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Showing posts with label Timothy Cardinal Dolan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timothy Cardinal Dolan. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

North American College Vice-Rector forced to resign in sodomite scandal - lawsuit filed against NAC and Dolan!

Let's make this face famous. It should be on one of those clown punching bags, you know, the ones with the weight in the bottom that some of us that were born in an era when we had fun had whilst we were kids.

Vice-Rector, he was, at the North American College in Rome. A sexual predator and former secretary of sodomite-pervert-predator McCarrick. The cover-up can only go on so long as Complicit Clery reports below. The video below includes the summary of a lawsuit that includes Dolan's "reign of terror" testimony in the affidavit. 

Clearly, the crisis of this infiltration into the priesthood is not over. The "biological solution" is simply not sufficient.

NAC Vice-Rector Steps-Down Amidst Allegations of Homosexual Misconduct – Complicit Clergy

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Blasphemy and Sodomy tolerated by Timothy Dolan

The "art" promoted on "Out at St. Paul's", a "gay" Catholic ministry in New York cannot be posted here, it is an abhorrent blasphemy of Our Lord.

Joseph Sciambra has it in this article. 

God bless Joseph for his courage. As for Timothy Dolan, well...


Friday, 18 March 2016

Timothy Dolan - The Joker of New York continues on his gay way.

The hypocrisy of those who wear green is grotesque only outdone by the buffoon in red.

The "snakes" driven out of Ireland were the Druid sodomites. 

Dolan now disgraces a parade in honour of the Saint of Ireland with them.

Dare we ask; is Dolan a sodomite?



by Christine Niles, M.St. (Oxon.), J.D.  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  March 18, 2016    8 Comments

"Thrilled" that "decades of division" have been overcome

NEW YORK (ChurchMilitant.com) - New York's Cdl. Timothy Dolan is celebrating greater inclusion at this year's St. Patrick's Day Parade, which has lifted its ban on homosexuals and allowed two gay activist groups to march officially under their own banners.
Mayor Bill de Blasio, who dropped his boycott of the parade and marched through the streets of New York City Thursday, praised the event for welcoming homosexuals.
"I think it sends a moral signal," he told the press. "This says that New York City is whole again, that the people of New York City are unified, and that we're learning to overcome division."
Cardinal Dolan and de Blasio warmly embraced, Dolan telling a reporter from the local CBS affiliate that he was "thrilled" that "decades of division" had been overcome.
"There's a great spirit ... a wonderful sense of unity and friendship," Cdl. Dolan remarked. "I'd say 'Alleluia' but I can't because it's Lent."

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

The Sodomite network in New York includes a Cardinal - Michael Voris breaking it open!

Do not think that this is only in New York. As a friend said to me after viewing this, "all we need to do is change the names!"

No, it it is not only in New York.

Seriously, this video and the others that will surely follow, are going to send shock waves around every chancery. It is time for people who know something to come forward. If the bishops won't deal with this filth, then it is up to us. If you know something and do not work to stop it, you are complicit.

Will this encourage others to come forward with what they know?

voxcantoris (at) rogers (dot) com

I'll refer you on to Michael.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Stonewall Dolan - What are you hiding? Why did you let the sadomasochistic sodomite priest to defame Our Lord?


Cardinal Dolan, you deserve wherever this leads and may it lead to your downfall and a cleansing.

How dare you, after all that has gone on with homosexuals in the priesthood raping and sodomising young boys and men, yes, HOMOSEXUALS DID IT, -- how dare ignore the faithful and allow this filthy pervert who paid to have someone urinate in his mouth, offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

What sacrilege.

What filth. Trading the Precious Blood for urine! Did you felch him too?

And a thief on top of all the perversion.

I truly hope this brings you down and all those sodomites with you.




Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Pope Francis stumbles in more ways than one

Reuters is reporting that the Bishop of Rome stumbled yesterday at Mass at the Lateran Basilica on his way up to the altar for the celebration of the Feast of its dedication. This is the second time in three days, the first being Saturday at St. Peter's Basilica. He is aging, stressed no doubt, and may have a brain tumour. We have sympathy for him as a man.

But let me be perfectly clear; he has stumbled in more ways than this.

If there had been any doubt that his appointment of Jozef de Kesel as Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels is a disaster for the faith, erase it from your Catholic mind. The man is a heretic and advocate of sacrilege.

