?

As you read below this article from October 2014 and scan the old photos, ask yourself, have you seen these images lately? Who was behind it then? Who is behind it now?

By Uzay Bulut

October 28, 2014 12:10 GMT

You may have heard of the Armenian genocide. You've probably heard of Stalin's starvation of the Ukrainians, and the atrocities committed by the European empires in Africa. You've definitely heard of the Holocaust.

Yet chances are you've never heard of the Assyrian genocide, even though this was just as brutal and costly. It was perpetrated alongside the Armenian massacre, yet only one of the twin programmes has lived on in infamy.

The Assyrian genocide occurred 100 years ago, and decimated a people whose territory stretched from the areas now known as Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Egypt. Today, this very same area is the world's fiercest conflict zone, the wounds which opened a century ago showing no sign of healing.

Which makes it all the more important that we remember the horrors inflicted on the Assyrians all those years ago.

Ethnic cleansing

Historians today describe the Assyrian Genocide as a programme of extermination carried out by the Ottoman Empire upon the Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian populations. All three peoples were Christian, and the Ottomans attempted to wipe them out during a wider ethnic cleansing campaign, which also included the Armenian and Greek genocides.

The Assyrian extermination campaign actually lasted from 1914 to 1923, Turkey's rulers carrying on the killing long after their empire had been dismantled. The death toll varies depending which historical scholar or record you consult.

"Estimates on the overall death toll vary, with some contemporary reports placing the figure at 270,000, and estimates range to as many as 750,000," reported Dr. Israel W. Charny, the editor of two-volume Encyclopedia of Genocide and executive director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide.

Charny groups the Assyrian Genocide together with the massacre of Greeks and Armenians in a "Christian Holocaust", which he claims was "the precursor to the Jewish Holocaust in WWII." 
"To this day, the Turkish government ostensibly denies having committed this genocide" Charny adds.

Ottoman Jihad against native Christian populations

Sabri Atman, who is also one of the most well-known lecturers on the Assyrian Genocide, said in an interview with the Armenian Weekly this year that the Ottoman Empire was bent on "ethnically annihilating all non-Muslim citizens living under the Ottoman occupation, with the objective of homogenising Turkey in accordance with their goal to create a nation of 'One Religion'.

"Their motto was 'One Nation, One Religion.' To achieve their goal, jihad (or holy war) was declared on Nov. 14, 1914 in all of the Ottoman mosques... The main plot was to get rid of all the Christian minorities of Turkey,."

Atman added that "Denial is a form of continuation of the genocide. It is to be killed twice."

Hannibal Travis, a Professor of Law at Florida International University, wrote an article on the Assyrian Genocide in 2006, suggesting that "the Ottoman Empire's widespread persecution of Assyrian civilians during World War I constituted a form of genocide... a deliberate and systematic campaign of massacre, torture, abduction, deportation, impoverishment, and cultural and ethnic destruction.

"Established principles of international law outlawed this war of extermination against Ottoman Christian civilians before it was embarked upon, and ample evidence of genocidal intent has surfaced in the form of admissions by Ottoman officials.

"Nevertheless, the international community has been hesitant to recognize the Assyrian experience as a form of genocide."

Finally, a monument

An Assyrian genocide monument, in memory of the Assyrian victims of the Christian genocide of the Ottoman Empire during World War One, was erected on 19 October in Athens. The monument's opening was attended by Kyriakos Betsaras, the president of the Assyrian Union of Greece,  as well as the current and former Mayors of Athens.

Assyrian Monument vandalised in Sydney, Australia in 2101.
Sabri Atman spoke at the ceremony, called on "Turkey and all nations around the world to recognise this historical reality," adding: "In recent years, Assyrians have been working diligently towards greater public awareness and worldwide recognition of the Assyrian Genocide.

"The ethnic extermination of hundreds of thousands of our people and the destruction of our lands forever changed the demographics of the area we called home for thousands of years. We Assyrians standing here today are the children of a nation which was almost completely eliminated from the face of the earth," he said.

"I'm also proud to stand in front of you today knowing that over 20 countries have officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. It is my hope that in the future, countries will continue to follow in this pattern, and will also include the recognition of Assyrians and Greeks as victims of the same Genocide."

