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O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
O good St. Joseph, Patron of the Church and of Canada,
model of virtue and chastity, pray for us.
St. Joe’s is a vibrant, diverse and ever-evolving Catholic parish in the heart of Ottawa. It is a place where one and all are invited to experience community, contribute to social transformation and grow spiritually.
Rev. Andy Moyer, OMI - Pastor |
The Missionary Oblates were founded in 1816 by Saint Eugene de Mazenod. Our motto is: “He has sent me to bring the Good News to the poor [...]. The Good News is proclaimed to the poor” (Luke 4:18; Matthew 11:5).
This double Gospel expression makes up the motto inscribed on the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate and of its founder, Eugene de Mazenod. It highlights the missionary character of the Oblate charism and its primary activity. The Oblates find themselves reflected in it no matter how diverse their ministries might be.

The Parish was founded by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate ( OMI) a religious order whose main emphasis of service is to those who are marginalized in the church.
It is an ancient Catholic tradition that all are welcome! Come, check us out. Ask questions. Be yourself as God created you! Connect with community – connect with diversity – connect with the tension of inclusion.
During this season we renew our baptismal promises, remembering and re- committing to a way of life. This faith life invites us to grow in awareness of God in and around and through us . It is a gift, and yet we care for it and cultivate it as we strive to live with lives that reflect the love and mercy of God by living a conscious life, that constantly seeks to reveal the presence of God who creates.
Our planet is our home, created to be loved and lived in with respect.
This Lent, the Seasonal Planning committee is providing you the background inspirations behind the the decor, the prayers, symbols, choice of music and the inspiration for liturgical dance.
The Entrance way looks a little different....
You will also see that there is a large pool set on the floor filled with sand and cactus as well as the bowl from the font filled with Water. This is where our journey begins – in the desert, wth Jesus in prayer, and with our candidates, walking with them to the waters of baptism.
One-on-One Healing Touch – Fri Feb 24 Friday February 24th, from 9:30am – 11:30am. For anyone who is experiencing spiritual, emotional, or physical stress/pain. Each person will receive a treatment of 15-20 min. followed by time for reflection. Given by Helena Robb, Colette Chartrand and Clara Nasello. Sign-up sheet at the back of the church.
“Occupy Lent”: A Discussion Series –Tues Mar 6, 13, 20
The Occupy movement captured the imagination and dominated discourse throughout North America. Understanding the roots of the financial meltdown, and placing responsibility for this on those responsible, was only part of the message. Issues related to democracy, use of public space, growing inequality and other themes were also front and center. Socially-conscious Christians are organizing a series of three discussions. We will first hear from some Occupiers themselves, then a presentation on economic inequality in Canada from a respected and sympathetic economist, and finally, a moderated discussion concerning religious values and what people of faith might do about this growing problem of inequality. The evenings will begin at 7 pm and end by 9 pm at the Parish on March 6, 13 and 20th.
Catholic Gays and Lesbians get together at St. Joe’s on the second Friday of each month. We live or aspire to live in integrity with our gifts of both spirituality and homosexuality. We want to build bridges between gay communities and the Church. We meet to share our faith. For more information, contact http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=SJcglgroup@gmail.com.
Catholic Gays and Lesbians Gathering — Friday, July 13 Sacristy room, 7-8:30 pm. When John McNeill, pioneering advocate for LGBT human rights, was thanking God for his partner of 22 years,
one of the things he listed in gratitude was: "He does me the honor of being angry at me when I do something thoughtless or hurtful." During our meeting, we will talk about anger in our lives as individuals and as a community — particularly how to channel our anger with the Church's view on women's rights and homosexual love into a passionate search for justice? Please bring a beverage or snack to share. To get a copy of an excerpt (“Dealing with Anger”) from John McNeill's book, Taking a Chance on God, email http://ca.mc1225.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=Sjcglgroup@gmail.com

Parish yoga resumes in the fall 2012.
Through the art of drama, young teens proclaim the Gospel message to the children of the parish. The Players perform during the 9:30 Mass on the third Sunday of each month. The group (often with other volunteers) performs special presentations during Christmas and Eastertide.
LITURGICAL DANCE: The Liturgical Dance Ministry has been a part of St. Joseph’s Parish for over 20 years. Liturgical Dance Ministry is a form of prayer through creative movement. Liturgical dancers seek to invoke the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to visually proclaim God’s presence within and among us. It is not a performance but an invitation for all in the assembly to go deeper into the music or the Word. With his or her whole being, the dancer seeks to carry and lift the prayers in our hearts.
Dance Ministry meets in the weeks leading up to the special Sunday’s when we dance. These are usually Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, and Pentecost.
To be in the Liturgical Dance Ministry, a person does not need to be a professional or trained dancer, but simply be prepared to allow the Spirit to breathe through you. There are currently 6 dancers, and we welcome more. Any person over 12 years of age is welcome to join the ministry.
LITURGY COMMITTEE: The Liturgy Committee oversees the liturgy of St. Joseph’s Parish. The members do this through study, reflection, and discernment of the church documents. They create policy and guidance as it relates to the Liturgy and work to integrate the mission of the parish into an authentic, meaningful, and prayerful expression of our rich catholic tradition.