If an archbishop-elect thinks the word "mercy" is  "somewhat condescending", what must he think of words such as "sin", "damnation", "hell", and "orthodoxy"? We don't know for certain, but perhaps that is just as well, if only for the sake of keeping one's stomach comments in place. The prelate in question is Jozef De Kesel of Mechelen-Brussels, interviewed by Kerknet and translated into English by Mark de Vries of "In Caelo et in Terra", who covers Catholic news in the Netherlands. The fuller quote: You did not take part in the Synod on the family, but will probably get to work with its proposals. What will stay with you from this Synod? “The Synod may not have brought the concrete results that were hoped for, such as allowing divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion. But it is unbelievable how much it was a sign of a Church that has changed. The mentality is really not the same anymore. I may be a careful person, but I do not think we should be marking time. Mercy is an important word for me, but in one way or another it is still somewhat condescending. I like to take words like respect and esteem for man as my starting point. And that may be a value that we, as Christians, share with prevailing culture.” 
You can read his full report together with his erudite commentary and the link to the full interview and its official English translation.

De Kesel needs to be concerned more with esteem for Christ, than "esteem for man." He needs to have some concern for his own soul as well. 

Sandro Magister also reports of a little Jesuitical infighting. It seems there are a few Catholic Jesuits left in the world. Anthony Spadaro, S.J., of the #SpadaroBlockParty which is not quite as busy as the #RosicaBlockParty which actually trended on Twitter a few weeks back, is not one of them. He is the cause of this little storm. The reader may recall our work of this past Saturday on Spadaro based upon Magister's previous letter. The conclusion can only be that Spadaro is, in fact, speaking for the Bishop of Rome and that can be confirmed by the challenge thrown at him by his brother Jesuit at Boston College, of all places. 
Particularly striking was the peremptoriness with which Fr. Spadaro drew from the “Relatio finalis” of the synod - a text in effect open to multiple interpretations - a one-way orientation: in favor of communion for the divorced and remarried. The following commentary, however, shows how the director of “La Civiltà Cattolica” and confidant of Francis cannot disguise the fact that his conclusions contradict “the teaching of the Church” that the “Relatio sinodi” itself insists must be respected. In particular, he shows how one cannot shield oneself behind a few lines of John Paul II’s “Familiaris consortio” to draw conclusions opposed to those that are written there. The author of the commentary is a priest of the diocese of New York, Robert P. Imbelli, professor emeritus of theology at Boston College and an authoritative contributor to “L'Osservatore Romano,” in addition to “America” and “Commonweal.” An author of works of Christology and of Trinitarian and liturgical theology, his latest book is entitled: "Rekindling the Christic Imagination: Theological Meditations for the New Evangelisation". 
It's only Tuesday and it's been quite a good start to the week revealing to all, the heresiarchs and homosexualists amongst us in the Church. We've had an abomination, blasphemy and sacrilege in New York City at Our Saviour Church with the Hindu ritual, the same Archdiocese's Cardinal Dolan dancing it up withthe Rockette's (hey, their women, let's cut him some slack), the dear in the headlights Diarmuid Martin in Dublin telling all that the Church "must change" and the little episode yesterday in Buffalo promoting the sodomite agenda which the pastor deny but photos betray.

But it does not stop there. Earlier today in Florence, the Bishop of Rome spoke at the Fifth National Ecclesial Convention Annual saying once again resurrecting his lectures that those who follow the law are Pelagians. Edward Pentin has the story at National Catholic Register. So there we have it. Follow the two thousand year old Law of the Church, obey and preach the Ten Commandments and the words of Jesus, "If you love me, keep my commandments" and you're a Pharisee. Disagree with Francis of Rome, you're a Pelagian. You think that you're "superior" and you're not following the "breath of the spirit." I urge you to read The Radical Catholic's post on this speech drawing the parallels between Jorge Bergoglio and Martin Luther regarding their views on the Catholic Church and the heresy of Pelagianism.  Here is a quote courtesy of Southern Orders where you can also more: 

“We are not living in an era of change but a change of era. ... Before the problems of the church it is not useful to search for solutions in conservatism or fundamentalism, in the restoration of obsolete conduct and forms that no longer have the capacity of being significant culturally. ... Christian doctrine is not a closed system incapable of generating questions, doubts, interrogatives — but is alive, knows being unsettled, enlivened, ... It has a face that is not rigid, it has a body that moves and grows, it has a soft flesh: it is called Jesus Christ.”