Monuments commemorating the victims of the Assyrian genocide have also been erected in Sweden, Belgium, France, Armenia, Australia, Wales and the United States. Whether Turkey follows suit, however, remains to be seen.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Archbishop of Jos calls on world not to forget those who suffer, urges action to stop Boko Haram

Msgr Ignatius Kaigama talks about the suffering of a country hit by Islamist violence. For the prelate, what is going on "is not a clash between Christians and Muslims", but the result of an increasingly powerful group that is willing to attack anyone who stands in its way. He wants greater international commitment and "determination to halt terrorism."

Jos (AsiaNews) - "Do not forget that we are here, that we are suffering, that many people have been killed, that many have become displaced, that they do not have a place to live. We need help and practical support to put an end to attacks," said Mgr Ignatius Kaigama, archbishop of Jos, Nigeria, who spoke to AsiaNews about the violence perpetrated by the Islamist group Boko Haram in the Central African nation.

The prelate said the world has to show more determination to halt the group's advance in Nigeria. For him, the international community has to show the same spirit and resolve it showed after the attacks in France.

His warning comes after three young female suicide bombers, one reportedly aged 10, killed 20 more people in Maiduguri and Potiskum.

The Nigerian army too has called for the intervention of the international community against Boko Haram, to avert further bloodshed like the incident on 3 January in the city of Baqa, in the northeast of the country.

When the Islamists raided the town, which is in Borno State, they killed hundreds and forced tens of thousands to flee. So far there is no final count, but more than 2,000 people have been already killed.

According to a Nigerian military, concerted action is needed to eliminate the evil of boko Haram. Similarly, UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon said he was appalled by reports of the killings in Baga and condemned what he called "the depraved acts of Boko Haram terrorists".

For the archbishop of Jos, actions must target the growing violence in the African country, which threatens to plunge it into chaos. "Do not forget that we are here, that we are suffering," Mgr Kaigama explained, "that many people have been killed, that many have become displaced" and are in need of help.

For the prelate, Boko Haram is growing. "They captured local governors. They are hitting their targets. They have increasingly sophisticated weapons. They have adopted different strategies to attack ordinary people" and use even girls and boys.

"Muslims in Nigeria do not support and do not encourage this type of violence," Mgr Kaigama noted. Many imams have spoken out on several occasions to condemn the attacks. They are "speaking in an increasingly loud and clear voice against Boko Haram, but we need greater determination to halt terrorism."

"The problem is not a clash between Christians and Muslims," the prelate explained. We have "an Islamist terrorist group that attacks anyone who stands in its way or does not work with them wholeheartedly."

"Attacks are increasing. For this reason, security must be beefed up," he said. "We hope that the government and leaders of the international community will do something to put an end to the violence."

In October, Nigerian authorities announced a possible cease-fire with Boko Haram terrorists, in connection with the possible release of more than 200 schoolgirls abducted in Chibok, in Borno, last April. The truce would have allowed the country to hold presidential and legislative elections in February.

However, the self-styled leader of the Islamist movement, Abubakar Shekau denied that any deal was in the works, and violence continues unabated.

Founded in 2002, the extremist group fought first against Western education. Loosely translated, in Hausa Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden".

Since 2009, it has launched attacks and carried out military actions with the aim of creating an Islamic state.

Its operations have claimed thousands of lives, particularly in north-eastern Nigeria, targeting police and security forces. It has even attacked UN offices in the capital Abuja.

So far, at least three million people have been affected in various ways by Islamist violence. (DS)

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Islam's war on Christ's people

One hundred years after the death of the founder of Islam, Mahomet, the paedophile, murderer, thief and warlord, Christians were nearly wiped out in the Middle East and northern Africa, countries that were Christian since the apostolic era. Let no one convince you that Islam is a religion of peace. It is a political system founded by an antichrist and those who tell you different, lie. 

What we see today is the real Islam.

All Muslims must come to Christ for there to be real peace. 

No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Church Modernists fiddle whilst Christians burn - literally!

While the likes of Kasper, Rosica, Forte and others continue in their desire to grant Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried with no annulment and to active sodomites, Christians lose their lives for no other reason than that they are Christians.

