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Showing posts with label Antonio Socci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antonio Socci. Show all posts

Monday, 23 December 2019

Roberto Mancini - do you dare allow yourself to be lead astray by Bergoglio on making the public Sign of the Cross?

Italy’s soccer manager Roberto Mancini says he made a Sign of the Cross during games but “then we went to the Pope” who said, “‘Why are you making the Sign of the Cross, don't you have other thoughts at that time?' So since then I don't do it. I don't want to make the Pope angry”

Is this an an idiot and a coward. When did people become such papolaters? If this is what the papacy is intended to be then we are all fools.

Monday, 2 April 2018

Has Bergoglio been told by Cardinals that he is at risk of losing the Petrine Office for heresy?

Antonio Socci is reporting on his blog, Lo Straniero, that at least one non-Italian Cardinal, representing others contacted Bergoglio directly and was "indignant" over "Hellgate" and the reporting of two explicit heresies and denial of two Catholic doctrines, the existence of Hell and the immortality of the soul. This caused the communications office to issue its supposed clarification. Socci reports that Bergoglio was told that this was one of the "four cases of cessation of the Petrine ministry."

He further writes that while the media around the world in multiple languages is reporting on the Bergoglio-Scalfari discussion on Hell's "non-existence," the Italian media is strangely silent. Not even La Republica itself is commenting on it, or the Vatican communications experts, "clarification." There is a "secular moral delegitimization" taking place of Bergoglio, Scalfari and the Italian press, Socci asks, "who is telling the truth."

The Vatican communications experts advise that there are no direct quotes attributed to Bergoglio that Hell and the eternal soul does not exist, only a "reconstruction" by Scalfair, even though the two frequently meet notwithstanding Scalfari's consistent behaviour in this regard. Bergoglio himself does not correct Scalfair, cease to speak with him, nor does he directly, with clarity, end the scandal.

Socci writes that Bergoglio has been using Scalfari in a "role-play" for five years as a "double-track magisterial" through "vague and theological ambiguity to slowly bring about the demolition of Catholic doctrine" and he emphasizes the approach of the "boiled frog."

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Have the perverts of the St. Gallen Mafia turned on their own man, Bergoglio?

How wonderful that every occurrence in life and in the Church is explained somewhere in Holy Writ by the Prophets. Holy Isaiah in the forty-ninth chapter of his Book at the twenty-sixth verse tell us that the Lord said to him: 

And I will feed thy enemies with their own flesh: and they shall be made drunk with their own blood, as with new wine: and all flesh shall know, that I am the Lord that save thee, and thy Redeemer the Mighty One of Jacob.

Yes, the devil eats his own.

A report is making the news today apparently based upon a post by Antonio Socci referring to some thinking that those who put Bergoglio into the papal seat are now fearful that he is leading the Church into schism.

From his insults to the faithful to the heresy in Amoris Laetitia to the rumours of a blasphemous ecumenical "mass" and women deacons, Berogolio who mused, that he could "split the Church," is falling under enormous pressure. 

Featured ImageNow, even the man who was to clean-up the Church's perverts, when it was really Pope Benedict XVI, has now been shown to be nothing but a fraud with the reinstatement of sodomites and the resignations of laity from his Commissions of investigation.

Even LifeSiteNews has now reported that the mafia gave Bergoglio "four years" to makeover the Church, something reported repeatedly on this blog. It is good to see others waking up to what this writer has been saying since last year.


Do not trust the men that now want Pope Francis to be removed. They were evil enough to put him in there in the first place. They are sly foxes and devils, after all, they put him there in the first place.

Friends, we are on the verge of schism. A schism that may, in fact, by our liberation!

Deus vult!

The London Times reports:


A group of cardinals who supported the election of Pope Francis are worried that his controversial reforms are leading the Catholic church towards a schism and are planning to appeal to him to step down, a leading Vatican watcher has claimed.
“A large part of the cardinals who voted for him is very worried and the curia . . . that organised his election and has accompanied him thus far, without ever disassociating itself from him, is cultivating the idea of a moral suasion to convince him to retire,” Antonio Socci wrote in the Italian newspaper Libero.
The conservative Catholic author and journalist said that the election four years ago of Jorge Mario Bergoglio had been backed by progressive German cardinals and a curia faction impatient with the rule of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.
It was the latter faction who now believed that the Pope should resign and who would like to replace him with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican secretary of state, Mr Socci said. He believed that the group numbered around a dozen, “but the importance of the members counts more than their number”.
“Four years after Benedict XVI’s renunciation and Bergoglio’s arrival on the scene, the situation of the Catholic church has become explosive, perhaps really on the edge of a schism, which could be even more disastrous than Luther’s [who is today being rehabilitated by the Bergoglio church],” Mr Socci wrote.
What was significant, he said, was that the doubters were not the conservative cardinals who had been in open opposition to the Pope since early in his reign.
Putting pressure on a pope to resign is a crime punishable under canon law, Mr Socci added, so it was unclear how the moral suasion might be exercised. “The cardinals are worried that the church could be shattered as an institution. There are many indirect ways in which the pressure might be exerted.”
The Pope’s openings to modernity on sexual morality, communion for remarried Catholics and friendly relations with other religions have opened a gulf between progressives and traditionalists.
“A good number of the majority that voted for Bergoglio in 2013 have come to regret their decision,” one expert on the Vatican said, “but I don’t think it’s plausible that members of the hierarchy will pressure the Pope to resign. Those who know him know it would be useless. [He] has a very authoritarian streak. He won’t resign until he has completed his revolutionary reforms, which are causing enormous harm.”
Antonio Pelayo, a Catholic priest who covers the Vatican for Spanish television, said that there were between ten and twenty conservative cardinals openly opposed to the Pope’s reforms, but only two or three who had voted for him and who now regretted it.
• Marie Collins, an Irish abuse victim, resigned from the Pope’s commission for child protection yesterday, citing institutional resistance to reform from within the Vatican curia. She said there were “fine words in public and contrary actions behind closed doors” and appeared to criticise the Pope for a decision to reduce sanctions against a perpetrator.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Bergoglio versus Trump - Is the Donald more Catholic than the Pope?