For a complete repudiation of Jorge Bergoglio's statement today, given on All Saints Day visit:

There, did you drink it in? Do you have the Faith of Our Fathers or do you wish to sing a new church into being by these "modernist tyrants" where "even the documents of Vatican II and St. John Paul II are passé."

Do not be discouraged, all of this must come out. Do not let it get you down, Keep faith in Our Lord and His promise that the "gates of Hell will not prevail." Rejoice that we have this vehicle, the Internet - blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Email -- all these tools that our parents and grandparents did not have.

The Reuters story on the stumbling Bishop of Rome refers to the reputed tumour, perhaps, in its denial, the Vatican, “doth protest too much.” If the Pope has a brain tumour there is no way he should be making any decisions along the lines of what Spadaro, Kasper and De Kesel advocate. These men are heretics and malefactors. Does Francis really want to seek counsel from them? Will he soon make De Kesel, Cardinal and add to that the heresiarch and homosexualist Cupich for good measure? Now that Danneels is well over 80 and Cardinal George is dead, what is stopping him. Will he make the faithful Archbishops in Philadelphia and Montreal Cardinals, or will he bypass them because they stand for the faith?

He muses about a short papacy. May it be so. Not that I wish him any ill will, not at all. May he be inspired by to go for that slice of pizza and mate at a little cafe in Buenos Aires. He should consider it before December 8 and the gross insult to Our Blessed Mother with the motu proprio on Catholic Divorce. 

Benedict XVI has shown him the way. The door is open to him.

Monday, 9 November 2015

The days are coming, indeed, they are already here

The Days Are Coming, and Are Already Here

The Antichrist, says Soloviev, was "a convinced spiritualist." He believed in goodness, and even in God. He was an ascetic, a scholar, a philanthropist. He gave "the greatest possible demonstrations of moderation, disinterest, and active beneficence."

In his early youth, he had distinguished himself as a talented and insightful exegete: one of his extensive works on biblical criticism had brought him an honorary degree from the University of Tübingen.

Giacomo BiffiBut the book that had gained for him universal fame and consensus bore the title: "The Open Road to Universal Peace and Prosperity," in which "a noble respect for ancient traditions and symbols was joined with a sweeping, audacious radicalism toward social and political needs and directives. Limitless freedom of thought was united with a profound comprehension of everything mystical; absolute individualism with an ardent dedication to the common good; the most elevated idealism toward guiding principles with the complete precision and viability of practical solutions."

It is true that some men of faith wondered why the name of Christ did not appear even once, but others replied: "If the contents of the book are permeated with the true Christian spirit, with active love and universal benevolence, what more do you want?" Besides, he "was not in principle hostile to Christ." On the contrary, he appreciated his right intentions and lofty teaching.

But three things about Jesus were unacceptable to him.

First of all, his moral preoccupations. "The Christ," he asserted, "has divided men according to good and evil with his moralism, whereas I will unite them with the benefits that both good and evil alike require."

He also did not like Christ's "absolute uniqueness." He was one of many, or even better – he said – he was my precursor, because I am the perfect and definitive saviour; I have purified his message of what is unacceptable for the men of today.

Finally, and above all, he could not endure the fact that Christ is alive, so much so that he repeated hysterically: "He is not among the living, and will never be. He is not risen, he is not risen, he is not risen. He rotted, he rotted in the tomb…"

But where Soloviev's presentation shows itself to be particularly original and surprising – and merits greater reflection – is in the attribution to the Antichrist of the qualities of pacifist, environmentalist, ecumenist. […]

Did Soloviev have a particular person in mind when he made this description of the Antichrist? It is undeniable that he alludes above all to the "new Christianity" that Leo Tolstoy was successfully promoting during those years. […]

In his "Gospel," Tolstoy reduces all of Christianity to five rules of conduct which he derives from the Sermon on the Mount:

1. Not only must you not kill, but you must not even become angry with your brother.

2. You must not give in to sensuality, not even to the desire for your own wife.

3. You must never bind yourself by swearing an oath.

4. You must not resist evil, but you must apply the principle of non-violence to the utmost and in every case.

5. Love, help, and serve your enemy.

According to Tolstoy, although these precepts come from Christ, they in no way require the actual existence of the Son of the living God to be valid. [...]