These repugnant clerics who would not know the "scent of the people" have refused to go the "periphery" to find where their filthy first-world problems mean nothing as the Times of India reports: 

Christian couple burned alive in Pakistan for allegedly desecrating the Quran

LAHORE: In a gruesome incident, a Christian couple was on Tuesday thrashed and burned alive by a group of angry Muslims in Pakistan's Punjab province for allegedly desecrating the Quran.
The horrific crime was reported from the villages of Kot Radha Kishan of Kasur district, some 50 kilometres from here.
A large number of police personnel were deployed in the villages to provide security to the minority community.
Emaneul Sarfraz, a relative of the deceased couple, said that his cousins, Shahzad Masih, 35, and his wife Shamah, 31, had been working in the kiln of Muhammad Yousuf Gujjar for sometime near Chak (village) 59.
"The couple along with their four children wanted to leave the kiln as Yousuf was not paying their remuneration. He demanded Rs 5,00,000 from them, if they wanted to quit.
"Two days ago, after an exchange of words Yousuf locked the couple along with their children in a room," Emaneul said.
He further said that an announcement was made today from two mosques of Chak 59 that Shahzad Masih and his wife had committed blasphemy by burning the pages of Quran.
"A large number of Muslims led by area clerics reached the kiln and dragged the couple out of the room after breaking into it.
They first tortured them and then threw them in the kiln.
No one from the crowd listened to the couple, who were pleading that they were innocent as Yousuf had levelled false allegation of blasphemy against them to settle money dispute," Emanuel said adding, "Thank God they did not burn the couple's children".
He alleged that police from the nearby post had reached there on time but did not intervene seeing the charged mob.
"We have taken some 50 people into custody in connection with the killings and raids were underway to arrest more including the kiln owner," Jawad Qamar, police chief of Kasur district, said.
Qamar also denied the incident had taken place in police presence.
Human Liberation Commission Pakistan chairman Aslam Sahotra said he visited the district headquarters hospital in Kasur and saw the remains of couple.

"It was all ashes and some bones of the couple which is left to bury," he said.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Holy Father! What of Asia Bibi?

Your Holiness, Pope Francis,

We've heard a lot from you in the last eighteen months about mercy. Yet, during all of that time, our Catholic sister has languished in a prison in this failed state while you invited a cleric of the political-religio fascist cult that put her there to pray to its god in the walls of Vatican City.

With all respect Holy Father, what are you doing, to see this woman freed from the earthly hell which she is in? You have spoken out about the death penalty and life imprisonment for people who have brought this upon themselves. 

Our sister has written you a letter; does she not deserve at least some consideration as you did for woman living in adultery in Argentina?

What will you do?


Sentenced to death Asia Bibi wrote a letter to the Pope

Date of publication: 2014-10-26 7:00
Date updated: 2014-10-26 7:49:00
Sentenced to death Asia Bibi wrote a letter to the Pope
Convicted for alleged blasphemy against Muhammad Pakistani Asia Bibi wrote a letter to the Pope. Christian asks him to pray for his release - reports Internet portal "Vatican Insider".

"Pope Francis, I am your daughter Asia Bibi. I urge you: pray for my salvation and my freedom. At this point I can only entrust to God Almighty who can do anything for me" - we read in the letter.

Last week, the Court of Appeal confirmed Lahaurze released in 2010, sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy against Muhammad at Asya Bibi. The 43-year-old woman, mother of five children, in fact, told only her friends - Muslim about their faith in Christ. For more than five years in prison.

Lawyer Asia Bibi, Naeem Shakir, said that the appeal presented by the defense was rejected. The writing explains why the witnesses are unreliable and false accusations. At the same time announced the appeal to the Supreme Court, which is the highest court of Pakistan's judiciary.

Asia Bibi was imprisoned based on allegations neighbor, the wife of a local imam who could not, however, provide any evidence. Two Pakistani politicians who have been pushing for the release of Asia Bibi, paid with his life: Governor Salman Taseer of Punjab province and the Minister. Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti. Its complete release appealed on 17 November 2010, Benedict XVI.

