It seems that one cannot even take a break from gardening and then one makes the mistake of turning on a computer to find what? Oh, just more evidence that the Church is in its greatest crisis since the Protestant Revolution and this time it emanates from the very top. I should have gone for that nap sooner!
Truly the Pope has lost it.
If it's not some bishop musing that our beloved Saint Mary Magdalene may have been a lesbian it's a bishop writing books on tonsil hockey.
Can there be any doubt now that the sodomite mafia has taken complete control over Jorge Bergoglio the Bishop of Rome?
Who is Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.?
Well, Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., was once interviewed by Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB at Canada's Salt + Light Television, Our Catholic Channel of Hope. You will begin to get the picture on his theology by losing the twenty-two minutes and twenty-two seconds which you'll never get back from watching it.
You can also find out about this wayward Dominican at Protect the Pope wherein you will find that this Dominican is a dissenter on the Church's teaching on a number of areas involving homosexual behaviour. Here we have a report on his appearance at the 2014 Divine Mercy Conference as reported by Protect the Pope and copied below in the event that something mysterious happens with that blog and we maintain the original bolding:
Let's take a little look, shall we?:
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A selection of Fr Radcliffe’s writings expressing dissent from the Church’s teaching:
Fr Radcliffe gave the following contribution to the Church of England ‘s review of homosexuality and gay marriage:
Fr Radcliffe OP expands the meaning of fertility to include gay sex
But not every marriage is fertile in this way. We must avoid having a mechanistic or simplistic understanding of fertility. Jesus speaks a fertile word: This is my body, given for you. He is God’s fertile word. And surely it is in the kind and healing words that we offer each other that we all share in fertility of that most intimate moment. When Jesus met Peter on the shore after Easter, he offers him a word that renews their relationship. Three times he asks him; ‘Do you love me more than these others?’ He allows him to undo his threefold denial. Sexual fertility cannot be separated from the exchange of words that heal, that recreate and set free.
How does all of this bear on the question of gay sexuality? We cannot begin with the question of whether it is permitted or forbidden! We must ask what it means, and how far it is Eucharistic. Certainly it can be generous, vulnerable, tender, mutual and non-violent. So in many ways, I would think that it can be expressive of Christ’s self-gift.
We can also see how it can be expressive of mutual fidelity, a covenantal relationship in which two people bind themselves to each other for ever. But the proposed legislation for ‘gay marriage’ imply that it is not understood to be inherently unitive, a becoming one flesh. [...]
Sexual ethics is about what our acts say. And I have the impression that we are not very sure of what gay sexual acts signify. Maybe we need to ask gay Christians who have been living in committed relationships for years. I suspect that sex will turn out to be rather unimportant.’
Fr Radcliffe on Holy Communion for Catholics who are divorced and re-married:
I would conclude with two profound hopes. That a way will be found to welcome divorced and remarried people back to communion. And, most important, that women will be given real authority and voice in the church. The pope expresses his desire that this may happen, but what concrete form can it take? He believes that the ordination of women to the ministerial priesthood is not possible, but decision-making in the church has become ever more closely linked to ordination in recent years. Can that bond be loosened? Let us hope that women may be ordained to the diaconate and so have a place in preaching at the Eucharist. What other ways can authority be shared?’
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The Catholic Herald has a collection of articles about Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. You will have not difficulty finding out more by doing some searching.
Running a Google search with his name "homosexuality" in the search brings up lots of fodder.
This is a disgrace right from the top, right from the Pope himself.
Pope names Fr. Timothy Radcliff consultor for Council for Justice, Peace
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has named Fr. Timothy Radcliff OP a consultor of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
Ordained in 1971, Fr Timothy is a long-time friend and contributor to Vatican Radio’s English Service. He is a well-known preacher and speaker, and author of several books including What is the point of being a Christian? He served as Master of the Dominican Order from 1992 until 2001 and is now resident at the Dominican Priory at Blackfriars, Oxford (U.K.). He has been a member of the Las Casas Advisory Board and Director of the Institute. He is an Honorary Doctor of Divinity at the University of Oxford.