Of course, Soloviev does not specifically identify the great novelist with the figure of the Antichrist. But he intuited with extraordinary clairvoyance that Tolstoy's creed would become during the 20th century the vehicle of the substantial nullification of the gospel message, under the formal exaltation of an ethics and a love for humanity presented as Christian "values." [...]

The days will come, Soloviev tells us – and are already here, we say – in which the salvific meaning of Christianity, which can be received only in a difficult, courageous, concrete, and rational act of faith, will be dissolved into a series of "values" easily sold on the world markets.

The greatest of the Russian philosophers warns us that we must guard against this danger. Even if a Tolstoian Christianity were to make us infinitely more acceptable in the living room, at social and political gatherings, and on television, we cannot and must not renounce the Christianity of Jesus Christ, the Christianity that has at its center the scandal of the cross and the astonishing reality of the Lord's resurrection.

Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen Son of God, the only saviour of mankind, cannot be transformed into a series of worthwhile projects and good inspirations, which are part and parcel of the dominant worldly mentality. Jesus Christ is a "rock," as he said of himself. And one either builds upon this "rock” (by entrusting oneself) or lunges against it (through opposition): "He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; but when it falls on any one, it will crush him" (Mt. 21:44). [...]

So Soloviev's teaching was simultaneously prophetic and largely ignored. But we want to repropose it in the hope that Christianity will finally catch on to it and pay it a bit of attention.

The new book by Giacomo Cardinal Biffi from which the passage on the Antichrist was taken:

Giacomo Biffi, "Pinocchio, Peppone, l’Anticristo e altre divagazioni [Pinocchio, Peppone, the Antichrist, and other Meanderings],” > Cantagalli, Siena, 2005, pp. 256, euro 14,90.

And this:

Soloviev And Our Time
By Giacomo Cardinal Biffi

Vladimir Sergeevic Soloviev passed away 100 years ago, on July 31 (August 13 according to our Gregorian calendar) of the year 1900. He passed away on the threshold of the 20th century -- a century whose vicissitudes and troubles he had foreseen with striking clarity, but also a century, which, tragically, in its historical course and dominant ideologies, would reject his most profound and important teachings. His, therefore, was a teaching at once prophetic and largely unheeded.

A Prophetic Teaching

At the time of the great Russian philosopher, the general view -- in keeping with the limitless optimism of the "belle epoque"' -- foresaw a bright future for humanity in the new century: under the direction and inspiration of the new religion of progress and solidarity stripped of transcendent elements, humanity would enjoy an era of prosperity, peace, justice, security. In the "Excelsior" -- a form of dance, which enjoyed an extraordinary success in the last years of the 19th century (and which later lent its name to countless theaters and hotels) -- this new religion found its own liturgy, as it were. Victor Hugo proclaimed: "This century was great, the one coming will be happy."

But Soloviev refused to allow himself to be swept up in this de-sacralized vision. On the contrary, he predicted with prophetic clarity all of the disasters which in fact occurred.

As early as 1882, in his "Second Discourse on Dostoevsky," Soloviev foresaw -- and condemned -- the sterility and cruelty of the collectivist tyranny which a few years later would oppress Russia and mankind. "The world must not be saved by recourse to force." Soloviev said. "One could imagine men toiling together toward some great end to which they would submit all of their own individual activity; but if this end is imposed on them, if it represents for them something fated and oppressive... then, even if this unity were to embrace all of mankind, universal brotherhood would not be the result, but only a giant anthill." This "anthill" was later constructed through the obtuse and cruel ideology of Lenin and Stalin.

In his final work, The Three Dialogues and the Story of the Antichrist (finished on Easter Sunday 1900), one is struck by how clearly Soloviev foresaw that the 20th century would be "the epoch of great wars, civil strife and revolutions" All this, he said, would prepare the way for the disappearance of "the old structure of separate nations" and "almost everywhere the remains of the ancient monarchical institutions would disappear." This would pave the way for a "United States of Europe."

The accuracy of Soloviev's vision of the great crisis that would strike Christianity at the end of the 20th century is astonishing.

He represents this crisis using the figure of the Antichrist. This fascinating personage will succeed in influencing and persuading almost everyone. It is not difficult to see in this figure of Soloviev the reflection, almost the incarnation, of the confused and ambiguous religiosity of our time.