About as soon as possible to grant the appeal against the death sentence on Asya Bibi's appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan Christian non-governmental organizations from different countries of the world. They also call to the prison afforded her better, and above all, safety.

Source: IAC

Read more: http://www.pch24.pl/skazana-na-kare-smierci-asia-bibi-napisala-list-do-papieza,31722,i.html#.VEzPNvd8hrw.facebook#ixzz3HFuDa0VD

Sunday, 24 August 2014

St. Perfectus of Cordoba, Priest & Martyr, Intercede for us

Beheaded by the Moors of the Umayyad Caliphate (Muslims), Saint Perfectus (Santo Perfecto, died 850) was charged with "blasphemy", denouncing Islam and Muhammad to the very end:

"I have cursed, yea, and I will curse your prophet :
I have called and I do call him the spawn of devils, 
a magician, an adulterer, and a liar! 
I denounce the profanations of your sect to be the invention of hell."

While uttering these truths, the scimitar separated his head from his body.

Perfectus, a Spanish priest who served at the basilica of St. Aciscius just outside the city walls, was stopped one day on his way to market by a group of Muslims. Seeing that he was a priest, they asked him to explain the "catholic faith" and to share with them his opinions about Christ and Muhammed. Fearing that he would only provoke his audience, Perfectus declined. But when the Muslims swore to protect him, he proceeded, in Arabic, to decry Muhammed as one of the false prophets foretold by Christ and as a moral reprobate who had seduced the wife of his kinsman.

Though angered by the harsh attack, the Muslims respected their oaths and let Perfectus go on his way. But a few days later the priest ran into some of the same group, who no longer felt constrained by their earlier promise. Seizing Perfectus, they took him before the magistrate and testified that he had disparaged the prophet. As they led Perfectus to prison to wait out the holy month of Ramadân, he repeatedly denied his guilt. Only when he realised that his fate was sealed did he repeat his denunciation of Islam. On April 18, 850, Perfectus was decapitated before the crowds that had gathered to celebrate the end of the feast. He died on Easter Sunday.

St. Perfectus was one of the Martyrs of Córdoba whose martyrdom was recorded by Saint Eulogius in the Memoriale Sanctorum.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

James Foley, Requiescat in Pace

The Moslem barbarians (I will not give them the credence of identifying them as a nation state), continue their slaughter of humans as if they were nothing more than animals. The practice of slitting the throats of animals in a painful and torturous manner under the religious edict of "Halal" is good practice for the necks of humans beings. 

The death cult of Mahomet, the diabolical, murderous, lecherous, thief and child-molester which some poor souls think is a prophet of the one God of the Universe continues unabated.

The question now is, will the man occupying the White House that says "America is no longer a Christian nation" and applauds and longs for the sound from the minaret of his evil "Muslim faith" do anything considering the beheading of this latest American. He clearly cares not for Syria or Iraqi Christians, will he care for his own?

Following up on the "smiting of the neck" of the "Jew" Nick Berg, another American journalist and a Catholic, James Foley, has been dispatched to eternity with all the efficiency of a Halal butcher.

May Nick have said yes to the Messiah Yeshua and be with Him now. May James who knew the Messiah and His Mother through the Rosary that strengthened him be in the arms of the Lord.

May his parents be comforted.

May these devils be confounded.

Courtesy of Father Z and James' mother's Twitter:

Phone call home
A letter from James Foley, Arts ’96, to Marquette.