Not disconnected from the article one below on the potential influence of George Soros and a clandestine operation of the Obama/Democratic alliance with the mafia-esque St. Gallen group to undermine Pope Benedict XVI, is the obvious disdain which the Peronist Pope has for the man of the people, Donald J. Trump.

This Peronist Pope, a man who embraced Fidel Castro, seeks to throw the real Catholics of China under the communist tank, has slandered the new American President since his, Bergoglio's. return from the Mexican vacation.

Antonio Socci writes brilliantly with, Why Bergoglio has been so affectionate with Chinese despots and Castro, but ferocious with Trump


Bergoglio's actions in the political arena are not of Christ. To even think it possible is blasphemy. 

He is guided by his "god of surprises."

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Antonio Socci - The Bergoglio Effect in Ireland "The Mass is Ended"

Image result for antonio socciThe From Rome Blog has its own translation of  an article by Antonio Socci

That Ireland, ancient fortress of Catholicism, has gone over to the people of “gay” marriage (“and who am I to judge”, as the Bishop of Rome is want to say), is a historical event.  If this sounds like the profound rumble of an avalanche, as in the collapse of a mountain falling down, it is just to ask, “Is this an Bergoglio effect?”
Besides, in South America, the Church has already been crumbling for years (the statistics are horrible); now in Europe, the heart of Christendom.
That which renders secularism dominant — as Cardinal De Lubac used to say — is the propulsion and instrumentalization of “a Christianity ever more in the minority, reduced to a vague and impotent theism.”

Barack and his Puppets

Today, only such a theism is permitted.  Instead, the Catholic Church as She has been known upto now is threatened even as regards Her existence.
There is only place for a ridiculous laicized parody of Herself, as the humanitarian “courtesan” (as Andrea Emo would have it), as an “agency for religion” which on the great life issues submits herself to the dictates of Obama-like ideology, which renounces proselytism and the “Catholic God” (as Bergoglio says, “There exists no Catholic God”), which dissolves herself into an ecumenical freemasonry of so many religions, which busies herself with the climate and the recycling of garbage, teaching good manners (Good Morning! Good Evening! Thank you! and Pardon me!) and goofy-pleas for the help of the poor.  But for the true Catholic Church, there is no longer any seat at the table, as the drama of the last great pope, Benedict XVI shows, “fired”, self-incarcerated and silenced.

The True Church

The Church has illumined and conquered the darkness of the world of the gods and has rehabilitated the history of a pagan and anti-human age:  the Church of the Word of God made Flesh, who has the presumptuousness to announce the Truth, the Church of the great Saints, of the Martyrs, of the Missionaries, the Church of the Divine Liturgy and of the masterpieces of Art, the Church of Mother Teresa, of great ideas, of great popes, of Padre Pio, with Her outbursts of the supernatural, the Church which has held Herself firm head-to-head with the ferocity of the Mohammedan and the great genocidal totalitarianisms of the 20th Century: this Church, today, no longer has the rights of citizenship.
Yesterday, Msgr. Galantino (Secretary of the Italian Bishops’ Conference) — according to a tweet from Alberto Mingardi — seems to have said at a conference:  “When the  Church was Catholic and the Mass was in Latin …”.
A Freudian slip which is explosive and revealing.  In fact, today, we are in the midst of the last act of the “liquidation of the Catholic Church”, as Giuseepe Prezzolini foretold, a layman but concerned with the abyss to which the Catholic world was running, anxious as it was to be “modernized” and to surrender to all the ideological fashions of the moment.
But, to liquidate the Church, it is not the persecutions, nor the hatred of the secularist, but — as Paul VI said — its the “self-demolition” from within which is the cause.
The way to the abyss was undertaken not with the Council — as certain lefebrvians think — but at its end, exactly 50 years ago, with the “post-Conciliar” age.
In the days following, in the newspapers, one was reminded of the 5oth anniversary of the first Mass in Italian, and another layman like Elémire Zolla, in those days, came to underline the event in apocalyptic tones:  “The 7th of March, the Mass dies, Gregorian chant dies.  Heard for the last time.  Now, as a dry branch, the Church shall be burnt.”
In reality, the problem was not only the use of the vulgar language in the liturgy (a thing, which I think is  positive), but the successive “liturgical reform” of 1969 and above all thede facto, but illegal, banning of the Mass of the preceding millennia of Catholic liturgy.
Joseph Ratzinger made us understand, many years afterwards, the enormous error, even theological, which was committed at that time.  Which would have colossal consequences, even in the tragic loss of faith.