The Antichrist will be a "convinced spiritualist" Soloviev says, an admirable philanthropist, a committed, active pacifist, a practicing vegetarian, a determined defender of animal rights.

He will also be, among other things, an expert exegete. His knowledge of the bible will even lead the theology faculty of Tubingen to award him an honorary doctorate. Above all, he will be a superb ecumenist, able to engage in dialogue "with words full of sweetness, wisdom and eloquence."

He will not be hostile "in principle" to Christ. Indeed, he will appreciate Christ's teaching. But he will reject the teaching that Christ is unique, and will deny that Christ is risen and alive today.

One sees here described -- and condemned -- a Christianity of "values," of "openings," of "dialogue," a Christianity where it seems there is little room left for the person of the Son of God crucified for us and risen, little room for the actual event of salvation.

A scenario, I think, that should cause us to reflect...

A scenario in which the faith militant is reduced to humanitarian and generically cultural action, the Gospel message is located in an irenic encounter with all philosophies and all religions and the Church of God is transformed into an organization for social work.

Are we sure Soloviev did not foresee what has actually come to pass? Are we sure it is not precisely this that is the most perilous threat today facing the "holy nation" redeemed by the blood of Christ -- the Church?

It is a disturbing question and one we must not avoid.

A Teaching Unheeded

Soloviev understood the 20th century like no one else, but the 20th century did not understand Soloviev.

It isn't that he has not been not recognized and honored. He is often called the greatest Russian philosopher, and few contest this appellation.

Von Balthasar regarded his work "the most universal speculative creation of the modern period" (Gloria III, p. 263) and even goes so far as to set him on the level of Thomas Aquinas.

But there is no doubt that the 20th century, as a whole, gave him no heed. Indeed, the 20th century, at every turn, has gone in the direction opposed to the one he indicated.

The mental attitudes prevalent today, even among many ecclesially active and knowledgeable Christians, are very far indeed from Soloviev's vision of reality.

Among many, here are a few examples:

Egoistic individualism, which is ever more profoundly leaving its mark on our behaviors and laws;

Moral subjectivism, which leads people to hold that it is licit and even praiseworthy to assume positions in the legislative and political spheres different from the behavioral norms one personally adheres to;

Pacifism and non-violence of the Tolstoyan type confused with the Gospel ideals of peace and fraternity to the point of surrendering to tyranny and abandoning the weak and the good to the powerful;

A theological view which, out of fear of being labeled reactionary, forgets the unity of God's plan, renounces spreading divine truth in all spheres, and abdicates the attempt to live out a coherent Christian life.

In one special way, the 20th century, in its movements and in its social, political and cultural results, strikingly rejected Soloviev's great moral construction. Soloviev held that fundamental ethical principles were rooted in three primordial experiences, naturally present in all men: that is to say, modesty, piety toward others and the religious sentiment.

Yet the 20th century, following an egoistic and unwise sexual revolution, reached levels of permissivism, openly displayed vulgarity and public shamelessness, which seem to have few parallels in history.

Moreover, the 20th century was the most oppressive and bloody of all history, a century without respect for human life and without mercy.

We cannot, certainly, forget the horror of the extermination of the Jews, which can never be execrated sufficiently. But it was not the only extermination. No one remembers the genocide of the Armenians during the First World War.

No one commemorates the tens of millions killed under the Soviet regime.

No one ventures to calculate the number of victims sacrificed uselessly in the various parts of the earth to the communist Utopia.

As for the religious sentiment during the 20th century, in the East for the first time state atheism was both proposed and imposed on a vast portion of humanity, while in the secularized West a hedonistic and libertarian atheism spread until it arrived at the grotesque idea of the "death of God."

In conclusion: Soloviev was undoubtedly a prophet and a teacher, but a teacher who was, in a way, irrelevant. And this, paradoxically, is why he was great and why he is precious for our time.

A passionate defender of the human person and allergic to every philanthropy; a tireless apostle of peace and adversary of pacifism; a promoter of Christian unity and critic of every irenicism: a lover of nature and yet very far from today's ecological infatuations -- in a word, a friend of truth and an enemy of ideology.

Of leaders like him we have today great need.