Marquette University has always been a friend to me. The kind who challenges you to do more and be better and ultimately shapes who you become.
With Marquette, I went on some volunteer trips to South Dakota and Mississippi and learned I was a sheltered kid and the world had real problems. I came to know young people who wanted to give their hearts for others. Later I volunteered in a Milwaukee junior high school up the street from the university and was inspired to become an inner-city teacher. But Marquette was perhaps never a bigger friend to me than when I was imprisoned as a journalist.
Myself and two colleagues had been captured and were being held in a military detention center in Tripoli. Each day brought increasing worry that our moms would begin to panic. My colleague, Clare, was supposed to call her mom on her birthday, which was the day after we were captured. I had still not fully admitted to myself that my mom knew what had happened. But I kept telling Clare my mom had a strong faith.
I prayed she’d know I was OK. I prayed I could communicate through some cosmic reach of the universe to her.
I began to pray the rosary. It was what my mother and grandmother would have prayed. 
I said 10 Hail Marys between each Our Father. It took a long time, almost an hour to count 100 Hail Marys off on my knuckles. And it helped to keep my mind focused.
Clare and I prayed together out loud. It felt energizing to speak our weaknesses and hopes together, as if in a conversation with God, rather than silently and alone.
Later we were taken to another prison where the regime kept hundreds of political prisoners. I was quickly welcomed by the other prisoners and treated well.
One night, 18 days into our captivity, some guards brought me out of the cell. In the hall I saw Manu, another colleague, for the first time in a week. We were haggard but overjoyed to see each other. Upstairs in the warden’s office, a distinguished man in a suit stood and said, “We felt you might want to call your families.”
I said a final prayer and dialed the number. My mom answered the phone. “Mom, Mom, it’s me, Jim.”
“Jimmy, where are you?”
“I’m still in Libya, Mom. I’m sorry about this. So sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, Jim,” she pleaded. “Oh, Daddy just left. Oh … He so wants to talk to you. How are you, Jim?” I told her I was being fed, that I was getting the best bed and being treated like a guest.
“Are they making you say these things, Jim?”
“No, the Libyans are beautiful people,” I told her. “I’ve been praying for you to know that I’m OK,” I said. “Haven’t you felt my prayers?”
“Oh, Jimmy, so many people are praying for you. All your friends, Donnie, Michael Joyce, Dan Hanrahan, Suree, Tom Durkin, Sarah Fang have been calling. Your brother Michael loves you so much.” She started to cry. “The Turkish embassy is trying to see you and also Human Rights Watch. Did you see them?” I said I hadn’t.
“They’re having a prayer vigil for you at Marquette. Don’t you feel our prayers?” she asked.
“I do, Mom, I feel them,” and I thought about this for a second. Maybe it was others’ prayers strengthening me, keeping me afloat.
The official made a motion. I started to say goodbye. Mom started to cry. “Mom, I’m strong. I’m OK. I should be home by Katie’s graduation,” which was a month away.
“We love you, Jim!” she said. Then I hung up.
I replayed that call hundreds of times in my head — my mother’s voice, the names of my friends, her knowledge of our situation, her absolute belief in the power of prayer. She told me my friends had gathered to do anything they could to help. I knew I wasn’t alone.
My last night in Tripoli, I had my first Internet connection in 44 days and was able to listen to a speech Tom Durkin gave for me at the Marquette vigil. To a church full of friends, alums, priests, students and faculty, I watched the best speech a brother could give for another. It felt like a best man speech and a eulogy in one. It showed tremendous heart and was just a glimpse of the efforts and prayers people were pouring forth. If nothing else, prayer was the glue that enabled my freedom, an inner freedom first and later the miracle of being released during a war in which the regime had no real incentive to free us. It didn’t make sense, but faith did. 

Friday, 8 August 2014

Who is this little girl?

Nota bene: for those in the combox who have stated that this photo is somehow to be excused please note this:

The photo was published on twitter by a Muslim user (@Fadel_alHadidi) and profess to be an ISIS militant marrying a 7-year old kafir in occupied minority district of either Mosul or Syria (source and image is unconfirmed). When a forced conversion takes place, the victim is  first be forced to recite the Quran to make the pedo-marriage halal according to Sharia law.

Who is this little seven-year old girl. The best we know is that she has been kidnapped from her family. No doubt, this sweet little child has already been raped and defiled by the evil bearded bastard.

How did this happen?

The blood of these victims is on the hands of many of our leaders.

Satan will not prevail.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who said to the little children to come to you, please comfort and take to you this little child and ease her suffering that she may be free from this evil. Amen.

Mother Mary, look down upon these suffering souls and intercede for them.

God help them. 

God forgive us.

Who is this little girl? 

Catholic Genocide!

The great fault now lies with America. Having gone in to unseat the despot (who, like Tito, managed to keep the factions from creating the genocide we now see and saw in Yugoslavia), its President lost the peace by abandoning the country long before it was able to stand on its own.

