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Showing posts with label Canadian Catholic Parliamentarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Catholic Parliamentarians. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 September 2016

The Member of Parliament as "theologian." - This is the fault of her priests and bishops who failed to teach the faith!

The saga of Catholics in politics voting for abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage (so-called) and other issues against the Faith is very familiar to my readers in Canada, the United States of America and in Europe and really, throughout the broader "Christian" world. 

One of the saddest examples is in the United States with Nancy Pelosi, particularly when she opines on theology from Doctors such as Saints Augustine or Thomas Aquinas. Alas, we now have the same example here in Canada of a politician using warped theology and failed catechesis.

The post, one below, shows our good friend at Contra-Diction outside Holy Family Church in Whitby, Ontario, just east of Toronto in the same Archdiocese. He was protesting the fact that Celine Chavannes, a Liberal Member of Parliament, who aggressively supporting sodomitical "marriage," abortion and euthanasia receives Holy Communion there.  Now the banning of free speech and expression through the use of graphic imagery showing abortion, is on her agenda.

The Pastor, Father Nagy, went so far as to call the Durham Regional Police who harassed our good friend, notwithstanding his Charter Rights and the fact that he fully intended to stop before Holy Mass at 12:30.

Member of Parliament Celine, Cesare Chavannes has tweeted out her response:

Two months ago, I had a brief email exchange with Chavannes, explaining to her the facts of how her activist voting is in conflict with her Catholic faith and that by receiving Holy Communion, she is bringing "condemnation" upon herself. The goal then was to help her understand that her Catholic faith must come before her Parliamentary career. She is my Catholic sister and she is your Catholic sister.

But she is no, theologian!

Celina, you are wrong. On "judgement day" it will be you who will be asked by Our Lord Jesus Christ why you did not listen to the warning that you were given. You were given free will. Contra-Diction did not drive you out of the parish, you chose to leave because you could not stand to hear the truth. You did exactly what those did as recorded in John 6. Do you remember? They could not stand the teaching of Our Lord on the truth of eating His Body and drinking His Blood and they walked away. Just as you have done.

Celina, do not put Justin Trudeau, another badly-behaving Catholic, before Jesus Christ. 

That is what you have done.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

What's up with Father Nagy and the people at Holy Family Church in Whitby, Ontario? Why did Father Nagy call the Police?

I've got to hand it to my good friend at ContraDiction. If all of us had his courage we would take back the culture.

Previously, I've written about the Member of Parliament, a Liberal pro baby murdering and pro-euthanasia and homosexualist who attends here and receives Holy Communion on a regular basis. Yet, the Pastor, Father Nagy, does not seem to address this public scandal. 



My good friend at ContraDiction has taken it on directly.

If you don't have the time to watch all of it, start around 12 minutes. A few come out to try to take his sign and deny him his Constitutional right to assembly and expression. Then Father Nagy comes out to complain that his name is on the sign.

His name!

Shame on Father Nagy, would that he would deal with the Catholic politician and not be worried about his name.

Shame on Father Nagy for calling the Police. The first shows up at 27:00 the second at 29:34.

Shame on Father Nagy!

And no, Father Nagy, I won't be removing your name from this blog.

The Durham Regional Police think the images are "offensive."

No Law was broken, the Durham Police were interfering with his Charter Rights!


Saturday, 20 August 2016

Catholic Member of Parliament Celine Cesare-Chavannes - An Enemy of Life and enemy of Christ

Featured Image

In June, I wrote about a Member of Canada's Parliament, Celine Cesare-Chavannes. At the time, the column was in reference to Chavannes overt support of the raising of the sodomic rainbow flag on Parliament Hill. She wrote me offline and I gave her the truth that she needed to hear, as a Catholic. Chavannes is a regular parishioner at Holy Family Church in Whitby in the eastern part of the Archdiocese of  Toronto.

Clearly, Chavannes is a woman who does not know her faith. Worse, she is a hostile and aggressive enemy of Christ and of Truth. 

It wasn't enough that this bad-Catholic was supporting the homosexualist agenda, now, she is leading the campaign against the quite proper use of graphic imagery as part of the fight against the murder of unborn children, something this Catholic supports - a use, I should add, that has been upheld by the courts. 

In order to remind Chavannes what the truth is she is trying to hide, she might meditate on this, something that she would rather hide than to actually end the killing!

Not only does Justin Trudeau support abortion until the moment of birth, but he demanded that Catholic, Celine Cesare-Chavannes and all other candidates, must support a women's right to choose to murder her child and the right of doctors to make a fortune on it. She also supported the recent euthanasia legislation.

Perhaps Father Laszlo Nagy the Pastor or his Associate Father Marijan Sisko might have a few words to say to Mrs. Cesare-Chavannes, the next time she presents herself for Holy Communion. 

It might save her soul, and others who profane the Holy Eucharist and "eat unto their own condemnation," to say nothing about those clerics who ignore this to their own peril.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Canadian Catholic Members of Parliament must be publicly shamed and called out - let's start with Celine Cesare-Chavannes

Every Canadian Member of Parliament of the current Liberal Government must agree never to question the nation's lack of any law regulating abortion. This was ordered by Justin Trudeau who deeply admires, "China's basic dictatorship." None of them would have been permitted to run in last October's election had they not agreed to this beforehand. Justin Trudeau is a Catholic.

He has ushered in euthanasia, instead of asserting Parliament's rights and invoking the Constitution's "Notwithstanding Clause." He will legalise marijuana and has already refunded foreign abortions. Will he bring in a proper law to define "beastiality"in the Criminal Code or will Bill Clinton style sex with Fido not be considered sex with an animal?

ContraDiction is writing about Celina Caesare-Chavannes at Holy Family Parish in Whitby, Ontario. The Pastor is aware of the Canon 915 and his parishioner's public positions. I have known about this directly from others in the parish for a while. My advice was for these people to bring their concerns to their Pastor. It is time to out the situation because of the recent vote on euthanasia, amongst other matters.

This is not gossip; it is public scandal and it necessitates public response. 

Celina, you are a Catholic. You are receiving the Body. Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. You are doing this whilst in a state of dissent from Catholic teaching which is objectively mortally sinful. You are committing public scandal in accord with Canon 915

Celina, what does St. Paul say to us in 1 Corinthians 11:27?
"Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the Lord. Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For all who eat and drink without discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves."
As a Catholic, you must know this in order to be aware of the consequences. With ContraDiction and now this post, you have been made aware. If your priest had not told you and refuses to tell you, he will see your damned face and soul in Hell because he will be there too.  That quote came from a Catholic priest who told his own parishioner the truth, lest he see her face to face there.

How harsh is that, eh?

The Prophet Ezekiel made it abundantly clear in 3:18. 
"If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand."
Celina, you have now been told publicly by two Catholic brothers. It is time for you and all Catholic Members of Parliament to decide. Do you wish to gain the whole world, or at least the sink hole on the Rideau in exchange for your immortal soul? Is Justin Trudeau worth it?

As for Justin Trudeau, the psalm is most appropriate
"May his days be few;  may another seize his position."
Read ContraDiction's take on this.

Pseudo-Catholic Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes Receiving Communion At Whitby Parish

Allow me to clarify: A pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, pro-same sex marriage, and pro-euthanasia “Catholic” politician in our Archdiocese regularly attends Mass and is served the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ by the parish priest.

So what’s the big deal? A majority of Canada’s Catholics qualify for the label pseudo-catholic and yet they are still offered Holy Communion in their parishes (it’s still sacrilege though).