Born in Milan on June 15, 1928, Biffi was ordained on December 25, 1950. A Milan seminary professor, he became a bishop in 1976, then archbishop of Bologna in 1984 and a cardinal on May 25, 1985.

In Bologna, he is the 110th successor of St. Petronius.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Timmy Dolan raises his leg

While at Our Saviour Church in New York a Hindu "service' of worship to the devil is permitted to take place before the Holy Altar of the One, True, God. Timmy Dolan attends the Rockettes and lifts a leg.

Well, if I meet Timmy Dolan one day, I'll bring Roxy with me and she can lift hers too. Right on his.

Of course, it could have been worse. He could have visited the Why Em See, Eh.

US-ENTERTAINMENT-ROCKETTES-ANIMALSAnimals From Radio City's Christmas Spectacular Are Blessed By Cardinal Dolan

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Bravo Cardinal Dolan - Bravo for permitting this travesty, this scandal.

So, who thought this was a good idea? 

Mo Rocca has not renounced the "gay lifestyle," on the contrary. Lector at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the presence of the Pope? I'd never heard of Mo Rocca, I must live a sheltered life. Apparently, he's quite the dandy. 

Embedded image permalink
Mo and the boys. I bet his mother's really impressed.

The man in the middle having his nipple massaged by another man read the First Reading at the Mass in the presence of Pope Francis in New York.
Mo Rocca with his clothes on. 

Let us be clear. This man is not part of the Courage Apostolate struggling to overcome the sin of sodomy and a same-sex attracted life. This is an activist and advocate of so-called same-sex marriage. I am a sinner but I cannot commit a public scandal and expect to read at Mass. 

What a disgusting and pathetic occurrence permitted by Cardinal Bravo.

Get angry people.  Get bloody angry now.



Tuesday, 28 July 2015

What is going on in Dolan's New York?

Iconoclasm, sodomite organists to "marry" another man, organists living with priests, luxury rectory renovations.

There are three churches in New York City where the liturgy has been properly celebrated, the music properly executed and the traditional Latin Mass offered. Holy Innocents has survived, for now, an attempted closure. Yet, Our Savior is under a new pastor who has spent like a drunken sailor on the rectory where he lives with the organist while creating havoc with the magnificent iconongraphy. Now we have a report that at St. Agnes, the organist and choir resigned due to the new priest's admonishment, the current organist, a man, is to "marry" another man and the pastor admonishes and harasses the attendees of the Latin Mass to the point of turning off the air-conditioning.

Where is Timothy Dolan in all of this?




Saturday, 24 January 2015

What say you Timothy Dolan, Bravo, Brava?

In one of the shorter Vortex's in memory, Michael nails it. The photo below is disgusting and it was taken on the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Two men "engaged" in perversion and sodomy and in our holy place right over the tomb of St. Peter!

Wretched filthy sodomites!

But then, who am I to judge, eh?

Timothy Dolan, what say you about this?

Perhaps it was a former bellhop who took the picture. 

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Catholic faithful catechise Cardinal Dolan

New York Cardinal Archbishop Timothy Dolan has tired in vain to explain his absurd decision to be Grand Marshall at next year's St.Patrick's Day parade where an out and proud group of homosexualists suffering from SSAD (same-sex attraction disorder) from NBC will march proclaiming the appropriateness of their lifestyle.

Yes, people deserve respect but when an individuals personal sin becomes a linchpin to  undermine the culture, we need to call it out. Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, "go and sin no more." He did not say, take a sign and stand up and proudly proclaim "Look at me, I am an adulterer!"

Dolan wrote an explanation of his decision in the Archdiocesan paper with a copy on his Facebook page. 

It is amazing how the laity have taken him on and how right they are in comparison to His Eminence.

"Why was there a Judas? To prepare the Church for apostate bishops" Father John Hardon.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Bill Donahue and the Catholic League - Blowhards, Hypocrites and Irish Mafia Dons

The scandal caused by the Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan continues with its big apologist Bill Donahue and the Catholic League.

Call these two clowns, "The Gangs of New York."

Last March, he spoke openly against those homosexualist groups that desired to take part as a "group" in the St. Patrick's Day Parade rather than be happy with their own June festivities proving that it's not about the parade, its about destroying Catholic culture and faith. 