The blood is dripping from the hand of Barrack Hussein Obama. The blood of 3000 American solidiers, the blood of a million Iraqis and now the blood of these Christians. It is Barrack Hussein Obama who has caused this. 

The people ask "where is the Pope?" He goes to Korea!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

An Urgent Letter of the Chaldean Patriarch

Courtesy of our good friends at Rorate Caeli blog.


August 5, 2014

Your Holiness Pope Francis
Your Beatitudes the Patriarchs of the East
Your Excellencies the Presidents of the Bishops' Conferences

The Christians of Iraq face an enormous tragedy

The Christians of Mosul (Nineveh Province, Iraq), horrified, have fled the city with only the clothes they were wearing. Their churches have been profaned and on August 2, a mass migration took place from the villages of Telkev, Batnaya and Telleskuf as, knowing that the small town of Sinjar alongside other neighboring villages had fallen and seventy persons had been massacred, gave rise to panic. There, on Monday, August 4, ISIL commenced the bombardment the village of Telkef and a young Christian was killed. This having been said it is evident that there is practically no collaboration between the central government and that of the Kurdish Region and in addition to that the new government is not yet formed!

As for our political parties, they have failed in every tangible manner, and this for reasons well known to everyone as well as to each of these parties themselves.

As for the Church, she finds herself completely alone, more than ever; nevertheless her leaders are strongly required to react before it is too late in applying the necessary pressure on the international community as well as those other decision-makers in view of fundamental answers necessary to the scandalous crimes and the destructive conspiracies that affect, above all, unarmed citizens in Iraq, Syria, and in Palestine - Gaza.

It should be noted that the motivation for all of these killings is the lust for everything that lies beneath the earth like oil and gas ... what else explains this war so curiously radicalised and, as if following an excellently premeditated plan, does not take the least account of the destinies of the people.

We are equally shocked and indignant with the absence of a vigorous position taken by Muslims and their religious leaders, not the least because the actions of these factions represent a menace for the Muslims themselves.

In fact, speeches are good for nothing, so too declarations that rehash condemnations and indignation; the same can be said for protest marches. In addition, while appreciating the generosity of our donors, we would say that donations and fundraising too are not what will solve our problems. We have to demand a large-scale administrative [governmental] operation on an international level. There is in fact the need for a position of conscience regarding this simple human principle: the demand for real actions and solidarity because we are before a crisis related to our very existence, confronting the fact that "we will be or we will not be".

This is an appeal from the bottom of the heart in the search for a solution that lies uniquely in the hands of the international community and above all with the great powers. We address ourselves profoundly to their consciences and that they should review their positions and to re-evaluate the impact of the situation of today.

These powers confront a human and moral responsibility. It is no longer reasonable to take recourse to double standards. They are called to free themselves from their narrow interests and to unite themselves in a political and peacekeeping solution that puts an end to this conflict. These powers must vigorously exercise pressure on those who support financially and train militarily these factions and so cut short these sources of violence and radicalisation.

Concerning the Christians of Iraq, in our pastoral ministry towards them, we also call upon the international community: our Christians are in urgent need of humanitarian aid, as too they are in need of an efficient, true and permanent protection that reassures them that there is no end to their existence whose origins are so deeply rooted in Iraq; this also concerns Christians in other regions of the Middle East that are burning and being torn apart.

We also appeal to our brothers and sisters around the world, that they too be truly with us in solidarity at this our time of suffering this terrible ordeal; that they live with us this feeling of solidarity as if belonging to the same family.

We are in need of a communion of the heart, and for prayers with our faithful during this terrible ordeal as we experienced during the visit of the delegation of Bishops of France presided by His Eminence Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon.

We remain believing in dialogue, exchange and conviviality.

That God may grant us the grace and possibility to overcome this trial, that He remove from all hearts all hatred and violence.

In great union of prayer,

Louis Raphael I Sako
Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans

[French original text; translation provided by the Patriarchate, adapted where necessary.]

[Note: following this letter, this Wednesday, the Christian capital of Northern Iraq, Qaraqosh or Bakhdida, suffered the first attacks of Islamist forces, with three Christians already killed.]