DEVELOPMENT & PEACE: This outreach group endorses the social justice and environmental campaigns of the national organization,Development and Peace. We hold education and action activities at St. Joe’s, including workshops, homilies, visual displays, bulletin messages for information and emergency appeals. Share Lent is the major faith, education and fund-raising effort each year, we to expose parishioners to the values of Catholic Social Teaching and those found in Caritas et Veritatis.Evening meetings held on an ad hoc basis.
Interfaith Sandy Hill is a multi-faith group of members who are curious about religion and what our various faith traditions have to say on various topics. The group believes that good things can happen when numerous faith communities join together to foster a continued dialogue and open communication. Interfaith dialogue increases knowledge of our neighbors. In turn, this can break the bonds of hate, prejudice and intolerance. For Catholics, the group’s work builds upon the Roman Catholic Church Vatican II document of 1965 Nostra Aetate,
Members include our local churches All Saints Sandy Hill, St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Parish, St. Paul’s Eastern United Church and Jewish, Muslim and Hindu representatives.
All are welcome to attend this event. Various welcoming rites will be performed to welcome this infant. Reception to follow. For more information: Roman Mukerjee or Jane Gibson 613-745-1923). Tuesday, November 29th, 2011, 6:30pm, Rideau Gardens, 240 Friel at Rideau.
Healing Services
These take place about 3- 4 times a year.
Members of this ministry invite anyone seeking healing ( in all its forms), to join in communal prayer, annointing, laying on of hands, and time for fellowship afterwards. There is also time for private prayer with one of the Healing Ministry Leaders. Watch the parish calendar for dates.
One-on- One Experience of Healing Touch
For: Anyone who is experienceing spiritual, emotional or physical stress/pain
Purpose: restores balance and harmony physically,emotionally and spiritually
Creates: relaxation, calm, lightness, clarity of thought and peace
In a state of health, life energy flows freely. Within all living things, there is a natural movement toward growth and wholeness. The treatment stimulates the person’s own recuperative power to promote healing for themself.
Everyone is welcome to come and experience a treatment for yourself
The dates for the Fall are: September 21st, October 19th, and November 30th
Friday morning: 9:30-11:30
Reflection for 7-8 July, 2012
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B
Text: Ezekiel 2:3-5, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Mark 6:1-6.
[EXCERPT] "I’ve climbed up onto a pedestal here myself, haven’t I? For these few minutes, here I am, speaking from the Altar of the Word, but I know that I’m still the same person as the one who will return to his pew and stand in line for Communion with everyone else, then drive back home to Kanata, spend time with family, go to work, and live a life that is in most ways not particularly distinguished. I will struggle with my own temptations, resisting them imperfectly at best; I have a hard time seeing the “heroic virtue” of sainthood in my life."
The Core Team
Pastoral Visits to Retirement homes and Ottawa Hospital
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (MAMI)
St. Joseph’s Parish is in the midst of fine-tuning its new communications strategy. An important part of this process included asking parishioners at all masses, including students and young adults at university mass, to tell us what draws them to our church. We received a wide array of responses, but some of the adjectives that kept coming up in dozens of responses included: welcoming, friendly, progressive and liberal. Here’s how our parishioners and guests see St. Joseph’s Parish:
- Invitation to be the Spirit – not shackled by prescriptive Catholicsm but open to the paths of the mystics – accepting – weekly reinforcement of us in God and God in us
- Equal partners ( women – men, lay-religious; young-old) parish members make decisions, take responsibility are accountable – no clericalism
- Social justice inclusiveness, re-claiming Catholicism
- Care for the poor, everyone having a place, liturgy, deep, meaningful, communal, progressive, Living the Spirit of Vatican II
- Realistic, 21st century – catholic teaching while respecting the history of a 2000+ year old tradition – hopefully not going backward. Should St. Joe’s begin to return to the proceedings of the church prior to Vatican II – I will reluctantly say farewell.
- Progressive, non-traditional, youthful, change-oriented
- A dogma-free place and community of worship, a faith-celebratory place
- Welcoming, liberal, diverse, outreach, vocal community
- Radical, welcoming, faith in action, justice and solidarity, action community
- A community which is inclusive, vibrant, liberal, reaching out, progressive, active, loving, caring for the poor, working for social justice
- Liberal, open-minded, inclusive and still Catholic
- Truly a spiritual experience – not “religious”
- Warmth, lay homilies, liturgical dance, beautiful music
- A supportive and inclusive community – equality. “be the change you wish to see in the world”
- Modern and democratic – “a church for today’s world”
- Inclusive, heart centered, justice oriented, welcoming, seeking through silence, celebrating God’s love
- Liturgy well celebrated and reflective – conscious of social justice
- Apparent and intense dedication of the parishioners, strongly female
- Creative, liberal, welcoming, thought-provoking
- All are welcome, open, not rigid, willing to bend when necessary
JULY 23, 2010
The Gay Catholics, Christians and Allies at the University of Ottawa is looking for supporters willing to march with the club in the Capital Pride this year (August 29). The club: i) builds an inclusive community, ii) spreads the message: God’s love is in all people regardless of their sexual orientation, iii) wants gay persons to be welcomed by the official Christian churches.
Protestant Minister Rhondaa McKay |
AUGUST 4, 2011
Thanks to your liturgy team for the honour of opening scriptures for you. I am honoured to have an opportunity to address the congregation, for which I have such respect and to stand with Fr. Andy who we have been so pleased to welcome into Sandy Hill; I like to brag about the good working relationship amongst churches and faith communities in this neighbourhood… I like to think we are fertile soil for the sower’s seeds, but it is worth thinking about what the fertile soil would be that provides abundant harvest
In his response to the questions of his disciples, Jesus tells them parables are for those who know beyond knowledge. They hear and see beyond the obvious.
It’s an invitation to look again at the familiar image –prodigal sower, casting seed not just on the prepared ground, but also on the path, on rocky ground and amongst the thorns. No self-respecting farmer would do that.