Timothy Dolan is wrong to sanction the parade's decision and he is more wrong to act as Grand Marshall. This Prince of the Church with his smiles at the "gay-friendly" parish of St. Francis Xavier, his "bravo" to an athlete that came "out" has scandalised faithful Catholics around the world.

Donahue sided with Dolan and now is distancing himself because of a technicality. The parade will not permit a prolife group to March as a "group" so therefore, the Catholic League will withdraw. He is withdrawing not because of the presence of the homosexualists but because the pro-lifers are barred.

His hypocrisy is blatant and open.

The Catholic League and Bill Donahue have lost all credibility. 

The knives in New York are out

Matt C. Abbot reports on the "case of the missing Monsignor" and it includes and an update about Father Wylie formerly of Holy Innocents Parish.

With this column by Father Rutler, one can wonder, is he next?


September 14, 2014

I do not like most jargon, as it diminishes the creative power of the noble English language rightly used. For instance, I do not like to be told by bureaucratic sorts to “prioritize.” (Apparently, the first recorded instance of its use was in the 1972 presidential campaign.) As with all things, Christ the Living Word put it better when he said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). God and his promise of eternal life should have priority over every other desire or concern.

Recently, many television viewers complained about a news bulletin covering the beheading of the journalist and devout Catholic, James Foley. Their objection was not to the horror of the news, but that it had interrupted the broadcast of a soap opera. We are learning quickly that people with that defective kind of priority will soon find out the hard way that life is not a soap opera. We are now engaged in a war, whether or not some politicians hesitate to call it that, and it must have priority over all other interests. The war is being fought by enemies of God, deluded by the conceit that they are fighting for God.

This is so hard for an indulged and selfish culture to accept, inasmuch as it means acknowledging that good and evil exist, though many would prefer to ignore the latter. Christians are being martyred in the Middle East, and public officials still find it hard to mention that those who are being crucified, beheaded, and driven from their homes are suffering because they are Christians.

The auxiliary bishop of Baghdad, Shlemon Warduni, said on Vatican radio: “We have to ask the world: Why are you silent? Why do not you speak out? Do human rights exist, or not? And if they exist, where are they? There are many, many cases that should arouse the conscience of the whole world: Where is Europe? Where is America?” The genocide of Christians, who have been in Iraq since shortly after the Resurrection, does not seem to have priority in the attention of many in our country.

As this suffering continues, many in the United States are willing to tolerate heresy and moral decadence in a vain attempt to “get along” with others. While Christians must “love the sinner and hate the sin,” there are an increasing number of people who are intimidated into enabling the sinner to advertise his sin. In 1992, Cardinal O’Connor said that compromising Catholic truth for the sake of political correctness “was not worth one comma in the Apostles' Creed.”

The holy martyrs in the Middle East honor the Church and atone for our degeneracy. Their bishops are willing to struggle and die with them. They must be amazed that people in other places have their priorities so wrong.

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Cardinal Dolan: Pope Francis Wants Church to Study Gay Unions
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York said Sunday that Pope Francis believes the Catholic Church needs to examine why some states are choosing to legalize civil unions of gay couples. But the pontiff has not expressed approval of such unions, Dolan said.
“He didn't come right out and say he was for them,” Dolan said in an exclusive interview on NBC’s Meet the Press. What the pope has said, according to Dolan, is that church leaders need to “look into it and see the reasons that have driven them…. Rather than quickly condemn them… let's just ask the questions as to why that has appealed to certain people…."
Dolan said he himself believes that marriage between one man and one woman is “not something that's just a religious, sacramental concern…it's also the building block of society and culture. So it belongs to culture. And if we water down that sacred meaning of marriage in any way, I worry that not only the church would suffer, I worry that culture and society would.”
On the pontiff’s views on capitalism and disparities of wealth, Dolan said it was “terrible hyperbole” for commentator Rush Limbaugh to refer to Pope Francis as a Marxist.
The Catholic Church is “always concerned about excesses on the left, which is collectivism, socialism, communism, and excesses on the right, which is unfettered, cut-throat capitalism,” Dolan said. “Somewhere in between is the via media, which will come to a fair, equitable, just, economic system.”
Pope John Paul II, having lived under a Communist regime in Poland, “was a bit more sensitive to the excesses on the left. Francis, he's a bit more sensitive about the excesses to the right.” As Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis lived under right-wing regimes in Argentina for much of his life.

Francis saying what we need to hear: priest