To Save the Cathedral

But, curiously, in those days, the ones to raise the alarm, in a dramatic manner, for this Church which in an instant has refused its own bimillenarian rite (that around which our Cathedrals were constructed), were above all the laymen-intellectuals.
Who protested with the same consternation with which we contemplate, today, the tragic devastation wrought by Isis in the ancient Middle-East.
On September 5, 1966, there was issued the first appeal to Paul VI to safe-guard the Latin-Gregorian liturgy (a few months before the devastating flood which struck the ancient, Catholic beauty of Florence).
That manifesto/appeal was signed by some 40 great intellectuals and it is impressive, today, to read some of their names: Jorge Luis Borges, Salvatore Quasimodo, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio De Chinco, Robert Bresson, Jacque Maritain, Françoic Mauriac, Gabriel Marcel, Maria Zambrano, Cristina Campo, Elena Croce, Wystan Hugh Auden, Jorse Guillen, Elémire Zolla, Philip Toynbee, Evelyn Waugh, Salvador De Madariaga, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Julien Green, Elsa Rspighi, Francesco Gabrieli, José Bergamin, Fedele D’Amico, Luigi Dallapiccola, Victoria Ocampo, Wally Toscanini, Gertrud von Le Fort, Augusto Del Noce, Lanza Del Vasto.
The appeal made a great impression, even in the Vatican, but di not succeed in stopping the landslide.  Thus, in 1971, another was made, and the number of intellectuals who added their names was even more.
I remember some of their names: Agatha Christie, Graham Green, Harold Acton, Mario Luzi, Andrés Segovia, William Rees-Mogg (the director of the Times), Joan Sutherland, Guido Piovene, Giorgio Bassani, Adolf Bioy Casares, Ettore Paratore, Gianfranco Contini, Giacomo Devoto, Giovanni Macchia, Massimo Pallottino, Rivers Scott, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Colin Davis, Robert Graves, Yehudi Menuhin, Kenneth Clark, Malcom Muggeridge.


It was for the most part, useless, but little by little the same Paul VI became aware of the tragedy which was in course:  the collapse of religious practice, the thousands of priests and religious who abandoned the habit, the catholic intellectuals who submitted to marxism, the great part of the youth seduced by the myths of the revolution (by Fidel Castro, by Mao, by the Vietcong, by Che Guevara, and last by Stalin), the spread of the Theology of liberation and of the modernist theologies which demolished Catholic Doctrine.
Paul VI, in his last years, spoke in ever increasing dramatic tones:  “We believed that after the Council there would have come a day of sunshine in the history of the Church.  There came, instead, a day of clouds and storms, and of darkness”, “from somewhere the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God”, “the opening to the world was a true invasion of worldly thought in the Church … We we have been, perhaps, too weak and imprudent.”
Paul VI denounced “those who try to knock the Church down from within” and he began to cite the books of Louis Bouyer, “The Decomposition of Catholicism” and “Religieux et Clercs contre Dieu.”
To his friend Jean Guitton, he confided:  “There is a great turmoil in this moment in the world and in the Church, and what is in question is the faith.  I find myself, now, repeating the obscure phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of Saint Luke:  “When the Son of man returns, shall He still find faith upon earth?”  What strikes me when I consider the catholic world,” the Pope continued, “is that inside Catholicism there seems to sometimes prevail a mentality of the non-catholic type, and it might happen that this non-catholic thought within Catholicism becomes stronger tomorrow.  But it shall never represent the thought of the Church.”
Then, thanks be to God, there arrived John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger.  The Barque of Peter was tirelessly repaired, the compass of the Faith found its way and a generation of young people experienced anew the beauty of Christianity.
But this was the spring which was bitten by some sort of powerful and obscure frost, which for the first time in the history of the Church, placed before us the drama of a “Pope emeritus” self-imprisoned in the Vatican and of a “bishop dressed in white” which was acclaimed by all the eternal enemies of the Catholic Faith, who has brought the Church into a submission with the worldly ideologies of the 70’s (having even re-exhumed the theology of liberation and its founder Gutierrez, which now pontificates from the Vatican).
We seem to have reached the final abyss.  Unless God….